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  1. Useful
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in YeEternalTuna   
    +1 in all my interactions with Tuna, and yes we're friends so this is bound to be biased, I have always sensed that he has real passion for xG and is genuinely interested in improving it. He seems to know a lot about the community. Also, he is usually* fun to be around and has a positive attitude.
    *Tuna, I do have some feedback for you, though. Your forum behavior shows another side to you. You often respond to things in a very pointed way, and while I applaud you for standing up for what you believe in, you don't have to be so negative and destructive about it. You can still stand up for your beliefs but be chill and polite about it. I think people would respect you more, too. I hope you understand what I mean. ?
    Anyways, good luck!
  2. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    K I get that people have their opinions and I usually respect that, but  this is fudgeing stupid.
    Comparing servers and a party is about as effective as comparing an orange and a piano. When everybody is talking to each other at once on mic, you can't talk to one specific person like at a party because everybody is at the same volume It's annoying for everybody else to listen to. Even for me my ears want to die on a full server where half of em' have a mic Voice chat isn't the only way to talk about something as well. If there is an argument / debate, nobody else wants to hear that on the mic
  3. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to maf427 in sug.: "don't talk over people"   
    this rule is absolutely and indubitably pathetic and retarded, especially when it occurs in a populous server (surf and tgh at this point). it disappoints me when everybody talks at once and many of staff go apepoop, and as time passes it gets crazier. it happens all of the time when a discussion is currently taking place. either everybody talking at once comes to the epiphany that they're all talking over each other and they all hesistate, which stops the talking, or the people will commence the talking, and in this case, it wreaks havoc. better to not have it as a server rule to give people more freedom while talking on the mic, which brings a more social and friendly atmosphere, and to further shun the staff from having such a hard time with the ongoing issue. it occurs almost every single day i come on surf, but i'm not sure about tgh regarding the issue. a rule where people are not allowed to talk over each other only makes things worse. let them talk, regardless of the amount of people talking. i don't want to hear "don't talk over people" every minute, which not only pisses people off, but it also delays most of the conversations that the server has, this delay being (x) admin giving a poop and talking in (y) tone that talking over people is not allowed.
    imagine going to a huge party. you hear everybody around you talk, the music is loud, and everybody is having a fun time. you're hearing all of this noise, and if people are going to complain about people talking over each other, then maybe you should go outside. some others can view this controversial topic as a "lack of respect" for talking over somebody about to say something, but in a video game, latency exists, and it can't be compensated for when people are talking. this "lack of respect" can be intentional and non-intentional, and i'm sure the most of you guys can tell whether it was on purpose or completely on accident. otherwise, the victim is just being sarcastic.
    i understand that servers have their own rules and it's equivalent to going to a night club or any other local area with a myriad of people, but i've never been to any other server that enforces that rule, and if i see any reason being because the server is more unique that way, i'm going to cry.
  4. Losing It
    james8470 reacted to Caleb956 in cook   
    Unfortunately you do not meet the moderator requirements .
    Team Fortress 2
    * You must have a minimum of 50 forum posts before you may apply.
    * You must have open communication with a Division Manager or higher before you can apply.
    You can find the submission rules here
  5. Winner
    james8470 reacted to Donakonda in cook   
    you need 50 form posts to apply
  6. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Elcark in YeEternalTuna   
    Chill. Not everyone is going to have a folder of evidence they collect against someone, especially when it's been nearly a year since they've been around much. That doesn't meant whatever has been done hasn't left a lasting impression. 
    In the time I saw you as staff tuna, to call you great would be a bit of a stretch. You did the basics alright if not mediocre but beyond that you seemed to have some extreme problems with attitude. There was a lot of complaints I heard of in regards to it and just how you acted as staff in many situations from a variety of sources. Personally what I was able to see was that whenever confronted about how you acted, you'd be very dismissive of any of it and practically just ignore what people had to say. You also just didn't seem to have any care or effort when you would come on, but that was more towards the end before you stepped down.
    Over the time you've been active on discord though as onegolve said your mood has been really great and you've shown what seems like some real care for the place. Of course you haven't exactly been active on servers for awhile, but with that turning around things are looking up in general from how you were when you left.
    It's gonna be a -1 from me for now, but Im hopeful you can turn that around by not only being active on servers but showing that positive attitude there as well. 
  7. Useful
    james8470 reacted to OneGlove in YeEternalTuna   
    Uber Upgrades, during when Tuna was still mod, whenever I killed him, I spammed "lel". Instead of warning me, he proceeded to get upset at me and near insult me downright, infront of other servergoers.
    Pokemon Trade, before he was mod. Being disrespectful to many players that killed him and was unpleasing to be around.
    As I said, he has definitely changed and I'm more than settled on giving him a positive vouch. Examples seem unnecissary when I'm intent on being positive.
    Also, what grammatical error is there in my post? If you want to give me bad ratings to lower my rank, at least be upfront about it.
  8. Like
    james8470 reacted to YeEternalTuna in YeEternalTuna   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    YeEternalTuna Identity
    STEAM_0:1:56604228 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    29 days 16:16:38 hrs Information
    I've been in xG for about 2-3 years now and I've been mod and admin (for a total of 9ish months) and its been around 9 months since I stepped down. The TF2 division has changed quite a lot ever since then. Since I've gotten interested in TF2 again and that I got to know the new(ish) community more, I feel like I should become staff again because summers coming (or already here for some people) and I know there's going to be an influx of people/rule breakers. Plus there are some regulars that look at staff negatively (only a really small amount) and I would like to (attempt to) change their view of staff. All in all I'm starting to get more active now and I'm getting the feeling of crunching some trolls since I have more time to do so.
  9. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Ultimate Cook Book!   
    Thanks, @Chrono! Made it for my family tonight, they loved it! ?
  10. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Chrono in Ultimate Cook Book!   
    Thanks, @Chrono! Made it for my family tonight, they loved it! ?
  11. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in Ultimate Cook Book!   
    Thanks, @Chrono! Made it for my family tonight, they loved it! ?
  12. Agree
    james8470 reacted to SegFault in ProjectXenome   
    -1 while your attitude has improved significantly since you became active, you neglected advice on becoming what I'll call helpful. Youve gone from being toxic to just kind of spammy which isn't much better for showing your ready to be staff. I say give it another month or 2 to try and show us you're truly ready to make the best calls you can as staff
    Also, I highly recommend becoming active on other xG servers to learn the rules and meet more of the community
  13. Like
    james8470 reacted to Elcark in ProjectXenome   
    Just a quick poke before anything here spirals more than it has, do try to keep things civil and be respectful of others statements. Anything negative here should be made as ways to improve on and everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint. Needlessly aggressive back and forth isn't going to help anyone.
  14. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in ProjectXenome   
    You should be held responsible for your messages.
    Don't get triggered by online ratings on a gaming communities forums, it just proves that you're immature af lol. I'm not doing it to degrade your forum reputation. It's just fine that you're mourning the death of someone. Multiple people said they didn't know him, but they still posted. There's not a chance in the fudgeing world that I would disrespect someone who died, and it's incredibly insulting that you would even think I would do that.
    I rate your posts "bad spelling," "salty," and "are you insane," because you misspell poop, you're salty, or what you said confuses me. I only rated your post "are you insane" because the surf server is new in comparison to (most of) our other servers. 
  15. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in ProjectXenome   
    No, you are, you wouldn't have brought it up if you weren't.
    Good, but you shouldn't ever say something as stupid as "GET GOOD / GET LMAOBOX" on our servers. Literally just promoting hacks, even if you're joking.

  16. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from ProjectXenome in ProjectXenome   
    No no, that's not what I meant when I said I haven't seen you in-game. The real reason I haven't seen you is because I rarely ever go on the surf server. Like @Kypari said, your activity is fine ?
  17. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in ProjectXenome   
    No no, that's not what I meant when I said I haven't seen you in-game. The real reason I haven't seen you is because I rarely ever go on the surf server. Like @Kypari said, your activity is fine ?
  18. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Kypari in ProjectXenome   
    No no, that's not what I meant when I said I haven't seen you in-game. The real reason I haven't seen you is because I rarely ever go on the surf server. Like @Kypari said, your activity is fine ?
  19. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Bone in It's time   
    Well that's... not good. I'm actually just a really nervous and shy person, so talking to people is something I'm not really good at. That's even something I'm working on irl.
    When I became staff I tried to stray away from being in any kind of group or clique, since I didn't feel it was appropriate to only care about the welfare of one group and not an entire division, and since I feel it supports bias to do so. I've joked a lot about not having friends, but that's kinda how it is. I tried to treat everyone the same, so the only time I really communicated with people was while I was on the servers with 'em, and a bit in Discord. 
    So I apologize if it seemed like I was purposefully trying to avoid anyone, it's just that my conversation skills are abysmal. 
  20. Friendly
    james8470 got a reaction from Bone in It's time   
    Like others have said, I wish I knew you better, it just felt like you weren't so approachable. In fact, I always thought something along the lines of "oh I'm just not in Bone's elite friend groups" or "I'm not cool enough to hang with him".
    Anyways, I've always admired your writing skills, analytical ability, how knowledgeable you are, and just general intelligence. ?
    You devotion and contributions to xG are unquestionable. You're one of like 2 sponsors, you were an TF2 DM, you did a lot for deathrun, and actually made us a server, TF2 gamemode rotation! And even though the server doesn't get much traffic, it will always be on my server list and was (and still is) a good idea for a server.
    I was absolutely shocked with I saw this thread, I didn't want it be to true. Now, I'm shocked at just how much I considered you one of xG's support beams.
    Thank you for all your work, you'll be missed, goodbye. 
  21. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Casual 6’s?   
    valve comp is casual sixes
  22. Useful
    james8470 reacted to Chrono in Ultimate Cook Book!   
    Spaghetti Aglio Olio / Spaghetti with Veggies
    1/2 of a medium-small broccoli floret, chopped to bite sized pieces 7-10 Red grape tomatoes, sliced in half 1 Handful of Arugula (If there is no plain arugula available to you like in my grocery store, a 50/50 garden mix works great, it is spinach and arugula. otherwise just spinach.) 1/4 of a cube of butter (unsalted) or 2-3 tablespoons of margarine Pasta (spaghetti noodles work best, linguini 2nd and angel hair 3rd.) White wine, preferably a Chardonnay, a good cheap option is Franzia boxed chardonnay. do not drink this, it tastes like poop when compared to any other wine, use only for cooking. I like this wine to cook with. Salt, Pepper, Chili Flakes Optional: But makes it taste a lot better is minced garlic and shallots, not a lot just enough to sweat in a pan (1/2 tsp each roughly) Optional: Shrimp Cooking:
    Blanch your broccoli ahead of time and or immediately before cooking, make sure to get as much of the excess water out as possible. Heat a pan until it is almost smoking and add oil to your pan Remove from heat briefly to add chili flakes, garlic, and shallots, then lightly sweat. (5-10 seconds tops) Return to heat and add broccoli, toss to make sure the garlic and shallots do not burn on the bottom of the pan. Lightly season with salt and pepper (you will add more later so go very light) Add your tomatoes and arugula Deglaze with a splash of white wine, tossing to make sure the arugula and tomatoes are coated, allowing the arugula to wilt slightly. After the alcohol is cooked off, remove from heat and add your pasta, season with plenty of salt and a little more pepper. Add butter and toss to coat/melt butter. Do not pre-melt your butter and do not leave flame on, this will break your butter causing the fats to separate and make your pasta taste greasy Plate and enjoy. It's delicious. If you choose to add shrimp, sautee your shrimp before you add garlic shallots and broccoli, then add all that at the same time and very quickly sweat those before adding tomatoe, arugula, and wine. You want your shrimp to be 75% cooked when you do this, as the steam from the wine will finish the cooking process.
    This is a dish that I regularly cook at the restaurant I work at, and like to make at home. If you dont like salt and think you are putting too much, you are wrong. trust me. you want a generous seasoning of salt. try the pasta as you season it at the end to make sure it tastes "right" the butter and tomatoes really soak up a lot of the salt.
  23. Like
    james8470 reacted to YeEternalTuna in Ultimate Cook Book!   
    Hey! Whats up gamer's! It's ya boy, YeEternalTuna here and this thread is being created in order to create the ULTIMATE COOK (thread) BOOK!
    So if you want to talk about a certain recipe for any sort of food item or if you just want to show off any of your creations, this is the thread! When showing off your creations I encourage you to post the steps for the item for anyone else that wants to attempt to create your item or even IMPROVE it.
    If you have any questions or suggestions that I should do for the thread, please either DM me on here or add me on Steam!
    Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/theultimatebeing/
  24. Creative
    james8470 reacted to ProjectXenome in New Xenome Design   
    I was thinking about changing Xenome, I made a previous post about it. I asked a friend about it and he actually drawn me a reference for a new design for Xenome. I wondered what you guys think. I will try to replicate this the best I can.

  25. Like
    james8470 reacted to Dannypicacho in Terraria Build Thread   
    For all of you epic GAMERS who are really good at building, or an amateur like me who just wants to show off what they're proud of, post pictures of your terraria builds. (If you don't know how to capture a build in terraria, press F1, set up a frame, and click "take snapshot" then go to steam library, right click terraria, and view screenshots). Modded builds are okay too, because some extension mods (like Chad's furniture and more, I LOVE CHAD) add amazing blocks and decoration. Just say which ones are modded so if anyone wants to get inspiration (or blatantly plagiarize) they know not to look forever in builder's workshop or whatever.
    My first "real" build. It's a strip club, no mods.

    Mods used, it's a fire temple or something.

    I had mods enabled for this one, but I don't think I used any. (it's a helicopter btw)

    By the way, "Cheat Sheet" is a great Terraria mod for building, it's basically Minecraft's 'creative mode' but for Terraria.