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  1. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Chrono in XenoGamers History   
    Late 2011 early 2012 were the good ol days imo
    Various reasons that I have posted in all these kinds of threads before, but back then everyone was pretty chill and didn't get incredibly salty over nonsensical shit. We were not a safe space. We had legends among us.
  2. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in XenoGamers History   
    We are a multi-gaming clan founded in 2010. With an active and growing community of around 10,000 players in popular games such as TF2 and CS:GO, you're bound to have some fun! Welcome to a growing clan, where we don't consider things "finished" but "open for improvement."

    So what happened between 2010 and 2016? I wasn't here. Even 2017 is starting to feel hazy for me.
    You know, there's a lot of threads like this, one just got made by @StarmiX and I've been planning on making one for a long time.
    Share your memories of the major events, not just nostalgia, for XenoGamers in its earlier years. Let's try to create a small memorandum for each of the years, shall we?
    You might think me sappy or overemotional or something along those lines for asking, but I'm really interested to know the general history of my own group, especially since I'm going away for a long time pretty soon.
    Guess I'll start? Correct me if I'm wrong, like I said 2017 is starting to feel hazy.
    Late 2016-2017 featured a much more populated set of TF2 servers. DR always had a population, FF2 sometimes had a population, Surf and TGH were and still are popular, but I remember TGH, where I spent most of my time, still had "buddy" mods, and the map was constantly on Clocktown and sometimes CyberPunk (but I could never join cyberpunk when it was popular due to a glitch e_e). I met a ton of swag people on TGH. The minecraft towny server was also rereleased, and had a small playerbase, but was enjoyable in it's simplicity (so many MC servers have too many bells and whistles these days) My time in xG has been short overall, but I know I have nostalgia for those days (of about a year ago), even though I was pretty ignorant of the bigger picture of xG at the time.
  3. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Sora_ in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    I def miss Moosty being around in TGH. :(
  4. Agree
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    yeah me too. If its the days where FF2 was populated then totally.
  5. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Elcark in Oops, Free Games   
    So because i'm forgetful and rarely check Humble Bundle since starting Team Fortress 2, I have a large number of new and old, good and bad, games sitting around that have been sent to me over the past half a year. So quite simply Merry Christmas, have a game or few. I'll be posting the games but not the codes, contact me in any way you like (DMs, replies, the like) request for now at max two games and if you want more that are still around in a few days, by all means ask for more. This will be first come first serve as before. One last thing, someone teach this idiot to make strikes through text to cleanly remove these off the list as they go.
    Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
    Galactic Civilizations® III
    Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
    Kero Blaster
    Pillars of Eternity
    NBA 2K17
    Offworld Trading Company
    War for the Overworld
    Killing Floor 2
    Banner Saga 2
    Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
    Worms W.M.D
    Stories Untold
    Rise of the Tomb Raider
    Wargame: Red Dragon
    Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
    Seasons After Fall
    The Shrouded Isle
    Scanner Sombre
    Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    Quake Champions Early Access
    Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
    Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
    Dead Rising 2
    Emily is Away Too
    World to the West
    Rivals of Aether
    BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
    Nex Machina
    The Sexy Brutale
    STRAFE: Millennium Edition
    Passpartout: The Starving Artist
  6. Optimistic
    james8470 reacted to StarmiX in Anyone remember the good ol' days?   
    Fuck I miss those days.
  7. Useful
    james8470 reacted to Kypari in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    Him getting a bit antsy was about 2 years ago and even then I hardly ever even saw it myself despite being on TGH everyday.
    Also, reference to this: PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items | Xeno Gamers
    Vore being on the server does not break the spray guideline, and on the forums @Vaporeon had this profile picture for years without any issue whatsoever. I still think it's entirely irrelevant for his kinks to be related to this thread whatsoever, but what Vector said is valid.
  8. Optimistic
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 ive seen him before and he is a super chill dude and always enforces rules. would be a good addition to the staff roster.
  9. Like
    james8470 reacted to Vaporeon in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
  10. Like
    james8470 reacted to Osiris in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    And I appreciate a calm, well-reasoned reply. I don't give -1's lightly and when I do, I try to give a clear reason for doing so.
    I do empathize with you that there were a lot of "buddy" moderators before, and though I'm not calling anyone out, I'm relieved that they have improved their behavior, resigned, or been removed. From my limited observations, you seem much more patient, friendly, and mature in your recent conduct on TGH and Poketrade than previously noted. Good luck on your application. :)
  11. Winner
    james8470 reacted to Osiris in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    Take what I say with a grain of salt, since I only rejoined TF2 in early- to mid-December and my recent experience with Vaporeon is limited. However, from past experience with Vaporeon as a mod and an admin, I have to agree with Vector's earlier response. Vaporeon certainly has been around for a long time, knows the rules, and puts a lot of time into playing on our servers. However, that experience or longevity does not directly correlate with maturity or good judgment. To my recollection, during his time as a staff member, Vaporeon was consistently adamant about enforcing the letter of the law. While moderators (and other staff members) have a responsibility to punish rulebreakers, that is not the end goal. The goal is to ensure that the other players' experience is not negatively impacted by some asshole who is seeking to cause trouble. To put it simply, moderators should conduct themselves as both law enforcement and community representatives. When one aspect is neglected, it impacts the decision-making capability of the staff member in question. Conversely, I recall some moderators who were too lenient in administering punishments -- neglecting the law enforcement aspect -- which resulted in favoritism and failure to recognize and stop obvious rulebreaking.
    Also, a staff member needs to recognize that they are not above reproach. If they delivered a punishment that did not fit the violation, they need to recognize that and adjust the punishment accordingly. Staff should be accountable to the players they serve. If a player criticizes their behavior, that is not "staff disrespect" by default. (I make it a point not to use that term because it's usually an unfair characterization and just makes you look like an asshole.) With regard to his spray, I honestly don't think it is appropriate or befitting of a staff member. Irrespective of his sexual preferences, If we hold "regular" players accountable for fetish sprays and punish them accordingly, then we should hold staff members to the same standard. In my experience, Vaporeon was very defensive about his spray and his decisions as a staff member and often reacted to immediate criticism with swift punishment, which in turn resulted in some harsh criticisms of his general behavior (some of them unfair, but others certainly justified).
    Bottom line, if you feel that Vaporeon's behavior has improved in the past year and that the above points are now inapplicable, I have no problem giving him a +1. Until then, it's a -1 from me.
  12. Like
    james8470 reacted to Vaporeon in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    Thank you for your feedback; I'd much rather have a well-explained and backed-up -1 than a brief and unjustified +1. I agree with you that I was far too focused on the aspect of punishing rule-breakers in my time as mod, and my strictness led to alienation and frustration for many people, like Vector. At the time, I was frustrated with the large amount of staff that neglected their duty and viewed it as my responsibility to crack down on anyone and everyone. I realize now that that wasn't the correct course of action, and that there are other responsibilities as a mod, such as maintaining a positive atmosphere overall. I've been working hard on making myself a more pleasant person to be around.
  13. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Vector in Vaporeon - Team Fortress 2   
    In fairness to vaporeon, i will give my experience when he was staff member. My experience with him as staff members was largly negative, there were times where i felt i was getting wrongfully targeted by vaporeon by the smallest shit that ranged from just cussing to throwing bantz toward my friends, even after i explained to him a number of times that they were my buddies and for some reason would always try to push me by doing silly shit like taunting after kills and other little things to get under my skin. Also, every damn time someone would talk about his vore sprays in disgust he would get incredibly defensive and usually cause some silly shit. Now is it entirely his fault? No. Some comments were really mean and vaporeon didn't deserve them. However, these people would be muted for causing a ruckus (i believe i was muted myself at one point and i had to talk to a higher up, however feel free to exclude this because i can't remember completely, i believe it was scootaloo who had to get involved). Some were deserved, some weren't but it begs the question if you have a controversial spray that you know will disgust people, perhaps you should change it? Because at that point in my honest opinion it feels like your baiting and just asking for shit to start. You can have a vore fetish and by all means, have fun getting off to that shit but in this environment where you are in control of people and wish for them to keep in an orderly fashion, it would be wise to just change it something else like a vaporeon skin. because it gets to the point where people are just gonna throw shit at you or just get very uncomfortable with it. I mean, his last mod tenure ended with him getting incredibly frustrated and stepping down after he kept trying to say his spray was a "political statement" or some silly shit like that. I feel it's very valid for people to bring up his vore sprays as an issue of concern, but meme responses are retarded and add nothing. I won't vouch because i don't think it's fair for me to +1 or -1 because i haven't seen him play recently (nor have i been on the servers) so i cannot comment if he actually has matured. Good luck vaporeon with your application. If you have improved on your attitude and take my advice to heart then i don't see how you can't be mod. Hopefully shit goes better this time if you are willing to put in the effort to compromise with people who have issues with your spray and or attitude.
  14. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to oCamo in hi guys   
    It's me KidFluff. I'm an older member (2014) and just wanted to say hi! Where did Jared, and Amy go? If anyone knows that would be awesome!
    Also what does mean?
  15. Feels Bad Man
    james8470 got a reaction from Egossi in Stepping Down   
    As promised, as of right now I am stepping down from Division Manager of the MC server.
    Here's why:
    1) I feel like I haven't done a good enough job on the MC server. It was pushed back a number of times and I feel I'm unfit and unworthy of the position.
    2) When you haven't spoken to your friends in over a month you know there's a problem, when you're putting of your little brother's birthday party you know there's a problem.
    3) I need to focus more on school, I'd like to get my grades up to straight A's if I want to get into a good college.
    4) I've become disconnected from the xG community because of all the time I've spent alone configuring the MC server, I miss my old TF2 friends like @Natsu, @Spoopy, @shwash @ClassicGamer64 @ael_fjordling @Krampus and more (sorry if I forget to acknowledge you).
    5) With all due respect to @Amymaniac, @XHina_sanX, @Aegean, and @Rhododendron, I didn't sign up to almost single-handedly create a faction server from the ground up. I applied for DM to help fix some bugs that had been on the towny server and put in some new features like voting. I also didn't sign up for the amount of disrespect I've received from some players.
    6) I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I added voting and fixed the bugs which were annoying me back when the server was still on towny.
    Lastly, I take full responsibility for whatever complaints anyone might have for the slowed release of the server or any bugs they may've found during the release day. I've done my best to fix whatever people have told me about (see the update thread), but this is the end of my service. If you want to rage, disrespect me, or tell me what terrible job I did, go right ahead, this is a good thread to do it on.
  16. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 got a reaction from Caleb956 in Oh Honey   
    With DumbTree destroyed, and KuntyCrackheads destroyed, America is now the dominant power on the server!
    And there are going to be some changes...
    Item #1) Every faction must pay a daily 10 diamond tribute to America every 24 hours.
    Item #2) Anyone on the server will be required to /tpa to us whenever we request it to do slave labor or 'pleasure' us in some other manner.
    Item #3) We demand to be handed over all TnT, redstone, and other materials used for raiding immediately.
    Item #4) Anyone who tries to avoid these demands will be destroyed mercilessly
    Item #5) If all these demands are met and continue to be met, you will be allowed to build your faction peacefully and we will not raid you so long as you remain loyal allies of America.
    Manifest Destiny! FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA!!! :sneaky: >:)
  17. Sad
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in hi guys   
    who are you?
  18. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in Cock and Ball Torture   
    I am embarrassed to have been a part of this clan if this is what goes on here
  19. Creative
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Cock and Ball Torture   
    Tribute to Silence/Rhodo
  20. Disagree
    james8470 reacted to Squeezing in Cock and Ball Torture   
  21. Agree
    james8470 reacted to virr in Oh Honey   
    No one wins in this thread. sigh
  22. Are You Insane
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in Oh Honey   
    guess you guys can have the pride for raiding our useless base (y) good job : )
    Money isn't really worth shit in factions.
    Still don't know why you took this to the forums. Maybe it is because you enjoy trying to start shit with others? You have really gotten us good, friend!
  23. RIP
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in Oh Honey   
    That's my view on it too :(

  24. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to MineCrack in Oh Honey   
    Yikes, what a shit storm for a base you guys supposedly abandoned. Hmm, maybe it wasn't 100% abandoned?

  25. Useful
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Oh Honey   
    make that gamers*