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  1. Winner
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in Towny World Download   
    As promised, the old towny world with everything you've built in your town can be downloaded right here: [MEDIA=googledrive]1VFgaVHE_SSvUEliqLJbCY7066NU4_olS[/MEDIA]
    Some things to note:
    1) The file is big
    2) The download link might not last forever, but probably for at least 10 months (reasons).
  2. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Towny World Download   
    As promised, the old towny world with everything you've built in your town can be downloaded right here: [MEDIA=googledrive]1VFgaVHE_SSvUEliqLJbCY7066NU4_olS[/MEDIA]
    Some things to note:
    1) The file is big
    2) The download link might not last forever, but probably for at least 10 months (reasons).
  3. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Kypari in Stepping Down   
    Wait you did pretty much all of the MC stuff yourself? What happened @Amymaniac @XHina_sanX ?
    Please don't take what's been said by others to heart. The fact that you almost single-handedly set up and launched a factions server is admirable and to receive the rude comments that people have made despite you putting all that effort in yourself is just saddening. Sad to see you step down.
  4. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to MineCrack in Stepping Down   
    Honestly, the server hasn't been in this good of a state for a very long time (maybe Arthman era). I can understand the stress of configuring (and building) a minecraft server during your own free time for hours on end loses its charm after a while. The release, aside from the donator /economy stuff (which would take a few minutes to fix), appears to be pretty successful compared to the past few launches. Delays are not a big deal, you shouldn't feel as if you did not deliver because it was not on time. These type of things should not have deadlines.
    Some of your other points seem like excuses, although I understand you want to keep your grades up. You should reconsider stepping down and wait a while before you make a decision (unless you are truly unhappy, that's not my business).
    edit: forgot to mention the spawn looks really good
    edit2: you should ignore that person who went at you in discord, he's a sad person and his word holds little value
  5. Feels Bad Man
    james8470 got a reaction from Egossi in Stepping Down   
    As promised, as of right now I am stepping down from Division Manager of the MC server.
    Here's why:
    1) I feel like I haven't done a good enough job on the MC server. It was pushed back a number of times and I feel I'm unfit and unworthy of the position.
    2) When you haven't spoken to your friends in over a month you know there's a problem, when you're putting of your little brother's birthday party you know there's a problem.
    3) I need to focus more on school, I'd like to get my grades up to straight A's if I want to get into a good college.
    4) I've become disconnected from the xG community because of all the time I've spent alone configuring the MC server, I miss my old TF2 friends like @Natsu, @Spoopy, @shwash @ClassicGamer64 @ael_fjordling @Krampus and more (sorry if I forget to acknowledge you).
    5) With all due respect to @Amymaniac, @XHina_sanX, @Aegean, and @Rhododendron, I didn't sign up to almost single-handedly create a faction server from the ground up. I applied for DM to help fix some bugs that had been on the towny server and put in some new features like voting. I also didn't sign up for the amount of disrespect I've received from some players.
    6) I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I added voting and fixed the bugs which were annoying me back when the server was still on towny.
    Lastly, I take full responsibility for whatever complaints anyone might have for the slowed release of the server or any bugs they may've found during the release day. I've done my best to fix whatever people have told me about (see the update thread), but this is the end of my service. If you want to rage, disrespect me, or tell me what terrible job I did, go right ahead, this is a good thread to do it on.
  6. Like
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in Stepping Down   
    We appreciate all you have done for the MC server. I don't go on there much but it looks like it is an awesome start. Can't wait to see the other factions build up. Also don't let xG get in the way of your life. Playing on xG won't get you into college or a paying job. You should spend your time making sure you do the best you can in your own life. Keep it easy my dude.
  7. Sad
    james8470 got a reaction from Sora_ in Stepping Down   
    As promised, as of right now I am stepping down from Division Manager of the MC server.
    Here's why:
    1) I feel like I haven't done a good enough job on the MC server. It was pushed back a number of times and I feel I'm unfit and unworthy of the position.
    2) When you haven't spoken to your friends in over a month you know there's a problem, when you're putting of your little brother's birthday party you know there's a problem.
    3) I need to focus more on school, I'd like to get my grades up to straight A's if I want to get into a good college.
    4) I've become disconnected from the xG community because of all the time I've spent alone configuring the MC server, I miss my old TF2 friends like @Natsu, @Spoopy, @shwash @ClassicGamer64 @ael_fjordling @Krampus and more (sorry if I forget to acknowledge you).
    5) With all due respect to @Amymaniac, @XHina_sanX, @Aegean, and @Rhododendron, I didn't sign up to almost single-handedly create a faction server from the ground up. I applied for DM to help fix some bugs that had been on the towny server and put in some new features like voting. I also didn't sign up for the amount of disrespect I've received from some players.
    6) I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I added voting and fixed the bugs which were annoying me back when the server was still on towny.
    Lastly, I take full responsibility for whatever complaints anyone might have for the slowed release of the server or any bugs they may've found during the release day. I've done my best to fix whatever people have told me about (see the update thread), but this is the end of my service. If you want to rage, disrespect me, or tell me what terrible job I did, go right ahead, this is a good thread to do it on.
  8. Sad
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Stepping Down   
    As promised, as of right now I am stepping down from Division Manager of the MC server.
    Here's why:
    1) I feel like I haven't done a good enough job on the MC server. It was pushed back a number of times and I feel I'm unfit and unworthy of the position.
    2) When you haven't spoken to your friends in over a month you know there's a problem, when you're putting of your little brother's birthday party you know there's a problem.
    3) I need to focus more on school, I'd like to get my grades up to straight A's if I want to get into a good college.
    4) I've become disconnected from the xG community because of all the time I've spent alone configuring the MC server, I miss my old TF2 friends like @Natsu, @Spoopy, @shwash @ClassicGamer64 @ael_fjordling @Krampus and more (sorry if I forget to acknowledge you).
    5) With all due respect to @Amymaniac, @XHina_sanX, @Aegean, and @Rhododendron, I didn't sign up to almost single-handedly create a faction server from the ground up. I applied for DM to help fix some bugs that had been on the towny server and put in some new features like voting. I also didn't sign up for the amount of disrespect I've received from some players.
    6) I've accomplished what I've set out to do. I added voting and fixed the bugs which were annoying me back when the server was still on towny.
    Lastly, I take full responsibility for whatever complaints anyone might have for the slowed release of the server or any bugs they may've found during the release day. I've done my best to fix whatever people have told me about (see the update thread), but this is the end of my service. If you want to rage, disrespect me, or tell me what terrible job I did, go right ahead, this is a good thread to do it on.
  9. Like
    james8470 reacted to Rabid in Stepping Down   
    @james8470 I don't know if you're even going to believe my apology, or even care what I have to say, but I'd just like to clear the air with you, I never had ill intent with the messages I said to you, even though they came off as very aggressive. At the time I started it off as a troll and was just dick pulling the tf2 members, and never intended it to go towards the owner or maker of the server, It's okay if you don't believe me, but I honestly had no clue who even ran or set up the server. It doesn't change my actions and it doesn't make my actions justifiable by any means. WIth anybody that attempts to resseruct our MC divison flame / hate seems to come their way, and I really did not mean to make it seem like I don't appreciate what you did / try to do. You put effort into it when others wouldn't, that's all we can ever ask for really, the final product may not of been fully tested or came out the way you wanted it to, but that doesn't mean you failed. If anything I've said to you, or about the server has effected your judgment to leave this clan, I apologize 1000 times my man, and hope that the decision can be changed, but by the looks of it, your other reason weigh heavier, so best of luck with what you do next. Again, I'm sorry.
  10. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to shwash in Stepping Down   
    Staff work on xG entirely voluntary. Don't let that get in the way of your life. Even though I am inactive on xG's minecraft server, if you are dedicating that much time, I am doubtful that your help will go unnoticed.
  11. Salty
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in And there was much rejoicing!   
    fr*** you id*ot
  12. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Elcark in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    Oh, even though I just resigned I can at least answer to some of these.
    First off thanks for putting up your suggestions on the forums like I asked you to earlier, @KSPlayer1337, means a lot.
    @Tatost and @Aegean I actually did increase the price of diamonds among other items as well as nerf the mob rewards even more (see the update thread). Aegean, as far as /sell(menu name) goes, that's too bad because I kinda figured it'd be okay since all it really does is save a bit of time to teleport to spawn and back. Ehhhh, oh well. :P
    Also Tatost, yeah we/they agreed to not offer compensation for mcmmo like 3 months ago. :/
  13. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Aegean in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    Oh, even though I just resigned I can at least answer to some of these.
    First off thanks for putting up your suggestions on the forums like I asked you to earlier, @KSPlayer1337, means a lot.
    @Tatost and @Aegean I actually did increase the price of diamonds among other items as well as nerf the mob rewards even more (see the update thread). Aegean, as far as /sell(menu name) goes, that's too bad because I kinda figured it'd be okay since all it really does is save a bit of time to teleport to spawn and back. Ehhhh, oh well. :P
    Also Tatost, yeah we/they agreed to not offer compensation for mcmmo like 3 months ago. :/
  14. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in Stepping Down   
    Hey man I just wanted to say a few parting words to ya before you leave.

    What you've done for us is a huge help, and the thing is we know how hard it is to create a spawn from scratch, to create a server that people will enjoy and bug fix etc. You should be proud of all the work you've done and no one (especially you) deserve to be berated or insulted for what you've done for us.
    Your real life is more important than xG, this goes for everyone. Despite how grateful we are, you should always look out for yourself, and I'm glad you have high goals schoolwise and want to focus on yourself, it's never too late and I wish you the best of luck for all these aspects.
    I wish you had been a little more open to me about some of these issues, but if all else, I want you to get to a good mental state where you're happy, you're always welcome either as a member or a staff, depending on what you prefer.

    Let us know if there's anyway we can help out in xG in the future, but for now once again thanks for everything you've done for us, and we hope to see you around the servers and for you to enjoy your time again.
  15. Like
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    I would kill to have these mob hunting prizes back to where they were. Although they gave a shit ton of credits it is balanced out by the extreme amounts of time you have to put in to reach the milestones.
    I believe the longer something takes, the more it should pay. There is a reason that the saying "time is money" exists. If you make us put a whole shit load of our time for very little outcome other than mob drops (half of them, like flesh, are useless.)
    I don't know much of what has been going on with the server since I am a bit distracted atm, but has there been/ will there be any sort of compensation for those who piled on hours of their time racking up mcmmo levels or building?
  16. Like
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    These are some of the changes I'd like to see after discussing it with some other members.
    1. Donator perks should not give any gameplay benefits so we can adhere to the rules given by Mojang to community servers. This means not being able to use the shop command anywhere in the world just cuz you're a donator.
    2. Diamond should be more expensive, 8 for 100 seems very cheap, selling Sand or Soul Sand should also be worth less, especially since you can just grind it with a shovel. TNT being a little more expensive would be nice due to how easy it is to get 350 credits for a whole stack of TNT.
    I'm not comfortable to negotiate for the first change, but the second change is negotiable. This is because diamonds will be very common everywhere within a few weeks which I understand.
  17. Winner
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in Update Thread   
    Towny Server Factions Server
    ➤ Rules were updated (Minecraft Server Rules | Xeno Gamers), please read them or you'll find yourself exploring the new Jailhouse section of the spawn.
    ➤ Server was updated to the latest version (1.12.2)
    ➤ Completely new spawn, "XenoGamers Castle"! Smaller than the last one, but more detailed. The spawn features a number of floors, rooms, and hidden secrets!
    You can interact with some of the new furniture we've added. You can sit in chairs, place items on tables and in barrels, toggle some street lamps, and shoot arrows from the crossbows on the castle wall!
    There's also a number of special particle effects added around the spawn to draw attention to important areas, as well as fake dropped items for extra detail (i.e. food on a table).
    Unfortunately, clouds have been known to screw up the look of it If you want, you can disable clouds under "Video Settings" for yourself. This will also reduce some lag in general for you, too.
    ➤ Shopkeeper NPC; right click the green-robed NPC to access a custom GUI shop, configured by yours truly. :p
    9 sections to this shop: Building Blocks, Decoration Blocks, Raiding Supplies, Spawn Eggs, Mob Drops, Ores, Nature & Farming, Nether, and Miscellaneous.
    Many of the prices have been updated and many new items have been added since the towny's shop, the economy is designed to be all-around a bit harder to suit the factions gameplay better.
    ➤ MobHunting still exists, and there's still a leaderboard wall for it in the spawn as well.
    Reduced reward credits for most achievements by 50%. The reward credits used to, and frankly still do, provide a massive amount of "quick-cash" which was considered overpowered.
    ➤ [xG] Tag Request/Missing Permissions NPC: In the past, we've had a number of new players experiencing issues with missing permissions, well now you can claim your permissions with just two clicks! WARNING If you have a rank, this will reset it to [Guest]. Only use this if you are missing permissions, or have no tag by your name at all.
    The other thing this nifty NPC can do for you is put in a request to staff members for an [xG] tag. This is for our members who had to wait a longgggg time in receiving their appropriate tag after becoming a member. Now, the moment Amy, Hina, or myself log in, we'll see your request and be able to add your tag immediately! Spamming us with requests will earn you a wonderful ban.
    ➤ PvPTimer added: When a player first joins the server, they'll spawn with a 30 minute PvP timer to allow them to run into the wilderness and have a fair chance of establishing a faction unhindered. This can be disabled in-game via /pvp enable if you want to do so.
    ➤ CombatTag added: When you attack a player or a player attacks you, a short timer will start. The timer ends only after 15 seconds of not attacking or being attacked by a player. You are prevented from teleporting during this time. If you log out during this timer, a NPC figure of yourself will spawn which players can easily kill and collect your items from you. So don't log out during PvP!
    ➤ Obsidian takes 2 TNT blasts to destroy, Enchantment Tables take 3 blasts, and Enderchests take 4. It should be noted, TnT cannot affect these blocks at all when they are covered with water.
    ➤ Receive notifications in chat when you leave or enter spawn protection. You are also invincible within the spawn area, so feel free to jump off some cliffs, the spawn is on a mountain, after all.
    ➤ Added 64 TNT to the VIP Crate
    ➤ Two new purchasable kits; OldIronTools and OldDiamondTools, see /kit in-game
    ➤ World Border has been set to 100,000 blocks from spawn, should be plenty of space.
    ➤ Donators have new perks, check them out, here: Minecraft Donator Information | Xeno Gamers
    ➤ Remember to take advantage of /vote to get some wonderful vote crate keys! Remember, the bonus for voting for the first time will get you some iron ingots, gold ingots, plus diamonds!
    ➫ Coming soon:
    ➫ The Magic Update
    ➫ The Dungeons Update
    ➫ The Quests Update
    ➫ The Event Hub Update
    Personal note:
    I'd like to take the opportunity to acknowledge @Kypari @bagggel @TheSupremePatriot and @Vargas for their assistance in testing out the server and helping me to find sooo many ways to improve it and sniffing out exploits, even if they did it inadvertently (simply by playing on the server) it still really helps. Also, I'd like to acknowledge @Rhododendron for helping me to update the server to 1.12.2, it was a hugeee help.
    And a big thanks to our Minecraft community for being so patient and helping me to make this vision a reality! :D
  18. Like
    james8470 reacted to KSPlayer1337 in Minecraft Suggestions/update Megathread   
    some mod suggestions
    [spoiler=exploration]-Twilight Forest: A mod that adds a new dimension. This could provide a new adventure. The Twilight Forest
    [spoiler=technology]-Redstone Flux: A mod that provides RF, a type of power that is used in the technology mods. Redstone Flux
    -Thermal Expansion: A mod that adds machinery, such as an electric furnace, cobblestone generator, and a sawmill. Requires Thermal Foundation, CoFH Core, CodeChickenLib, and CoFH World. Thermal Expansion
    -CoFH Core: Required for Thermal Foundation and Thermal Expansion. CoFH Core
    -CodeChickenLib: Required for Thermal Expansion. CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+
    -CoFH World: Required for Thermal Foundation. CoFH World
    -Thermal Foundation: Required for Thermal Expansion. Thermal Foundation
    -RFTools: A mod that adds machinery, such as teleporters, shield creators, and dimension builders. Requires McJtyLib. RFTools
    -RFTools Dimensions: An addon for RFTools that allows dimension creation. Requires McJtyLib. RFTools Dimensions
    -McJtyLib: Required for RFTools. McJtyLib
    -Ex Nihilo: Creatio: A mod that adds machinery that allows you to get more materials out of limited items. The machinery is less advanced than other technology mods. Ex Nihilo: Creatio
    -Solar Flux: A mod that adds solar panels. Requires Hammer Core. Solar Flux Reborn
    -Hammer Core: Required for Solar Flux. Hammer Core
    [spoiler=other]-YABBA: A mod that adds barrels. This can assist with item storage. YABBA
    -Extra Utilities 2: A mod that adds items such as watering cans, compressed blocks, and transfer blocks. Extra Utilities
    -Tinker's Construct: A mod that allows creation of custom tools. Tinkers Construct
    -Inventory Tweaks: A mod that makes sorting the inventory easier. Inventory Tweaks
    -Iron Chest: A mod that adds more chests that have increased inventory space. Iron Chests
    -Chisel: A mod that allows the customization of block design. Requires CTM. Chisel
    -Connected Textures Mod: Required for Chisel. ConnectedTexturesMod
    -Just Enough Items: A mod that shows recipes for items. Just Enough Items (JEI)
  19. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Vaporeon in Happy New Year! - New Years Resolution   
    Continue to be a filthy degenerate.
  20. Optimistic
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in Happy New Year! - New Years Resolution   
    Gain 20 pounds
    Gym 3 times a week minimum
    Get 500 people registered on xG's discord

  21. Creative
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in My last post OF THE YEAR   
    Sitting in our cage
    Shall we see innocent scarlet?
    Wait tomorrow
    Go today
    Go today, mourning
    Give it up
    The scar will sting
    Every single day
    It is next to you
    What a wonderful world
    fooled us
    Now we have to
    decide who is our clan
    Surely you know
    because I have a dream
    I fight on
    Come over me everyone
    feel again with me
    So again I catch
    your sleeve
    A sweet story
    Wait tomorrow
    Go today
    Go today, mourning
    Give it up
    The scar will sting
    Go tomorrow
    Every single day
    It is next to you
  22. Creative
    james8470 got a reaction from Healix in Happy New Year! - New Years Resolution   
    Finish the MC server promptly :confused:
  23. Optimistic
    james8470 got a reaction from Kypari in Happy New Year! - New Years Resolution   
    Finish the MC server promptly :confused:
  24. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Reiki in Happy New Year! - New Years Resolution   
    Finish the MC server promptly :confused:
  25. Thinking
    james8470 reacted to Vertex in Improve Europe Reliability   
    The Hetzner host can offer a more reliable node than NFO Frankfurt. Both are based in Germany and are the same approximate costs. Clan services such as FastDL and website use this location for all European clients. Key differences are...
    NFO's AS48910: https://bgp.he.net/AS48910

    3 Good transit providers (looks like) and 0 peering exchanges.
    8gb of ram, 400gb hdd cached space, 4 ht cores, 24TB bandwidth

    Hetzner's AS24940: https://bgp.he.net/AS24940

    7 Good transit providers and 10 peering exchanges.
    Data centers - Hetzner Online GmbH

    [*]Dedicated i7-920 double cpu power, 1.5tb hdd space, 24gb of ram, 20TB bandwidth
    [*]OR VPS: 4 ht cores, 16gb of ram, 400gb SSD space, 2.65 TB banwidth

    Also, NFO traffic shapes which slows down web traffic. Hetzner is better for hosting web services because it doesn't do this. I can't use the NFO node in Frankfurt because of too slow transfer rates; due to traffic shaping and no peering exchanges.
    I'll be canceling my London bypass node in the near future. If you're not fixing this issue let me know, so I can setup a Hetzner bypass node.