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  1. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Aegean in The roles of staff in our servers and community   
    This stems from the 2 disputes that happened last week from the TF2 community but is still a good piece of discussion even by itself.
    First of all, our servers are meant to be a place for everyone in our community and people who visit our servers to have fun. I'm going to try to break down what we used to do and what I feel is sometimes not reflected in our community anymore.
    Whenever we were on CSS, CS:GO or TF2, (even before I was Co-leader) issues obviously occurred. Sometimes we had a free-killer on the server, or a guard + prisoner arguing etc. The role of the staff should be right away to fix the problem WHILE keeping the servers interests in mind.
    If someone got freekilled, we would also message them after slaying; if we know it was a freekill (either via voice, all chat, or pm)
    "Hey man, you got slayed cuz you freekilled X during this game. If you get too close to them, they are allowed to knife since you are baiting, so you freekilled. You're not getting banned, just wanted to let you know to be careful and read the rules"
    This lets you not only resolve the problem and let the server know you are doing right by punishing them, but the person who broke the rules understands exactly what happens, and lets them have another go at our server without feeling alienated.
    There are PLENTY of situations that you (as staff) are not there for, but still need to resolve to help out the server. You should always be willing to communicate with BOTH parties, and get a good compromise or to punish them fairly if you don't feel there's anything more you can do to resolve this in an easy manner. Ask them one at a time what the issue is, gag/mute one of them if they aren't letting the other talk, after hearing both their stories, ask witnesses or look at chat logs and see what's going on.
    The whole point of us punishing a person in our servers (Not perm punishments) is for the SOLE reason that we want to reform them. We don't week ban people first offense, just so they never come back again. That's not the point of our mutes,gags,bans. It's to teach people that their (repeated) offenses aren't okay here, and that we want everyone to enjoy their time here.
    TL;DR for people who want a simple explanation, staff are not ban-bots programmed to ban anyone and everyone out of line, it's to fix any issues that people are having, and even if someone has previous offenses, if you can resolve a problem without banning, and the server is happy, then you are doing the right thing. You are there to ensure people (including you) have fun in our servers, and that no one is trying to ruin it for others.
  2. Salty
    james8470 reacted to MineCrack in The roles of staff in our servers and community   
    So slaying someone for an obscure rule, not telling them what they did wrong when they asked, then banning them for a month after they called me stupid is not the right thing to do? Oh, okay.

  3. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Gone for 7 days + Minecraft update   
    I came back!
    And got cured of my sickness, too :)
  4. Sad
    james8470 got a reaction from Vargas in Gone for 7 days + Minecraft update   
    I'm leaving on christmas vacation tomorrow for like 6-7 days.
    Don't worry about the Minecraft server too much, I worked on it all day today and got it mostly finished, I left a wonderful packet of chores for @Amymaniac and @XHina_sanX to do (as well as @Rhododendron :U) which should have the server finished perhaps before even I get back. (it's probably only like a couple days work, but Amy and Hina have the burden of sorting though my work which could take another day or more) please finish it guys I'm sorry I failed
    I'm just going to throw this out right now: I'm going to resign as soon as the Minecraft server is up.
    I've done a terrible job and the expected release date of the server has been thrown back at least twice now. There's like 5 other reasons I have for resigning as well, I'll have to talk about them later I have like 50 things to do right now and I'm really fucking sick.
    So, why am I announcing my registration early? Well, before you yell "fuck you james you're going on vacation when there's a server to finish!!" I just want ya'll to know that you have my deepest advanced apologies for all the delays and I'm making up for it the best I can. I will NOT resign until the factions server is released, as much as I want to be free of this obligation, I owe you motherfucking XenoGamers at least the release of the server before I leave the MC team.
    Eh, I have a lot more to say about this but I'll do it in my actual resignation.
    Bye :P
  5. Sad
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Gone for 7 days + Minecraft update   
    I'm leaving on christmas vacation tomorrow for like 6-7 days.
    Don't worry about the Minecraft server too much, I worked on it all day today and got it mostly finished, I left a wonderful packet of chores for @Amymaniac and @XHina_sanX to do (as well as @Rhododendron :U) which should have the server finished perhaps before even I get back. (it's probably only like a couple days work, but Amy and Hina have the burden of sorting though my work which could take another day or more) please finish it guys I'm sorry I failed
    I'm just going to throw this out right now: I'm going to resign as soon as the Minecraft server is up.
    I've done a terrible job and the expected release date of the server has been thrown back at least twice now. There's like 5 other reasons I have for resigning as well, I'll have to talk about them later I have like 50 things to do right now and I'm really fucking sick.
    So, why am I announcing my registration early? Well, before you yell "fuck you james you're going on vacation when there's a server to finish!!" I just want ya'll to know that you have my deepest advanced apologies for all the delays and I'm making up for it the best I can. I will NOT resign until the factions server is released, as much as I want to be free of this obligation, I owe you motherfucking XenoGamers at least the release of the server before I leave the MC team.
    Eh, I have a lot more to say about this but I'll do it in my actual resignation.
    Bye :P
  6. Like
    james8470 reacted to Sora_ in Xenoblade Chronicles 2   
    Game Name:
    Xenoblade Chronicles 2
    Nintendo Switch
    Time Spent:
    105 hours to date
    Do you recommend?
    What you rate the game:
    8.4 / 10.0
    Initial Thoughts:
    When I first started the game, my first thought was that it was an improvement over the first iteration of Xenoblade- and it is! As always, the voice lines were sort of “off,” but as far as Xenoblade goes, voice lines are usually always pretty “off” anyways. The tutorial messages kept popping up for about 18 hours of game play, which kind of put me off at first, but I realized that they were pretty important tips about how to use the mechanics of the game effectively. They weren’t too long, either.

    Game play and Story:
    The graphics and battle systems were greatly improved and the battle system became a lot easier to understand (for the most part). The story is long, just like the last game, but it is filled with all sorts of things. There’s a bit of a problem with how high level enemies are placed in some areas, though. Sometimes, you’ll be walking about, killing the low level enemies to level up and then a level 99 enemy comes out of nowhere and one shots you. Otherwise, the battle system feels nice and complex.

    Another thing, walking to each area on the map is a bit time consuming; makes me wish for an item that could increase the overworld movement speed. Another nitpick is the fact that many of the menus and item lists are hell to sort through and could use some settings and options to better organize them. However, with how large each portion of the world is, there’s a lot to explore. But, exploring isn’t always very fun, as some areas are hard to get to without somehow catching a sliver of land that leads to it some way back the way you came.
    Now let’s talk about the quests. There’s three types of quests: Story Quests that advanced the story, Normal Quests that give the party EXP, gold and items for completing them, and Blade Quests which are unique to certain rare blades that you summon over the course of the game from Core Crystals- completely RNG! The most interesting quests are the Blade Quests, as they really explore into their respective Blades’ character and personality. Out of the few that I have managed to uncover, I really enjoyed completing the Blade quests for Electra and Boreas. Regular Quests can get tedious at times, but they’re a great source of EXP so you don’t have to grind as much.
    The backstory of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is revealed slowly to the player as the game progresses. This keeps the player interested and engaged. However, there are a lot of cut scenes, so going through them all will definitely take a lot of time. Like the previous game, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a relatively in depth background to it. It’s not terribly complex, but it’s also not overly simple.
    Smooth Battle System
    Improved Graphics
    Huge, Open World
    Interesting Story
    Lots of content to go through
    Voice lines are memes
    Terribly placed high level enemies
    Difficult to master combat without advice or prior knowledge
    Map layouts sometimes confusing
    Quests very confusing at time
    Final Thoughts:
    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a fun game with enough to keep anyone interested and playing for a very long while. There’s so much to do and so much to master that it’s even a bit overwhelming at first. I haven’t reached the top of what I can do, but I sure as hell am trying. For reference, I’m 105 hours in and still have about 4/10 more whole chapters to complete.
  7. Like
    james8470 reacted to Bone in The internet is dead.   
    Wow, this isn't a joke guys. This is serious stuff. I mean, even sites like this could

  8. Blaze It
    james8470 got a reaction from CappyCappy in Update Thread   
    Towny Server (not for long)
    ➤ Fixed a bug in which new players to the server would lack [Guest] group permissions and couldn't do basic things like /warp, /tpa etc. The patch only prevents new players from encountering the bug, existing players affected by this bug (anyone who has joined the server at least once) will have to contact me, @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX for help.
    ➫ Coming soon: Factions server! It's close now. Two weeks is my personal estimate to when it will be complete.
    We'd also like let everyone know in advance that many of the features requested (magic, quests, etc.) will be released in successive updates following the release of the factions server. This is to gradually "acclimate" players so that they don't feel overwhelmed with too many game-features, and to keep the server interesting as well. So when the update does come out, don't freak out when you join and find yourself without the wonderful arcane abilities of sorcery. :p
  9. Like
    james8470 reacted to TBOHB in All good   
    So as some of you know, I got my new computer like 2 weeks ago. Come to find out that it doesn't have built in wifi. So I needed a wifi stick, and I got an early Christmas present. So I am officially back on the servers now!
  10. Got It
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
  11. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Amymaniac in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
    no problem, have fun :D
  12. Winner
    james8470 got a reaction from XHina_sanX in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
    What you need to know
    Tomorrow I will be gone for like 5 days.
    What you don't need to know but I'm saying anyways hope you understand sarcasm before reading...
    I'm going to San Diego (because you know, I'm such a bourgeoisie rich boi :cool:).
    So please don't demote me (yet). :)
    Also, @XHina_sanX, @Amylicious, and @Atamo, if you work on the server for me a lot while I'm gone I'll come back with a metaphorical boner.

    I'd like to give a big thanks to all my subscribers don't forget to smash that like button guys! Like, share, subscribe to my dominance and social status. (y) :cool::D;):ROFLMAO::LOL::coffee:
    or you'll die in your sleep
  13. Smelly
    james8470 got a reaction from Tatost in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
    What you need to know
    Tomorrow I will be gone for like 5 days.
    What you don't need to know but I'm saying anyways hope you understand sarcasm before reading...
    I'm going to San Diego (because you know, I'm such a bourgeoisie rich boi :cool:).
    So please don't demote me (yet). :)
    Also, @XHina_sanX, @Amylicious, and @Atamo, if you work on the server for me a lot while I'm gone I'll come back with a metaphorical boner.

    I'd like to give a big thanks to all my subscribers don't forget to smash that like button guys! Like, share, subscribe to my dominance and social status. (y) :cool::D;):ROFLMAO::LOL::coffee:
    or you'll die in your sleep
  14. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Aegean in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
    What you need to know
    Tomorrow I will be gone for like 5 days.
    What you don't need to know but I'm saying anyways hope you understand sarcasm before reading...
    I'm going to San Diego (because you know, I'm such a bourgeoisie rich boi :cool:).
    So please don't demote me (yet). :)
    Also, @XHina_sanX, @Amylicious, and @Atamo, if you work on the server for me a lot while I'm gone I'll come back with a metaphorical boner.

    I'd like to give a big thanks to all my subscribers don't forget to smash that like button guys! Like, share, subscribe to my dominance and social status. (y) :cool::D;):ROFLMAO::LOL::coffee:
    or you'll die in your sleep
  15. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
    What you need to know
    Tomorrow I will be gone for like 5 days.
    What you don't need to know but I'm saying anyways hope you understand sarcasm before reading...
    I'm going to San Diego (because you know, I'm such a bourgeoisie rich boi :cool:).
    So please don't demote me (yet). :)
    Also, @XHina_sanX, @Amylicious, and @Atamo, if you work on the server for me a lot while I'm gone I'll come back with a metaphorical boner.

    I'd like to give a big thanks to all my subscribers don't forget to smash that like button guys! Like, share, subscribe to my dominance and social status. (y) :cool::D;):ROFLMAO::LOL::coffee:
    or you'll die in your sleep
  16. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Amymaniac in Gone on vacation for 5 days   
    What you need to know
    Tomorrow I will be gone for like 5 days.
    What you don't need to know but I'm saying anyways hope you understand sarcasm before reading...
    I'm going to San Diego (because you know, I'm such a bourgeoisie rich boi :cool:).
    So please don't demote me (yet). :)
    Also, @XHina_sanX, @Amylicious, and @Atamo, if you work on the server for me a lot while I'm gone I'll come back with a metaphorical boner.

    I'd like to give a big thanks to all my subscribers don't forget to smash that like button guys! Like, share, subscribe to my dominance and social status. (y) :cool::D;):ROFLMAO::LOL::coffee:
    or you'll die in your sleep
  17. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from XHina_sanX in Update Thread   
    Towny Server (not for long)
    ➤ Fixed a bug in which new players to the server would lack [Guest] group permissions and couldn't do basic things like /warp, /tpa etc. The patch only prevents new players from encountering the bug, existing players affected by this bug (anyone who has joined the server at least once) will have to contact me, @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX for help.
    ➫ Coming soon: Factions server! It's close now. Two weeks is my personal estimate to when it will be complete.
    We'd also like let everyone know in advance that many of the features requested (magic, quests, etc.) will be released in successive updates following the release of the factions server. This is to gradually "acclimate" players so that they don't feel overwhelmed with too many game-features, and to keep the server interesting as well. So when the update does come out, don't freak out when you join and find yourself without the wonderful arcane abilities of sorcery. :p
  18. Winner
    james8470 got a reaction from hongkongatron in Update Thread   
    Towny Server (not for long)
    ➤ Fixed a bug in which new players to the server would lack [Guest] group permissions and couldn't do basic things like /warp, /tpa etc. The patch only prevents new players from encountering the bug, existing players affected by this bug (anyone who has joined the server at least once) will have to contact me, @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX for help.
    ➫ Coming soon: Factions server! It's close now. Two weeks is my personal estimate to when it will be complete.
    We'd also like let everyone know in advance that many of the features requested (magic, quests, etc.) will be released in successive updates following the release of the factions server. This is to gradually "acclimate" players so that they don't feel overwhelmed with too many game-features, and to keep the server interesting as well. So when the update does come out, don't freak out when you join and find yourself without the wonderful arcane abilities of sorcery. :p
  19. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from Aegean in Update Thread   
    Towny Server (not for long)
    ➤ Fixed a bug in which new players to the server would lack [Guest] group permissions and couldn't do basic things like /warp, /tpa etc. The patch only prevents new players from encountering the bug, existing players affected by this bug (anyone who has joined the server at least once) will have to contact me, @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX for help.
    ➫ Coming soon: Factions server! It's close now. Two weeks is my personal estimate to when it will be complete.
    We'd also like let everyone know in advance that many of the features requested (magic, quests, etc.) will be released in successive updates following the release of the factions server. This is to gradually "acclimate" players so that they don't feel overwhelmed with too many game-features, and to keep the server interesting as well. So when the update does come out, don't freak out when you join and find yourself without the wonderful arcane abilities of sorcery. :p
  20. Like
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Update Thread   
    Towny Server (not for long)
    ➤ Fixed a bug in which new players to the server would lack [Guest] group permissions and couldn't do basic things like /warp, /tpa etc. The patch only prevents new players from encountering the bug, existing players affected by this bug (anyone who has joined the server at least once) will have to contact me, @Amylicious or @XHina_sanX for help.
    ➫ Coming soon: Factions server! It's close now. Two weeks is my personal estimate to when it will be complete.
    We'd also like let everyone know in advance that many of the features requested (magic, quests, etc.) will be released in successive updates following the release of the factions server. This is to gradually "acclimate" players so that they don't feel overwhelmed with too many game-features, and to keep the server interesting as well. So when the update does come out, don't freak out when you join and find yourself without the wonderful arcane abilities of sorcery. :p
  21. Agree
    james8470 reacted to SKYDADDY in How do you like the new website?   
    are you stupid?
  22. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Rhododendron in How do you like the new website?   
    Please, offer any suggestions so we can make it better.
  23. Funny
    james8470 got a reaction from Egossi in Selfie Sunday   
    Sweet! thanks for letting me know in advance, now I can prepare myself for it. :ROFLMAO:
  24. Funny
    james8470 reacted to Spoopy in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Name: Spoopy
    Steam 64 ID: 76561198023542238
    Classes: Demo, Soldier, Sniper, Engineer, and (Best Class) Spectator.
  25. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Caleb956 in Selfie Sunday   
    I had to get peoples hype meters filled ;););)
