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  1. Disagree
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tekk in Avengers Endgame   
    Why not just enjoy both
  2. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Genocide in enable more guns on scrim server   
    Yeah until you have a team of 5 people using the negev the entire game, WHICH WILL HAPPEN. 
    People will use and abuse the negev and it's spray + corners. There is no point in making 10 mans 100% less fun than they already are.
  3. Boring
    Dannypicacho reacted to XpertMeleee in enable more guns on scrim server   
    I just want to zeus danny. 1 way smokes are toxic but eh.
  4. Drunk
    Dannypicacho reacted to lilbleed in enable more guns on scrim server   
    I would like to propose that we enable negev and zeus on the scrim server Whenever I see someone ask Lithium he just says no, sorry but its true, and yet many of the people deciding that they're disabled don't even play scrims anymore.  I don't the problem is, they are a part of the game + we already have kids running around rubber banding jumping corners with UMPs in every 10man, + people who use scummy bugs such as pixel walks and .hp abusing (and still lose @Shox). 

    no flame but if you  abuse bugs/rq games/ and/or is a tf2 player who sits in the csgo chat and posts their opinion about csgo but has sub 100 hours, dont respond.  
    @Rabid @Lithium @LeToucan @BleedsBrother @MinerTeddy
  5. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to yadingo in yadingo   
    Counter-Strike In-Game Name
    ya dingo Identity
    STEAM_0:1:64379242 Ban Type
    Team Ban Information
    Got Banned for supposedly killing three people who werent stacked up, and following the orders.
    The order was to bombrush to the bottom of main cells, unstack shoulder to shoulder, facing west and freeze.
    The three, as you can see in the clip were stacked up, with two facing the opposite way ordered.
    I dont know why I got a permanent CT ban for this. I apologize for the order not being in the video, since Geforce Experience only saved from a few seconds before my clip to five minutes after. Judge Bunny was there to hear the order.
  6. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to jaygoki in yadingo   
    seeing as how dingo has already been unbanned and the video shows them clearly stacked up 
    @Duke don't do it again pls
  7. Smelly
    Dannypicacho reacted to Roy in Avengers Endgame   
    DC rules and Marvel drools.... so no.

  8. Furry
    Dannypicacho reacted to DepressedNeonNepp in Explaining myself   
    In this post im going to be explaining why I used to be such a scumbag on this community, though none of what I say excuses what I did, I think what happened was all on me.
    Ok, first time. The first time i left was out of rage because I spammed the forums, and was facing deserved backlash that I thought I didn't deserve.
    Second time. I honestly don't even remember.
    Third time. I left because me and my friends at the time (I still don't really know my relationship with them at this point) had a fallout because I was being a cancerous piece of shitand I became extremely angry and left for no reason.
    Thats about all the ones i even remember, remember i'm truly sorry for the asshole iv'e been to all of you. I really want to be a better person, online and in real life. Iv'e been trying (and hopefully succeeding) at being a better person on here. Thats about all I have to say, Goodbye.
  9. Drunk
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in SegFault   
    You literally have the most RDMs out of anyone on the server lmao
  10. Furry
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in Avengers Endgame   
    Are you guys excited to see Avengers Endgame tomorrow!!!1!!!!11!1!!!
  11. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to jaygoki in Song For Everyone Leaving   
    let's not gravedig 8 year old posts kiddos
  12. F!$k Off
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in Song For Everyone Leaving   
    Mega hype for avengers endgame @Arthman!!!
  13. Optimistic
    Dannypicacho reacted to SegFault in o/   
    You can just call him Flamboyant Dot now
  14. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Darrth in coolduck - Counter-Strike   
  15. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Darrth in coolduck - Counter-Strike   
    +1 https://gyazo.com/1497e554df2763346adcddc90c2b2e63
  16. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Jafari in Jafari - Team Fortress 2   
    In-Game Name
    Jafari Primary Division
    Team Fortress 2 Previous Member
    No Profile
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072748749/ Age
    21 Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    655 hours Reason for Joining
    I've always enjoy the casual atmosphere of this community. XG servers are probably the community servers i've spend most of my time when playing TF2. So i wish to further invest myself in it. 
    That's pretty much it, i enjoy the people in this clan and wish to be part of it.
    Also excuse my poor grammar. English is not my first lenguage.
  17. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Shox in Pepper   
    -1 does not have the horses in the back
  18. Winner
    Dannypicacho reacted to xGShadowSpy in Pepper   
    +1, i dont even play this game anymore just lurking lmao. anyways pepsi is still better than Dr.Pepper
  19. Funny
    Dannypicacho reacted to Jadow in -Kakashi - Counter-Strike   
    You need at least 12 hours to apply for member.

  20. Smelly
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from ScottNi in PolarCoded   
    +1 we need another mexican in the staff team
  21. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to Segal in Caleb956   
    Denied because you haven't played on the server at all and this app isn't very serious - closed
  22. Winner
    Dannypicacho reacted to Segal in SegFault   
    Denied because the application doesn't seem serious and there is a bit of a lack of rule-following on server - closed
  23. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to jaygoki in Pepper   
    -1 solely because of the activity definitely not because you live in Dallas
    bring activity up and probably +1
  24. Drunk
    Dannypicacho reacted to Segal in Dannypicacho   
    Accepted and closed
  25. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to SegFault in Tilt_Aspect   
    Unfortunately, you are not eligible for moderator at this time.
    Before you apply for a Moderation position, you must have been a member of the clan for a minimum of thirty days. You must have a minimum of 50 forum posts before you may apply. You must have thoroughly read through the Admin Handbook before you may apply. (Found here: Staff Manual ) Please feel free to reapply when you have met all the requirements above!