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I have NEVER EVER been warned BEFORE being gagged/muted for disrespect


You guys seem to be looking for any reason to complain about darkwolf.... isn't this the same thing everyone got mad at me for when I was posting abuse reports when admins were "messing up minor things that don't matter so much?"


This thread is an abuse report over a FUCKING GAG!!!!!!! enough said....

Well you SHOULD be warned, even if you aren't , its the admins fault if you aren't warned

This isn't over JUST the gag, as i said before, its over him not handling situations right, i.e not telling chrono why he gagged him after gagging him, since he didn't warn chrono it was a freegag anyway. and for not handling the situation with hidingmaster right.

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It just blows my mind that Darkwolf and his furry friends say nigger all the time in Teamspeak (Public Server, anyone can join) and for some reason is OK. But a simple name call that is not meant to be offensive in admin chat (a private chat) is an instant gag/mute.

I don't say it, I kick people from the channel on TS when they say it offensively lol

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@@Matsi I know you have had dealings with abuse before, if you got gagged or slayed, and an admin(any admin, pick someone you hate if u want idc) didn't tell you why, or warn you for either, would you be mad and call abuse, or would you say "nah i dont care"?

DarkWolf has (free)slayed me twice, and each time didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he did this with chrono,

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Also @@DarkWolf6052 You can't blame you not being a DM right on "stress", first off u didnt seem very stressed and paying close attention to the bad CTs in that video if the other mods on weren't doing anything about the bad CTs that according to you there were alot of, you should have been in spec, doing your job. And if you are so stressed in the first place, DM isn't the rank for you.

I was stressed last night because of PERSONAL things going on. Plus the fact that I got called on by several people because of mods/admins not doing their job. It was like what, after midnight? I was finally getting tired and got called on so I checked in on it.

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@@Matsi I know you have had dealings with abuse before, if you got gagged or slayed, and an admin(any admin, pick someone you hate if u want idc) didn't tell you why, or warn you for either, would you be mad and call abuse, or would you say "nah i dont care"?

DarkWolf has (free)slayed me twice, and each time didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he did this with chrono,

Are you fucking serious? @@serbiansnaga @@Forest You can't do FR/LR to determine LR, and having only two Ts participating, regardless of how many Ts are alive, isn't valid. It wasn't a freeslay. Serbian told you to drop that subject and yet you continue it here.

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Quick note on the "flame war", as long as this thread stays on the topic of dark wolf needing a reality check or attitude change and doesn't turn into a constant insult war then the thread should stay open.


Now where to begin? DARKWOLF GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND LISTEN TO US!!!! I have heard countless times and seen countless time of you not responding the way you should as a DM or of someone in a position of leadership should. Like others said, shadowspys thread should have been a wake-up call that people have unhappy with your attitude lately. It's not just what's in the two threads its just all the time. These are just examples of what you have been like (and these were minor examples). Now the way I see it there are only two effective outcomes.


1) major attitude change from dark

2) demote darkwolf


I would rather see the first happen but I'm not sure if it will happen.

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@@xShadowSpyx he told you why you were slayed, it was for playing FR/LR with 2 people...


@@Chrono he didn't telly ou why you were gagged but you being a DL should have the common sense to know you were gagged for what you typed 3 seconds before the gag... aka saying Nigger... WHICH IS ONE OF THE THINGS YOU GUYS REBANNED LQ FOR!!!

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Alright, instead of immediately requesting a close to protect your friend from facing any type of ridicule, let people say what they feel is necessary. Closing everything under the reason of "flame war" prevents anybody from ever speaking up and to be frank, the people that are saying it are only saying it because Darkwolf is the one under scrutiny.


Moving on, @@Chrono saying "Nigger", regardless of how you meant it can be considered racist. It is a derogatory term and while it may not offend some, there are people that most certainly can be offended and you should be considerate of them.


However, @@DarkWolf6052 , I don't normally do this kind of thing but in this case I have to call you out. Hope you realize it's nothing too personal. Upon viewing all the decisions you have made, I have found that you can really be incredibly biased towards your friends, especially on important topics on the forums. Often completely ignoring any other point of view besides yours and your friends.


I have also noticed that sometimes you have went straight to teambans for a day without any prior slay, and often times without much proper justification.


So, overall I am going to have to +1 to some form of repercussion.

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I have also noticed that sometimes you have went straight to teambans for a day without any prior slay, and often times without much proper justification.

i have also seen this plenty of times.

if he sees a new person that joins ct and they bait once he automatically teambans them for a day

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@@DarkWolf6052 He didnt tell me to drop that subject, he closed the post itself to stop a flame war, he didnt tell me on TS either.

The rule is you cant do it for lr, so as long as i didn't do it until lr, i was fine, it is not that you can't do it with 2 ts. Call it "loopholing" if you want, but it's not, loopholing = finding an exploit in a rule, i found what it said you CAN and CAN'T do, and i acted upon it.

You have some of the worst judgement of any staff member in my almost 3 years of xG, the ONLY reason you aren't demoted, in my eyes, is because there is NEVER anyone of a higher rank than you on the servers to see the shit you do, at most there is forest or gkoo, but its not common for you guys to be on at the same time

And no disrespect intended, i know people can have personal things effect their gaming, but when that happens, just take a break from gaming, it doesn't help to play with trolls etc.


@@Matsi The day before that he didn't tell me why he slayed me, and then he left, and on the time i had told him why the slay was wrong, and he completely ignored me. You also didn't answer my post on what you would do if an admin slayed or gagged you and didn't say why they did it.

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Also @@DarkWolf6052 You can't blame you not being a DM right on "stress", first off u didnt seem very stressed and paying close attention to the bad CTs in that video if the other mods on weren't doing anything about the bad CTs that according to you there were alot of, you should have been in spec, doing your job. And if you are so stressed in the first place, DM isn't the rank for you.

I was stressed last night because of PERSONAL things going on. Plus the fact that I got called on by several people because of mods/admins not doing their job. It was like what, after midnight? I was finally getting tired and got called on so I checked in on it.

Don't go on the internet if you are having personal problems. It leads to abuse. Ask jay when he drinks, or any other staff who have been demoted for not doing their job right because they were having "personal problems".


It just blows my mind that Darkwolf and his furry friends say nigger all the time in Teamspeak (Public Server, anyone can join) and for some reason is OK. But a simple name call that is not meant to be offensive in admin chat (a private chat) is an instant gag/mute.

I agree. So suddenly when someone who you clearly have a hostile relationship says "nigger" in admin chat where only you, gkoo, and sonic rainbow could see it makes it disrespectful? Yeah, I don't think so.



I would rather see the first happen but I'm not sure if it will happen.

Agreed, I don't want someone demoted for not handling a situation as well as they should.




We rebanned LQ because the night he got banned, he did his own special kind of day again. 3 rounds in a row, and bleed had to be messaged to come ban him.



know you were gagged for what you typed 3 seconds before the gag... aka saying Nigger

again, it is frowned upon, but not outright restricted. of the 3 admins on, I know for a fact Gkoo and I call drpepper it all the time. SonicRainbow is younger, so anything is funny to him. hue. but really, he didn't care, didn't say anything the first 2-3 times i said it , and didn't say anything after the gag.

Darkwolf said in this thread, he personally does not care about it being used. and he clearly didn't care the first few times i said it either since he would have gagged me then. but he didn't. it was when i called him out for camping he gagged me. Regardless of whether I personally know what I did was wrong or not, he should be presenting a reason to them as to why they were gagged. I could have been a random member for all intents and purposes, and he would be REQUIRED to do the same.


I have also noticed that sometimes you have went straight to teambans for a day without any prior slay, and often times without much proper justification.




This abuse thread isn't because I am mad he gagged me because I said "nigger" in admin chat, it's because he threatened me to fight it as if I was not allowed to speak my mind, his attitude as shown in the previous thread and in mine and hidingmaster's images is VERY poor, and the way he handles situations that should be calmly and RESPECTFULLY handled with other players is not going the way it should.


P.S. notice who is giving the "Downs" ratings etc. on all posts being critical of darkwolf. his friends. just found that funny lol

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Agreed, I don't want someone demoted for not handling a situation as well as they should.


I do, he does it too often, if a 1 time ofense i wouldn't care so much but when it happens mutiple times every time he's on, it gets to the point where nobody wants to deal wtih it

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"The Warden must first state that they will be playing first/last reaction. If the Warden calls out 'First Reaction', the first T to react to his order will be shot. Any Ts after that cannot be shot. An example of this would be the Warden calling out, "First Reaction jump" The first T to jump will be killed, but any Ts that jumped after that will not be killed. Another example of this would be the Warden calling out, "Last Reaction crouch!" The last T to crouch will be killed. If two Ts jumped at the same time, they both live. Valid first/last reaction commands: crouch, jump, type, spray, one step in a direction. First/last reaction cannot be played to determine LR. You are not allowed to tarp with crouching or jumping rules during first reaction last reaction even if it`s past 5:00."



Since you brought it up dark, lets get this straight. Did he or did he not play it for LR? No. He didn't break anything in the motd. This is the same thing that happened last night, there was no rule about it and asked why it wasn't allowed. Same response from you "you're wrong I'm right, get it together stupid admins". Luckily forest was there and we discussed it, decided that its best not to allowed wardays after cells open, and went on with life. Forest was mature and took my perspective into view, as did I take his. I would assume some of his courtesy came because of my comments in other threads, and I appreciate that he listened.



Personal issues? Seriously, TAKE A BREAK. You all do a ton of work, you need to take breaks. I wouldn't, nor anyone would care if you did respond. We understand the need to step away for a while. Your life is more important than this damn game.

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