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When silence gives poncher powers and actually listens to us then maybe we can get things going again. but, with the things are looking like right now i doubt it.

Just so you know, he has to actually learn how to operate the server (For example, i had to create a gun game server) Having server access doesnt help if you dont know what to do with it.


*expanding on what i meant with i had to create a gun game server. I was given FTP to the server, then i created it. I wasnt given complete access until afterwards

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When silence gives poncher powers and actually listens to us then maybe we can get things going again. but, with the things are looking like right now i doubt it.

Just so you know, he has to actually learn how to operate the server (For example, i had to create a gun game server) Having server access doesnt help if you dont know what to do with it.


*expanding on what i meant with i had to create a gun game server. I was given FTP to the server, then i created it. I wasnt given complete access until afterwards

poncher has enough experience to lead the CSS division which was why he was made DL, also how is one to learn to operate a server when he doesn't have the tools to do them? i suppose you could create your own server as a test but at the same time this is much more convenient.

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-sniping my own quote-

poncher has enough experience to lead the CSS division which was why he was made DL, also how is one to learn to operate a server when he doesn't have the tools to do them? i suppose you could create your own server as a test but at the same time this is much more convenient.
I'm not questioning his ability to lead the CSS division, but since he has (as to my knowledge) never worked with a server before, he would probably want to work on a test server/entirely new server. Its much better to wipe a server that isnt important than to wipe the most populated server.

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-sniping my own quote-

poncher has enough experience to lead the CSS division which was why he was made DL, also how is one to learn to operate a server when he doesn't have the tools to do them? i suppose you could create your own server as a test but at the same time this is much more convenient.
I'm not questioning his ability to lead the CSS division, but since he has (as to my knowledge) never worked with a server before, he would probably want to work on a test server/entirely new server. Its much better to wipe a server that isnt important than to wipe the most populated server.

what i ment by leadership was his actually knowledge of the servers, poncher himself is eager to actually have the powers so he can work on the server, i'm sure he will do just fine, we will have to wait until that time if he acdtually getss them i suppose

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Gyazo - 04b5366fd9fee9d9ee4cd15bb7340f5c.png

What's wrong with this picture. A Moderator/Administrator position is given to those that want to make the Server an enjoyable experience for others. Not for themselves.


Powers aren't given so you can just be a higher rank than everyone else. The reason you feel like it's a job is because it is a job. Why else are you given powers to slay/gag/kick/etc if not to keep the Server enjoyable for everyone else?


If you wanted to just be someone to play on the Servers and not deal with any of that, why are you accepting this position? I'm starting to get this idea that a lot of Staff Members only took the position to be better known and more respected, and that's it.


You aren't there to have fun. Moderating isn't fun. I hate to say it, but there's truth in those words. If you guys are starting to feel like it's more of a chore and you've had enough, I strongly suggest stepping down from your position. I suggest this merely because we need Staff who don't mind getting on when they need to be on if just to moderate. Regardless of whether or not it's boring and stale, as I said earlier, your prime objective is to make the game enjoyable to others, not for yourself.


You're Staff Members, and you're there to maintain rules and regulations, not to prance around because you have a flashy title or anything of the sort. I don't want to see a slew of CS:S Staff on TS3, but not a single one on CS:S Jailbreak or whatever server needs it most.


This isn't directed to anyone specifically so much as it is to anyone in general who happens to fall under this category. This does not pertain to those who are currently busy with Personal Issues (school, work, etc).

- Dat guy, Forest

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Not for themselves.

So our positions are just to ruin our fun? We never wanted to not have fun in the first place, otherwise we would quit.



I suggest this merely because we need Staff who don't mind getting on when they need to be on if just to moderate.

I've already been told to get on 5 times today (Not kidding). Some were within 5 minutes of just leaving because the server was just fine after a mod had logged on. I left it up to him after another hour of moderating and clearing up the problem.



I don't want to see a slew of CS:S Staff on TS3, but not a single one on CS:S Jailbreak or whatever server needs it most.

Why not be on TS? It's actually one of the most fun things to do when you don't have people bitching "name freekilled me, slay him" and spend 10 minutes doing something, while other people are asking you to do something for them?



This does not pertain to those who are currently busy with Personal Issues (school, work, etc).

It seems this is one of the major things about our inactivity.

What i think our inactivity is caused by:



Busy working/at school


I've already done enough right now. I'll come on today if i want to have some more fun and/or am asked to come on because of a rule breaker.


EDIT: Also i'm starting to go running/walking with my sister now. May be even less active. :P

No guarantee i won't be active, though

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Gyazo - 04b5366fd9fee9d9ee4cd15bb7340f5c.png[/url]

What's wrong with this picture. A Moderator/Administrator position is given to those that want to make the Server an enjoyable experience for others. Not for themselves.


Powers aren't given so you can just be a higher rank than everyone else. The reason you feel like it's a job is because it is a job. Why else are you given powers to slay/gag/kick/etc if not to keep the Server enjoyable for everyone else?


If you wanted to just be someone to play on the Servers and not deal with any of that, why are you accepting this position? I'm starting to get this idea that a lot of Staff Members only took the position to be better known and more respected, and that's it.


You aren't there to have fun. Moderating isn't fun. I hate to say it, but there's truth in those words. If you guys are starting to feel like it's more of a chore and you've had enough, I strongly suggest stepping down from your position. I suggest this merely because we need Staff who don't mind getting on when they need to be on if just to moderate. Regardless of whether or not it's boring and stale, as I said earlier, your prime objective is to make the game enjoyable to others, not for yourself.


You're Staff Members, and you're there to maintain rules and regulations, not to prance around because you have a flashy title or anything of the sort. I don't want to see a slew of CS:S Staff on TS3, but not a single one on CS:S Jailbreak or whatever server needs it most.


This isn't directed to anyone specifically so much as it is to anyone in general who happens to fall under this category. This does not pertain to those who are currently busy with Personal Issues (school, work, etc).

- Dat guy, Forest




^Images broken? Wtf?

It's supposed to say "Fire all the admin!" Lol.

+1 though, agreed entirely.

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Meganrobin being a derp, as usual

I would suggest reading the previous statement again, as Forest clearly states that our staff positions are not given to us for us to feel empowered or strong, but instead to help other people have the best experience they can. As I said in Chuck's thread, I'm seeing more and more staff complain about positions that they were graciously given. If you feel that having your position is too much of a burden/too boring to handle, Then resign from your position. Feeling put-upon or sorry for yourself for having too much work from something that was given to you essentially as a gift is unacceptable. There is no problem with going on T/CT and playing for a while, but if your time playing greatly outnumbers your time actually moderating the server as you're supposed to, then there's a serious problem.

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Who is MegaRobin?

I would suggest reading the previous statement again, as Forest clearly states that our staff positions are not given to us for us to feel empowered or strong, but instead to help other people have the best experience they can. As I said in Chuck's thread, I'm seeing more and more staff complain about positions that they were graciously given. If you feel that having your position is too much of a burden/too boring to handle, Then resign from your position. Feeling put-upon or sorry for yourself for having too much work from something that was given to you essentially as a gift is unacceptable. There is no problem with going on T/CT and playing for a while, but if your time playing greatly outnumbers your time actually moderating the server as you're supposed to, then there's a serious problem. Also i'm gay.

I don't try, nor want to feel "empowered" or "strong". I just want to have fun while moderating the server, Having the occasional laugh here and there, But it sounded like he was trying to get us on 24/7 doing nothing but moderating.

I try to make the server the best as possible for other people, Including myself. No problem with that, right? It's just when i get more then i can handle in a short time, Then i start to speak up.

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Copy-pasting is harder than it should be on an iPad

I'll put this bluntly: if you're someone who would rather just play on jailbreak/any other server than moderate as you should be as a staff member, then you should resign your position. If you don't want to actually do the job you're supposed to do, then resign from your position. If you can't take some heavy moderating every once and a while, then resign your position, because staff powers aren't for you.

EDIT: this thread shouldn't be furthered derailed, if anyone wants to continue debating feel free to message me on steam

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Copy-pasting is harder than it should be on an iPad

I'll put this bluntly: if you're someone who would rather just play on jailbreak/any other server than moderate as you should be as a staff member, then you should resign your position. If you don't want to actually do the job you're supposed to do, then resign from your position. If you can't take some heavy moderating every once and a while, then resign your position, because staff powers aren't for you.

As i said, I try to make the server fun for everybody in it. When i literally CANNOT do something at the moment, And they spam admin chat/mics, While other staff members sit there watching, Well, I usually get pretty damn pissed off. But this entire thing isn't about annoyance ALONE. Because apparently that makes you guys pretty damn angry.

I will do my job. I'm just getting tired of some things. But that does NOT mean i will NOT do them at ALL.

I do not WANT to do MASSIVE moderating (Who does? we all want a nice, calm, fun server), But i CAN and usually WILL.

I've seen every one of us get annoyed, But still do our jobs, That's me too.

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Apparently we aren't here to have fun.


Look, it's been stated here. Jailbreak has become...boring. I still play it almost everyday for multiple hours. At this point I feel like I am running a daycare most of the time, however.


We need something to spice the server up. Remember when we had hub and things were booming? I feel like, if we had hub back this wouldn't even have been an issue. I don't know the details behind hub and why we don't have it at the moment, haven't exactly payed attention to that. But with hub Jailbreak would be amazing like it used to be.

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