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Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty

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not gonna post much here, but for the record, I apologized, and did so directly to kitty, without being prompted or asked too.


transcript of apology is here.





[xG:M] Moosty: just so you know vector had to remind me a day later because i felt like crap and went to bed early. I apologized for the picture and was genuine when i did. it would have been more effective coming from you though, its hard to respect people who dont fight their own battles. i've tried to help you be a better mod but you arent very open to advice. i'm sorry for offending you, and i've already apologized for the picture. i just wont interfere with you now. i won't try to help you, or be rude, or make jokes from now on. but that doesnt mean i enjoy playing with you. i honestly dont think you're the kind of person i would enjoy being around in real life, so i wont interact with you online either. i'm sorry you felt so strongly that it had to come to this, but honestly, if you would have came to me directly, it would never have been an issue in the first place. i'm sorry for what i did. the picture was dumb. and I was being immature when i made it. i just wont try to be friends or enemy's with you anymore, as i have no desire to get to know you further. i guess this is goodbye then. once again, sorry it went so far


I apologized, the apology was genuine. and i did it of my own accord. do with that what you will.

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Okay, shitstorm is active.



Forge: At times he went over the line, yes. I will admit this. When @kbraszzz and myself saw this, we did pull Forge into teamspeak to give him a talk about this. He has since VASTLY improved his behaviors both on TS and xG servers.


Muzzle: As an Admin I do warn and talk to players if their behavior affects member/other players. The vocaroo file you uploaded (and promptly deleted so we can't even use that as evidence) was extremely bad quality and hence I can see one or more of our "jokester members" use it for some material.


Telos/Izanagi: The "inviting me to a server so he can kick me" I will agree is immature and not needed. As for the "offensive comments and quoting me" The images you posted show absolutely nothing about the context behind it.



Both of these are found in the "Remove bunny skin from servers" Poll/Discussion in which we were addressing the fact the skins were broken, and Telos stated that your comment on a "biased poll" resembled that of your "remove random crits" poll

BUNNY REMOVAL THREAD: Remove The Bunnies | Xeno Gamers

[MEDIA=imgur]eHK8y8m[/MEDIA] - Post stating "biased poll"

CRIT REMOVAL THREAD: No Crits On Xg Servers | Xeno Gamers - There's evidence clearly of the biased poll they were referencing







These two images you posted from the comments are not in any way hostile towards you. Unless being called a hypocrite (which you kind of were in that case) is hostile


Starmix: Also not known to be a hostile member.



All staff are called bad at times. Myself, Origins, Vector, Moosty, Kendrik, EVERY MOD/ADMIN has been called a bad admin/mod.


PERSONALLY. I feel that this is a case where some thicker skin is needed. We ALL go through this.


Kendrick Llama: See the above regarding "calling people bad mods" as well as the "jokester members"


Moosty: You said yourself he apologized. That should be the end of that. As for the pictures (this was after the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Photoshop Shenanigans might I add) is all for fun. Tons of members had this done to them. Penguin, Spork, Muzzle, Myself, Vector, Bonfire Centipede, Forge, and others.











I am in no position to make decisions of what happens to who, but this is all I have to say.

@SPORK - Tagged for his addition of photoshopped images of myself


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As for the pictures (Photoshop Shenanigans)is all for fun.

The picture that Izanagi posted was not just a joke that everyone could laugh about.

As Izanagi knew that Kitty and himself were having problems, posting a picture making fun of her isn't exactly the right thing to do.

Why would you post a picture mocking someone that you don't like just for a

Regardless whether anyone found that funny, it was still harrassment. Gonna put my phone down now .-.

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I'm going to keep it short and simple.


There are a few cases where I can see that it went a little too far, but I also believe that a good majority of it was instigated by both parties. I do not have the background knowledge of those in TF2, and thus cannot make a good analysis of the situation. I don't mind talking in a conversation with nomulous and the other CL's to get to the bottom of it, but as of right now I'm at a 0.

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Time to rant


Has it really gotten to the point where you guys are resorting to petty bullying? As I'm sure most of you are in school/recently finished high school, I'll remind you of the countless assemblies or whatever you want to call them that we had to attend focused on cyber bullying, and yet, here we are having to discuss the same topic because you guys can't keep your dislikes of person A to yourself. As I'm sure everyone knows, we are not ALL going to enjoy one another's company, but that doesn't make it right to harass each other. As an example (and only an example), lets say i hate @Bleed and can't stand him nor can i be in the same TS channel as him because of how much i hate him. Does that give me the right to attack him? No. What should I do then? Keep my personal problems personal. There is no need to express said dislikes. All I would have to do is leave a teamspeak channel if he joins it, or better yet, simply ignore him. You know, there's this feature on multiple programs now a days called blocking, which makes it so you don't have to interact nearly as much with someone, instead of harassing said person because you dislike him/her. I personally do have people in this clan I do not like, but most people wouldn't know who I'm referring to. Why? Because I keep it to myself, there's no need to attack someone because you dislike them. It truly saddens me that I have to make a post about cyber bullying.


Now that the cyber bullying thing is pretty much out of the way, I'll go on to something else I wanted to address.

Since when did different servers become their own countries, especially among a single community? Last time I checked, the Trade Gaming History server was an xG server, not a [insert xG faction name here] server, and same goes with the other tf2 servers. Now, I only bring up CS GO because it's the division I have the most experience in, but in CS GO, we weren't divided into this group or that group, we were simply csgo players. Some people were disliked by others, but that didn't mean we had to create our own cliques centered around said ideas. Hell, when I was more involved with TF2 a year ago or so, we didn't really have this wall between each other. I remember being able to go to Saxton Hale if I wanted to, then go to Pokemon Trade or Trade Gaming without any sort of drama tied to said servers. What happened? I can see now some of the reasons why a lot of the older tf2 members left (i.e hapless, travtman, etc.) I remember everyone just gathering in one channel and hanging out, whether person A didn't like person B or not. Again, it makes me sad that I have to treat you guys like 10 year olds who fight over not sharing toys or who called who a dumb.


Fuck grammar, I'm hispanic

tl;dr read it


EDIT: Just to clarify, this was directed towards EVERYONE, not just telos, not just forge, not just kitty, but EVERYONE

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It took me a long ass time to find this but here is some proof that some of the "accused" are not the only ones being insulted/attacked





Since negative ratings matter so much to you, when @FoRgE commented on your RG Idea, you rated "Fuck You"


Even quoting from your member submission -


Yet you still file a member protest against 6 of the most active members we have for the TF2 Division.



Ban me? Fine, I'll accept that as a punishment to show just how one-sided this protest is.



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What i did with that picture was out of line, and i apologized directly to her when it happened, which was over a week before this was posted. she even said in this post that I apologized. and then I apologized once more today, without being prompted to do so. I regret what I did, I've apologized twice, they were genuine apologies, not much more to say on that. It's up to the CL's/Tf2 management at this point. Just make the right choices.

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Alright, huge block of text. Warning: don't complain about typos, smashed 3 of the fingers on my left hand in an incident involving 3 physics textbooks and water on the stairs at school on my way to IB Psych today. (Don't even get me started on my shin/knee, pics of books to show size are available on request)


Regarding the picture, I can understand that you might think it's rude, but it's a joke, using a popular meme as a main crux, if you were offended and voiced your opinion in the comments, I'd apologize, which I'll do now, sorry about that. If you want, I'll even delete the picture. Moving along, regarding the invite to the server, I DID NOT invite you, neither did tell anyone to do so. Also, there were others on at the time, it was meant to be a teamwork building exercise/MGE stuff and passwording the server, well, I legit don't know how to. (Can upload pics of plugins, of which MGE is the only one starting tomorrow, as the PC is running windows srcds at my dad's place, and there's no way in hell he's getting up this late to turn on his son's desktop for some stupid reason) Also, I did not make false accusations, yes, I had a lack of proof (the one time I don't have fraps running), but others can attest that they have been abused on by you, but let's not turn this into an abuse thread.


Now, in regards to another thing: Harassment from you. UK law strictly prohibits harassment that would cause gross offense to those to whom it relates through messages, which is defined by Oxford dictionary as, "An electronic communication generated automatically by a computer program and displayed on a screen". You rated a couple of my posts downs, so let me explain why that was such an issue. During my 10th grade year (2013-14), a math credit of mine wasn't processed correctly. This led to me being placed in a math class that was below my level and a science class consequentially that had no relation to any sort of study that I intended to pursue (earth-space, which I'll explain why it was bad in a sec). Now, I came from a school where I was top of the class, i.e. A+'s in maths/physics. Now, in the new position, I was shocked, but I just told myself, it's a year, I'll get over it and take an extra class next year to cover for it. I was wrong, horribly wrong. The math class was fine, except it was filled with kids who were a year younger than me, no biggie, right? But the science class is where it all went wrong. I'm going to be frank, the class was filled with some very stupid kids. Kids who didn't know that the sun wasn't a planet. Of course, I got ribbed a lot because of it, eventually culminating in me calling myself a retard on a daily basis. Of course, this may sound like nothing to you, but it destroyed my self-esteem until I finished my summer class, which I took to take a higher level course. This ended up destroying me for a while as well. I can take the rating as jokes from people I interact with in a pretty good way, since I know they're joing, but that hasn't happened very often with you, in all honesty. (Going into precalc now instead+IB physics, which led to my fingers/shin being in such a crappy situation.) So yes, by definition of UK law, you did harass me, and I'm expecting a similar edit to come that way as well, to amend it to add in UK law as well, @Nomulous. (pls, m8, proof available on request, as always)

So, -1. If you want any more elaborations, comment or PM me for info, PM preferred on forums.


TL;DR: Read it, pls.

@StarmiX , thanks for the defense, still want you to come back on HL, PM me on forums for conf, and thanks for the defense there.

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It took me a long butt time to find this but here is some proof that some of the "accused" are not the only ones being insulted/attacked





Since negative ratings matter so much to you, when @FoRgE commented on your RG Idea, you rated "fudge You"


Even quoting from your member submission -


Yet you still file a member protest against 6 of the most active members we have for the TF2 Division.



Ban me? Fine, I'll accept that as a punishment to show just how one-sided this protest is.


I stand by this honorably good sir, i have your back till the end.

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-I have not read any other post's or comments on this thread, i've been informed this is kitty crying about being cyber bullied.


Lets get this straight, you come into this group and you want to play on our servers "xG servers" not ours cause i'm not in this group, Anyways! You're claiming they're bullying you and cyber bullying you, Leave JUST FUCKING LEAVE IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT YOU WONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEM EVER A FUCKING GAIN. This group was founded about 4years ago and there's been so much drama in it, But i have never seen someone cry about being cyber bullied, For fuck sakes people had to stay up with Duckii jr so the damn kid wouldnt kill him self, Tarin wanted to sexually molest the damn kid, There has been so much drama in this clan and it's not ever going to stop until it closes down. You are fucking individuals with the full will power just to leave and stop it by making your steam profile private and not ever having to deal with these people again.


If you want to cry and cry that you are being bullied and not do anythign about it to stop it other then cry on the forums Please just fucking An hero already.

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I didn't want to post unless I needed to in case it would risk any further problems but there is not one time I took something innocent posted by anyone and used it to insult them thus starting problems. What you linked above were my retaliations, while few in number I did mention in the first post I did retaliate sometimes, but the retaliations were simply because I was pushed too far and had to vent. It's human nature to build up anger and release it. I hold myself back to a lot of the abuse and my retaliations are very minor compared to the amount and extent of the abuse I have received for no reason. Using my retaliations as a counter is not very good. I would like to see pictures where I was the one starting problems.

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