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Forum ban


And before you all say, "Let's deal with Kittylicious' thread first!", "It's the internet" or something along the lines of that, I know. However, that does not mean that we cannot do member protests, ban requests, etc because of those reasons.

This person has been trolling and harassing me and other people. She has also spammed the rating "Shitpost" for no reason and has also spammed her profile with "*shitpost*" after I tried to reason with her.
Yes I've done this before and that makes me a hypocrite but I think what I did back then was really stupid and sorry @John_Madden

^Chat logs from @Bonk and @Ribbit 's argument.

You can see if you look at these logs how she has harassed Bonk for no reason.

(Link to thread)

Now, for absolutely no reason, she starts spamming the rating "Shitpost" on posts that are clearly not "Shitposts" (Examples include member submissions where I +1 it, ban requests, etc).




Finally, when I posted on her profile, this happened:


As you can see, I was just posting on her profile and asked her what was wrong without saying that exactly.
(I can't think of the word for not being specific)

Incoming shitpost rate from Ribbit

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Why does everyone get their panties in a bunch when someone rates your shit.


It absolutely means nothing

Pls stop taking these so seriously cause making ban requests because someone spammed a rating is highly dumb and stupid

Even CLS and other DLs and DMs have said that you shouldn't take ratings serious

This is dumb pls close

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I'll agree that there really is no reason to be upset or irritated by the ratings as they are just there for fun. I can understand it does get annoying when people spam you with ratings, but you can always turn off the notification. Is it mature to spam ratings on people you don't like? No. But I think the situation worth focusing on here is the disrespect.


Inb4 another long example of the problem.


"How about no one cares. There was already a thread for this pathetic stuff." -Jul. 23 2014

"Pretty sure what I said made sense, unless you're an idiot." -Jul 24 2014

"12 year olds are considered people?" -Jul 26 2014

"Can you just shut the cs:s servers down already?

(And save the money, none of the other shitty divisions are worth putting money into, they're all just terrible.)" -August 6 2014

"So I was just playing RPG surf, then this raging little kid, named "Bonk" came on. and "I don't understand why you let little kids run rampet with mod? Something has to be done about this travesty, and for the future of xG. Please no more bad mods!" -Sept 10 2014

"No, I just find it amazing how the shitty TF2 div always tries butting into css division stuff. Get the fudge out." - Sept 10 2014

"Just because you missed your nap-time doesn't mean you have the right to take it out on the servers, this always leads to abuse! And you argued and disrespected back boy, so watch your mouth." -Sept 10 2014

"You think I give a fuck about you bitches crying about disrespect? Everyone fucking disrespects, you disrespected, if you think I'm not going to disrespect an idiot who can't comprehend basic things and tries to act superior to people, even though they're 12, you have another thing coming." -Sept 10 2014

"He didn't ask if I was in xG, he just flat out said "I know for a fact you're not in xG" and proceeded to kick me." - Lying on forums - Sept 10 2014

"Funny, perm ban me because I'm better than you all then -1 me because I don't take kindly to idiots." -Sometime

"Are you retarded? It doesn't show a view of me getting kills, all it shows is the kill-tracker showing my kills. And it's funny how the faggy TF2 div is posting on a cs:s div thing." -Sometime

"unban me faggots."

"Are you the one that ruined xG's population?"


So yeah. Also the chat logs from Surf.. etc.



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+1 I can show no evidence but earlier this summer Ribbit started commenting and replying some disrespectful shit to my posts. When I asked her why she was constantly, for lack of a better word, attacking me, I got no response. Speed apparently knew why and apparently I did something to her?!? When I asked what I got no other answer than "You don't remember? I was there. I remember." But than I had to leave so I let it go. Now I come back and am stalking forums and have yet to see a relevant, non-disrespecting post. She's not a very mature member and doesn't seem to care.

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+1 I can show no evidence but earlier this summer Ribbit started commenting and replying some disrespectful steaming pantload to my posts. When I asked her why she was constantly, for lack of a better word, attacking me, I got no response. Speed apparently knew why and apparently I did something to her?!? When I asked what I got no other answer than "You don't remember? I was there. I remember." But than I had to leave so I let it go. Now I come back and am stalking forums and have yet to see a relevant, non-disrespecting post. She's not a very mature member and doesn't seem to care.

Wow that's deep, and hurtful. I'm very mature, I just have no respect for ingrates.. There's a difference y'kno?

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I don't think anyone in xG (other than bleed) bases their opinion of someone by looking at their ratings bud. With that said, if its the notifications that are bothering you, you can turn them off (as shown by batman's mega sidekick). Nigguh most likely won't be banned for this, so I would just ignore him.


.. Although it is highly suspicious that I have a high level of 'British' ratings and this coincides with the amount of people calling me British :coffee:

Do you have any evidence that directly involves her harassing you? Reason I ask is that using a case of "harassment" from the Member in question toward someone else may not have been viewed as harassment by the person receiving it.


In regards to the Profile Post, that is a perfect case of "feeding the fire/troll". If someone doesn't want to acknowledge you or show you respect on the internet, just ignore them and don't try to reason with them. Keep in mind that the world wide web is full of people like this, and the best thing to do is learn to cope with it, to ignore them, or to just avoid the internet.

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