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I'm done.

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pls don't close OP's request. I need more goodbyes!

Kitty. I really don't want you to go; I know you want to. However, that does not mean that you have to spam this thread with pointless shit and make fun of others.

There was an alternate path to dealing with what happened with FoRgE, Moosty, Kendrick (etc), which was to ignore them the whole way through.

You brought it upon yourself.

Please, stop spamming this thread and just let this be a normal goodbye thread rather than a darude - shitstorm.

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I shall clear some things up first.


"I have decided I am leaving xG. There are a number of reasons I have to do this and none of them are any fault of mine.


First of all the way the CLs handled the whole member protest problem was embarrassing and the final outcome even more so.

Not entirely sure how it was embarrassing. What would have been embarrassing is if we had given bans based on evidence without checking further into things. It also would have been embarrassing for us to give a decision within minutes of the thread. We took our time to come to a conclusion that addressed a number of issues. Just because you put up a ban request doesn't mean we are going to ignore other sides of the situation. For example: If someone puts up a ban protest for someone mass freekilling, and we go through the evidence and find that someone was warden and told them to kill everyone, then we address all issues and two people get banned for different amounts and reasons.


I will not accept my demotion for doing nothing wrong, I would love an example where I have abused my responsibility as a mod to warrant a demotion, can't find one? neither can I.

You had admitted to retaliation. No matter what circumstances it is, harassment is harassment. You said they did it to you and that you did it back to them. You can't use someone elses actions as an excuse to act improperly. We have a responsibility to stop harassment against all members, not just one. You were not given a forum ban because of the much lesser extend to which you harassed others. There were other outlets you had to take care of the situation as well, which included contacted your DM or DL, or any CL who would have taken care of the situation.


All the issue needed was an announcement from a CL to those involved to cease fighting or be punished but all we got were unnecessary demotions and bans which were lifted anyway so that makes it even more pointless!


The issue did not need an announcement, especially since you made a big deal out of it. Had it "just needed an announcement" I would have thought you would have confronted us about it. CL's had no say in bans that were lifted, that was purely something that is in Silence's hands.


I am not angry at any of those involved in the protest. I have made amends with the majority of those involved and there are no further issues. That is not the reason I am leaving. I am leaving because of the CLs and the way this clan is run (with the exception of Nomulous).


I was so angry after I saw the outcome of the protest I was thinking of leaving right there and then but I kept going until the next promo demo as I heard the demotions were a temporary demotion and everyone will be re promoted next promo demo. This is not just me I feel unjustified for I also feel for Moosty. Yes he made that picture which was wrong but he apologised for it and he should not of been demoted either.


Any demotion is a temporary demotion. Members that are truly "dedicated TF2 Div trade members" would not leave a clan. You can never expect to receive a promotion, especially when the same kind of behavior continues after the punishment in which you lost your powers. Everyone did get promoted the next promo demo though, but CL's turned down all but starmix; he has shown maturity and generally stayed out of most issues since the punishment which cannot be said for the rest and thus why they were all denied promotion.


What baffles me is the only person who got demoted in the protest and got his powers back is StarmiX. This obviously points to favourism and I refuse to be in a community that favours some members above others.


I don't even think i've met starmix. Don't assume when you don't know the truth. Actually, come to think of it, I don't think i've played or let alone held a conversation with any of you before this incident. Its hard for me to play favorites with someone i dont know.

I was told by Hiding "you must earn your mod again" sorry but no.


Yes. Nobody will ever get mod handed to them. There was nothing stopping you from receiving it again, and chances are you would have got it back next time.

I already earned it and did a good job with it, you demoted me and Moosty without knowing how much effort we put in to the TF2 div trade servers. You're an idiot and how you are a CL baffles me.


I cannot say one way or another about your mod performance, and i'm sure you earned it the first time. But, you actions, along with others, caused mod to be lost. I'm the furthest thing from an idiot, but thanks for insulting me (it reinforces our decision). I really don't appreciate you calling me an idiot, that can be considered verbal abuse and harassment if it continues.


so well done CLs on this clan losing one of the most active, friendly and dedicated TF2 Div trade members. Give yourselves a pat on the back and maybe learn how to run a community properly because you are clueless, corrupt and idiotic from what I've seen.


Can you go ahead and let us know exactly how we are clueless, corrupt and idiotic? As far as I can tell we handled it in the best way that we could, although hopefully we can get answers a little faster.


I will still play the servers sometimes but I am not affiliating myself with xG."


Hope to see you around. Feel free to message us with any further questions.

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