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Psa: Don't Be An Ignorant Betch

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If someone is being an over the top kind of asshole, instead of pussying out and leaving because "too much shit" take screenshots of chat, or record a demo.


If someone is doing that in TS there is a simple mute client function. if they join channels to harass you or spam you, you wont see any of it!


When all is over, make a ban request or member protest depending on the severity!


That's it. Stop being some of the stupidest people I've seen and crying on the forums about "the salt" and how bad this place is (it is kinda bad but you make it seem worse, and only scare off the new members that could help make it nicer), instead take the action. contrary to popular belief us higher ups don't actually see everything. The responsibilities lie upon you: the Joe Schmoe average member that sees the shit happening to report it for us to do something. Remember to use valid evidence (if you're not sure what that is, you need help you should read the numerous stickied threads or ask a DM/DL to explain it to you.

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The reason why we don't is because we may still like the person, even if they are being an asshole.

If you can't help yourself, no one else will.

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I'm not great with Teamspeak, sooooo how do you record things on there? The problem is the person may use a mic and you might not be able to record what they say in time :/

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I'm not great with Teamspeak, sooooo how do you record things on there? The problem is the person may use a mic and you might not be able to record what they say in time :/

You can just leave a nice thing called "Audacity" running while you're playing your games, it's easy.

Not sure if there's anything better, but this is just from my experience.

However, should they use chat to be salty(@Barmithian ) you can just screenshot it easily.

Note: SCREENSHOT, not COPY & PASTE. because you TF2 people seem to like doing that 50% of the time

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You can just leave a nice thing called "Audacity" running while you're playing your games, it's easy.

Not sure if there's anything better, but this is just from my experience.

However, should they use chat to be salty(@Barmithian ) you can just screenshot it easily.

Note: SCREENSHOT, not COPY & PASTE. because you TF2 people seem to like doing that 50% of the time

I doubt people with a crappy computer like me and Tekage would open a browser to record things.

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From what i've experienced, it takes little to nothing at all. It's like it's not even there (to me, i have a decent [50/50] pc)

Not for me. I have a crappy computer so you know.

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You can just leave a nice thing called "Audacity" running while you're playing your games, it's easy.

Not sure if there's anything better, but this is just from my experience.

However, should they use chat to be salty(@Barmithian ) you can just screenshot it easily.

Note: SCREENSHOT, not COPY & PASTE. because you TF2 people seem to like doing that 50% of the time

So what, you'd just hit record? Cause that would only record yourself and nobody else :/

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So what, you'd just hit record? Cause that would only record yourself and nobody else :/

Depends on the settings, for me it records everybody except myself

Unless you're talking about the recording built into teamspeak, if so i have no idea what your talking about

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So what, you'd just hit record? Cause that would only record yourself and nobody else :/

Audacity generally records all sounds (depending on your settings). You can set it so that it records from your mic, or you can set it so that you can record from your speaker output, thereby recording any sort of conversation taking place in a program such as TeamSpeak. I suggest you record all voices, including yours; this way the context of the conversation is easier identified without assuming there was no instigation on your part.


Now, while I agree with everything Chrono said in that it isn't the responsibility of higher-ups to hold your hand to report baddies, keep in mind not to do what others have done in the past; ideally recording each and every event of someone you dislike as "evidence" against their behaviour. What I mean is simply this:

  1. Is what you're recording relevant to your claim?
  2. Are you just doing it to get rid of someone you dislike (is this only beneficial to you, not everyone)?
  3. Does your evidence provide both sides of the story, not just yours?

In other words, if you have a personal vendetta against someone who seems to only have a problem with you, then alert a higher-up and see if you can arrange a talk with your "enemy" while a higher-up is present to see if some sort of compromise can be made.


Member Protests and the like are typically reserved for those you think are representing the clan negatively, or if that person is an ongoing problem within a group of people; however, I'm not saying this doesn't mean you can't report someone who is harassing you maliciously, feel free to do so if you believe they are genuinely being hostile.

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Audacity generally records all sounds (depending on your settings). You can set it so that it records from your mic, or you can set it so that you can record from your speaker output, thereby recording any sort of conversation taking place in a program such as TeamSpeak. I suggest you record all voices, including yours; this way the context of the conversation is easier identified without assuming there was no instigation on your part.


Now, while I agree with everything Chrono said in that it isn't the responsibility of higher-ups to hold your hand to report baddies, keep in mind not to do what others have done in the past; ideally recording each and every event of someone you dislike as "evidence" against their behaviour. What I mean is simply this:

  1. Is what you're recording relevant to your claim?
  2. Are you just doing it to get rid of someone you dislike (is this only beneficial to you, not everyone)?
  3. Does your evidence provide both sides of the story, not just yours?

In other words, if you have a personal vendetta against someone who seems to only have a problem with you, then alert a higher-up and see if you can arrange a talk with your "enemy" while a higher-up is present to see if some sort of compromise can be made.


Member Protests and the like are typically reserved for those you think are representing the clan negatively, or if that person is an ongoing problem within a group of people; however, I'm not saying this doesn't mean you can't report someone who is harassing you maliciously, feel free to do so if you believe they are genuinely being hostile.


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