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What Made You Join Xg

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I got banned on every gmod JB server because of either hacks or i became a mod and acidentally freekilled.. or sent pics of me cutting myself... AND THEN i started playing on csgo and then this was the onlt decent server with easy to know rules.

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Played community Servers often on CS:S but I had never tried Jailbreak. Funny story, I actually played on HG for a while (where I learned the "basics") but found it lack-luster. As with Vector's case, I just sorted by players and ended up hopping on xG's Jailbreak server. Needless to say, it was chaotic and I had a hell of a good time. The Server and its Players grew on me, and I found myself playing Jailbreak more and more each day. Wasn't until a couple of months of playing that I finally submitted a Member Submission. Eventually I became so familiar with the rules that I began correcting new players, suggesting links to the site; it got to the point that I was mistaken for a Staff Member several times before I finally submitted a Moderator Submission. Sort of just tried to do the best I could for the community/server(s) at that point, and the rest is history.


This is literally the only community I've sunk this amount of time in throughout my life and it has been one hell of a roller-coaster. There were definitely people who influenced me into becoming a bigger part of something great, but for the sake of my shit memory (wouldn't want to leave anyone out) I won't/can't really say who. Needless to say, I've had a great time here and continue to do-so, even if I don't play all that often (if at all) :coffee:

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I had found GMod on my old windows XP, and I *sort of* liked it... Better than any games the garbage can of a PC could run anyways. But every single map was full of the accursed purple-black checkerboards, and after about a month I was sick of it. I decided to get some steam cash and bought a couple games that I knew would fix the errors and bad textures, but it seemed like a waste deciding to simply buy the games for their textures on GMod and not play them.


I installed CS:S to see how it was, and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of server types there was, and how fast it started up and continued to run(Yes, my old PC was that bad). 'Course, my first thought was to join a server that looked like fun. In this case, "xG Jailbreak #1 Last CT | Bombs". Since it was very well populated, being near full and was playing an interesting-looking gamemode with features that I had never heard of before.

I joined and simply watched everybody else play most of it. I was super worried about accidentally breaking rules, as I am today, but still had a lot of fun watching the shenanigans people were managing to pull off. So after a little bit I just played with the intent of trying not to do anything fishy, as well as never play on CT until I get the hang of the mode. Eventually I caught on and had a load of fun when i did it casually. Joined about a month after, and had the time of my life in future years.


"Jailbreak" was the mode that had consumed several years of my life. After settling in for a while I don't think I had anybody who had negative feelings going both ways, and after a while, I played up to 17 hours a day. Nothing but jailbreak, practicing my bhop when nobody else was around. I was the first to join, last to leave the server, beating r0bot in the hiscores. Those were extremely fun times.


Also, hub.

[spoiler=I guess some screenshots work.][MEDIA=imgur]a/VQJQg[/MEDIA]


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Plop... I'll my best to write a long paragraph....I don't want to tell many details.cause it's Extrenly long


I was finding a good surf sever..them I found a good one.

Xenogamers. remember the map. Surf_revolution.


I started kill everybody....them someone broke the Cristal...the shield turn off... And someone said in mic ( don't CAP)


In that moment ... My English was Extremely basic. So I tought. He said (DONT CAMP)


After that he put a message... But I didn't see it, cause I got disconnected. (thanks Peruvian internet ) so when I rejoined.I decided cap the point....I was happy cause I wanted to change the map.... But received a ban for a day. I'm my first day PLOP!


One week later I decided play surf again...I came back at Xenogamers. I got surprise. Cause anyone was there... The server was complete empty... Dead... I was close to leave. But the map change to Surf Mesa.(Good surf map) them I tought ... OK let's nominate something good....I saw only 7 or 9 maps

I said myselft "Haaaay concha De Mono".. I felt alone...So Them someone arrived ...


(Vac's mind )

OK... I need to practice my English so.i will talk with this Guy



I'm only said:hi.... Few seconds later he left T_T ..them other guy came ....I remember his name .. Chicken panda (the staff who banned me) he used to play at Surf server . He was active


he asked me... "do you like this server?"

I was confused . Cause my English was extremely basic to answer... But I was Enoght to understand. I said:" yes .. Needs maps.i like trails.and bhop "


(Vac's mind )

Oh no no... Probably he didn't understand. PLOP!!


Them he said... you could Make a map request.


I said :yes!!! ( I didn't understand anything Plop)


He put a link in chat. And he helped me


It was Extrenly hard for me made that map request.... You don't know how hard. I only had 2 months of English.


After that... They added my maps. .. In that moment I decided. Don't leave this server.


2 months later....he came back and he talked to me about If I wanted be a member...


I said yes (without understand anything again)


( Vac's mind )

member Hmmmm I don't know what's that hmmmm.ohh probably is a person who makes map request or gives information about surf maps :0



Them I made my guide...


I want to tell more... But I'm tired now.... It took me 2h to wrote this.

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Sorry for the bad spelling... Is hard for me write this. Cause I'm using phone with a Spanish keyboard ...also the annoying Spanish Corrector ... Putting Spanish words Plop!!! ( challenge accepted )

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I was really bored one day, and I had only ever played GMOD and TF2 ballon race back when it was cool on v2 no castle walls. So I decided to try something new, I launched CSS which I owned for gmod textures way back (think '08 '09) and I joined the server one of the very few people I had on my friends list back then, it was a guy I used to play Darklands RP on gmod with and base with (back when it was actually worked on and played by og grill gamur/cod3r darkspider) named BlacknRussian (dont remember what he went by before/after that) and I just kind of stuck around after that and made a forum account to be a member after playing with Smoker back when he wasn't even a mod in the OG days. When rabid hadn't been banned a thousand times yet, when neteX had yet to be banned for the 2nd time, when CSGO was an unimaginable concept.


It also helped that the only other game mode I played at the time was climb and since I was in the xG group because the public group was steam group banned by HG and the xG group auto invited new players, that I couldn't play the only other game mode i liked because the only good, non russian server for it on css then was HG.


kind of just stuck around since, had some school issues and that prevented me with playing during school semesters, but other than that I stayed around as mod and then admin almost forever, became basically DL of gmod before charrax was ever a thought, then silence randomly fucked the server and took away access and abandoned the project at the time, "left" for about 2 weeks when I wanted to try to start my own GMOD darkrp server with my at the time friends who then black balled me and tried to steal my shit. came back, got mod back instantly, got admin back even faster, stayed there for a while and then spechluss did his thing and went crazy on CSGO servers.


Offered to take over since poncher was doing double duty on CSS and CSGO which were both very populated since we were the 1st JB server (starbuck at the time had updated hosties for xG first before releasing it public due to the merger thing that happened) ended up getting server access and running it and managing minor issues while getting brian silence or the ever MIA starbuck to help with major issues saying "one day i'll learn to code" which never happened (life work school etc.) Dealt with the most retarded DM ever back when the concept of DM was first introduced (RIP to M A D C L) in the name of A51Nova @Bleed @ThePenguin and ended up replacing him and TChief with those 2 scrub lords bleed and penguin. CSGO would die and repopulate as school would come around so we didn't work on it much at the time, just kept a minimal staff that would return after school and leave when it began, updated maps and plugins no major changes. made sure we had the latest version of "Toobalot" on the server as the starting map for the dankest of car memes. Bleed was made a DL at this time. continued this cycle


Snackbar came back and while there was a lot of controversy and fiasco about his sucking silences dick to become the position he got in such a short time and without even consulting the 2 DLs at the time (he would make his own version of promo/demo as a mod and include his own name on it and send it to silence to edit in/post and give him powers) the only thing I am thankful to him in his return to xg is he got CSGO populated again by dedicating a lot of his time to being on the server even when nobody else was. unfortunately he was no longer the fun chill dude he was before, he was more of a power hungry egomaniac.


the rest is history.


Thats how I started and where we are today.

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I played CS:S on a friend's vac banned account to see if it was any good and tried a jailbreak server with like 5 people and found the gamemode extremely fun. Unfortunately, being that the account was vac banned, my selection consisted of 3-4 servers with <5 pop most of which I got banned from for breaking rules or freekilling. I decided to actually purchase the game once I ran out of vac-insecure servers so I could have a larger selection to play and freekill on.


Once I purchased CS:S I stumbled upon xG thanks to player count and joined while on the map leoben. Got hooked onto CS:S thanks to the xG community servers which resulted in me spending way more time than I should of playing jailbreak and minigames. Still surprised I'm still around this community after nearly 5 years despite at least two occasions I should have been permanently banned.

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I was really bored one day, and I had only ever played GMOD and TF2 ballon race back when it was cool on v2 no castle walls. So I decided to try something new, I launched CSS which I owned for gmod textures way back (think '08 '09) and I joined the server one of the very few people I had on my friends list back then, it was a guy I used to play Darklands RP on gmod with and base with (back when it was actually worked on and played by og grill gamur/cod3r darkspider) named BlacknRussian (dont remember what he went by before/after that) and I just kind of stuck around after that and made a forum account to be a member after playing with Smoker back when he wasn't even a mod in the OG days. When rabid hadn't been banned a thousand times yet, when neteX had yet to be banned for the 2nd time, when CSGO was an unimaginable concept.


It also helped that the only other game mode I played at the time was climb and since I was in the xG group because the public group was steam group banned by HG and the xG group auto invited new players, that I couldn't play the only other game mode i liked because the only good, non russian server for it on css then was HG.


kind of just stuck around since, had some school issues and that prevented me with playing during school semesters, but other than that I stayed around as mod and then admin almost forever, became basically DL of gmod before charrax was ever a thought, then silence randomly fucked the server and took away access and abandoned the project at the time, "left" for about 2 weeks when I wanted to try to start my own GMOD darkrp server with my at the time friends who then black balled me and tried to steal my shit. came back, got mod back instantly, got admin back even faster, stayed there for a while and then spechluss did his thing and went crazy on CSGO servers.


Offered to take over since poncher was doing double duty on CSS and CSGO which were both very populated since we were the 1st JB server (starbuck at the time had updated hosties for xG first before releasing it public due to the merger thing that happened) ended up getting server access and running it and managing minor issues while getting brian silence or the ever MIA starbuck to help with major issues saying "one day i'll learn to code" which never happened (life work school etc.) Dealt with the most retarded DM ever back when the concept of DM was first introduced (RIP to M A D C L) in the name of A51Nova @Bleed @ThePenguin and ended up replacing him and TChief with those 2 scrub lords bleed and penguin. CSGO would die and repopulate as school would come around so we didn't work on it much at the time, just kept a minimal staff that would return after school and leave when it began, updated maps and plugins no major changes. made sure we had the latest version of "Toobalot" on the server as the starting map for the dankest of car memes. Bleed was made a DL at this time. continued this cycle


Snackbar came back and while there was a lot of controversy and fiasco about his sucking silences dick to become the position he got in such a short time and without even consulting the 2 DLs at the time (he would make his own version of promo/demo as a mod and include his own name on it and send it to silence to edit in/post and give him powers) the only thing I am thankful to him in his return to xg is he got CSGO populated again by dedicating a lot of his time to being on the server even when nobody else was. unfortunately he was no longer the fun chill dude he was before, he was more of a power hungry egomaniac.


the rest is history.


Thats how I started and where we are today.

Sorry but I couldn't find the TL;DR part

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I had just started playing CSGO, and I was curious what Jailbreak was like so i joined a random server and it happen to be Xg Jailbreak. Everyone was so nice and I got to know everyone. then my dude Sizzle told me all about xG and I ended up joining. Love u guys <3

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Sorry but I couldn't find the TL;DR part

It's actually a fairly nice memoir, and gives a good idea that xG isn't like other communities that come up and die right after, or constantly get new people that nobody knows. It's more of a place where everyone knows someone, and you can be here for a while and not feel like you're some sort of complete loser. It's an internet home, a lot of people I met here are people I have on snapchat etc. and talk to outside of xG and video games.


Still waiting for @Cristo to hit me up IRL and go to Downtown Fullerton for some drinks since we live literally 15 minutes from each other even with red lights. But I know he's had some personal family things going on too.

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Years ago, about around five ago.


I used to play BreakFloor servers all the time by myself but wanted to do something different, so I joined JB. I honestly don't remember it, I remember faint things but yeah.

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It's actually a fairly nice memoir, and gives a good idea that xG isn't like other communities that come up and die right after, or constantly get new people that nobody knows. It's more of a place where everyone knows someone, and you can be here for a while and not feel like you're some sort of complete loser. It's an internet home, a lot of people I met here are people I have on snapchat etc. and talk to outside of xG and video games.


Still waiting for @Cristo to hit me up IRL and go to Downtown Fullerton for some drinks since we live literally 15 minutes from each other even with red lights. But I know he's had some personal family things going on too.

No need to get dramatic my dude, I was merely joking, I have been in this community (both tf2 and CSGO) for a while too and I feel the same way about it


I'm also reading all the posts and i find them all interesting in case it doesn't look like it

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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