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Sylux - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:





Time Active:

Around 28 days in game time on Pkmn server alone




I used to run GDT servers for the tf2 community, creating custom plugins and private plugins. Before I was granted ftp access to the servers I worked my way up from an admin. I also have 4 years of C,C++,swift and python programming, this is relatable for also developing linear sourcemods.




I'd like to apply for a moderator position mainly on the pkmn servers, I have been playing the servers for many years now and have grown over time and would really like to help out more for my favourite tf2 community. I'm an active member in game and out of the game I have recently been developing unique maps for the xG servers alone.


Anyone feel free to post their -1s / +1s below and with some information as to why you have selected that option would really help me out(feedback is great) :)


Thank you for reading my application.

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This is a member application right?


But in all seriousnessnessnessness(why do I hate that word) sylux is really active and has boosted up his maturity a lot on the past year. Most definitely would be a great moderator.

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Is no longer a shitlord. I +1 this because he doesn't smell bad. <3

But really, he has shown tremendous improvement.

A: 9 / 9.9

M: 8.9 / 9.8

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Sylux, was a moron. he said stupid shit. He always would be an instigator and just be a problem child. However, i put a lot of emphasis on was because as of right now, his maturity has increased tremendously. I can see why people would be very hesistant at first, but it's clear that he has improved on his attitude and worked to make himself better. He is creating content for our server as well as going on other servers. He comes on TGH and pokemon and we always have a great time. I see no reason not to give him his chance at moderator, however, i advise that sylux keep doing what he's doing and acting like a cool guy instead of someone with an attitude others saw him as (myself, i didn't see it as much).


M: 7.5

A: 9

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+1 Do I really need to explain?


A : 10

M : 10

Honestly you and everyone else should especially when it comes to someone possibly being staff. Reasons for why they'd be good, how they've improved, etc.


Sure it might not be a rule, but it helps


Putting that aside, I'll +1 too because they have indeed improved since days before, even though there can be bouts of immaturity now and again; though everyone has those. I think Vector nailed it on the head.


A: 9/10

M: 7.5/10

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