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The Xg Shadow Government (exposed)

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So this is just a for fun thread and not an actual suggestion, incase anyone gets the wrong idea, but long story short in my government class our warm up today was to design an effective leadership structure for any large group of people that would fit on a notecard, and since online communities were allowed I chose xG. Here goes. It's really not that interesting.



4 CMs, one vote a piece, if tie, goes to council. Council is any odd number of "elder" members who are appointed by CMs, but can be removed with a CM majority vote OR by a community poll of members with %70+ approval, simple council majority breaks tie. Council can deny a promo from DLs by majority vote, with majority quorum, but if the same person is brought up to be promo'd the next cycle, it must be a 70% or higher council vote the second time.



It doesn't cover everything, but it isn't everyday xG is part of classwork, so I thought it was cool.

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Write us a Constitution. Make it authentic by pretty much outlawing the apostrophe.


We the people, in order to establish a stable community, have created this Constitution of xenoGamers.


ARTICLE I: Legislature

Section I:

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Council of xenoGamers, which shall consist of the Community Moderators and Clan Leaders.

Section II:

The Community Moderators shall be composed of Moderators chosen anytime by the People of the several Divisions, and the Electors of each Division shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Divisions of the Community Legislature.

Section III:

The Clan Leaders of xenoGamers shall be composed of several Clan Leaders from each Division, chosen by the Divisions thereof, for a permanent time.


ARTICLE II: Executive

Section I:

The executive Power shall be vested in a higher Council of xenoGamers.

Section II:

The higher Council shall be the Commanders in Chief of xenoGamers and the Moderator of several Divisions. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Community Moderators, to make Announcements.

Section III:

They shall from time to time give to the lower Council information of the Monthly Update.

Section IV:

The higher Council and all Moderators of xenoGamers shall be removed from Moderation on Demotions for, and Convictions of, admin abuse, game crashing, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


ARTICLE III: Judiciary

Section I:

The judicial Power of xenoGamers, shall be vested in one Moderator Council.

(I just slightly copied the American Constitution)

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it isn't everyday xG is part of classwork, so I thought it was cool.

Funny enough, I actually used my experience here with Xeno Gamers (as general Staff, Division Manager and Co-Leader) in my resume/cover letter when I applied at EA. During the interview, there was actually a large focus on what my responsibilities/duties entailed with Xeno Gamers. Just thought I would mention it here as a neat example that xG can actually have a real-world influence/impact :coffee:

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We the people, in order to establish a stable community, have created this Constitution of xenoGamers.


ARTICLE I: Legislature

Section I:

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Council of xenoGamers, which shall consist of the Community Moderators and Clan Leaders.

Section II:

The Community Moderators shall be composed of Moderators chosen anytime by the People of the several Divisions, and the Electors of each Division shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Divisions of the Community Legislature.

Section III:

The Clan Leaders of xenoGamers shall be composed of several Clan Leaders from each Division, chosen by the Divisions thereof, for a permanent time.


ARTICLE II: Executive

Section I:

The executive Power shall be vested in a higher Council of xenoGamers.

Section II:

The higher Council shall be the Commanders in Chief of xenoGamers and the Moderator of several Divisions. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Community Moderators, to make Announcements.

Section III:

They shall from time to time give to the lower Council information of the Monthly Update.

Section IV:

The higher Council and all Moderators of xenoGamers shall be removed from Moderation on Demotions for, and Convictions of, admin abuse, game crashing, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


ARTICLE III: Judiciary

Section I:

The judicial Power of xenoGamers, shall be vested in one Moderator Council.


(I just slightly copied the American Constitution)

We need to vote for a type of government.


I vote anarchy

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Funny enough, I actually used my experience here with Xeno Gamers (as general Staff, Division Manager and Co-Leader) in my resume/cover letter when I applied at EA. During the interview, there was actually a large focus on what my responsibilities/duties entailed with Xeno Gamers. Just thought I would mention it here as a neat example that xG can actually have a real-world influence/impact :coffee:


so when do we get ea game coupons and free game giveaways?



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Lets be honest, what could you possibly want from EA.

For my online activity to work without having to set up a time for them to call me... For their online chat support to let you sit there with it and wait for a CS Rep, instead of timing out after being open and "inactive" for 2 minutes because unlike blizzard where it has the chat window open and prompts you to let them know you are still waiting it is just a loading bar that won't even ask if you are still waiting. For e-mail responses to come back within a few days, not a few weeks. For support to just plain not be shit.


pls forest tell your support bitches to work even though you aren't CS

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For my online activity to work without having to set up a time for them to call me... For their online chat support to let you sit there with it and wait for a CS Rep, instead of timing out after being open and "inactive" for 2 minutes because unlike blizzard where it has the chat window open and prompts you to let them know you are still waiting it is just a loading bar that won't even ask if you are still waiting. For e-mail responses to come back within a few days, not a few weeks. For support to just plain not be shit.


pls forest tell your support bitches to work even though you aren't CS

I'll submit a support ticket for you.


Will let you know how it goes 3 months from now :coffee:

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@Forest could you please stop online only games from being shut down with no end of life plan?


We now need a painting of our first leader. Like Washington crossing the Drlaware River, or somethimg.

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