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james8470 - Minecraft

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In-Game Name:





Division Manager

Time Active:

Since August 5th




I have gotten to know the xG community, the forum community, and of course the Minecraft community pretty well over the past eight months I've been here.


I owned a Minecraft server myself for well over two years, you can find some of my old work here:
During this time, I also learned some basic java so I could program my own plugins, became well aquatinted on the Spigot forums (the leading site for plugins), and became pretty familiar with a wide variety of plugins including Towny.

I have spent countless hours writing complex configuration files, and though trial and error I've learned a lot about how to stratify YMAL file conditions.




Why I am applying?

I first joined the Minecraft division months ago, just to check it out.

Maybe I would've applied sooner, but I lacked one key thing: passion. I was into solely TF2 at the time. However, I've gotten back into Towny and I'm having a blast on xG's server. I have loads of experience managing a small Minecraft server, but none of that is any good unless I care enough about the server I'm managing to dedicate large portions of my time and effort to work on it. Now, I do have this passion for our Minecraft division, and I want to help.


The server has gone though a lot of issues recently, from permissions breaking, to a close to two-week downtime, and a couple of other bugs and issues such as vote rewards not working, or this:
, which @Amylicious and @XHina_sanX had to deal with, and still are right now. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you guys are bad DMs/DLs, in fact I think you're great. However, I can see that you're overwhelmed.


I've offered my help before in the Minecraft division without actually applying for staff, and while my offers haven't gone unappreciated, they have never really been accepted, either. I don't blame any of our staff members for doing so, they should turn to each other for help and try to solve it themselves before they place the trust of the division in the larger xG community, after all.


So, with the backstory cleared up, here's my reasons for applying summed up:

1) I want to help out our overwhelmed staff members in the Minecraft division.

2) I want to help fix the game breaking bugs and issues in the server, which have made it unplayable.

3) I enjoy making things in Minecraft, and that includes config files and plugins. I would actually enjoy working on the server.

4) While I appreciate the simplicity of the server as it is, I want to add more content to the Towny server such as minigames and events. This is because I want to have a larger player base on our server, and I think @Amylicious is on the right track when she say's her plan is to do just this in the future. I also hope to achieve this by adding voting rewards. Building a player base will take time, but it grows exponentially as more players frequent the server, which means donation money grows with it, too.

5) I enjoy writing, and I hope I can also become a forum moderator as well and help update the guides (
). This is a step towards that.


What experience do I have? (continued)

In my old server, I set up an enjin website, set up voting (with a listener, so rewards would come to the players for voting), purchased plugins and developed a few, and of course I had to deal with quite a few naughty players.

I ran a few different kinds of games, most of which were customized versions I created myself:

1) Factions (an RPG version)

2) Towny

3) Ability-KitPvP

4) Deathmatch (a game I based off of TF2, complete with textures, sounds, and guns)

5) Creative (people could submit their builds to be added into other games running on the servers!)

6) Mega Morphs (a game where you would morph into mobs, gain their abilities, and fight customized bosses)

7) Various kinds of events, from simply "defeat the giant and win a drop party at the end!" to full on holiday events which were practically their own little game.


Why am I applying now? Why at this particular time?

Well, I'd been thinking about it for a couple weeks now, but decided not to because I wanted more than a month of experience on xG's Minecraft Division, and frankly I just wanted to play the game and it seemed like Amy and Hina were handling it well.

But after this rapid succession of bugs and issues the server has had, I feel like I just have to step up my game and offer my help though an official application.

In addition, with @Atamo's application having recently been accepted, I feel him and I can help each other out and work together well, especially since he has years of experience as a server hoster, and I contrast that with experience as a server owner.


What are my weaknesses?

I don't think it's fair that I tell you guys all about what would make me a good DM, while neglecting to mention what might hinder me. We all have weaknesses, sure, and I think you should know them before coming to a decision on whether or not to throw me into the staff roster.

1) I've never used bungee-cord: I used Spigot and Craftbukkit, which are very similar always. I've never actually used bungee, which is something I'll have to learn along the way. I plan to compensate for this by reading some guides, learning the API for bungee (so I can write plugins for it), and revisiting some of my old friends if I really get stuck.


2) I'm a bit of a showboat: The last thing I want to be known as is a bootlicker. However, I have to admit I need to be recognized as someone significant or important. I don't need to be the owner of xG or something, just someone with a little prestige. It's just the way I am, I guess.

I honestly already feel like I'm someone important in xG, and I'm content with myself where I am, which is one reason why I didn't apply sooner and why I wasn't even planing to until very recently.


Finishing statement

I don't expect @Rhododendron or @Amylicious to trust me right of the bat with control of the server. All I really want is a little leeway to at least help out in the Minecraft division, even if it's just a little. Nevertheless, while the majority of my friends are from the TF2 division or forums, I hope they can still provide some helpful input and attest to my trustworthiness.


(Tagging a few close friends from TF2, and all Minecraft division players I know are on the forums. Sorry if I forgot to add one or two of my friends please don't be offended if I forgot you. :emoji_ok_hand:)

@Aegean @Elcark @Krampus @Natsu @Ct_QuantumStar @grap_grop @TBOHB @Radiant @TheSupremePatriot @ClassicGamer64 @Thunder @ael_fjordling

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+1 for DM


Very eager to help out and seems to know their stuff when it comes to configurations and such.

Never had any issues with them at all.


I’d be down for james getting DL after being DM for a little bit.

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+1 (For DL) The server needs more people with experience (like you) to help it grow server wise and community wise. Like you said, they seem to be overwhelmed with the requests for stuff and fixing the servers problems so I feel like we need someone with the knowledge and experience to help handle things.

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Wow, thanks for all the vouches guys!

I'm surprised so many of you are eager just to bump be up to DL. :eek:

If you guys actually trust me that much, great! The more permissions I have the easier it will be to get things done. That being said, I'd still be fine sticking with DM. Well, it's actually hard for me to say because I have no idea what kind of access Minecraft DL has over DM. Whatever's convinient for @Amylicious and @XHina_sanX works for me.


There's something @TheSupremePatriot brought up which I probably should've mentioned in my application;

5) I enjoy writing, and I hope I can also become a forum moderator as well and help update the guides (★ Guide Update Suggestions ★ | Xeno Gamers). This is a step towards that.

If you were the author of a guide, I will always ask you before I would edit it, and also tell you what edits I would be making (unless the author has left the clan). It's just courtesy, right? :P

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Wow, thanks for all the vouches guys!

I'm surprised so many of you are eager just to bump be up to DL. :eek:

If you guys actually trust me that much, great! The more permissions I have the easier it will be to get things done. That being said, I'd still be fine sticking with DM. Well, it's actually hard for me to say because I have no idea what kind of access Minecraft DL has over DM. Whatever's convinient for @Amylicious and @XHina_sanX works for me.


There's something @TheSupremePatriot brought up which I probably should've mentioned in my application;


If you were the author of a guide, I will always ask you before I would edit it, and also tell you what edits I would be making (unless the author has left the clan). It's just courtesy, right? :p

At the moment, DL and DM are the same thing when it comes to minecraft (power wise).

Edited by virr (see edit history)

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He is a really good guy and fun to hang out with, I've only seen him on the tf2 servers since I don't play minecraft but from anytime that I have been on with him he is a great person and definitely trust worthy. Also considering all of the recent stuff happening with minecraft and how qualified you seem to be from what you have provided, this is a definite +1 from me for Dm/Dl.

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You're more than qualified, James, as well as needed it would seem. +1

We all know him from one game or another, and we're aware of his enthusiasm/capability/solidarity. Truely one of the best people around! I would bid you good luck but it's evident you won't be needing any, I'm confident you'll make a fine DM/DL. ;)

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Let it feel special! :mad:



It is special!


The reason for us doing it that way is because it greatly eases up on the workload when it is split between two people instead of one. DL's are still Division Leader and DM's are still Division Managers, but when it comes to minecraft they both have server access.


It's very possible for it to change once if the division takes off, but thats how it's set up right now.


Best of luck @james8470 !

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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your experience is vital to help taking Minecraft forward, it is true I am overwhelmed with the issues the server is having and to be honest at a bit of a standstill at this point so somebody with not only experience in configuration but also in plugin creation is absolutely more than welcome on the team. I would love to work with both you and hina so together we can bring the minecraft server to what I envisioned it can be.


so thats definitely a +1 from me.

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