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Regarding Map Votes

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Hey everyone! Quick update regarding adding and removing maps through votes here on forums.

Map votes will in the future be decided based on multiple factors including yes to no ratio, issues with the actual map in question and from stats on mapstats.xenogamers.com. The map being removed or not is ultimately decided by the higher-ups with input from you guys, so it is important that you leave valuable and contructive feedback in the thread. This is different from before where we only counted poll votes into the decision.

The goal for this change is to lessen the effect of "troll-voting" and get more valuable feedback from active players on our servers. We understand that this might be seen like a power move for the higher-ups to have more control over the map pool on servers, but i will personally make sure that it won't and that the discussion is kept as unbiased as possible. If there is any questions feel free to reply to this thread or private message us if that feels more comfortable ?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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Memes aside, how exactly will input be considered on discussions deciding whether or not a map is removed?  Is it going to be more black and white where you just pile all the negatives and positives together or something else?  I notice the map stats going into account and the problems with the map but I feel like theres gotta be more to it than that so I'm genuinely curious how big of a role feedback plays in this. @virr

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8 hours ago, Caleb956 said:

Memes aside, how exactly will input be considered on discussions deciding whether or not a map is removed?  Is it going to be more black and white where you just pile all the negatives and positives together or something else?  I notice the map stats going into account and the problems with the map but I feel like theres gotta be more to it than that so I'm genuinely curious how big of a role feedback plays in this. @virr

We'll be looking at a couple things when making our decision. I can't give you all the pointers off the top of my head as some are more relevant than others depending on the map, but as an example;

  • Community feedback (poll, thread replies, etc etc)
  • Technical faults (lighting issues, performance, etc)
  • Play rate, connect/dc ratio, mapstats basically
  • Design issues (too narrow/chokey, sniper dominated)

Some of these will carry more importance than others depending on the map in question. Some maps don't have any performance issues at all for example, while others have a lot. However, community feedback will always be the #1 decider in if i map gets kept in rotation or not. This is of utmost importance and i cant stress enough how much valuable and well constructed feedback matters.

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