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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Ban suggestion (Just hear me out)

    I've already posted this in a different thread, but as a topic that I feel needs attention I am going to copy/paste what I wrote as well as add on a few things. With the amount of people making arguments about bans I wanted to provide my personal input and what I think makes sense. I think that we should keep perm bans PERM if they were banned for a legitimate reason and only unban if they were actually WRONGLY banned. But, seeing as this is xG we love to keep giving people second chances such as when people mass freekill (including members lately). But why do you think they do this? They do it because they know that they will be easily unbanned. Now honestly, if they make a protest in a much later time along the road maybe it can be put into consideration. They won't necessarily be unbanned, but w/ how lenient the clan is the odds are in their favor. However at least at this point they will have already served a time. I just don't get why these days people are considering perm bans optional. If you are permed you are permed, unless the ban itself was wrong then shouldn't any argument be done at that point? Also, not that I am in favor of taking the say away from the community but there's something wrong when somebody who just got permed (regardless of their current position or former position in the clan) can get his friends to +1 with crap saying that "he contributed a ton to the clan". Well that sucks doesn't it? Regardless of what he did in the past, he fucked up and got perm banned. We can't just unban people we like if they broke the same rules others did and were banned for it. What I suggest is, at least in some limited way, to limit the input on ban protests to mods, admins and divs of the respective division. Hopefully, (and i realize it will prolly just lead back to the same +1ing for friends situation) the staff will provide unbiased input in the protest and not simply unban bc they like the person but +1 if the ban was actually wrong. Also forgive my bs grammar typed it on my new phone still getting used to it lol
  2. 3 points


    I gave a "fuck you" to balance it out. Hue hue
  3. 2 points


    lelxd my naems warrior and I liek to change rulz so i cean remember dem bet4r, and so i nevr hav 2 admit that im wrong evri once an a while, jus like evri othr human being. How about this, let's just change it to how it was before? Was there really any big problem regarding whether or not CT's can fucking thrown flashbangs/smokes/HE grenades? Just use some common sense people, if the CT's are using the grenades at the expense of the T's, slay them (the CT's) for inciting rebellion or hindering T's from completing orders. If a CT is stupid enough to throw an HE grenade and it hurts/kills some T's, then slay/teamban them for freeshooting. Easy as that.
  4. 2 points

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    Or just keep perm bans PERM if they were banned for a legitimate reason and only unban if they were actually WRONGLY banned. But, seeing as this is xG we love to keep giving people second chances such as when people mass freekill (including members lately). But why do you think they do this? They do it because they know that they will be easily unbanned. Now honestly, if they make a protest in a much later time along the road maybe it can be put into consideration. They won't necessarily be unbanned, but w/ how lenient the clan is their odds are in their favor. However at least at this point they will have already served a time. I just don't get why these days people are considering perm bans optional. If you are permed you are permed, unless the ban itself was wrong then shouldn't it be done at that point?
  5. 2 points


    +1 @@Warriorsfury You're barely on jailbreak, if you did, you would know that is a stupid rule to add. Maybe if you're going to write motd you actually think about the people who play every day.
  6. 2 points

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    I was giving evidence to support that piece of his statement, not necessarily agreeing with his whole post.
  7. 2 points

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1, even though half of you might not know how much older of a player he is, hes been playing xG 1 to 2 years already, his old name was Broseph Stalin. Hes a mature player, ran a division, has few bans. Hes a fun person to play with also. @@Warriorsfury Lets say he DID intentionally do it, without you getting proof of having someone else do it. People have been unbanned from permanent server bans for stuff 10 times worse than this. Yet lets say the person server banned was a friend etc., you would likely +1 them (That is how xG runs nowadays, It thrives off of favoritism, and the most that was done about it ever was removing aegean,even though i do like aegean, he did do that shit). Laith is a good guy, played for awhile, rarely ever broke rules or anything.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points

    Minigames Revamp?

    first thing's first, HUB! +1
  10. 2 points

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 Didn't I team with you in DayZ a long time ago? o.O
  11. 2 points

    I'm getting sick of stupid people

    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@orangejuice @@Kirito @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety So the general run down here. Round was a warday in Soccer. T's were allowed to leave their cells at 7:00. Apparently a T left his cell early, however Matsi killed the T and wasn't in soccer by 7:00. If t's are allowed to be out of their cell by 7 and they leave early and aren't killed AT OR BEFORE 7, THEN IT IS A FREEKILL. I didn't change my reasoning on anything, I also included you weren't in warday on time for another reason for the slay. I kicked you because you come onto CS:S thinking you know EVERYTHING and acting like the admins don't know anything and then disrespect us over a slay. If a freeslay occurs we do slay ourselves, freeslays happen. However, you shouldn't disrespect in admin chat if something happens. Shadowspy, you continuously argue with DM's and admins and assume you are right and everyone else is wrong. You are wrong on it not being a freekill and not needing to be in warday area by the time t's can leave their cells. It is no where in the rules that as long as CT's are on their way to warday area they won't be slain. I have only ever heard YOU enforce that rule.
  12. 1 point

    Herro, Im new!

    Hey, Im ShyGuy! I am new to the forums and new to most of you but some of you might as known me as magma-sama (now shyguy) on the css jail break server. I know I have been a dick a couple times and messes up, but I hope it can be water under the bridge. ANYWAYS, I have a lot in store for everyone here at XENO GAMERS! :depressed:
  13. 1 point


    I detect trace hints of acute butthurtitis, I would suggest 50cc's of "going outside" and "giving less fucks about something that is entirely pointless and has literally no impact on your life whatsoever". If people honestly care so much about some red pixels on a damn screen, and think that said pixels will forever determine your fate/reputation, you need to immediately get off the internet, and stay off for a long time. Seriously people, it's just little markings on your post that most people put down as a joke, if you take this shit so seriously to the point where you want to get ratings reset just so you can appear better to new members (these stupid ratings shouldn't matter anyway, it's the physical interaction with people in-game that will really determine your reception within the clan, not how many "likes" or "dislikes" you have) then once again, please take a glass of water, and pour it all over your desktop and monitor.
  14. 1 point

    Ban suggestion (Just hear me out)

    It should be a perm ban, people know the rules and they know the consequences. It's getting obnoxious now that people you were permed can be unbanned, like you said, because friends can +1 them. I know I've given quite a few people +1's when they were permed, but the second you say "a perm is a perm" people throw examples at you of other people that were unbanned. To make it as fair as possible I think it would be best to allow those who are currently permed a deadline from protesting, say June 12th, then after that date no protests are allowed. Once that date passes, anyone who is or has already been permed will stay permed. Making it so Div leaders, DM's or any other staff member make a decision about a perm will not solve any problems. Arguments will be created because of friendships between the staff member and the permed player altering the outcome. Make it simple: A perm is a perm.
  15. 1 point


    What the cuss? Are you serious? Just because of one instance where it caused confusion among Staff Members, you're going to implement a controversial rule that is technically already in effect? Things like this can be avoided if you didn't have your pride so far up your bum to even bother to check the MoTD Rules before arguing that you're 100% correct. I'm getting distressed with the amount of Staff Members who are insisting that just because they have a position of power, means they are Always right. +1 for the removal of this "addition" - Dat guy, Forest
  16. 1 point

    Sparrow - DayZ

    -1 attitude of a 5 year old
  17. 1 point


    New rule: Flash and Smoke Grenades The use of flash and smoke grenades CANNOT be restricted but the action of THROWING CAN BE RESTRICTED. CTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THESE UNLESS IT IS WARDAY OR IF IT IMPAIRs ANY T/CT. T's can also use frag nades and it will not be considered rebel UNLESS IT DAMAGES A CT. So you can't restrict them, but you can restrict them? I don't even.... (Let's change it back to the rule that everyone had been following)
  18. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    Chrono, Minecrack was unbanned by you. I don't see the point of your post. Anyways, he accepted responsibility for the mass freekill, it has been 2 months. We've unbanned others who deserve to stay banned. Don't see why you're -1ing @@Warriorsfury Now all of a sudden you want to "make perms perm"...
  19. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    Give me your friends number. I want to ask him a few questions.
  20. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    God bless you man. People like you are the reason why xG is still in existence. Thanks again
  21. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 I'll go ahead and agree with an unban, he served nearly two months, at least he admits to taking full responsibility for his friends actions.
  22. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    His ban has gone on for over a month now. It'll be 2 on June 12th. And as we all know, a permanent ban in xG isn't a permanent ban. +1 for the unban.
  23. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    While I do agree for an unban, just because you make a division, it doesn't mean you're mature. *cough Duplolas cough*. +1, Laith has been teambanned for long enough, and there is really no chance of something like this happening again. I'd support an immediate unban.
  24. 1 point

    laith - Counter-Strike: Source

    Nigga what? +1 im his brother, i did it
  25. 1 point

    I'm finished

    Pinoy Pinoy, you're the one who's enjoying this whole thing. I wanted to settle things between us and get things straight, but you had to go and act like a complete asshole and not hear me out on anything. @@diabeetus thanks, I didn't know you all that well, but people said good shit about you @@Sousei didn't know you either, but thanks. @@MineCrack @@serbiansnaga only reason I'm involved at all is because he keeps messaging me. I feel bad for Dukakis, but if in fact he's lying, fuck him. As of now ill back out of this. If he isn't Server or TS banned, just unban him from forum. That's my view.
  26. 1 point

    Late-night JB

    Or maybe just a password Warrior.
  27. 1 point


    I could set it so members can only rate posts...
  28. 1 point

    Bomb Stuff

    When I see: "Don't Bleed nominated ba_jail_electric_csgo_r3!!!" Makes me wanna: it makes you want to play league of legends?
  29. 1 point

    New(sort of) MoTD Game

    If anyone could successfully test this ingame (With permission from Staff Members of course) that would be amazing. After doing so, it would be great if you could post on how it worked out and if the players enjoyed it. After all, we don't want to implement another game that no one likes //cough FR/LR //cough. Also, if anyone could, run a test on how it works out Without Tasers, then how it works out With Tasers so we can determine whether or not it should be allowed.
  30. 1 point


    Here's my opinion. I don't care if it's someone that's doing it for fun. However, in the case of Laith I think he's doing it because he doesn't like Pinoy. Even though it is the forums and I mean, ratings don't matter. It is annoying to some people to get spammed with negative ratings because someone's upset at them.
  31. 1 point


    if it makes you feel better, I gave you a positive rating.
  32. 1 point

    Last T baiting and gunplanting

    -1 Deal with it.
  33. 1 point

    I'm finished

    You guys were assholes to Duckii Jr. Lost a lot of respect for you guys for that. This isn't bye. I'll just see you around. Haha.
  34. 1 point

    I'm getting sick of stupid people

    INB4 all you fucking losers give neg rep... Dumbass in CS:S slays me because I killed a guy for leaving his cell early on warday, so of course I'm like WTF?! and argue the point, THEN he changes the reason I was slayed from "freekilling" to "not being in warday area by 7" so I comment about that and get kicked... Seriously is CS:S just a bunch of fucking idiots that spam chat "GG NO RE" and "IM SQUIDWARD" or is there anyone that has an IQ higher than -1?
  35. 1 point

    I'm getting sick of stupid people

    > Still plays it anyways. >Logic.
  36. 1 point
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0 @@Harry @@Harry @@Harry @@Harry +1 for longer ban
  37. 1 point


    The thing is @@JustSavage, you're freekilling on a server xG knows about, and that is somewhat popular, when other xG Admins and stuff have massed or trolled on a server, its not actually a clan server and its a very small/depopulated one (One server ik xG people like to do this on is that RPG South Park JB shit). Anyways, see ya, you were fun to have around (Except when u killd me every time i rebelled).
  38. 1 point

    Bomb Suggestion (Til hub is back up)

    I don't see why not, it will only be temporary until hub is back any ways. It would be great to at least have that to keep the players entertained. I'm sick of seeing groups of CTs struttin' their stuff right behind the Ts, actin' all high and mighty :rage:
  39. 1 point
    @@Sparrow Something like this?
  40. 1 point

    easy - Counter-Strike: Source

  41. 0 points

    I'm finished

    I came here in late august of 2011 excited, I discovered JB. xG's server was the best, I enjoyed it! xG was a sweet clan too! Cool members, awesome server (almost always packed), and I got accepted fairly quickly. Fast forward to Late 2012; people leaving, trolling, etc. We had a good group of guys, and it's all gone. I'm sad I'm leaving, as I enjoyed most of my time here, despite the drama and stupidity. @@Gkoo you were awesome, keep doing what you're doing. I'll surely keep contact with you bro. @@Hidingmaster You were one of the coolest guys, one of the last left. Stay classy @@serbiansnaga Man I don't know where the clan would be without you, you're a good guy. Best of Luck @@Echo You were a good man, you were always there to defend those who needed it. @@Warriorsfury Grow a pair, quit sucking up @@Chrono quit acting like you're the shit @@PiNoYPsYcHo Straight up liar @@silence .... @@daddiodoug gg no re At this point, I don't care what most of you think or say, as 90% of my friends left xG. Best of luck to the clan, I'll be on JB every once in a while. I'll check to see how far down the drain the clan falls. Edit 1: I also forgot to mention you're treatment of Dukki JR was absurd. The way you harassed the kid was ridiculous. He was a nice guy. Sure he might have made mistakes early in his membership of xG, but what happened last month was uncalled for. You assholes who hopped on the rape train escalated an already bad problem. You only worsened the problem you claimed you were fighting for. Lastly: @@DrPepperPhreak Stay a good mod, don't go abusing. You were pretty chill @Vector I've seen you on, you're pretty chill as well. Stay classy bro
  42. 0 points

    Sparrow - DayZ

    Division: DayZ In-Game Name: Sorrow_Xvi-Clic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29415665 Banned: Yes Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 18 Further Information: I was accidently Perma-Banned on the Gmod Dark RP server by JakeEnglish.
  43. 0 points

    Last T baiting and gunplanting

    It is technically considered interfering with LR if it is becoming an annoyance for the Terrorist. CTs are not supposed to interfere with LR, and if the T requests to not be gunplanted or baited, then CTs better not gun plant or bait (continuing to do so may lead to a slay). It's his/her Last Request, he/she can do whatever they want (to a certain extent). It's like having a CT running in front of a T who is doing Shot 4 Shot for the sole intention of being an annoyance, which is slayable. -1 for any sort of rule implementation regarding this as it is implied. - Dat guy, Forest
  44. 0 points

    Its been fun

    I was just about to put in a ban protest for echo
  45. -1 points


    Yeah it's kind of fucking gay when I donate $20 for hub and now you wont put in what you have. I check out hub and the current working features alone are fucking awesome.
  46. -1 points

    Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source

    YOU DON'T FUCKING CHANGE We have already tried HOW many times? 6 or 7?! Why are you not forum banned... -1
  47. -1 points


  48. -1 points


    it's really annoying to see a fking HUGE red fking bar AKA all from laith
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