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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    i have no idea why you just exploded in keyboard rage all over this thread, it was completely unnecessary and made you look like an idiot. the reason you gave us is bullshit from our point of view, we've heard that excuse before, and regardless of whether or not it was true, we can't accept it as a valid excuse cause then everyone would think they could use the same excuse and get away from a mass freekill. you demonstrated poor leadership by taking a personal problem between you and xg and brought in your clan as well by threatening to perm them if they played on xg servers. what they do with their steam account is their choice alone, u have no right whatsoever to even think that you can tell them to play on this server or not play on this server. how you handled this was almost the worst way possible to handle it, you are punishing your own members for a mistake that was yours and yours alone, in fact you may have fucked over your clan because of this cause i could just decide to perm all XEC members from our servers with the only way of being unbanned is to leave your clan. however, unlike you, im not a complete raging, idiot 12 year old, i THINK first and not complain like a little bitch. if you had played on xg servers before and browsed our forums, ud know that the brother or friend excuse does not and will not pass off as a valid reason, but u probably didnt and are saying that as a way to curry favor among others to make urself look like ur a long time player or something. on a related note, it was a 1 week ban and you're seriously butthurt this badly? if anything i should just server ban you perm so we never have to deal with the likes of you again, i know plenty of my members would enjoy seeing that come to fruition. you're not getting unbanned, as for the perm server ban for you, ill think about that, be lucky that your members arent getting banned from our servers P.S. unrelated to topic, your grammar is god awful, please go out and buy every single version of reader rabbit and play it until you remember even a shred of proper english -sealed away in the last great time war
  2. 2 points

    jail brake

    holy fuck you just made my day Edit: also you just made it onto my signature
  3. 2 points

    jail brake

    Sadly, it's completely up to the player who is playing as the Warden. They can give the order "Talk over Warden you're a Rebel or will be muted", and CTs will have to minimize the amount they talk over Warden or risk being muted, and Ts can be killed (after 2 seconds of the given order) for talking over warden. If there is ever a time that CTs keep talking over the Warden, a Staff Member will give a warning before issuing any mutes. If it is really a problem, you can let us know by typing @ in Team Chat, followed by your complaint. As an example: > Hit 'U' >@CTs won't stop talking over Warden Then the Staff members will hopefully deal with it. Hope this helped! - Dat guy, Forest
  4. 2 points

    Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source

    First off, as stated earlier, you are liable for whoever is on your account. Why on earth would you let your friend (who obviously had no prior knowledge of Jailbreak let alone any experience) play on your account on Our server, without even directing him/her to our rules. Letting your friend play on your account on a game mode they have NEVER played (where one of the basic and most popular game modes for the game itself is Team Deathmatch) is just a recipe for disaster. Second, where is this disrespect you are preaching about? Every member here was merely stating that your reason was naive and over-used. No one called you names, no one insulted you or disrespected you, no one said you were stupid for using that reason. If anything, you just started your very own shit-storm by deeming us all disrespectful players. Before you even Mentioned perm'ing members from your server (or ours, I honestly don't know what you were referring to) there was no disrespect, but you just opened it up. Third and most importantly, What Disrespect Toward Your Clan? You think that just because you're in another clan you get a special reason to be unbanned? You think that just because you don't get your way, you can just throw a tantrum and threaten us with permanent bans? Words cannot begin to describe how ridiculous your argument sounds. Just because we won't unban you, and just because your reason isn't a Valid Reason to get unbanned, you're willing to start a thing between your clan and ours? If that's the case, I tip my hat to you and say that you must be a great Leader, starting conflicts because you decided to take offence to something as trivial and tiny as this on another clan's server. If you're going to be a Leader, take responsibility into your own hands and don't over exacerbate the situation by calling us out and Assuming that there's this personal vendetta from our clan against yours. I wasn't going to say any of this, but the moment I read; I could not begin to believe how ridiculous this sounded. I was going to respectfully tell you why your ban protest was going to be denied and why your reasoning was lacking any solid proof or an appeal, but I can see that you've made up your mind with that post of yours, so I might as well give my opinion on this mess. Good luck mate. TL;DR - There is none, if you don't want to take the time to read this, don't worry about it. /end rant - Dat guy, Forest
  5. 2 points
    +1 for shortened ban, its a confusing new map and do not believe the freekills were intentional.
  6. 1 point

    Admin Activity

    Most of the admins on the servers do their job, and they do it good, but I have something to say. If you are the only admin on, please do not tab out when you die. If there are 2+ admins go for it and tab out, but people mass freekill and break the rules and you guys don't see it. That's my rant, thankyou gg
  7. 1 point


    Why doesn't Silence just advertise on forums? Banners here and there I wouldn't mind to keep the clan running, it might even help meet the goal that donations haven't. Just a thought.
  8. 1 point

    An Old Member

    How autistic are you? If you wanted to be unbanned, you would have. Stop shit posting, and do something productive, like actually attempting to become a better person. Please, go to a doctor, and check if you have autism.
  9. 1 point


    I'm pretty sure we were banned by Google from ever using AdSense, so we'd have to find another way to place advertisments on the site. I guess I wouldn't mind all that much.
  10. 1 point


    I'm down. +1 Adblock - haven't seen an ad since 2011.
  11. 1 point

    Photoshop Sprays

    Alright you don't HAVE to do this but: My name in pink and cyan (xSpankyyx) Light gray backround Paintball guns on both sides, barrels slanted to the middle. NO DETAIL on the guns, so its just all black, chrome it if you would like. (Preferably Planet Eclipse Ego 11 on the left and a Empire Sniper pump, look them up) pink and cyan paint splats around the entire thing. SORRY this might be to hard, you don't need to do it if you think you wont be able to.
  12. 1 point


    Porn advertisements pls
  13. 1 point
    can i join you i lost my skittles.
  14. 1 point

    Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source

    I've talked with Jericho for quite a while about this and pornhubs ban, and I've explained quite clearly that I don't see any disrespect (at least prior to the statement he made about banning people). As of right now this is not going to get solved, not to say that it won't soon, but leaving this open is not helping. Jericho wants only limited contacts, me included (plus higher ups). If we get this solved, which would be the best, then good. But turning this into a fight on forums is useless. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo or @@serbiansnaga please close.
  15. 1 point

    Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source

    I can honestly say Ive never heard that one before. that refers to homework, my teacher in 10th grade told me he had a kid bring a bag with his hw in it, with shit all over it, and a note from his mom.
  16. 1 point
    This.. +1 for reduced ban time (3 days-2 weeks)
  17. 1 point

    Caretaker - Counter-Strike: Source

    No, this is Jake, like Korean, Whorean, Jake, and an extensive list of other names. My vote: -1 A: ?/10 M: 5/10 Reasoning: I don't necessarily play CS:S all that much anymore (I don't play steam much! but when I do, I devote it to playing with friends or managing csgo) however I do know you. I know you as a person, and while you are typically kind hearted, there are some negative aspects. (Bi-Polar): I put this in brackets as you may not necessarily be legitimately Bi-Polar, however you have that sort of attitude, when someone disagrees with you, you tend to argue (understandable) but you also tend to specifically target them in the future for anything, trying to start arguments, you also tend to act more annoying to them, than the normal annoying (but manageable) way you are with others. [you typically start spamming more when they are in the channel in TS] Un-Faithful: let's be honest, I lost count of how many times you have left and rejoined, much like Duckii Jr. each time you decide you are bored or you don't like a specific few people, you post a goodbye thread, and are already a member of some other community, you then come back after a short period of time and then ask for membership again, only to leave after a couple months. Abusive: Now this hasn't happened recently in particular with him, but he had abused his div leader powers when he got them, just before he left, where he would impersonate others, ban people he didn't like, etc. while he hasn't really had the opportunity to do it, this is something to consider if he is accepted in, whether he should be mod or not. (the most recent case of this being Duckii vs. Brian & Minecrack) Remember this is not a personal attack on you, I find you fun and enjoyable, however these are observations I have made, as well as numerous others. The second reason is actually something silence was talking about (and is still considering) where you get about a 1-2 week grace period from when you post a good-bye thread to rejoin, otherwise you are not allowed to rejoin at all.
  18. 1 point
    Earth. He has plenty of hours on csgo, BAM the ranking only has him down for less than an hour in the past week on our servers. pls use brain before posting mtown Edit: its not just week, apparently hes been so inactive it actually cleared his previous connects Implying that I have a brain.
  19. 1 point

    Xg Member Gallery

  20. -1 points
    +1 A 9/10 M 10/10 Was a mod on CS:GO who did his job well and was friendly with the community. Got demoted due to inactivity. +1
  21. -1 points
  22. -1 points
  23. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

  24. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

  25. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

  26. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    You didn't really do anything anyways. Might as well ask for demotion to admin instead of full demotion to member.
  27. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    nothing to do but only discuss about promos and demos. And pretty much some minor issues. But i'm still admin. Might u know do something as well *COUGH* leave k babe
  28. -1 points

    ShadowSpy - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source Staff Name: ShadowSpy Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30352392 Evidence: Xeno Gamers Reason baddie=u, dont disrespect Further Information: He TKed me and didn't slay himself so I called him a badmin at which point he gagged me for "disrespect" and then I began an arguement that calling him bad at admining is not punishable under the rules for disrespect, which then got me a kick and a ban... His reason for the ban calls me bad.... That is some really hypocrite shit right there....
  29. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    bebe... BEBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i.. crie. i crie... i crie er tiem.
  30. -1 points
    +1 A: 3/10 M: 8/10 Because populate JB and you sound like an overall decent human being.
  31. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    Just fyi guys, i'm not a DM anymore.. anyways i'm gnna miss my DM tags. been there for quite awhile :'(
  32. -1 points
    +1 M 3.875/10 A 11/10
  33. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

  34. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    well, glad to see you step down. I never liked you pinoy, you were an abusing, lying asshole. I really hated you. Glad to see your shit wont be around much longer.
  35. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    well, glad to see you step down. I never liked you pinoy, you were an abusing, lying asshole. I really hated you. Glad to see your shit wont be around much longer. why do you still come on to this site and hang around and start shit. like do you have nothing better to do with your time?
  36. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    well, glad to see you step down. I never liked you pinoy, you were an abusing, lying asshole. I really hated you. Glad to see your shit wont be around much longer. Kind of wish this was punishable. Oh wait, it is. Do not post any more rude comments. Is that in the rules Warriors? Since when is rude the truth?
  37. -1 points
    +1 A 3/10 M 9/10 Operation Populate CS GO JB
  38. -1 points
    +1 great guy A 0/10 M 7/10
  39. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    Rude? u know the truth and u kept saying the excuse that ur brother was in ur account. U abused I did my job end of story. And can u please kindly get out of my thread? OOOOOOO SHIT LAITH YOU JUST GOT MUTHA FUCKIN TOLD SON I didn't get told at all, I just don't waste my time. I'm out of this thread
  40. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    OOOOOOO SHIT LAITH YOU JUST GOT MUTHA FUCKIN TOLD SON I didn't get told at all, I just don't waste my time. I'm out of this thread
  41. -1 points


  42. -1 points
    +1 QuangTang was great when he was here and was a some-what useful mod
  43. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

  44. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    OOOOOOO SHIT LAITH YOU JUST GOT MUTHA FUCKIN TOLD SON I didn't get told at all, I just don't waste my time. I'm out of this thread NOT ONLY TOLD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BUT BANNED. lol
  45. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    I didn't get told at all, I just don't waste my time. I'm out of this thread NOT ONLY TOLD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BUT BANNED. lol "I'm not trying to get my post count up."
  46. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

    NOT ONLY TOLD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BUT BANNED. lol "I'm not trying to get my post count up." that thread was made so i can get ideas of what to code when i'm capable of doing so.
  47. -1 points

    Stepping down for DM

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