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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/13 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    Yet Another MoTD Game Idea

    Alright so, this game is nothing substantial, but it Is something new. The game is called Mine Sweeper. How it works is actually quite simple. Here's how it will work (May only be played with double the amount of Ts to CTs such as 3 CTs to 6 Ts): Warden announces that Mine Field will be played A starting point and an ending point will be given (illustrated below as Point A and Point B) Ts are ordered to unstack shoulder to shoulder, facing the direction they will be walking Ts will turn their flashlights on and look straight up CTs will then lay down the "Mines" (CTs will randomly lay down their sprays along the Ts path, but are not allowed to respray after doing so. Should a CT decide to respray, their spray is no longer a Mine) Warden will instruct Ts to shift-walk to the other side. If Ts walk across any spray at any point (or even touch the spray at all), they "explode" (KoS) Ts may strafe in any direction, so long as they are heading toward the ending point. CT sprays may not be connected in any way, nor can they be in close proximity. The minimum space must allow a player model to walk through without touching either spray. To provide an example, here's a poorly drawn picture by yours truly: Gyazo - 15e8cf6ea0bc26a330ed3acb236f3766.png That's pretty much it. One can argue that it's similar to Cliff Hanger, but with a twist. But you know what, Panda Freeday is the exact same as a Ninja Panda Freeday, only with the addition of the ability to jump. - Dat guy, Forest
  2. 4 points

    What did everyone get?

    xG's Bills.
  3. 3 points

    Metal Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBwu83RR6ZU Something a bit more out there.
  4. 3 points

    What did everyone get?

    League of Legends skins
  5. 2 points
    your banned because you broke the rules l24once. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p12coHOA51Q
  6. 2 points

    Funnest Gif Thread

    i have more but takes to long to upload
  7. 1 point

    Proposing New Day

    Snoop Dogg Day. The last word of your sentence must end with "izzle" This applies to T's and CT's on mics and in game chat. We tried it out today and I can honestly say I've never had more fun on the JailBreak server. Examples: "All T's unstack on the red line-izzle" "Guncheck freeze-izzle" Don't knock it until you try it. I'm just trying to spice up gameplay a little, we need new days, ideas etc..
  8. 1 point
    +1 used to be in the clan was a cool guy hes a nice guy knows the rules and plays a lot and then disapeared like a faggot. buts he back but your still a faggot A:7 M:9
  9. 1 point

    omg work/school/girlfriend(Lul)

    That better not be you in that gif.
  10. 1 point
    i say that everyone be banned from ct but me and basically yall can only play when im on cuz you cant exactly play without a ct. gg my ideas best +1 me for number 1 grand ct dick tator
  11. 1 point

    nut, bust a nut on your face.

    May i annoy the annoying one?
  12. 1 point

    What did everyone get?

  13. 1 point

    Anyone want Terraria?

    side note, willing to trade a chivalry copy for some swag. pref money but will take tons o cards.
  14. 1 point


    Sup bishes . . All I want to say is . . . . How is everyone becoming a mod but me ?? :(
  15. 1 point


    Its because they still havent gotten around to promoting me yet
  16. 1 point

    What did everyone get?

    Got Borderlands 2 and Season Pass with Mechromancer. And McPixel. But now I've only got .35 in my wallet.
  17. 1 point

    Who smokes weed more than me?

  18. 1 point
    Lapis seriously is a fun guy who has a great attitude as well as sense of humour. The only grievance I've ever seen with him would be the one mass freekill he performed (intentional). I don't expect that he'll ever do something as stupid as that, but he really was a great member of xG back then. Because he is applying for the CS:GO Division, I can't exactly provide a legitimate vouch, but I can still give my opinion. A: ?/10 - Do not own CS:GO. M: 7/10 - Takes complete responsibility for his actions, does not start arguments, and tries his best to keep a sense of fun. He also keeps a level-head and doesn't blow things out of proportion. Maturity is slightly below where it should be (due to intentional mass freekill). D: +/-0. Can't give a legitimate vouch for this Division, but I can say that he's a great guy. - Dat guy, Forest
  19. 1 point

    omg work/school/girlfriend(Lul)

  20. 1 point

    What you guys like to drink (alcohol)

    Wine [box Wine Preferably, because I don't have a developed enough taste for the expensive stuff yet.] Cranberry + Vodka tastes like Robitussin, but still pretty nice. Vodka Straight [Maybe in flames, changes the taste a little.] Jack and Coke. But my all-time favorite is Beer. Ranked in order, of course. German Beer Mexican Beer American Beer
  21. 1 point
    For those of you who don't know acquiring a taste for alcohol is like acquiring a taste for soda. Don't drink soda for about 6 months and see how shitty it tastes. But over time just like soda you acquire a taste for alcohol.
  22. 1 point

    I'm back.

    Welcome back.
  23. 1 point

    I'm back.

    fuck off fgt
  24. 1 point

    I'm back.

  25. 1 point

    I'm back.

    I peed a little.
  26. 1 point

    I'm back.

  27. 1 point
    One thing I heard on the radio right after the trial made me laugh. Some person called into the station with a deep accent saying "I dhink that this zimmer guy got away with merdar and I dink he even paid off the judge since its an old white guy who is retired" Radio host hung up on her LOL.
  28. 1 point
    prius, the legal system is built upon the fact that you are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, you cant justifiably call zimmerman a murderer if he was never convicted for it, and when u put it in black and white like that than it would be an open and shut case but like all law cases theres always other factors to consider like whether or not he killed him in self defence, point of what im saying is george zimmerman is innocent
  29. 1 point
    I spent the last school year spending the last half of my day in a Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice class.
  30. 1 point
    Only reason its a case is because of the racial situation. He was released after the incident and only was called back in after urban outrage and tweets saying #justice4trayvon. There was clearly a confrontation and the results happened. With a lack of witnesses and credible ones at that, its tough for a jury to come to a decision regarding the case. The defence did their job, the prosecution didnt do theres. Trayvon was 5'11 160 while Zimmerman was 5'8 190, I find it hard to believe personally, that zimmerman would have lost that "fight".
  31. 1 point
    Read the post with my glasses on? Look at what you said...
  32. 1 point
    the jury was all women though
  33. 1 point
    if it was so obvious that he was lying, than the jury shouldve known about it and convicted him but they didnt cause the case against him wasnt strong enough, its beyond a reasonable doubt, and if theres reasonable doubt, than they cant lawfully convict him
  34. 1 point
    everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, george zimmerman is considered innocent in a fair and public trial, the fact that everyone is butthurt that hes not been proven guilty just goes to show that the legal system shouldnt be determined by close minded, quick-to-react idiots that derive their conclusions based on the emotion of the situation and not solid facts and evidence. this is how problems are dealt with in xg, if there is no solid proof of someone breaking rules, than we will not punish them for it, no matter how pissed off the person accusing them is. the prosecution fucked up and the defense did their job properly, george zimmerman has been acquitted and people should get the hell over it, only reason why anyone cares is because it was blown up by the media, if it wasnt, it wouldve come and gone like the thousands of other court cases in america. also have some knowledge of law or some kind of legal background before commenting on something you know little about (this goes to everyone in general, not being specific or anything)
  35. 1 point
    This shouldn't even be posted, just gonna be a bunch of butthurt people saying that their side of the argument is right. gg no re
  36. 1 point
    There has been no evidence that Trayvon even touched George and if you read FL law he had every right to defend himself but he didn't have any blood on his hands so how can you beat someone up without your hands? George is still a murderer, first Casey Anthony now this prick. It's a shame nobody killed them yet. so this isnt evidence enough for you? Nor is the bullet projectory? It was going angled upward as if at someone on top of him
  37. 1 point

    ortizant81 - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 the entire time I have been on CSS today I hear spamming "OYA!" over the mic like every 15 seconds.... Even after people asked him to stop and he was muted a couple times for spamming over warden. A:7 M:4
  38. 0 points


    Sureeeeeee, I still wont believe the twin brother thing til theres a pic of both of u
  39. 0 points

    Anyone want Terraria?

    He said might. Which means he wont.
  40. 0 points

    I'm back.

    Welcome Back Praise Satan
  41. 0 points
    I'm happy with the outcome. Trayvon did attack him. He was stoned and had a past of drug related issues. He also owned a pistol. In Florida you must be at least 21 to own a pistol. Thus it had to have been acquired illegally.
  42. -1 points
    jury was composed of white men from Florida. trayvon had no chance.
  43. -1 points
    Sarcasm Mode On: Right because rain completely washes away everything and completely. Peechis just because we have different opinions doesn't mean you should act like a fucking child just because I don't agree with you. If you actually look at the case and followed it then it should be clear that it was only light raining and I'm assuming you seen light rain before. So deal with it when someone thinks differently and don't rate all my posts "fuck you" because of that it's childish.
  44. -1 points

    I'm back.

    who are you again?
  45. -1 points

    Anyone want Terraria?

    Lol Just buy it. Its only $2.49
  46. -1 points
    Plus Juan. Lives in murica A 8/10 M 8/10 Niggers arew niggers slaves are slaves
  47. -1 points

    What did everyone get?

    What did everyone get so far for the steam summer sale... I have purchased Borderlands 2 x1 TorchlightII x1 Fallout 3 x1 Sins of a solar empire rebellion x2 Arma 3 beta x1 Far Cry x1 And this is all from steam i also got 450$ worth of crap not from steam for an online game so lawl...
  48. -1 points

    Funnest Gif Thread

    Funnest gifs pls No gore, or animal abuse (Some people go too far)
  49. -2 points

    Problem with a Mod

    So going in buddha and sitting around spawn, DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, is spawncamping? I think not. And killing friendlys isnt against the rules. Also, I was waiting in the trees waiting for someone to exit spawn, once they got far enough away from spawn, then I hit them with a gangsta bat, or goomba stomp them, then I sticky jump away. I dont even go on the pokemon server that often, the last time I went on the server was 2 days ago. So, everything you just said just gave me the impression that you are half retarded.
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