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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/13 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    It's only ratings
  2. 5 points

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    Make better posts. Problem solved.
  3. 5 points
    Not my fault they are all shitposts.
  4. 5 points

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    the only annoying part might be the alerts, which is easy enough to remove. I honestly dont care if im spammed with ratings. inb4 im spammed with african
  5. 4 points

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    I don't see the problem here.
  6. 4 points

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    You should make better post. +1
  7. 3 points
    @@Forest If its not the FrLr thing I was accused of loop holing for, then when did I loophole, and like I said I'm down for earning it back if this is denied anyway, was gonna do that originally, but its hard when you have 1 DM who is bias against you and many others The only part I ignored you guys was doing the race on tile after you guys said no, the warday on tiny medic I was never warned not to do before doing so, and after I did it that one time, you guys pulled me on TS and told me not to. The station part I didn't put them infront of armory the 2nd time, I sent them into ST and the new spray was comparably farther away than previous, and during that 1st round I wasn't told it was not allowed until after it started. Also you just warned darkwolf for being biased, he messed up on my report abuse, strike 1, messed up on chronos report abuse, strike 2, you had to warn him now, strike 3, I mean seriously I'm demoted for this minor shit but he's not demoted for being biased as a DM? How many more times does he need to be warned? I was demoted after being warned and continued doing so, the same happened to him twice, now 3 times, and he's not demoted? What he does is 10x worse and he's a higher rank. I would really hope you look at what he's done.
  8. 3 points

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    We had 3 threads about this already and you didn't say anything however when it happens to you, it should immediately get removed. lel.
  9. 2 points
    So.I can't keep something to myself this big. For those 2 wardays he got on to get proof. He took off his tags and just started recording. He had friends on the server, (reporting stuff to dark about shadowspy)saying stuff to dark. He told people to get proof so he(shadowspy) can be demoted. You really wanted him demote darkwolf. And thats not right. @@xShadowSpyx @@DarkWolf6052 @@serbiansnaga @@Gkoo @@Forest @@Hidingmaster . darkwolf you been trying to get him demoted for awhile. I feel this was wrong to do. You were targeting him when you join the server not the regulars that could be freekilling. and after one of the wardays you said in ts he will be demoted. Dont hate me for this.
  10. 2 points
    I think the real question here is: Why do you care?
  11. 1 point
    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: ShadowSpy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30352392 Information: I wasn't banned, but theres no real section for this so.... First things first, i ask you not immediately close this, if it turns into a flame war, just ban the person doing it. Second, this isn't off of me personally, people keep telling me i shouldn't be demoted for what I did, so im making it. Alright, to start, ill say what the demote reason was Loopholing- Finding an exploit in a rule, and using it to your advantage Not listening to DMs- thats self explanatory What i'll admit to - I did get warned about doing warday in certain invalid areas, and proceeded to do so anyway, the DMs had a talk with me about it on forums through private conversation, and on teamspeak once, so I can't say I wasn't warned for that. What I think was wrong about the demote - Even though I did the wardays in the invalid areas i.e race on tile, it has two spots to go in, but only one can be open at a time, opening one closes the other, deathrun on blackout(which is a valid spot imo, but was told not to because it could cause freekills), and a few more i dont remember off the top of my head, but i still did them. If any regular warden did that they'd be CT banned ( for however many times he did it, and for how severe they were ) The punishment shouldn't be demote just because i'm an admin. As for the loopholing part - *STRAIGHT FROM THE MOTD* - "First/last reaction cannot be played to determine lr." So i'm doing a round of wardening on sand, theres maybe 8 to 10 Ts , I say i'm going to do trivia to exclude 2 Ts from Fr/Lr, so 2 Ts get excluded, 1 being @@SonicRainbow , and 1 other who I dont remember, then i do first reaction last reaction with the main group, there is 2 ts that i excluded alive, and 2 ts still playing alive, note that you can't do it for LR. So with the 2 unexcluded Ts, i get rid of one more, making 2 excluded alive and 1 of the main group, darkwolf then slayed me and said "You can't do that with 2 Ts" (Which is found nowhere in the rules), I ended up doing it again on some other map, Then I was accused of loopholing for doing that, even though loopholing is exploiting a rule, I only looked for what I could do, and acted upon it. Thats basically it, im only asking for an un-demote since the stuff I was demoted for was invalid ( the loopholing part was invalid) and the Invalid warday parts (not listening to DMs) was taken too far, when at most that should only be a CT ban, for the amount of times i've done it i'd say a week or month CT ban. You also can't just not acknowledge the fact that im currently the most/second most active admin, and that i've been playing xG longer than all the current CS:S Mods, admins, DMs, and our CS:S Div leader . @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Hidingmaster EDIT: I want to add something. I don't want anyone +1'ing this for the sole reason of being my friend give a reason please, and likewise i would hope people dont -1 for the reason of being my enemy, or that your "friend doesnt like me so you shouldnt like me either". Give your true and honest opinion on the situation
  12. 1 point

    Professor Genesis's Classroom

    I always make sure to carry at least one banana on my person to keep my potassium levels up. Lack of potassium ( Symbol K, Atomic Number 19) can cause severe cramps such as shown.
  13. 1 point

    XenoGamers Sweepstakes

    yup you realized. YOU
  14. 1 point

    Ban Matsi for Speedhacking

    +1 I experienced this hacking first hand. As much as I like having Matsi in back of me this has scarred me for many lifetimes (including past ones).
  15. 1 point


    What does it smell like? It smells like you, cuz you're fat and ugly
  16. 1 point
    @@Superkiller67 kid I am THE kool kid. Have you even seen my TS channel? It's the new Warrior's room, only the koolest kids are let in.
  17. 1 point
    Agreed. It would be about the same thing though. If you exclude a T, whether they're there or not, having two Ts participating in the FR/LR would be very similar to determining LR with it. It would pretty much be a loophole on how to do it down to LR, while not activating LR by playing it. The first warday inside of race on Tiles, was not valid at all. This was already determined. Two doors can't be open at the same time. One closes, the other opens, and vice versa. This means its a one entrance area that he was warned not to do again. Agreed. I don't have any problem with Shadowspy. Gkoo and I both agreed Shadowspy was ignoring us after we warned him previously, and finally decided to take action. Shadowspy is pointing out that Serbian said not to treat different people differently; well we aren't. He is being treated the same. We gave our warnings. He ignored our orders. Just because it was done as a CT doesn't make it different. He was a staff member who we expect to be a role model to the lower ranks and other players. -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052 As far as the "Similar to determining LR" part goes, I didn't do it for LR , there is no other real way to put it unless you're trying to find an excuse to make it look bad, Loopholing is exploiting a rule when it doesn't really specify something, then you abuse the part that isn't specified. I saw "You cannot do for LR" and I acted off of that. The warday in race on tile map, dark is correct, 1 is open at a time, but now that I actually think about it, that doesn't make it not 2 entrances, and it doesn't make the other door stay closed, the Ts can just press the button to open that one RIGHT after the other closes, there's no timer for how long you can open it afterwards as far as I see. So even though 1 is open at a time, it's easy to open the other really fast after the other T goes in, and it's still two entrances, so although I was warned for it, it's still a valid spot. Ignoring DMs- So if a DM tells me not to do something like trivia (that is in the motd) , even though its something in the motd I would have to listen? I would think not. Obviously I have listened to them for the most part, and the only reason I did any of these things (warday in race and trust day on station) over again after being told no is because there is no reason that it shouldn't be allowed. If the only reason it's not allowed is "Because I said so" (from a DM) then wtf? I wouldn't see a point. Trust Days- The one on blackout was wrong and I haven't done one since, the one on station ISN'T wrong because it's their choice, and yes hidingmaster im sure Ts will rebel, but that's only because they're Ts and that's what they do, I didn't say to go in armory, or imply it, like I said earlier does that mean we cant put them in big cage if it has any vents? It makes no sense. And I didn't ignore darkwolf on the trust days with station, I didn't do it a 2nd time, I moved the spray farther away and had them go into ST room. @@DarkWolf6052 , yes if another ADMIN did this stuff, he COULD be treated the same, but if you can't treat me the same as someone who doesn't have something like staff powers, you're doing something wrong, you can't change punishment due to ranking in the clan. @@Hidingmaster What you mentioned about the "Did the bickering and dislike for each other influence the punishment?", as far as darkwolf himself goes, I'd definitely say so, without a single doubt, any time I was on he PURPOSELY sat in spec to get proof on me for the demotion, now I wouldn't mind if it was for a reason other than he WANTED to get me demoted just because I want him demoted.
  18. 1 point


    liar, youre on the forums now
  19. 1 point


    power goes out. 1 truck cant fix. must take 14 more. still cant fix. retarded repair men.
  20. 1 point

    Its My Birthday!!!!!!

    Happy Bday Lemons Your Da Best Heres your present: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdSJ1--kBZ4
  21. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    Alright now that i'm charged and awake, I have virtually NEVER see shadowspy be a problem, whether it be moderating or wardening. he has also been an admin for a long while and is consistently active. Now, i'm not saying he shouldn't listen to DMs he clearly understands that he did something wrong, HOWEVER, does this really show he is a bad admin? i mean demotions are generally because the moderater doesn't do his job correctly, or at all. As of late when i'm on i don't really ever see these so called trust days, i just see him moderating and playing very well. a CT ban would be much more necessary then a demotion. +1
  22. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    You have to face demotion. This would not be a problem if you are the "most/second most active admin". It is an easy promotion to get your rank back up. But we can't make deals with staff members on promo's and demo's. You serve your time just like the others have. What you have done in the past is the past. Now show me the action that comes after it and we will re-promote you. I still currently stand by my opinion to keep you demoted to moderator. Show me that you can change this, not by words, but by actions. So.. technically. -1
  23. 1 point


  24. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 Shadow is one of the most active staff and it he wasn't being a loller and loopholing every chance he got he only did it once and he stopped when he was told too. I don't usually say much but give Shadowspy back his admin. #GiveShadowAdmin2013
  25. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1. I'll try to keep this short, as typing on this ipad is giving me cancer. Here's the thing, pretty much 100% of the time I have been on, Shadowspy has also been on, and as a T I have personally experienced each of these "trust days". They've never really caused "mass confusion/tarping", and only on rare occassions has there been some kind of snafu. I understand that you DM's warned him, however I hadn't seen Shadow do one of these in a few weeks. In my opinion, a teamban would have been a much more appripriate punishment, as Shadow was at no point being a poor admin.
  26. 1 point

    TS3 integration

    Want your black member star back? well, it's fairly simple. all you have to do is click on your name, hit TS integration, then go to your TS3 Application and do this: Setting > Identities. you should see your unique ID, now on the website just paste your Unique ID into the box and you should get your star back.
  27. 1 point
    You were warned previously twice about the invalid warday spots. After us discussing the first time, involving the discussion about your "trust days", which you did stop, you continued the invalid warday spots. You even chose a spot that we said the first time was invalid. This is the first invalid area you chose that you repeated after us warning you not to do so: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW0_4VPJcUo And then, the next time you did a warday, you did one on top of a medic station. This was on the same map. It was yet another invalid area; on top of a prop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u5iMJw0Ctw Now, we had warned you previous through the race warday, because the race can only have one entrance open at a time. Also, days you have stopped, but we also had to warn you multiple times in the past were "trust days" Location on a certain map was in front of armory on Station, and you mentioned you "trusted" the Ts not to run inside. All but 3-4 of the Ts ran inside of armory, and the 3-4 non rebellers that stayed on your spray, were freekilled. Here is one of the locations. My spray is where you put your spray and had them stand. Aside from this, the next round you tried the same thing, but had them stand right at the black/yellow line at the same place. This was after I told you not to do this again. And then, on BlackOut, you also did the original "trust days" in Death Run, standing on this location, and "trusted" the Ts not to run and activate the dinosaur. One time in the past, a CT ran in there and caused a mass map kill, which resulted in a teamban on his part. My spray was on the part around where you had them stand. The red line represents around the trigger for the dinosaur. About your FR/LR day with two Ts involved, having two others sit out, here was my previous reply that I still stand by. -1. I don't plan on immediately re-promoting you. You are a very good admin, yes. But, you ignored us after warnings. We shouldn't have had to tell you more than once, especially on the same map spots. Gkoo and I had discussed it together on Teamspeak and finally had enough. You had been warned, and ignored our warnings, so we demoted you to moderator. @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  28. 1 point

    Its My Birthday!!!!!!

    It's actually 11:30 where I'm at. I'll congratulate you in 30 mins bb grl
  29. 1 point
    @@Rhododendron would be great if you could add a function on Forums so you can decide between getting alerts for Ratings or not getting alerts from Ratings like Bleed suggested. Also, if spam is an issue, as mentioned by Super, @@Rhododendron could always just set it so that you can't rate a post from the same person within a certain amount of time (For example: Rated Warriors' post "African". Now you cannot rate another post made by Warriors for another 5 minutes). Granted, it won't completely stop spam in general, but it will stifle it unless the person spamming has 5 minutes to waste for each notification given.
  30. 1 point
    Lol, making this thread just gave him 11 more negative ratings so far
  31. 1 point

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    is this an open invitation to spam you? @@Enforcer we need your spam
  32. 1 point

    Reasons why ratings should be deleted:

    is this an open invitation to spam you?
  33. 1 point
    @@SonicRainbow dont relate to me. i tried he rejected me :O anyway what rainbow said. Okay so that mean the loophole of fr/lr is invalid. and wardays deserved a ct ban only . so dont hate me but i would like to see him promoted. Me and rainbow hated each other like crazy. and one day me and him kissed and made up :) be friends this is a friendly community. Lets love not hate. #promotemyniggashadowspy
  34. 1 point
    to many negative rating on one post hides it lol. rate warriors post to get it deleted.
  35. 1 point

    XenoGamers Sweepstakes

    he's on to us @@Forest D; no legit doe, we aren't "working together" i was trying to get him to put it above his head so he couldn't look in (and get his face on cam again) but he cheated (jew'd) me and did behind his back.
  36. 1 point


    They wouldn't ban us with that banner. of course. how long did it take you to make? 10 Minutes
  37. 1 point
    Shadow has been a member (and probably an admin too) for a long-ass time, and likely knows what he's doing. I'm confused whether the FR LR part was valid, Same with the warday areas. Shadow has helped me for a while since i got mod (Questions, letting him deal with stuff that i have no clue about, etc) Honestly, He knows more than i do and i'm an admin. He was also extremely active on the servers, Helping people out and making it more fun. As for "doing FR-LR for LR", I'm confused on whether it means literally GET LR, or deciding who gets LR ( but not 100% guaranteed ) while the other ones rebel. +1 for re-promotion. But still, I don't see much wrong with what he did, Other than a few accidents people may not have known about.
  38. 1 point
    he is the most active admin on!!! still I am confuse of why you got demoted also. Active as fuck and actually does an amazing job as admin. He is a long time admin. I also do fr/lr when 3 ts alive but 2 ts arent rebelling. I feel that is not a loophole. In the MOTD it states you can not do this for lr. well 3 people alive its not being done for lr. #repromoteshadowspy2013. Once again no admin mod or DM is as active as shadowspy. Come on guy stop hatting on shadowspy. You guys are trying so hard to get him demoted. Im not taking anyones side btw. I love both partys. I might just like one party a tiny bit more.
  39. 1 point

    xShadowSpyx - Counter-Strike: Source

    Shadow is one of the most fun/active players in CSS and i always enjoy rounds that he wardens or even his presence as a T or CT. He is always answers the questions people ask about the servers or MOTD, and always controls the server (i.e. slaying freekillers, muting trolls, etc; ) making him one of the best moderators (should be admin) to play with. As for the loopholing accusation nobody really complains about it so why make such a big deal about it. Althogh I can not speak about the not responding to DM's i can say that shadow is very respectful to everyone that ive seen interact with. A promotion to his original rank of admin is well deserved in this situation. +1
  40. 1 point

    XenoGamers Sweepstakes

    whyd you let a faggot win
  41. 1 point

    XenoGamers Sweepstakes

    Are you and Chrono working together #conspiracy
  42. 1 point

    Why me

    DuckiiJr, What the fuck is it gonna take to get through that thick, shit-filled skull of yours to understand we don't want you back? You've hacked, trolled, made threats, made threads about those threats, made threads about the threads, mic-spammed teamspeak, been dissed by your Senior, and now this is your 5th account on the forums? This just proves you don't learn a single thing. You say I'll stop or I'll change, but what I'm seeing here is nothing but a repeat after repeat and repeat. I'm pretty sure that even if you went to a therapist, silence still wouldn't unban for 2 reasons. It's Silence You've shown so much immaturity that it's impossible to crawl your way out of it. You have a petition to unban, and you need 1000 signatures? And you think he was being serious? Seriously, there's only 1 way to put it. We don't want you here. How many times do we have to say this? Every single time it's the same story. "Please feel sorry for me, I've been banned for a wrong reason," usually followed by new users spamming threads with phrases such as "I don't know he but he seems nice +1." Just stop.
  43. 1 point
    Oh but you guys want proof? Good thing I'm an obsessive screenshotter. @@xShadowSpyx @@diabeetus @@SonicRainbow @@TurdWig [MEDIA=imgur]Dww14g8[/MEDIA] Showing jacob freetazing being called out and denying it. [MEDIA=imgur]r649J4N[/MEDIA] Showing him do it a second time
  44. 1 point


    I am so creative and great at using fireworks, and this is what i made
  45. 1 point


    Reading helps @@Warriorsfury
  46. 0 points


    i smell the end of xG coming
  47. 0 points
    no i mean you can rate african but after a certain amount of times you rate one person you cannot rate him anymore for a day. like 5 rates on one person a day or something @@Forest it will cancel out a little spaming. But i still like how we have it so no lets keep it to normal.
  48. 0 points

    Its My Birthday!!!!!!

  49. 0 points
    lol its annoying yes but i like it. lol i got it to. @@Rhododendron idk maybe make a spam protection. you can only rate a few times a day. but i would like that because rating is awesome :) lol warrior a lot of shit post rates. I got only africans from brian Gyazo - 9bb16cb8188e4c88ed214c6bee282d48.png Gyazo - 7a11a818214df7ba287632908f10e3b6.png but i dont care its still funny.
  50. -1 points
    So far you have 9 +1's You need 11 more.
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