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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/13 in Posts

  1. 18 points

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Recently, Matsi has posted this in the shoutbox giving his opinion on the Minecraft servers. However, it is extremely illiterate and very difficult to understand what the flying buddah he is saying! So let's analyze his statement: Full Statement: "well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it, which is prolly why i have never even connected to it, well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)" well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol How do you know people were banned by seeing them? You contradict yourself directly by telling us that 'they got banned'. Also using 'say' in the wrong tense get's you a few points off. that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it What stuff? I assume you mean our Tekkit server, but that isn't up so that statement has no reasoning behind it. How can one absorb the knowledge that you are spewing out if you have no idea what's going on within the MC division? Then, to make matters worse, you state that you wouldn't play on it because of all the stuff you hear and/or see about it. First, you said you don't play on it SO HOW CAN YOU SEE ANYTHING?! What mouth-breather are you talking to that gives you information like that? Please, cite your sources since now you are plagiarizing and are going to be suspended. which is prolly why i have never even connected to it IF YOU HAVE NEVER CONNECTED TO IS THEN WHY SHOULD I TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE OH-SO THOROUGH CONCERNS YOU ARE SHOWING?! YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE MICKEY YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :) You already play one four others? What the hell does that mean? Oh! You mean ON for others, right? Oh, alright. Now, three of which is your own server? You should not be referring yourself as 'is' since it's grammatically incorrect. You should be using 'are' like a pirate :D Don't worry, you're already halfway to becoming one SINCE YOU'RE PISS DRUNK HALF THE TIME! Final Grade: EXPELLED FROM OUR FINE EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT
  2. 6 points

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Oh look, more xG drama. Oh look, it's caused by Matsi. What a surprise.
  3. 6 points
  4. 4 points

    Matsi Is Dumb

    my sides. holy shit. this made my year
  5. 4 points

    Previously banned player.

    I had to go into reserve powers that silence forgot to take off, talk to Duckii, where she then rebanned all of us, and changed her name to Zeal and Console, etc. I want her perm'd, especially since she said she's never coming back. Just ban her and leave her alone.
  6. 2 points

    Matsi Is Dumb

  7. 2 points

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Thank you silence for making my already good day better :D!
  8. 2 points

    How to get hubz (Hopefully)

    its coming out in the middle of august, dont worry
  9. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Not much has changed since I was demoted >_> Atleast I think so.
  10. 1 point
    +1 Rebels a lot, makes life as a CT fun. Never wardens though, you need to do that more. Also, be active on TS never seen you on really. A:8/10 (I'm not as active as I once was so I can't exactly say if you're super active or not but I see you on some when I am.) M:9/10 (Personally I have never had any problems from you.)
  11. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Some of the Tekkit items are banned for a completely valid reason. Our Minecraft division used to not be all that amazing but it has come a long way. Ever since @@Warriorsfury got demoted, that noob. Love you warrior bby.
  12. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Isnt matsi like 24? He causes more drama then a 13 year old girl.
  13. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    who told you that they were bad? No xG member has the grounds to make such a statement. so you're either lying or they're lying. If they have a problem they should come talk to the MC staff not go and bitch to other people that don't care. it's cowardly, weak, and Immature.
  14. 1 point
    Delete system 32
  15. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    50 shades of grey made a better argument about the minecraft servers than you did.. we are actively making the servers better and trying our hardest. and people go around telling others not to get on the servers because they were bad when certain unnamed people neglected them. I honestly don't know why people go around saying this if they never log onto the servers in the first place.
  16. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Maybe if you did play on it you would see that the spawn isnt griefed, and all griefers are banned within 24 hours and all griefs are restored using rollback. Posting this just makes you look like more of an idiot.
  17. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    If you're talking about BasedGod getting banned; 1. He should have been banned from the tekkit server for griefing straight off. I gave him a second chance seeing as it's a new server. 2. Within 24 hours of me saying that statement, he duped multiple items. How can you even defend him? Also, this incident is a prime example of why some items need to be banned, kids cant be trusted with things. This is why we cant have nice things.
  18. 1 point

    Previously banned player.

    Not all abuse is the same. Something like a freemute isnt gonna get you permd, something like leaving xG and using your powers to free-ban people, will get you perm'd.
  19. 1 point

    Previously banned player.

    There is no point in discussing anything with her.
  20. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    Agreed; slay, kicked, banned, and uninvited to @@jubens45's tenth birthday party.
  21. 1 point

    Matsi Is Dumb

    lol the dogs fucking just made it... A lot of that was my bad typos, but some of the main things... I don't play on it due to the things I have heard about it from others, I don't remember who said what and shit... but things like "I logged in and the spawn looks like someone grieved "I logged in and someone grieved my...." "this this this and this are all banned" and in a recent ban protest someone said they got banned cause they were in someone else's house or some shit... The 3 servers is my own server thing I meant that i run a few different types of minecraft servers... vanilla, tekkit, and a creative fuck around server... they all run on my one server, mostly not at the same time. On a side note, I know someone that once hurt himself jumping off a loading dock dressed as a pirate!
  22. 0 points

    Previously banned player.

    Serious forms of abuse result in permanent bans and immediate demotion. But, she was a Co-Leader so they have more leniency. I just thought we had banned her but I guess I remembered incorrectly... Anyways, I'm just going to go ahead and close this as I was mistaken.
  23. 0 points

    How to get hubz (Hopefully)

    I don't want credits, I want anal beads.
  24. 0 points

    Previously banned player.

    I agree with the bans Duckii did j/s :joyful::cigar:
  25. 0 points

    Matsi Is Dumb

    request move to minecraft discussion
  26. 0 points

    TheBasedGod - Minecraft

    so kawaii and what can you do with red matter, and red matter armor basically nothing X) since everything is banned :(
  27. 0 points
  28. 0 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    Epix I don't know if your joking, but -1 He didn't abuse once, him and snarkbite were just fooling around with each other, I don't get why you were overreacting.
  29. 0 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    Is this for real or a joke? -1 abuse is when A ADMIN USES THEIR POWERS TO FUTHER THEMSLEVELS OR OTHERS. They arent gaining anything from this.
  30. 0 points

    Staff Award

    Hey guys Eden here giving out our first kiss ass award!!! And this months kiss ass award goes to......... I'll bet you'd never guess it! Rainbow Dashie!!@!@!@! Congratultions!! Here is your award!!!!!
  31. 0 points
    -1 Back seat moderating for no reason at all, causing problems.
  32. -1 points

    Staff Award

    lol totally.... nah, I don't need anyone to tell me how great of an admin I am. :) I also learned a long time ago not to trust the opinion of a brony :p and a brony that is rainbowdashie.... I mean that's like double crazy... And then it's like some random award like... "ganja you win my random I wanna suck your dick award!" At least make it involve more than one person's opinion
  33. -1 points

    jubens45 - Counter-Strike: Source

    I think this thread should just be closed on the amount of -1s. Here are some things to help you get +1s for the future (Including from me): 1) Never use your mic again 2) Stop being immature/annoying (spamming chat/admin chat, etc.) 3) Stop putting on tags to try to "loophole" yourself into xG or what other people are saying "joining another clan." I honestly don't care about the "in another clan" or "trying to put on xG tags" excuses but it just annoys me. I think most vouches were valid, though. Saying "annoying, troll, etc" is a valid enough reason to -1 somebody in my opinion. Just adding "wore xg tags" or "in another clan" doesn't really count those first reasons out, the tag reasons were just invalid, but others were valid.
  34. -1 points
    Nevermind, mis-read
  35. -1 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    Is a request for reprimand a joke to you?
  36. -1 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    im sorry pls no member protest
  37. -1 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    Division: Garrys Mod Staff Name: Tittie Sprankles Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40846320 Evidence: So I got on for no more than 10 minutes and this happens... I realize that I was yelling too but they were abusing. Such terrible, reckless behavior to be seen by mods on a server. This behavior isn't tolerated in the community I hope. I am looking to see him firmly reprimanded as is such required.
  38. -1 points

    Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod

    I dont really care if you slaynr 103123421321 to each other as long as you remove it and dont spam it. Also, refrain from spamming tsay (@@). Everyone involved is getting a firm spanking as punishment. also @@Snarkbite & @@Tittiesprinkles Remember what happened to slap before, dont make me do it again. ps everyone here is british ~closed
  39. -1 points

    I don't like this....

    You better be sending that Amazon 2-Day shipping.
  40. -1 points

    TheBasedGod - Minecraft

    this isnt a creative server, its factions. if you want to go look nice and swag, go find a creative tekkit server.
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