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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/13 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    People say way worse shit to eachother all the time in xG and don't get punished. Furries do not get special treatment just because the division leader is a furry. If you want to give special treatment to certain groups of people, then I "sure hope you're prepared" to either step up and punish everyone "talking shit," or be demoted. +0 because I haven't played CSS in months to know how Minecrack acts in game. (by the way, is "lying to staff" actually breaking a rule? I don't remember admins being the Gestapo)
  2. 4 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    You start talking shit like that, then I sure hope you're prepared to be punished. This has NOTHING to do with him being a furry.
  3. 3 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Understandable that it's frustrating, but we shouldn't just add onto bans to teach someone a lesson. If they have done something wrong that warrants an extension of time, then so be it. Simply saying that "it doesn't phase them" doesn't exactly warrant a means of extension for a ban. Although, If he had threatened or disrespected while saying it then by all means it could be discussed for a harsher punishment, but looking over what he said earlier doesn't show any sort of aggressive behaviour (passive at best). On another note, MineCrack used to be way worse. Just sayin'.
  4. 2 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    I mean Silence pretty much just said balls to CS:S in another thread so is Source jb doomed to die soon or what.
  5. 2 points


  6. 2 points

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

    @@Forest by any chance, are you British?
  7. 2 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Wardens are crap, and when I call people out for it they say "Hohoho WHY DONT YOU WARDEN THEN?" "Because I want to play T and do games" "WELL THATS UR FAULT"
  8. 2 points

    Warday Rule Change

    Ive really never understood the reason why we can't shoot Ts that are visible from the warday area. You know where you can be seen, so don't run into those areas.
  9. 2 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 on extending the ban for the freekill. +1 one for some action being taken due to the trolling ( which is against our community MOTD) That is almost constant whenever MineCrack is around.
  10. 2 points
  11. 1 point

    Random Games/Days

    Remembrance Day This is a day to commemorate one of CS:S Jailbreak's most beloved and most wanted attractions; hub. This day is to be treated as a Freeday. During this day, Ts may not use their mics or Public Chat in order to commemorate Hub by giving a day of silence in respect. Any T who uses their mic or sends out a message via Public Chat (Team Chat is allowed on this day) will be rendered a Rebel for disturbing the peace. CTs who use their mics or type in Public Chat will be frowned upon and will be singled out as a bad egg. There is a Last Request on this day. Lightning Race This game is played out as a team effort. A race start/end point will be given by the Warden. A CT will pair up with a T of their choosing (One CT with One T). The objective of this game for Terrorists is to cross the finish line first. The objective of the Counter-Terrorists is to delay the opposing team's Terrorist by tasering them whenever possible. CTs may not taser the T on their own team. The first Terrorist to cross the finish line wins, and the other Terrorists are killed. This game may only be played with 3 Terrorists and may be played to determine Last Request. Sharks and Minnows A pool is needed for this game. Terrorists will line up on one side of the pool (or on a diving board) and the Warden will call out a Terrorist to go first. A Counter-Terrorist will be in the pool, awaiting the Terrorist to jump in. The objective of the Terrorist is to swim to the opposite side of the pool without dying. The objective of the Counter-Terrorist is to kill the Terrorist before making it to the opposite side. The CT may only left-click knife at all times and must stop once the T has left the pool water. This cannot be done to determine Last Request. There may be 1-2 CTs maximum at any given point in the pool (must remain a 1 CT - 1 T, 2 CTs - 2Ts ratio) Draw My Thing Terrorists will line up with a decent distance between themselves and a wall in front of them as instructed by the Warden. The Warden will think of a word, type it in CT chat, and then proceed to "paint" a picture using bullet holes from his/her gun onto the wall in front of the Ts to hint at their word (for example, if the word is tree, the Warden will attempt to "draw" a tree). The first Terrorist to guess the word correctly wins. This game may be played to determine Last Request. More to come later. Always thinking of new ideas/games/days to perk up the CS:S Division. Feel free to post any other ideas! - Dat guy, Forest
  12. 1 point

    Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source

    BLEED CONFIRMED FOR BAD, darkrp 5min
  13. 1 point

    Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source

    chrono confirmed for hacker, perm him
  14. 1 point

    Plue's Photoshop

    lets see if you are as good as you think you are. put a dildo in his hand. make it look real. no bullshit.
  15. 1 point

    Where you live

    Live a few blocks from the main road. So i'm showing the places nearby on where i live.
  16. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

  17. 1 point

    Where you live

    Gyazo - cce04e43d415e74aa9fec3dddf88c6c2.png #CommunitySwag.
  18. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    you banned all the fun people
  19. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@MineCrack , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American] @@Matsi , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@MagicalPurple , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@Forest . WE'RE ALL [Civilized African Americans]!
  20. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Need more active Wardens who make it fun. .. I guess I'll start getting on every now and then again, I'm sure everyone's sick of repetitive Wardens doing the same thing day in, day out, huehue
  21. 1 point


    Found @@Hidingmaster , his spot wasn't really that good.
  22. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    I could bring up stuff to do, but who's gonna do it? Silence?
  23. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    It's been on a decline for awhile now, I can't see it getting any better either, oh well time for new ventures!
  24. 1 point

    Need Anime Suggestions!

    r18+ yaoi doujins.
  25. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

    This one is hard
  26. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    TBH the only reason I didn't make it a member protest is because I thought he left the clan a while ago, he hasn't worn any tags for over a month. If he continues later this week that's what I'll do,
  27. 1 point
    plebwolf +1'd it so gg
  28. 1 point

    Warday Rule Change

    that's what he said. "rare occassion" which means 99999999999/100000000000 times, it will be a legit kill since the door to warday will rarely be directly in front of armory.
  29. 1 point

    Warday Rule Change

    We only need two rules for wardays: "Dont shoot T's on their way to the armory. No !lr on wardays." Everything else is already covered by pre-existing rules.
  30. 1 point

    Make a Name Out of Pictures

    I found @@jubens45
  31. 1 point


    Found Darkwolf, more like DEADwolf HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE @@DarkWolf6052 Found Gkoo, RIP @@Gkoo Here's Jesus like the slut he is @@Hidingmaster
  32. 1 point

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    ban all was used dozens of times during Late night JB... noone ever got punished for it then even tho it was "strictly forbidden" and "'NEVER' should be used" He shouldn't get punished for doing something that made one round interesting after doing a vote, at least not any more than someone doing a vote to do something that affects the rest of the map, it's kinda common sense there... ^ Fixed
  33. 1 point

    Warday Rule Change

    Wait.... people yell at you for calling those who don't understand the rules "faggots" even though they have been explained how the rule works more than a dozen times? There is seriously an issue here...
  34. 1 point

    ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source

    So then why was Aaron demoted while Hellafun wasn't? Aaron had never really had a problem with abusing powers in the past and apparently this instance was the only time at which Aaron could be confirmed to have used !ban @all. Hellafun on the other hand had received a warning as a result of his previous abuse thread (where he used !teamswap to get himself onto CT team even though there was no justifiable reason to do so) and we know he used the !cash @all 30000 command several times in that day alone (courtesy of some fine detective work from Matsi), yet he was once again given just a warning. Why are we only giving warnings to some people while straight up demoting other people who both abused in very similar ways?
  35. 0 points
    We couldnt use the nuke so we are instead using HAMMER OF DAWN
  36. 0 points
  37. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Too tired to give a good reply to this. +1 I'm tired of his trolling attitude. Simple as that.
  38. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Intentional freekill is up to a day, doesnt even have to. And him saying it doesnt phase him doesnt make a good reason to extend a ban, neither is him lying about it, everyone lies about their freekills. -1
  39. 0 points

    Warday Rule Change

    "participation is mandatory" by this statement, unless they are actively running with no gun to the armory, they are not participating (if they have no gun, and there are no teleports to war day location) thus, you should kill them anyway and when they complain, call them faggots.
  40. 0 points

    Warday Rule Change

    10 steps
  41. 0 points

    Warday Rule Change

    ....being within 10 to 15 feet of the entrance to the warday area is what "baiting a freekill" is. I think they should continue to be allowed to shoot through the doors, if you make it so that CTs cant shoot through doors then the wardays consist of the Ts standing outside the door shooting through it and yelling at the CTs that are shooting back... I do think that CTs should not just randomly spray out through the doors tho, they should only do it when firing back at a T they know is there.
  42. -1 points


    shitpost is the new affircan now
  43. -1 points


  44. -1 points
    lel wow so cool unfiltered indie pro tips hip ad wow. Nerd
  45. -1 points


    I think it is time for this. #Pepper4DM
  46. -1 points

    Warday Rule Change

    it dosn't need to be changed it works well. Dont fix what isnt broken - Forest
  47. -1 points

    See yah, xG.

    The HS sub-clan was founded by me due to my insanity :wtf:
  48. -1 points

    play osu with me

    counterstrike is ded.
  49. -1 points

    Where you live

    You can see me to the right. I like where I live.
  50. -1 points
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