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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/13 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Sounds to me like somebody's afraid of some hard work. Populating servers is not an easy task. If it were, all clans would be populated. We need something that keeps players coming back, something that makes our servers actually rewarding. The ranking system helps, but fails in comparison to store. With hub, plenty of players had something to look forward to, and the clan actually cared about features. Now, the CS:S servers are mostly bland that nearly everyone could copy. No unique maps, very little custom plugins, no custom skins, etc. If we had some sort of gimmick, something that encouraged playing, then we would be more successful. Most people still play CS:GO. Hub will only become more popular. Many of the features that work for CS:S work for CS:GO. If you don't want a game that a majority of the community wants, then you lose members of the community. For small games such as Killing Floor and other small games, if the population died down, many wouldn't care. However, when you removed one of the big four then you lose members. I tried to salvage what was left of CS:GO by giving them TF2 mod, and hoping they would wait it out. So, don't stop developing hub for CS:S because you don't think it will work out. That sounds like a sorry excuse. If you have school stuff and other issues that's fine, but don't tell us it's because you're afraid "I'll be wasting my time." You might be the leader, but we're the community, and although you have a greater say to what has to be done, doesn't mean there won't be members leaving. Oh, and another thing. What happened to hub being out early Spring 2013? Summer 2013? We're still waiting. #DelayNumberEightHundredAndSix
  2. 2 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Seriously, just give us some hats, tracers, and trails thats honestly all we need, it brings some spunk and something to aim for. When i first joined the Jailbreak server what caught me was A) fun people B) Trails, Hats, Tracers, etc those gave the people and new players something to look forward to and made the time spent in worth it.
  3. 2 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    If you are going to take offense to it though, you are not allowed to go around saying "I AM A PROUD FURFAG" just like if you are going to gag someone for saying "nigger" in admin chat, I expect to NEVER see or hear you say the word nigger with the other people in that admin chat. (oh wait, that happened.)
  4. 1 point

    old creative map

    i have been digging around on my old servers HD and I found my mc world backups for the old creative side of the servers when creative was hosted by me. including LEGO jail break! so im gona share that backup with ya in zip format. due to file size and that I don't like to use file sites the link im providing is from my website that I own. http://fadeddreamz.com/minecraft/creative6.zip please note that these saves are for single player use only please do not use them to run a server (unless it's XG server). also you will notice that there are the star gates. they will not work in single player mode. and the add-on they use I believe is outdated so you will have to fly to what ever you want to get to. I don't have any plans to reinstate a server with these maps any time soon. these maps were created with mc v 1.2.3 and earlier. and my take a while to convert to the newer anvil format. here is a ss of lego jb in the map. enjoy.
  5. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    The reason it should be closed is because it's pretty obvious which direction this thread is going. So instead of continuing arguments it should be closed.
  6. 1 point

    Why, hello there gentlemen!

    I do a bit of Python, and as of recent picked up Java. But by no means is any of it "industrial-grade", I only do it for fun :happy: :)
  7. 1 point

    Post your gaming setup here!

    I hope this screencap will suffice. I also have a backup 6870, don't feel like putting it back in this system though lol.
  8. 1 point


    +1 knows the rules, plays fair, doesnt freekill @@SPORK
  9. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Alright well, seems that everyone's calmed down and have given their opinions regarding this cluster cuss of a thread. Seems to me is that this is all just revolving around an obvious attitude/behaviour problem. @@MineCrack I'm sure you realize that many players/members aren't too happy about the behaviour you show ingame, and as such I am expecting that you tweak the attitude to prevent this kind of shiz from happening again. Should it happen again, a punishment may be dealt (attitude/behaviour for which a Ban Request/Member Protest is posted better be more severe than MineCrack just being a smart ass). The ban will not be extended for this particular thread. Check yo' self before you wreck yo' self. I'll also point out to some people to be aware of "touchy" subjects when discussing/arguing/whatever with other Members/Players. I realize that some of these things may be ridiculous and not even be worthy of being labelled an "insult" to some, but there is no need to bring it up in the first place, especially if it is completely irrelevant to the discussion/thread. The trees have spoken. ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  10. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 You intentionally freekilled me and then acting like a complete and utter asshole after you did it. and then said "Ahh my mouse is breaking" then i slayed you. Then you kept asking if i was mad. honestly i think you should be re-banned from servers based behavior lately.
  11. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    there never were any good +1's
  12. 1 point
    I saw what minecrack was doing, he presses it RIGHT as the round starts, then talks afterwards, it looks like spam but its really not, I was paying attention
  13. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Seriously though, anyone else feel like sharing their 2cents?
  14. 1 point

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    This should be closed, it's obviously going nowhere.
  15. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    We're NOT unbanning LQ again though. He used his chance, and had a good run. But unlike others before me, I don't give infinite chances to people like him. #neteX2.0
  16. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    There is no simple solution, almost all of our divs are going through the same exact problems seen before in CSGO. We have a substantial amount of staff, but when it comes to the game itself, it's just not interesting. I'm not trying to play pin the blame on the Silence, so lets just say that the problems incurred a result of loss of innovation. You see, when CSGO died, we had staff trying to populate, we had a few dedicated players. That wasn't the problem. While the problem is simple (the game is boring as JB is after a while with nothing new), the solution isn't so much. We saw a pretty good amount of players influx after LQ was unbanned, you know why? He's fun! While an idiot, he's fun! You need what the core of the game is to get population, you need ENTERTAINMENT. Popularity of a server may be correlated with Hub or staff, but at the end, it's caused by the entertainment factor of a server. If a new player joins and sees that the server gives satisfaction, then he will continue to play for that satisfaction. SO, like I said, the problem is rather simple. The solution is a difficult one. My suggestion (which could very well be wrong, I'm open to disagreement) is to look to make the server fun and INNOVATIVE. Give the players something they haven't seen or something interesting, intriguing. If that entails Hub or whatever you think will bring that, so be it, but the main point I'm trying to drive across is for all of you to look not for a way to populate a server, but ways to make it FUN.
  17. 1 point


    who the fuck areyou
  18. 1 point


    Uhhhh good touch or bad touch? #Fuck everyone else who britished
  19. 1 point


    Bleed I swear to god if you don't stop rating people as "british," Your ass will be the one bleeding.
  20. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    @@Rhododendron You are the leader of xG, you aren't the leader of TF2 alone. You're supposed to support ALL the divisions. People on CSS don't care if you help with TF2(or any other divisions for that matter) as it is still a part of xG, what we do care about is the fact you are completely disregarding CSS because its getting less populated. Hub wouldn't fix ALL our problems with CSS, not at all, but when hub went down, CSS started dying. If you added it back population would pick up, with more people comes more ideas and more new players to keep us going. Nobody is telling you to only work on CSS, but do SOMETHING for it other than watch it die, because you promoted the DL who cant code very much, and demoted the DL that could. I was on the SlideRace server when it had hub testing on it, it didn't seem very far from done, with the exclusion of you adding new stuff like bombs and casino etc. to it. If you had at least released the hats and trails, colors tracers etc. that you already had complete it'd be better than nothing. And now you're apparently working on a TF2 hub, which pisses people off even more, yet you don't give a single shit about it.
  21. 1 point

    What does the fox say?

    It got old after the first viewing.
  22. 1 point


    JB Is getting boring.
  23. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    The problem is valve has a new game released, the community here wants css to keep thriving. Gyazo - b92e1550f6288a39c013a81ed6f1b61f.png There's about a 10K~ differential in players between GO and Source, however im getting the feeling here that a majority of our community still resides in css which would make it more beneficial to continually update css while phasing in csgo. I don't know our CSGO stats because theyre not on GameTracker but the css servers (jailbreak) averages 11 players a day over the last month (which isnt bad due to schooling and clan inactivity) Gyazo - 82184173a439c4b6d95e8b5adb32a64a.png The point here being, you may keep wanting to claim css is "dead" but there is still still a fairly active population of the clan who plays it daily
  24. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Actually we want it for all games, including CS:GO and TF2, but ok.
  25. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    It's not just a "store" that keeps them populated. There are many other factors as staff quality and the gang/perk system they have.
  26. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    On the day xG is getting shut down we should just unban everyone who's ever been banned. #UnbanTowelie #UnbanNetex #UnbanTarin #Unban@All
  27. 1 point

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    you banned all the fun people
  28. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 on extending the ban for the freekill. +1 one for some action being taken due to the trolling ( which is against our community MOTD) That is almost constant whenever MineCrack is around.
  29. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    I'm here to cause hell. :D What is a furry? Someone who has a fetish for animals. What is a fetish? A fetish is defined as erotic or sexual significance being projected onto some nonsexual inanimate object. (What Is a Fetish?) Have fun! Also, a semi-side note pertaining to the issue of disrespect with "furries" is that I have noticed that some (not all) of the individuals who are furries within xG take offense when they get called a "furfag" yet you go around and call yourselves furfags, and each other furfags.
  30. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    You start talking shit like that, then I sure hope you're prepared to be punished. This has NOTHING to do with him being a furry.
  31. 1 point

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Too tired to give a good reply to this. +1 I'm tired of his trolling attitude. Simple as that.
  32. 1 point

    Holy hell Minecraft you dong goofed

    Yes, let's ignore all that minecraft stuff and get back to dams. They provoked clean energy wherever a water source is, we really need to build more.
  33. 1 point


    This is why i troll and disrespect other members like you.
  34. 0 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Just let Purple warden.
  35. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Seems like a pretty cool potato. :);):(:mad::confused::cool::joyful::greedy::hail::huh::watching::hungover::dummy-boy::banhappy::zehdari::duckiijr::blackeye::banghead::inpain: >.<:coldfeet::depressed::loldidntread::Depressed::smug::confused::hungover::watching::huh::cool::greedy::joyful::hail::disbelief::lockme::borg::p:D:eek::mask::hungry::brb::snaphappy::snaphappy::grumpy::grumpy::poop::poop::android::wacky::llama::artist::artist::bucktooth::smuggrin:
  36. 0 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 for extending the ban +1 for taking action towards his attitude lately. He has done nothing but troll or be a complete ass hat on CS:S servers lately. like when he spammed for warden he opened cells and gave T's a freeday because he couldent have warden.
  37. 0 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

  38. 0 points

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    No I'm -1ing because darkwolf said you broke rules.... and even you admited to freekilling....even if you didn't admit you had freekilled I would beleive Darkwolf over you, and not just because he's a furry and I'm a furry, but seeing your reaction where you begin talking a lot of shit shows how mature you are, so you likely troll and break rules and you haven't proven otherwise...Also, ShadowSpy said you 'intentionally freekilled' too, and I don't even like him... so g fucking g nagger! Even if you ignore the 15 or so "invalid" -1s... you still have absolutely no +1s, legit or not.... you're fucked either way!!! On a side note does this guy look like he's wracking it to anyone but me--> :hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser:
  39. 0 points

    I be back

    Nope, Canadia left to play LoL with his bitch ass friends.
  40. -1 points


    After long speculation and decision making, it was my choice to rate said posts as "Shitpost" due to their extremely shitty nature.
  41. -1 points

    Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    People say way worse shit to eachother all the time in xG and don't get punished. Furries do not get special treatment just because the division leader is a furry. If you want to give special treatment to certain groups of people, then I "sure hope you're prepared" to either step up and punish everyone "talking shit," or be demoted. +0 because I haven't played CSS in months to know how Minecrack acts in game. (by the way, is "lying to staff" actually breaking a rule? I don't remember admins being the Gestapo)
  42. -1 points
    Nuke for Terrorists, but it costs 100,000$
  43. -1 points

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    Case settled. The proofs art not arrived.
  44. -1 points

    I be back

    tf2 sucks css pls
  45. -1 points

    So is CS:S div dead or what

    Hub is a native thing for all source engine games so apparently you have no idea what you're talking about. Hub was removed around the same time as CS:GO was released so you cannot prove that there is correlation. It could have been a million things. While I will take responsibility for the dying population of CS:S, that alone is not the single reason why it's dying. Stop thinking that there is a simple solution to this, because there isn't. What DL did I demote that could code? Chrono? If so....
  46. -1 points

    What does the fox say?

  47. -1 points


    CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  48. -1 points
    CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Closed
  49. -1 points

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    Ah, my bad thought you where.
  50. -1 points

    DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source

    What is with you and lemons wanting to close this thread so bad? Is it just out of spite because you don't like me because you ragequit from GG?
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