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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/14 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    +1 active, fucks with ganja and makes me laugh.
  2. 3 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    They promoted you didn't they?
  3. 2 points

    Vector Tyson

    I wanted to combine Vector's avatar and Mike Tyson from Punch-Out and this is what came out. V Click on it, it's animated. V I wanna make more now, who do I do next?
  4. 2 points

    [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion

    So, just got caught up in this. I know code. Mostly C++ and C#. And I know Silence doesn't use them. We've talked before about coding and we have 2 very different definitions. I can see if I can help out with Hub though. Also, for the skeptics on hub, I know for a fact Hub was a major draw. I alone dropped money on these servers just to get the hat packs and was pissed when I didn't have them anymore. But they were a huge money draw, and were fun in server. So, if we can get hub back, or at least hat packs, I'm pretty damn sure CS:S will populate and pay for itself. Now someone send me the hub code.
  5. 2 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    M: 3/10 A: 8/10 D: -1 You troll a lot and, while you may know rules, you seem to rarely follow them. A lot of times when I see you on I see you arguing with others and this just makes me think you can't handle being a mod. Especially if you already aren't following the rules yourself.
  6. 2 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    Chronos second reason is why I -1.
  7. 2 points

    Tf2 Jailbreak During European Times

    Ok I don't know if im allowed to comment, but i like this idea. I get on JB 1 early in the morning, everymorning and I am haveing problems with players who dont know how to play, yet there is no Mod or Admin online at this time.
  8. 2 points

    The Gift Game And "build 0

    The warden MUST ask a question to see who gets the gift, The warden MUST say what the gift is in team chat before giving said gift. Due to the dislike of the engi buildings they are no longer allowed.
  9. 2 points


    Yeah this thread is one of the stupidest ive seen. Im closing it due to lack of proper evidence; what has been presented is severely lacking and fails to tell the whole story. As i said before, if you both keep this bs up you'll be punished. Get over it and grow up. -Closed
  10. 2 points


  11. 1 point


    Member's Name: Xg|Pancake Member's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54318990 Information: I found dis guy double clanning in our group. xG|Pancake. it says right on his steam page that hes a mod of another group. Steam Community :: xG|Pancake also on here Steam Community :: Group :: The Idle House we seriously need to check our members and people during submission
  12. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    +1 ^ same with hiding master
  13. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    I personally have never had a problem with you. Being that you are very active and do know the rules, I would be willing to give you a chance as a mod. +1
  14. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    M:4/10 A:9/10 D:-1 Trolls, not friendly towards others, multiple bans. I don't care if you are on when staff aren't, but I'd rather there be no staff on than you scratch your ass all day and freeslay/kick/ban whomever you want. From my time observing you, I question your grasp on the rules.
  15. 1 point


    listen to the CO ^
  16. 1 point


    what are your qualifications? have you had any TS3 experience before? what is your prior knowledge to TS3? if you can answer those quest chins then you just might be able to be a member of the Xeno Gamers TS3 server
  17. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    +1 for the shits and gigs
  18. 1 point


    User is suspected of Multi-Clanning. @kbraszzz
  19. 1 point
    To my left I see a lemon-scented candle, nothing is to my right. I take the lemon scented candle and greet the natives to try and devise a way off the island. I speak to one of the native women, who refuse to tell me the secret art of shark taming. Luckily, I light the scented candle, which immediately seduces her. She tries to hide it. "Spermy-kun!" she whimpers, "I-it's not like I like you or anything, b-baka...!" I immediately pitch my tent, not because of the native woman who is now biting her bra strap seductively, but because I have an irrational sexual desire for lemons. I try to look away, perhaps there is another way off this island. I cannot tarnish this poor woman with my 3-inch meat pole of justice. "P-please notice me Senpai!" she shouts, as she rips her clothes off in one impressive move, exposing her lushous breasts and quivering womanhood. She bends over, she commands "Fill me with your love cream, Spermy-kun! Take me!" Luckily, I spot a particularily sexy sheep from one of the village farms. I imagine penetrating its virgin sheep-butt as I enter the native girl. Our bodies contact and push back away again, with such rhythm you could mistake it for art. She moans louder and louder and my lap rocket readies for lift off and the sheep temptress metres away chews its grass seductively. T- 20... T- 19... I thrust harder and harder and we both meet the moment of truth at the same time. I blast my baby juice with such force that her virgin gutlocker ripples on the impact, sending us both into the water. The orgasmic power that is eminating through us both propels us at mach-speed through the magnificent span of ocean. The sharks are so impressed with this stunning display of lovin' that they do not even attempt to attack us before the inevitable shark-orgy ensues. As we reach the mainland, I notice that the sheer power of the orgasm has ruptured her heart. "N-no! Kameko-chan!" I scream in agony through my tears (her name was Kameko btw), "Please don't leave me!" "It's okay.... b-baka..... Senpai finally noticed... me..." she manages to force out, as she passes on to the next world. I pick up her lifeless face, and press it to mine. "Please don't go...." I say, "I will follow you where ever you wish." She says nothing, and as I press the barrel of my .45 against my head, the air of lemon-scented candles tempts me from afar, creating a perfect symphony of senses with the click of the trigger. SITUATION: You are taken prisoner by Kony in the Congo, because you didn't stop him through facebook. He whips you every day as you mine for African Blood jewels. One day, he and his child soldiers look away for just long enough for you to pick up a weapon and make an escape attempt, despite a labyrinth of mines and brigade of african orphan child soldiers protecting it.
  20. 1 point

    New Weapons

    I have an idea, more hats instead
  21. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    I approve +1
  22. 1 point
    oh i was on at 2:24 am
  23. 1 point
    I was on this morning which is really rare for me to do.
  24. 1 point

    New Weapons

    Still waiting for new construction PDAs. Specifically, one that allows your buildings' explosions to do damage or something like that.
  25. 1 point
    To my left a copy of Sonic 06 to my right a tennis ball. Summary: I sneak around to the loading dock for the groceries and find the door open slightly open, but soon come across a locked door so I use my sonic 06 box to smash the lock and the door opened. However this made quite a bit of noise and the man with the fire axe was sent to check on the noise. I heard footsteps, but at the time did not know which man it was so I hid in a nearby crate. The crate had a small hole in it so I was able to see that it was the man with the shovel. He was not well clothed and was wearing socks. Conviniently this crate had some shards of broken glass in it from the containers dropped from a previous raid. As the man turned away to check the entrance to the store that I had entered through I was able to go through the door that I broke past and slip some broken glass in the doorway for the man with the shovel. I then waited for him to come back to report nothing found and as I heard him step on the glass I jumped on him and covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming. I then picked up the shovel he dropped and hit him directly in the head. He was most likely knocked out and I proceeded towards the main part of the store with my new shovel. As I reached the main part of the store I noticed the other 2 men sitting eating some cereal out of a box. I did the only rational thing. I took the sonic 06 case out of its case ( DO NOT ATTEMPT ) and jumped in front of the men, they fell onto the floor upon seeing the disc art and began convulsing. The man with the gun soon shot himself in the chest 4 times and the other man with the Axe began to foam at the mouth. He soon began to choak on the foam and suffocated. I had completed my goal and took as much food and water I could carry back to my camp to be with my friends. Situation: You wake up in the middle of a deserted nuclear facility on an island most likely in the Indian Ocean. You cannot swim off as there are sharks, and there are native people on the island. You must find a way to survive by conversing or fighting with them. Your weapon must be either peaceful or violent. A plane is coming to rescue you but they need to locate which island you are on.
  26. 1 point

    Deathrun Problems

    I don't play on DR very much, but I have seen these problems.
  27. 1 point


    the forestfire and saturday team have came together, ok well lets just leave it at this cuz looking at these posts there not really going anywhere with an aboose thread. like i said 5 min ban is fair for what u did, i told you before to stop in many many previous maps days on the server, that day you got on my last nerve with the pointless shit talk that you always bring to the server. EVEN THO ADMIN CAN make the punishment as fits you're man over 5 min, i would understand if you got ban for 1-6 hours or a day then everyone would be mad, Saturday i love how you come in here and start saying this and that when its not even relevant to what is going on in this thread, Both of you should really think of what you're trying to do, both of you are saying same shit over and over, and both of you are rating or commenting on the posts i made with the same reaction , im sure that both of you didn't talk to each other on steam or something else and decided to both come and put in your 2 sense. We still haven't got anywhere with this abuse thread all i see is bitching at this or that. Here let me tag some people who might be interested too @Cristo @DeathGod @Forest @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Bleed @Miya @speedlimit56kb
  28. 1 point

    Hell Yeah I Got My Tattoo

    this is my first one but you know what they say if you start doing it you will go back for a second but i am not a person like that its hurt like you have bin out to long in the sun :'( but its worth it ^^
  29. 1 point

    Deathrun Problems

    Well there is an easy fix, just restrict everything to stock
  30. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    +1 has mic
  31. 1 point

    Look To Your Left. Now To Your Right.

    To my left is my Captain's Sword. To my right is my oldest brother's Captain's Sword (civil war era modeled) that is slightly rusty. [We both got them on our DC Trips, in 8th grade.] Summary: I chew all the pieces of gum in one mouthful until they are sufficiently sticky, and place it on the 3rd or so step from the top, in a nice area slightly off from the center (on my left looking up the stairs, right side if looking down the stairs), I proceed to then take my sword, since it isn't rusty and place it on my hip and then unsheathe it. I take the flashlight in my right hand and proceed up the stairs, and startle the boogie man, then quickly hurry down the stairs taking care to avoid the sticky pile of gum. as he chases after me his right foot lands in the gum, and he stumbles and rolls down the stairs to the bottom, where I after dropping the flashlight proceed to pierce his chest on each side getting both lungs. I remove the sword, and using the blunt edge (captain's swords were used for breaking bones or stabbing, they have sharp points but no sharp blade edges) begin to whack away at him, first crushing his wind pipe, then breaking numerous ribs and his legs. At this point I am fairly certain he is dead. Situation: You are faced with the zombie apocalypse, and there are numerous bandit camps around your location. You need to make a supply run, you take whichever (or both) weapon, and walk 2 miles to the grocery store, and discover it is occupied by 3 raiders, one has a shovel, one has a fireman's axe, and one has a mosin nagant with an unknown amount of ammunition (but you know he does have ammunition, as you just saw him load the clip into it, after shooting down a young boy running for his life.) without the supplies you and your group will die. Be creative, Imagine possible thins surrounding a grocery store, as well as how you could use them.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    Weren't you the same dumbass running for Leader?
  34. 1 point
    yea listen to the co leader he knows all ^
  35. 1 point

    [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion

    #anotherhubthread2014 look at HG for example they still play with 1 map and population of the server is usually 40-60 average, they have coders within the community and take care of the regular server maintenance,here is some 12 grade math for you (hub + css = more players) , (more players+hub+custom stuff to actually donate for=$$$$$$$$ for xG) and i'm pretty sure that's what keeps @Rhododendron happy. :afro:
  36. 1 point

    [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion

    No one's funding it. Yes, there are donations, but they aren't substantial enough to pay for both Servers and Hub. I'd honestly like to see a number (or at least an estimate) of how much it would cost to fund it @Rhododendron if that's even the problem. That includes the [possible] cost of paying for a coder. I firmly believe that if given a number to work with, Players/Members would be more inclined to provide donations rather than working with a "give money and things will happen eventually".
  37. 1 point

    [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion

    Im not saying working on hub is easy, but NOBODY IS WORKING ON IT ANYWAY. By dumb logic, you could say "TF2 gets more people, so lets make THAT better before the servers that ACTUALLY NEED IT" or, you could look at it more logically and say " Since TF2 is already doing well, why dont we improve the servers falling behind?" All I ask is SOMEONE work on it, instead of saying for a whole year that it's being worked on, just for it to not be getting worked on, or get abandoned. Hub wont solve all CSS's problems, but it will help population. If you cant work on a server, why have it?
  38. 1 point
    When we did have hub, our jb server was more populated and had more people interested in us due to what we had to offer. I understand that it is a-lot of work to do in making sure that everything added works smoothly, and that it doesn't make the server lag. Overall though I think we should atleast give it another shot. I mean what do we have to lose?
  39. 1 point

    [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion

    Somebody should explain this... theres never been proof of it. CSS is still populated as it has been for many years. Of course you lose people when you abandon a div.. it could still be 50 people if there was effort put into it. and @Eden most of the donations go to just keeping the servers running. Server bills arent cheap.
  40. 1 point
    i say mega switch spots with hiding problem solved
  41. 0 points

    Laptop Help

    Forest pls. Just.....no.
  42. 0 points

    Hahah Punny Joke

    found on ze internet > so for homework that one day, she told her her students to ask their parents what the government is. When Little Johnny got home that day, he went up to his dad and ask his what the government was. His dad thought for a while and answered, ''Look at it this way: I'm the president, your mom is Congress, your maid is the work force, you are the people and your baby brother is the future.'' ''I still don't get it'' responded the Little Johnny. ''Why don't you sleep on it then? Maybe you'll understand it better,'' said the dad. ''Okay then...good night'' said Little Johnny went off to bed. In the middle of the night, Little Johnny was awakened by his baby brother's crying. He went to his baby brother's crib and found that he had taken a crap in his diaper. So Little Johnny went to his parent's room to get help. When he got to his parent's bedroom, he looked through the keyhole to check if they were asleep. Through the keyhole he saw his mom loudly snoring, but his dad wasn't there. So he went to the maid's room. When he looked through the maid's room keyhole, he saw his dad having sex with his maid. Little Johnny was surprised, but then he just realized something and thinks aloud, ''OH!! Now I understand the government! The President is fucking the work force, Congress is fast asleep, nobody cares about the people, and the future is full of shit!''
  43. 0 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    -1 kid trolls, argues with admins. Trolls... A LOT. kinda immature in way not enough swagger. Is a bitchboiiieee +/-0 idrc hes kinda cool. Knows rules as he knows how to break them heuheuhuehwa
  44. 0 points

    Cya Bois

    I smell bullshit
  45. 0 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    All of you who say "-1 no explanation needed" those arent valid. I mess with jubens more than anyone, but I know he would make a good mod. He's played xG longer than almost all of the staff( not me though jubens, you bitchboy), has experience, knows the rules, and as much as you all say he breaks rules all the time, he really doesnt. When he does, it's dumb shit like freeshooting. Also half of his ct bans are either abuse or as a joke, and another quarter of those ct bans are for accidental stuff. And as far as all of his "arguing with admin" crap goes, he has a right to argue about his slay as long as it doesnt turn to disrespect or constant complaining after told why. +1, he deserves it more than some of the staff we currently have. Most of you are -1ing because you dont like him, not looking at whether or not he'd be a good mod.
  46. 0 points
    -1 He'd be a great moderator, as long as he didn't have any moderator powers. At all. The freekilling, freeshooting, baiting, 30 something CT bans... Yeah, no...
  47. -1 points

    Jubens45 - Counter-strike: Source

    -1 I think we all know why
  48. -1 points


    Ganja, unless you have a serious reading comprehension issue. I clearly stated which event i was talking about. Need more convincing? You always give out 5 min bans whenever someone upsets you. A kick is fine with a warning, plus if every admin did this including me then xg would be severely unpopular and we would be the Something Awful of gaming clans (and im sure SA does have a gaming clan but that's besides the point)
  49. -1 points

    New Weapons

    I would love that tiki weapons reskins there r awsome
  50. -1 points

    New Weapons

    I am interested to know peoples ideas for new weapons i know i could look at the workshop but people that can't do those things what u guys think I want a stick launcher that can stick to players or even a launcher that blows up with senors
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