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Reputation Activity

  1. Informative
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Whyte in I May Not Be The Smartest Person In The World, But Something Is Wrong Here...   
    Whyte when I'm living in NY and become my dream of a kingpin, you'll be my lawyer.
  2. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Thorax_ in I May Not Be The Smartest Person In The World, But Something Is Wrong Here...   
    Whyte when I'm living in NY and become my dream of a kingpin, you'll be my lawyer.
  3. RIP
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Moosty in I May Not Be The Smartest Person In The World, But Something Is Wrong Here...   
    Hmmmmm this is worrying me though D:
  4. RIP
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Tsuchikure in [ Suggestion ] I’ve Seen A Lot Of Non-members Vouching For Applications...   
    I just disabled non-members from responding to member applications.
  5. RIP
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Snackbar in [ Suggestion ] I’ve Seen A Lot Of Non-members Vouching For Applications...   
    I just disabled non-members from responding to member applications.
  6. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Wompy_Boi in Member Submission Guidelines   
    So, you've decided that you want to join xG?
    In order to become a member of xG, the applicant must meet the following requirements:
    You must be at least 13 years old. Not already a member of a different clan. Have minimum 12 hours on our servers (Subject to change at a later date)  After 2 days of your member application you will either get accepted or declined. If you are declined membership for any reason, you may not reapply for a minimum of 30 days. If there are issues with your application, you may get an extra 5 days maximum to fix and answer any problems, or it will be automatically declined. 4/7/2017
    If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have
    5 positive vouches of which at least 2 must be from a Higher Up (Division Manager or higher) for your application to be accepted.  
    Vouching guidelines:
    Only existing members in xG are allowed to vouch. Your vouch may be deemed invalid if you fail to follow these guidelines.
    When vouching +1/-1s for any applicant - please consider the following:
    Is he/she active?. Does he/she listen to rules or admin directive when given? Or disrespect & break rules? Is he/she fun to play with? Be respectful with your comments. Why you feel the user should or should not become a member. Include maturity(M) and activity(A) ratings on a scale from 1 - 10. You are not to -1 any member you have never interacted with, hearsay / inactivity is not a valid reason.  
    Failure to follow these guidelines will result in the rejection of your submission.
    -Updated 3/20 - 2019
  7. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Ohstopyou in Tf2 Server Bugs   
    For some reason, sourcebans doesn't always overwrite the admins.cfg file with new information when we update the admins and permissions on the website. I have to manually delete the admins.cfg file and force it to recreate it with /reloadadmins.
    I have gone through the servers and removed plugins in the past, but I will do it again.
    I'll take a look at 015. No promises that the errors will disappear as prophunt (the plugin) is not routinely maintained.
    We can disable admin-flatfile.smx as sourcebans regulates it's own admins.cfg and groups. They both conflict with each other, not to mention it keeps throwing errors with our current groups. I just tested the admin system without it and it still functions.
    I trimmed the servers of any unneeded plugins. The rest on there are vital to the game mode or are part of the admin/donator system.
    The errors are solved on 015 :]. I just restarted it twice and source mod is not generating any new error logs!
    Edit 2.0:
    The flatfile has been removed from each server, as well as most issues being resolved. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on with JB 2. Ever since Nomulous was on there testing things, the server will not start without crashing. The error logs provide no clues as to what is going wrong.
    Throttle states that it's an incorrect gamedata file being used (Throttle), but does not state which file. I proceeded to upgrade source mod again and update every game data file that was available. No changes.
    Any ideas? @Nomulous
  8. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Hidingmaster in General Cleanup   
    Just wanted to send out a notification that I unstickied a few threads/moved one in General to clean it out as some stuff was outdated, or could be located in a better place.
    Just an FYI.
  9. Agree
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Shadower in Map: Pokemon Frlg: Lavender Town | Server: Pokemon Trade Center   
    We tested this on the server and it people hated it :(
  10. Agree
    Rhododendron reacted to Owl in Should I Play Other Xg Servers? I'm At Pkmn Trade 99% Of The Time   
    play xGs csgo jailbreak :)
  11. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron reacted to Tsuchikure in Donator Perks   
  12. Informative
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in I'm Finished   
    Hey I'm going on vacation for a week! Won't be on at all this week, and once I return I'll be on full time for most of January!
    Any emergencies I'll still have my laptop so I can manage, but otherwise expect even more delays from my responses!
  13. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Lithium in Unban Me   
    If people keep banning people for dumb reasons on TS, they WILL lose their Teamspeak rights. Don't make me have to remove powers because of your stupidity.
  14. Bad Spelling
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Dethman in Map: Pokemon Frlg: Lavender Town | Server: Pokemon Trade Center   
    We tested this on the server and it people hated it :(
  15. Informative
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in Christmas Server(s)?   
    If we were to do this, the maps we would use are xmas_nipperhouse and apehouse_xmas. Those are the only good XMAS maps for CS:GO after I tested a few dozen of them.
  16. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Ohstopyou in Age Requirement   
    Feel free to change it to your liking. I just figured that might make it easier.
  17. Friendly
    Rhododendron reacted to Snackbar in Idek What To Title This   
    Its December, this is typically a rough month for everyone, we have the biggest Hallmark Holiday tm to deal with. With that comes family time, work stress, school stress with finals, and a whole slew of other things. Theres going to be bouts of inactivity from everyone ffor whatever reason around this time.
    This is my slowest month, I work on commission only and NO ONE spends money on themselves this time a year as they are busy getting gifts for others. I am stressed, struggling, and constantly having a headache right about now.
    That being said, despite all of the real life stress that actually matters, I am still doing my best to devote time to this place because I actually give a fuck about you guys and the community, and by taking the position of division leader I knew full well I would have to work this into my schedule. One of the early promises I made was that I wasnt going to be a dl wh0 does it for a while then bails- Im in this for the long run.
    I read every post and I do my best to deal with peoples concerns GRANTED they fall under my jurisdiction. Some things I cant make a final call on until @Rhododendron signs off on it, but also be aware that believe me when I say it, soon as he gives me an hours time to approve some things, I will be spearheading some of the bigger issues you guys have brought up, until then Im just doing my best with hat Ive got to work with.
    I have said it time and time again that I am 100% influenced in my ideas by the community- you ask, and if its fair and people agree, I give. I know I cant please everyone - but at least im trying to do SOMETHING rather than just sit back and watch the world burn.
    Im going to take a few things brought up here and make a few posts with some updated rules regarding membership vouches among other things.
    Until then, stop getting pissed at me people, I'm simply doing what you ask with what I got.
  18. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Whyte in Age Requirement   
    My daddy is. And My other Daddy is. Is that close enough?
    Emma say I'm a lawyer. Im here to notarize these documents
  19. Smelly
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Lithium in Age Requirement   
    Most of the time, people under 16 simply don't donate since they don't have the means to.
  20. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Giraffes in Welp...   
    I tried to do some realism work and tried to make Walt Disney, it turned to horse crap.
    @Snackbar how are you so good :p

  21. Friendly
    Rhododendron reacted to ColdEndeavour in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    About 1 year ago, around the holidays, I had planned to give you guys a Christmas present before I left.
    However, things didn't work out that way, and the map just got put off to the side for a long time.
    Over the past few months I have been working on it bit-by-bit, whenever I could get around to doing something with Hammer, to bring this map up to a publishable standard - to share with everyone.
    It's because when I got back into TF2 in 2012, I started looking into playing on custom servers. Nintendo themed maps were the most interesting to me at the time, so I searched for servers using maps based on a Pokemon game.
    I typed <<Pokemon>> into the filter dialogue, and I scrolled down the list looking at the player count.
    Most of the servers were empty or had too little a number of people on it; however, near the bottom of the list, there it was, [xG] Pokemon Trade Centre 30/32.
    Upon joining this server, I was met with interesting people whom were regulars, and over time I kept coming back because it was an exciting experience being able to play something that was something other than vanilla - this also introduced me to the trading aspects of the game that brought me interesting amounts of profit. Needless to say, this server is also what introduced me to xG as a whole - eventually using the /servers command that led me to Nintendo64tress/TGH where I encountered even more interesting people.
    I made this re-touch of a map as a personal -thank you- to this community, but, most importantly, it is a gift. The original map that was done by Frewie was cut off in Beta 3 as "finished", yet there were a number of things that needed to be addressed/fixed; therefor, I thought this was a good idea (back in October of 2014).
    **There is a 'readme' in the .zip archive that will list the details of what is different or the same with this map from the other map**

    -Download Link-
    If something goes wrong, just say something. I tried to make this a smooth and simple presentation, but; then again, I'm just a person that's capable of mistakes like everyone else.
    Version 1
    Version 1 - B
  22. Ding!
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Forest in Please Enter A Valid Title   
    You need to make a thread with a title appropriate to it's content. How else will user's know to view it?
  23. Like
    Rhododendron reacted to Rabid in Fallout Screenshots I've Got So Far.   
  24. Like
    Rhododendron got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Valve To Implement Trading Escrows For Users, Unless They Utilize Mobile Authenticators.   
    Ah crap. I can see why they are doing it, they probably get flooded with support requests due to trading issues.
  25. F!$k Off
    Rhododendron got a reaction from Chrono in Cases   
    No deal!