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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. The reason why it makes sense for members to vouch for members is because they are giving input on who would be a valuable member for their own community, which a non-member shouldn't really have input on. BUT non-members do spend time on our servers, and they are good witnesses to members who are good representatives and giving staff to them does affect non-members in the servers they play on.
  2. It's an automatic system that flags people that is not so automatic unfortunately lmao. @Rhododendron Update the flags please or remove his server mod title from his name please. Thanks for letting us know (:
  3. There is a difference though from playing on another competing servers, and actually being a staff member for them. If you played on another servers we have 0 issue, but it becomes a gray area when you're a staff member for them.
  4. Unfortunately unless you get your staff powers removed by asking their higherups, and stop moderating/administrating on their servers while you are a part of xG.
  5. The difference being that you can not be a staff member of a competing server as that is truly multiclanning. @DepOptimist Also just wanted to clarify something. I didn't mean for you to make a post on Idleservers.com and tell them you are joining us, I meant I have 0 issues with you posting on idleservers.com if you do become a member (which you did). I know you have friends in idleservers, and we do not think it's fair to make you "choose" which community to hang out at, so that was what I meant in my previous post on your application.
  6. My last comment on the thread because you keep implying like he was doing something wrong. There is more than 1 way to earn moderator. The whole point of moderator submissions is to show the community (mainly the higherups) that you have interest in being a moderator, and then fellow members + staff give input on whether they should be promoted or not. Now, someone can get promoted to moderator even if they aren't 16+ without a mod submission, and this is because they are exceptional on the servers to the point where the higher ups don't need them to post a thread looking for input because they are already convinced this person deserves moderator. So, this member who has already proven himself wants to reapply to be a moderator, it doesn't really make sense for us to deny them of an app, because as we said, the purpose of the app is to find people who will be a good fit in the moderator spot. Someone who has proven himself and left on good terms is clearly a valid exception to the rule. Regardless, we will talk about the app process and make changes accordingly.
  7. Aegean

    Badges Megathread!

    Not a bad idea, the only issue would be do we make a new badge for every server, every division, or just a badge that commerates they are number 1 on one of our servers. I agree with supreme that they might not have forums which might be a little annoying, but I still like the idea regardless.
  8. I will discuss the age requirements for the mod application with the tf2 division higherups, and either rework it for all mod apps, or just tf2 specifically. For the time being as there seems to be a lot of support for her, I'll allow this application to stay up in the mean time. Also, @Kypari they asked me if the thread can stay up due to thunderlimes being a previous mod in the past, and none of the higherups would have an issue in that scenario. It is on me for not clarifying the rules so you need to try to understand the thinking process behind our decision of thunderlimes without just thinking everything must be black + white. If I'm looking for someone who is interested in being a moderator and have specific guidelines, but they have a proven track record, it is obvious that letting that user still make a post is fine. It's not really that hard to understand.
  9. All the badges + credits have been rewarded for the Town of Salem Event! Thanks everyone for coming!
    1. Jadow


      you weren't even there
    2. Aegean


      @[107597:@Jaydow] another Ege was there, so that's basically like me
  10. There's no contradiction, I have 0 issues if people in xG play on other communities servers or give input or post on other forums, neither does Virr. We just don't want them to consider themselves a member of another community if they want to be a member of xG. Their primary affiliation must be xG is all we ask of them.
  11. @DepOptimist Just to clarify, we have 0 issues if you play on their servers, write on their forums if you do join us. Thanks for the clarification :)
  12. Released a new "Hump" badge that you can purchase from the hub for 5000 credits, check my profile to see what it looks like!
    1. Kypari


      https://gyazo.com/972f877a4fdcea9b923094528426b984 Seems to clip with the other badge
    2. Aegean


      @[106384:@Kypari] thank you! Will fix it asap
    3. Forest


      Good ol' Cyanide and Happiness.
  13. Hey m8 can you send me a photo or gif you think would be good as a badge for the facebook screenshot of the month winners? Thanks!
    1. Thorax_


      I will send it to you as soon as I have a chance later today. :)
  14. Aegean

    Badges Megathread!

    Wow you asked that a while ago, sorry for no response! You can check out the badges now and make suggestions :) Badges
  15. Badges are done! https://xenogamers.com/threads/40191/ if you have any good ideas or suggestions post here!
  16. If you guys do events and a staff member is present, I'm happy to provide credits to the DM or DL and they can provide the credits to the winners. It would obviously have to be organized in some way and for the staff to be in contact with me but aside from that I have no issues with giving out some credits if you guys do events on our servers.
  17. https://xenogamers.com/guides/117/ images will be added in the guide in the correct size tomorrow
  18. You came from the CS:GO side, and this was specifically from the TF2 side lol. On top of that, the tf2 staff are VERY lenient on what people say nowadays, this was just an extreme case. Glad to get your valuable input though after so long!
  19. I've discussed with rejects quite extensively in the past about the issues, and he promised me issues like this won't happen again, and he knew he was on his last straw. We will discuss among the other higherups and make a decision asap.
  20. Minecraft will be worked on in 1 week! Thanks for the information :)
  21. Aegean

    Quotes/mimicry Game

    @Jacob Good luck with this one "shut up you stupid 4ner"
  22. https://xenogamers.com/threads/41436/#post-291438
  23. Hello Xeno Gamers! Haha April 20th am I right fellas? What's New This Month? The Official Noob Guide is out. The Official Noob Guide! If there's anything you feel is important to add, please comment on the guide and I'll make the changes! Anyone who is new to the forums will hopefully see this now before doing anything else. Badges are now out on users. Refer to this guide Badges if you want to know what is available. (Will be finished within 2 days as the badges interface got fixed less than a day ago) If you have any suggestions, please post here Badges Megathread!. For Staff: "Unless a Player is explicitly affecting the Servers (or is otherwise harassing a Player on our Servers) then there is no reason to ban a Player for their actions outside of the Servers. In other words, in order for a Player to be punished, they have to be affecting the Server as a whole, or, and this is a big 'or', they have to be a danger (IE. [verbal] harassment, threats, etc) to any of the Players in the Server (including Staff). Anything above or beyond this is an abuse of power from the Staff (depending on the situation)." Quoted from @Forest, we discussed as higher-ups that this is in fact the best course of action. This debate was sparked due to a ban last week so this should hopefully clear things up, and if you have any questions as moderators/admins, do not be afraid to ask the higher-ups on clarification. TF2 Staff can now choose to use staff titles or tags in servers, instead of just the steam tags that we've done since the beginning of time. This is subject to change at a later time, but for now the division managers and leaders agreed that as long as it's not confusing they have 0 issues with you guys using the staff-specific titles on our servers. What's Coming Up Soon? Revamping CS:GO, Minecraft, GMOD will begin May, school will be finished for many of us so expect a ton of events, badges, credits and giveaways within the next month to help repopulate our servers and prepare for the long awaited summer! Minecraft specifically is being looked at right now, as we have a few members interested in helping run the division, and we will make sure to choose the best course of action to keep the community happy. @SuperMaddud said he will be back in a few weeks so we will talk to him as well and then go from there. Youtube will be started earliest May or latest June, so if you're someone who thinks you have good content for xG's official youtube channel, be sure to prepare your stuff and message me when the time is ready!
  24. Honestly something like that can be posted in General every once in a while, but we can always discuss if we think we need an off topic section