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  1. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from Thorax_ in Lottamos   
    if anyone needs more context, someone was micspamming and someone of the staff told them to stop or they'd get muted/banned/kicked or something or other and goldfish says "so if I play music does that count as micspamming" and after I told him yes, as well as not to do it because he knows full well that it's micspamming, he does it anyways in the background. I asked him to stop (he didn't) so I muted him, told him directly to turn it off or stop using his mic. Unmuted him, it was still on, I kicked him with the message "turn the music off". He rejoined and the first words out of his mouth were "are you trolling me?" I told him no, I wasn't, and that the music in the background was an issue and from there he argued with me that it wasn't and continuously tried to loophole his way out of a punishment, and I banned him. (fyi I was only going to have the first ban as 10 minutes, but admin discretion comes before moderator and danny had said 24 hours so I went with that)
    sorry for double post, I couldn't edit in time
  2. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from Thorax_ in Lottamos   
    if anyone needs more context, someone was micspamming and someone of the staff told them to stop or they'd get muted/banned/kicked or something or other and goldfish says "so if I play music does that count as micspamming" and after I told him yes, as well as not to do it because he knows full well that it's micspamming, he does it anyways in the background. I asked him to stop (he didn't) so I muted him, told him directly to turn it off or stop using his mic. Unmuted him, it was still on, I kicked him with the message "turn the music off". He rejoined and the first words out of his mouth were "are you trolling me?" I told him no, I wasn't, and that the music in the background was an issue and from there he argued with me that it wasn't and continuously tried to loophole his way out of a punishment, and I banned him. (fyi I was only going to have the first ban as 10 minutes, but admin discretion comes before moderator and danny had said 24 hours so I went with that)
    sorry for double post, I couldn't edit in time
  3. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from Thorax_ in Lottamos   
    you weren't banned for the music in the background (although that is what I initially warned/muted/kicked you for), you were banned for arguing with not only me, but multiple other staff members as well. when they told you the same thing I did you told them the same thing - "you can't punish me for having music on in the background!" if you read the ban on SourceBans, it doesn't say "playing music in the background," it says "arguing, ignoring admins" which was why I banned you
    keep in mind this music wasn't 'quiet' or 'faint', it was loud enough to the point where a) I could tell it was Enter Sandman by Metallica and b) it was hard to understand you. that is why I asked you to turn it off; if someone has a bad microphone or something in the background that can make it difficult to understand them (read: music) then staff members are by all means allowed to ask them to either fix it or to stop using their mic (unless this has changed since I was an admin, but it hasn't to my knowledge)
    it's a 24 hour ban, wait it out. 
    @Dannypicacho @Jaydow
  4. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Nova_ in Hellooo!   
    howdy! be sure to stop by the discord and, if you have it, the CS:GO div too! we're always welcoming new members ?
  5. Furry
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Hellooo!   
    howdy! be sure to stop by the discord and, if you have it, the CS:GO div too! we're always welcoming new members ?
  6. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Jadow in Lottamos   
    you weren't banned for the music in the background (although that is what I initially warned/muted/kicked you for), you were banned for arguing with not only me, but multiple other staff members as well. when they told you the same thing I did you told them the same thing - "you can't punish me for having music on in the background!" if you read the ban on SourceBans, it doesn't say "playing music in the background," it says "arguing, ignoring admins" which was why I banned you
    keep in mind this music wasn't 'quiet' or 'faint', it was loud enough to the point where a) I could tell it was Enter Sandman by Metallica and b) it was hard to understand you. that is why I asked you to turn it off; if someone has a bad microphone or something in the background that can make it difficult to understand them (read: music) then staff members are by all means allowed to ask them to either fix it or to stop using their mic (unless this has changed since I was an admin, but it hasn't to my knowledge)
    it's a 24 hour ban, wait it out. 
    @Dannypicacho @Jaydow
  7. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Lottamos   
    if anyone needs more context, someone was micspamming and someone of the staff told them to stop or they'd get muted/banned/kicked or something or other and goldfish says "so if I play music does that count as micspamming" and after I told him yes, as well as not to do it because he knows full well that it's micspamming, he does it anyways in the background. I asked him to stop (he didn't) so I muted him, told him directly to turn it off or stop using his mic. Unmuted him, it was still on, I kicked him with the message "turn the music off". He rejoined and the first words out of his mouth were "are you trolling me?" I told him no, I wasn't, and that the music in the background was an issue and from there he argued with me that it wasn't and continuously tried to loophole his way out of a punishment, and I banned him. (fyi I was only going to have the first ban as 10 minutes, but admin discretion comes before moderator and danny had said 24 hours so I went with that)
    sorry for double post, I couldn't edit in time
  8. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Lottamos   
    you weren't banned for the music in the background (although that is what I initially warned/muted/kicked you for), you were banned for arguing with not only me, but multiple other staff members as well. when they told you the same thing I did you told them the same thing - "you can't punish me for having music on in the background!" if you read the ban on SourceBans, it doesn't say "playing music in the background," it says "arguing, ignoring admins" which was why I banned you
    keep in mind this music wasn't 'quiet' or 'faint', it was loud enough to the point where a) I could tell it was Enter Sandman by Metallica and b) it was hard to understand you. that is why I asked you to turn it off; if someone has a bad microphone or something in the background that can make it difficult to understand them (read: music) then staff members are by all means allowed to ask them to either fix it or to stop using their mic (unless this has changed since I was an admin, but it hasn't to my knowledge)
    it's a 24 hour ban, wait it out. 
    @Dannypicacho @Jaydow
  9. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Lithium in Lottamos   
    Just to add on a bit, considering you have had a significant history of arguing with staff in the past still haven't learned not to, a day ban is COMPLETELY justified.
  10. Informative
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in Lottamos   
    Not getting unbanned due to the context and your history, but I would not have banned you a whole day over such an issue. If you ever have a problem, feel free to message a higher-up if you want a second opinion.

    For everyone here, getting back on to dispute a kick or a mute is not grounds to be banned. That being said, the way YOU try to dispute just ruins the server experience for everyone which is why I'm not unbanning you. You knew exactly what you were doing by playing music in your background despite previous warnings, and you were just baiting staff.
    Play on our servers to have fun, stop causing unnecessary conflict. 
  11. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Spirit in Lottamos   
    you weren't banned for the music in the background (although that is what I initially warned/muted/kicked you for), you were banned for arguing with not only me, but multiple other staff members as well. when they told you the same thing I did you told them the same thing - "you can't punish me for having music on in the background!" if you read the ban on SourceBans, it doesn't say "playing music in the background," it says "arguing, ignoring admins" which was why I banned you
    keep in mind this music wasn't 'quiet' or 'faint', it was loud enough to the point where a) I could tell it was Enter Sandman by Metallica and b) it was hard to understand you. that is why I asked you to turn it off; if someone has a bad microphone or something in the background that can make it difficult to understand them (read: music) then staff members are by all means allowed to ask them to either fix it or to stop using their mic (unless this has changed since I was an admin, but it hasn't to my knowledge)
    it's a 24 hour ban, wait it out. 
    @Dannypicacho @Jaydow
  12. Useful
    jaygoki got a reaction from Queelsh in Whats up yall *-*   
    10 mans are just 5v5 with 10 people from the cs division, most commonly 10 mans will be started when someone tags @10manner on discord or there are a lot of us on a server and someone has the idea to do a 10man. If you want the 10 manner tag to be notified when we start a game, the #roles channel has a bot that will give it to you! you're always welcome to join:)
  13. Useful
    jaygoki got a reaction from BullseyeX in Lottamos   
    you weren't banned for the music in the background (although that is what I initially warned/muted/kicked you for), you were banned for arguing with not only me, but multiple other staff members as well. when they told you the same thing I did you told them the same thing - "you can't punish me for having music on in the background!" if you read the ban on SourceBans, it doesn't say "playing music in the background," it says "arguing, ignoring admins" which was why I banned you
    keep in mind this music wasn't 'quiet' or 'faint', it was loud enough to the point where a) I could tell it was Enter Sandman by Metallica and b) it was hard to understand you. that is why I asked you to turn it off; if someone has a bad microphone or something in the background that can make it difficult to understand them (read: music) then staff members are by all means allowed to ask them to either fix it or to stop using their mic (unless this has changed since I was an admin, but it hasn't to my knowledge)
    it's a 24 hour ban, wait it out. 
    @Dannypicacho @Jaydow
  14. Thinking
    jaygoki reacted to Arnude in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
  15. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Queelsh in Whats up yall *-*   
    Why does everyone tag genicide and why does he get so mad when you do it? @Genocide
  16. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Sodium in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  17. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Spirit in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    sad to see you go, but if you have problems with any staff (read: not just TF2) you should be either talking directly to a higher up, or, if you have proof, making an abuse thread under the Report Abuse section of the forums. 
  18. Ding!
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    sad to see you go, but if you have problems with any staff (read: not just TF2) you should be either talking directly to a higher up, or, if you have proof, making an abuse thread under the Report Abuse section of the forums. 
  19. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    sad to see you go, but if you have problems with any staff (read: not just TF2) you should be either talking directly to a higher up, or, if you have proof, making an abuse thread under the Report Abuse section of the forums. 
  20. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Thorax_ in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    sad to see you go, but if you have problems with any staff (read: not just TF2) you should be either talking directly to a higher up, or, if you have proof, making an abuse thread under the Report Abuse section of the forums. 
  21. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Topaz in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    sad to see you go, but if you have problems with any staff (read: not just TF2) you should be either talking directly to a higher up, or, if you have proof, making an abuse thread under the Report Abuse section of the forums. 
  22. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from Aegean in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    sad to see you go, but if you have problems with any staff (read: not just TF2) you should be either talking directly to a higher up, or, if you have proof, making an abuse thread under the Report Abuse section of the forums. 
  23. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from Dannypicacho in CS:GO player 6v6   
    how would you know they're furries and weebs? :thonk:
    danny is right, quit being so closeminded and try another division for once @csgo 
  24. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from hongkongatron in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  25. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Tekk in CS:GO player 6v6   
    We once did a TF2 6v6 after a CS:GO scrim and whilst there were mostly TF players, it was actually really fun. I would 100% recommend giving it a go and if you don't like it, then you know for if there's a next time ? no harm in trying it.
    We have a Stock Map Rotation Server which we could lock to 12 people and you could host it with captains like you do with CS, maybe?