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  1. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from lilbleed in Suggestions Thread   
    Yo nerd, stream of consciousness is a good journal writing tool, not a good posting tool. thankfully it is understandable.
    You want it so that last CT has a laser precise negev with unlimited ammo, and more health but moves slower? while giving him a speed buff with his knife out? speed buff as in regular LCT speed?
    I don't even know if that is possible/legal but to me it sounds like an even harder to kill lastct because a good chunk of people i play with already knife only.
  2. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in Xcomplex - Counter-strike   
    It literally has not been over a year. you joined forums at end of march/ beginning of april 2016 and you were banned July 2016 which is just slightly over 3 months of being here (you could presume slightly longer because you probably played on the servers before forums, but your toxicity all started with when you tried to become active within the forums/TS) it is now the end of October 2016 which is exactly 6 months and 1 day since you joined the forums.
    your previous ban protest was in september 1 month ago where you correctly stated that it was 4-5 months. that thread was also closed. here is the reason:
    We do not tolerate scripting/hacking on xG servers, as such there is a very firm permanent ban policy which is only negated through special circumstance (aside from not actually scripting and an adming being wrong in it with their video evidence/multiple admin witnesses. which is not your case)

    The only way for you to be unbanned is to go here: Want To Get Unbanned? and follow the instructions. This thread is now closed.
    also: your old account on forums is not deleted or banned, you just need to use the proper password with the username: Complex
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in 1000 Posts Of Random   
    i never thought i would see someone cancerous enough to change every letter to make a rainbow of text for a 1000th post thing. then again, it is xg.
  4. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Egossi in 1000 Posts Of Random   
    i never thought i would see someone cancerous enough to change every letter to make a rainbow of text for a 1000th post thing. then again, it is xg.
  5. Friendly
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in 1000 Posts Of Random   
    i never thought i would see someone cancerous enough to change every letter to make a rainbow of text for a 1000th post thing. then again, it is xg.
  6. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in So What Exactly Is "redstone"   
    Redstone is xGs ND server, it's like natural selection but instead of marines vs aliens, it's marines vs marines.
  7. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Floppy in [xg:tf2:a] Egossi - Counter-strike   
    I don't see why he can't do both? I also don't understand forcing staff to play 20 hours on a server if they want to play other games too, all egossi would be doing is supporting xG as a whole as staff on both divisions, instead of only supporting a part of xG as staff.
  8. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in [xg:tf2:a] Egossi - Counter-strike   
    I don't see why he can't do both? I also don't understand forcing staff to play 20 hours on a server if they want to play other games too, all egossi would be doing is supporting xG as a whole as staff on both divisions, instead of only supporting a part of xG as staff.
  9. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from MineCrack in @chrono   
    The 4 of you were in teamspeak together all in the same comp game after this had happened which is when i saw it, you all posted some edgy meme-lord post on the thread which was from sept 2011 and had no purpose being there. the purpose of the bump thread is to bring your thread back to the top (typically it would be a thread that is not getting as many posts as a thread in the same page). not to bring a post back from 5 years ago. You knew all too well how frowned upon gravedigging is and so does lithium, yourself for being banned several times before for it, and lithium for having banned people for it before.
    The reason you all were banned was because you all were there to intentionally post this garbage. and yes, if I had the ability lithium would have been banned for an hour as well.
    As far as activity goes, that is something that has been discussed with DM+ and Aegean, and the only reason you brought it up is to try to discredit my action taken against you and misdirect the actual point of the ban as one for gravedigging and instead as one for a power crazed person who wants to do whatever he wants whenever. If that were the case then I would have banned you and everyone that posted stupid +1s on the application for forum powers.
    Try asking silence for your credits back instead of literally crying and trying to find flaws in someone else because you did not get to run around getting whatever you want
    If you would like to make a formal protest to me as a staff member based on this, then you should have posted an abuse report considering you feel that I have wronged you that is where I would have made this thread.
  10. Friendly
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Should Xg Have A Discord Server?   
    they used to be in the tf2 channels on teamspeak and then they made friends with people on there from other divisions and they hang out in community channels with them where anyone is more than welcome.
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from LostCause in Sup   
    Go back to the bowling alley and find Niko, my cousin.
  12. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Charles in I'm Finally Leaving.   
    Cya in the nightmare fam. stay trill
  13. Friendly
    Chrono got a reaction from Aegean in Happy Birthday Buddy!   
    The one and only pink cowboy of xg. RIP with the 560 shots.
  14. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in How Did You Get Your Username?   
    Chrono Trigger, growing up I always thought Crono (the main character) was spelled with an H like in the title. after that it just kind of stuck.
  15. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Jadow in Where Are You From?   
    Disneyland, 6 days a week
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Thorax_ in Where Are You From?   
    Disneyland, 6 days a week
  17. Drunk
    Chrono reacted to Firewolf in Returned From The Abyss....   
    I dont get the hype about this Serbian guy? Is this @ThePenguin dad, did we find him? Whats going on here?
  18. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Sizz in Xg:m || Oden - Counter-strike   
    We don't do apps for admin. apps are for moderator and if you are deserving of a promotion higher, based on activity, how much you contribute, your abilities as a moderator, your decision making process, your ability to work with others etc.
    Closing thread.
  19. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in Hub Item Suggestions Thread   
    Hub is made to drive donations, yes you can just spend a ton of time on the server and earn credits by playing and buy some stuff. However it is designed around donating as the primary source of credits and using that to buy all the cool mostly cosmetic stuff. If we decided to go full hub, bombs would cost credits as well. To me, it seems like you're just upset that even though you play a couple of hours each day, you can't have all this cool new cosmetic stuff you have never seen on the servers before, and that's kind of the point. It's supposed to create this want to have all the cool things, and so in order to get them now and not over the course of a few months of constant playing, you donate ~$20 and get the coolest of the cool for all the categories.
  20. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from BullseyeX in Hub Item Suggestions Thread   
    Hub is made to drive donations, yes you can just spend a ton of time on the server and earn credits by playing and buy some stuff. However it is designed around donating as the primary source of credits and using that to buy all the cool mostly cosmetic stuff. If we decided to go full hub, bombs would cost credits as well. To me, it seems like you're just upset that even though you play a couple of hours each day, you can't have all this cool new cosmetic stuff you have never seen on the servers before, and that's kind of the point. It's supposed to create this want to have all the cool things, and so in order to get them now and not over the course of a few months of constant playing, you donate ~$20 and get the coolest of the cool for all the categories.
  21. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Sizz in Sun[xg]shine - Counter-strike   
    You do not have the required 50 posts on forums to be eligible to apply, let alone most of your last few days of posting have been multi-post and occasional grave digging threads from 2+months in order to "spam" your post requirement.
    Closing, please re-apply when you meet the requirements and have preferably not spammed to try to get to them.
  22. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from SUNSHINE in Sun[xg]shine - Counter-strike   
    You do not have the required 50 posts on forums to be eligible to apply, let alone most of your last few days of posting have been multi-post and occasional grave digging threads from 2+months in order to "spam" your post requirement.
    Closing, please re-apply when you meet the requirements and have preferably not spammed to try to get to them.
  23. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from gryfons in Sun[xg]shine - Counter-strike   
    You do not have the required 50 posts on forums to be eligible to apply, let alone most of your last few days of posting have been multi-post and occasional grave digging threads from 2+months in order to "spam" your post requirement.
    Closing, please re-apply when you meet the requirements and have preferably not spammed to try to get to them.
  24. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Kypari in Inactivity? Again? Already?   
    Bye Felicia.
  25. Smelly
    Chrono reacted to MinerTeddy in Explained Inactivity   
    Why take all AP classes if you are in the 4th percentile on the SAT @Firewolf ?