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Reputation Activity

  1. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Sizz in Xg:m || Oden - Counter-strike   
    We don't do apps for admin. apps are for moderator and if you are deserving of a promotion higher, based on activity, how much you contribute, your abilities as a moderator, your decision making process, your ability to work with others etc.
    Closing thread.
  2. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Scruffy   
    if he has 8% more than you, and you claim to be on from 2- 10 everyday, what does that say then? he's on from 2am- 10am? or you're not as active as you claim?
    dont base a vouch off of what you don't see. base it on what you do see. you said he has no activity because you dont see him, but then said he has more activity than you.
    make up your mind. pls
  3. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Phnix__   
    @Bello @mrnutty12 @Goblins @Rejects
    Closing unless you guys want to add a vouch and change this
    otherwise please re-apply in 1 month (30 days).
  4. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from Aczel in Aczel   
    Please re-apply in 30 days. Closed.
  5. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Sizz in Xg] Wario - Counter-strike   
    being here "long enough" is nowhere near a reason someone should be mod, someone could have been here 3 years but be immature/not a leader type person, so they wouldn't be very good with mod.
    When we take feedback from a mod submission and read over what members say about somebody, we're looking for things that they do that make them stand out to the members and things that maybe they don't do so well in the eyes of members and looking to see if they take feedback and work to improve or not.
  6. Not Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Sizz in Xg] Wario - Counter-strike   
    joined forums a year ago, servers were non-populated just shy of 1.5 years ago... how was it over a year, maybe 2?
    more like barely a year.
  7. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Majestic_Narwha in Xg:m || Oden - Counter-strike   
    We don't do apps for admin. apps are for moderator and if you are deserving of a promotion higher, based on activity, how much you contribute, your abilities as a moderator, your decision making process, your ability to work with others etc.
    Closing thread.
  8. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Jadow in Xg:m || Oden - Counter-strike   
    We don't do apps for admin. apps are for moderator and if you are deserving of a promotion higher, based on activity, how much you contribute, your abilities as a moderator, your decision making process, your ability to work with others etc.
    Closing thread.
  9. Bad Spelling
    Chrono got a reaction from lilbleed in Xg Bullseyex™ - Counter-strike   
    you're just pants on head retarded.
    its open for community input and will be closed if the OP requests or if given a position, or its an old ass thread and we want to close it and tell them to re-apply later. there really is no time limit per say.
  10. Salty
    Chrono got a reaction from Owl in Xg] Wario - Counter-strike   
    joined forums a year ago, servers were non-populated just shy of 1.5 years ago... how was it over a year, maybe 2?
    more like barely a year.
  11. Agree
    Chrono got a reaction from Warriorsfury in Xg:m || Oden - Counter-strike   
    We don't do apps for admin. apps are for moderator and if you are deserving of a promotion higher, based on activity, how much you contribute, your abilities as a moderator, your decision making process, your ability to work with others etc.
    Closing thread.
  12. Not Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from virr in Xg] Wario - Counter-strike   
    joined forums a year ago, servers were non-populated just shy of 1.5 years ago... how was it over a year, maybe 2?
    more like barely a year.
  13. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Xg Bullseyex™ - Counter-strike   
    you're just pants on head retarded.
    its open for community input and will be closed if the OP requests or if given a position, or its an old ass thread and we want to close it and tell them to re-apply later. there really is no time limit per say.
  14. Smelly
    Chrono got a reaction from Lithium in Xg] Wario - Counter-strike   
    joined forums a year ago, servers were non-populated just shy of 1.5 years ago... how was it over a year, maybe 2?
    more like barely a year.
  15. Useful
    Chrono got a reaction from Rabid in Xg] Wario - Counter-strike   
    joined forums a year ago, servers were non-populated just shy of 1.5 years ago... how was it over a year, maybe 2?
    more like barely a year.
  16. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in Xg Bullseyex™ - Counter-strike   
    you're just pants on head retarded.
    its open for community input and will be closed if the OP requests or if given a position, or its an old ass thread and we want to close it and tell them to re-apply later. there really is no time limit per say.
  17. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Hype in Warframe Clan?   
    If you wanted to make even a megathread for it, you could use the MOBA (previously MMO) sub-forum or the Games and Consoles sub-forum and post your clan related info to join etc. in there.
  18. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Please Move This To The Chatbox.   
    sm_csay and sm_csay are different? xddddd
  19. Drunk
    Chrono reacted to realBelloWaldi in Please Move This To The Chatbox.   
    If @Aegean agrees I can let the plugin advertise this message through sm_csay instead of sm_msay.
  20. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from jaygoki in In This Thread Post Your Member Number   
  21. Like
    Chrono got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in In This Thread Post Your Member Number   
  22. Agree
    Chrono reacted to Warriorsfury in Bhopping On Mg   
    Bhopping is WAY too easy. Imo you should set it to whatever setting jailbreak has at the moment.
  23. Funny
    Chrono got a reaction from Klure in In This Thread Post Your Member Number   
    822 only shadowspy aegean rabid and silence have me beat that are still around AFAIK
  24. Informative
    Chrono got a reaction from Aegean in Just Saying Hi   
    Just saying hi
  25. Winner
    Chrono reacted to xGShadowSpy in Changes Are Coming!   
    Changes may be coming, but some people still aren't.

    Wonder how many people get the reference