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  1. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Duke in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    It's an incredibly gray area for a lot of players, which is why I mentioned that he isn't wrong, but also isn't right. A large portion of Jailbreak Servers follow an invisible golden rule (even we do without knowing it) in that you don't do things that the Warden didn't tell you to do. It's a staple that every Server inadvertently follows, regardless of whether it is or isn't included in a set of rules.
    For instance; if a Warden instructs Ts to the bottom of the cell stairs, then by instinct we will all assume that if they get there and proceed to run up and down the stairs, they aren't following orders, and therefore should be killed. The Ts will argue that the Warden didn't say that they should freeze at the bottom of cell stairs, but the intention that they be at the bottom of the cell stairs until the next order is inadvertently implied. This can be applied to the scenario with the table as well in that they weren't explicitly told to stay off the tables, but it's implied that they shouldn't as it wasn't the Warden's explicit orders.
    Again, I'm not condoning this sort of stuff so much as I am just bringing to light what an annoyance it can be to moderate it for Staff. If I'm looking too deep into things, so be it, but I still think that "nazi wardening" should either be something mentioned in the rules or that it be written down somewhere so that these sort of things (unclear/fluctuating punishments for 'nazi wardening') can be prevented in the future. Though to be honest, this is just the CS:S in me, which may not be a good thing :coffee:
  2. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from gryfons in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    It's an incredibly gray area for a lot of players, which is why I mentioned that he isn't wrong, but also isn't right. A large portion of Jailbreak Servers follow an invisible golden rule (even we do without knowing it) in that you don't do things that the Warden didn't tell you to do. It's a staple that every Server inadvertently follows, regardless of whether it is or isn't included in a set of rules.
    For instance; if a Warden instructs Ts to the bottom of the cell stairs, then by instinct we will all assume that if they get there and proceed to run up and down the stairs, they aren't following orders, and therefore should be killed. The Ts will argue that the Warden didn't say that they should freeze at the bottom of cell stairs, but the intention that they be at the bottom of the cell stairs until the next order is inadvertently implied. This can be applied to the scenario with the table as well in that they weren't explicitly told to stay off the tables, but it's implied that they shouldn't as it wasn't the Warden's explicit orders.
    Again, I'm not condoning this sort of stuff so much as I am just bringing to light what an annoyance it can be to moderate it for Staff. If I'm looking too deep into things, so be it, but I still think that "nazi wardening" should either be something mentioned in the rules or that it be written down somewhere so that these sort of things (unclear/fluctuating punishments for 'nazi wardening') can be prevented in the future. Though to be honest, this is just the CS:S in me, which may not be a good thing :coffee:
  3. Friendly
    Forest got a reaction from Dethman in I Do 911   
    That's a lot of hearts.
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from lilbleed in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    It's an incredibly gray area for a lot of players, which is why I mentioned that he isn't wrong, but also isn't right. A large portion of Jailbreak Servers follow an invisible golden rule (even we do without knowing it) in that you don't do things that the Warden didn't tell you to do. It's a staple that every Server inadvertently follows, regardless of whether it is or isn't included in a set of rules.
    For instance; if a Warden instructs Ts to the bottom of the cell stairs, then by instinct we will all assume that if they get there and proceed to run up and down the stairs, they aren't following orders, and therefore should be killed. The Ts will argue that the Warden didn't say that they should freeze at the bottom of cell stairs, but the intention that they be at the bottom of the cell stairs until the next order is inadvertently implied. This can be applied to the scenario with the table as well in that they weren't explicitly told to stay off the tables, but it's implied that they shouldn't as it wasn't the Warden's explicit orders.
    Again, I'm not condoning this sort of stuff so much as I am just bringing to light what an annoyance it can be to moderate it for Staff. If I'm looking too deep into things, so be it, but I still think that "nazi wardening" should either be something mentioned in the rules or that it be written down somewhere so that these sort of things (unclear/fluctuating punishments for 'nazi wardening') can be prevented in the future. Though to be honest, this is just the CS:S in me, which may not be a good thing :coffee:
  5. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from gryfons in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Teeeechnically it isn't. He isn't wrong, but that doesn't make him right. This is just a classic case of 'nazi wardening' which in itself isn't technically breaking the rules. It sort of falls into the category of tarping, if anything. Personally, I don't think that this sort of stuff should be allowed, and if it is, it should be one of those things that can only go into effect after a certain period of time, much like Simon Says, though that's up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    That being said, I don't think he should be permanently CT banned, but if he is going to be punished for this sort of thing, it's worth noting that nazi wardening should be clarified on whether it's against the rules or if it can only be done at a certain time.
  6. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from lilbleed in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Teeeechnically it isn't. He isn't wrong, but that doesn't make him right. This is just a classic case of 'nazi wardening' which in itself isn't technically breaking the rules. It sort of falls into the category of tarping, if anything. Personally, I don't think that this sort of stuff should be allowed, and if it is, it should be one of those things that can only go into effect after a certain period of time, much like Simon Says, though that's up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    That being said, I don't think he should be permanently CT banned, but if he is going to be punished for this sort of thing, it's worth noting that nazi wardening should be clarified on whether it's against the rules or if it can only be done at a certain time.
  7. Disagree
    Forest got a reaction from Duke in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Teeeechnically it isn't. He isn't wrong, but that doesn't make him right. This is just a classic case of 'nazi wardening' which in itself isn't technically breaking the rules. It sort of falls into the category of tarping, if anything. Personally, I don't think that this sort of stuff should be allowed, and if it is, it should be one of those things that can only go into effect after a certain period of time, much like Simon Says, though that's up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    That being said, I don't think he should be permanently CT banned, but if he is going to be punished for this sort of thing, it's worth noting that nazi wardening should be clarified on whether it's against the rules or if it can only be done at a certain time.
  8. Like
    Forest reacted to BottomFraggingO in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    I think the rules need to be more clear. It makes sense but you guys need to be more clear. I dont think that he needs to be ct banned but maybe you guys should revise the rules a bit to make it more clear and we all reread the rules. No need for ct/perma bans.
  9. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from BullseyeX in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Teeeechnically it isn't. He isn't wrong, but that doesn't make him right. This is just a classic case of 'nazi wardening' which in itself isn't technically breaking the rules. It sort of falls into the category of tarping, if anything. Personally, I don't think that this sort of stuff should be allowed, and if it is, it should be one of those things that can only go into effect after a certain period of time, much like Simon Says, though that's up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    That being said, I don't think he should be permanently CT banned, but if he is going to be punished for this sort of thing, it's worth noting that nazi wardening should be clarified on whether it's against the rules or if it can only be done at a certain time.
  10. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from SniperNoSniping in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Teeeechnically it isn't. He isn't wrong, but that doesn't make him right. This is just a classic case of 'nazi wardening' which in itself isn't technically breaking the rules. It sort of falls into the category of tarping, if anything. Personally, I don't think that this sort of stuff should be allowed, and if it is, it should be one of those things that can only go into effect after a certain period of time, much like Simon Says, though that's up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    That being said, I don't think he should be permanently CT banned, but if he is going to be punished for this sort of thing, it's worth noting that nazi wardening should be clarified on whether it's against the rules or if it can only be done at a certain time.
  11. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Bullseye - Counter-strike   
    Teeeechnically it isn't. He isn't wrong, but that doesn't make him right. This is just a classic case of 'nazi wardening' which in itself isn't technically breaking the rules. It sort of falls into the category of tarping, if anything. Personally, I don't think that this sort of stuff should be allowed, and if it is, it should be one of those things that can only go into effect after a certain period of time, much like Simon Says, though that's up to the discretion of the Higher-Ups.
    That being said, I don't think he should be permanently CT banned, but if he is going to be punished for this sort of thing, it's worth noting that nazi wardening should be clarified on whether it's against the rules or if it can only be done at a certain time.
  12. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from Barmithian in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    Relevant to this thread, but also applying to the general population of Staff Submissions, there seems to be this misconception that the period of time between a Staff submission and the next promo/demo is sufficient activity enough. It isn't really in my place, and I'm in no position to really be talking, but do keep in mind that when referring to activity, it's activity over the course of an extended period of time both in and outside of the Staff submission taking place.
    What I mean by this is simply that someone could go hard over the course of say, a week, up until the next Promo/Demo. Activity looks promising, so he/she ends up being promoted. The problem here is that once that person has been promoted, they may no longer feel obligated to have that activity remain consistent with the time they put into the Server prior to being promoted.
    My suggestion [to any applicants] is to just play whenever you have the time to do so, don't spruce up your application with so-and-so amount of hours that you only put in to gain their (Higher-Ups) attention or otherwise wouldn't put that much effort into moderating to begin with. The only thing achieved out of putting a large amount of hours in is demonstrating that you have a lot of free time, thereby making you a target if you happen to be "inactive" (which will differentiate between Staff). When you put a lot of hours in say, a week (that you normally don't do), what this says about you is "Hey, I'm super active in this Division and I plan on being this active after receiving a Staff position too."
    Obviously this doesn't apply to those who genuinely play such and such hours weekly, but more-so to those who claim to be active when they're simply proving that they can be. The biggest distinction here is that a [staff] Member should be active, not can be active.
    Indifferent to this submission otherwise, just wanted to throw that out there :coffee:
  13. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    Relevant to this thread, but also applying to the general population of Staff Submissions, there seems to be this misconception that the period of time between a Staff submission and the next promo/demo is sufficient activity enough. It isn't really in my place, and I'm in no position to really be talking, but do keep in mind that when referring to activity, it's activity over the course of an extended period of time both in and outside of the Staff submission taking place.
    What I mean by this is simply that someone could go hard over the course of say, a week, up until the next Promo/Demo. Activity looks promising, so he/she ends up being promoted. The problem here is that once that person has been promoted, they may no longer feel obligated to have that activity remain consistent with the time they put into the Server prior to being promoted.
    My suggestion [to any applicants] is to just play whenever you have the time to do so, don't spruce up your application with so-and-so amount of hours that you only put in to gain their (Higher-Ups) attention or otherwise wouldn't put that much effort into moderating to begin with. The only thing achieved out of putting a large amount of hours in is demonstrating that you have a lot of free time, thereby making you a target if you happen to be "inactive" (which will differentiate between Staff). When you put a lot of hours in say, a week (that you normally don't do), what this says about you is "Hey, I'm super active in this Division and I plan on being this active after receiving a Staff position too."
    Obviously this doesn't apply to those who genuinely play such and such hours weekly, but more-so to those who claim to be active when they're simply proving that they can be. The biggest distinction here is that a [staff] Member should be active, not can be active.
    Indifferent to this submission otherwise, just wanted to throw that out there :coffee:
  14. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in Moosty - Team Fortress 2   
    Relevant to this thread, but also applying to the general population of Staff Submissions, there seems to be this misconception that the period of time between a Staff submission and the next promo/demo is sufficient activity enough. It isn't really in my place, and I'm in no position to really be talking, but do keep in mind that when referring to activity, it's activity over the course of an extended period of time both in and outside of the Staff submission taking place.
    What I mean by this is simply that someone could go hard over the course of say, a week, up until the next Promo/Demo. Activity looks promising, so he/she ends up being promoted. The problem here is that once that person has been promoted, they may no longer feel obligated to have that activity remain consistent with the time they put into the Server prior to being promoted.
    My suggestion [to any applicants] is to just play whenever you have the time to do so, don't spruce up your application with so-and-so amount of hours that you only put in to gain their (Higher-Ups) attention or otherwise wouldn't put that much effort into moderating to begin with. The only thing achieved out of putting a large amount of hours in is demonstrating that you have a lot of free time, thereby making you a target if you happen to be "inactive" (which will differentiate between Staff). When you put a lot of hours in say, a week (that you normally don't do), what this says about you is "Hey, I'm super active in this Division and I plan on being this active after receiving a Staff position too."
    Obviously this doesn't apply to those who genuinely play such and such hours weekly, but more-so to those who claim to be active when they're simply proving that they can be. The biggest distinction here is that a [staff] Member should be active, not can be active.
    Indifferent to this submission otherwise, just wanted to throw that out there :coffee:
  15. Optimistic
    Forest reacted to lilbleed in Uploading Demos...   
    Can someone respond here with a tutorial on how to upload demos. Some stupid people (like me) have lots of recordings of hackers but they are useless since they don't know how to upload them or get a hold of them at all. If you can that would be great!
  16. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Oden in Dealing With Hackers/scripters (message To Everyone On Any Server)   
    Solid advice, though if there is a blatant hacker online they'll most likely be called out [in public chat] by randoms or anyone who doesn't have any common sense to begin with :coffee:
  17. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Egossi in Forum Game #2   
    I'm going to roll with #2, the "used to" statement feels like it may be more correct and a lot of people [used to] nut hug Pewd.
    #1 I produce games at Electronic Arts
    #2 I prefer Summer over Winter
    #3 I play Acoustic guitar
  18. Ding!
    Forest reacted to OneGlove in Forum Game #3   
    Fudge forest back at it again with the boredom.
    Alright let's try this
    In the picture somewhere on the post is something you have to find.
    I am apparent and yet not seen.

  19. Like
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in ( Suggestion ) Anchor The Menu Bar On Mobile   
    I'll look into it.
  20. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from Thorax_ in ( Suggestion ) Anchor The Menu Bar On Mobile   
  21. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from SnowyMinion in What Genre Of Music Do You Like? ( Poll )   
    I don't personally really have a favourite. It all just depends on the mood I'm in or what activity I'm doing at the time. But I can tell you that I do not like kpop, jpop, or any alternatives to those. I also dislike country and am not a fan of rap or hip-hop.
  22. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Forum Game #3   
    I don't think this one is gonna be that popular, sadly....
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Majestic_Narwha in Dealing With Hackers/scripters (message To Everyone On Any Server)   
    Solid advice, though if there is a blatant hacker online they'll most likely be called out [in public chat] by randoms or anyone who doesn't have any common sense to begin with :coffee:
  24. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Thorax_ in Forum Game #3   
    The shout box should be called Chat, not shout box.

    Something isn’t right here.
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from NitNat in What Genre Of Music Do You Like? ( Poll )   
    I don't personally really have a favourite. It all just depends on the mood I'm in or what activity I'm doing at the time. But I can tell you that I do not like kpop, jpop, or any alternatives to those. I also dislike country and am not a fan of rap or hip-hop.