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  1. Informative
    Forest reacted to Hidingmaster in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Alright, some general things that really just push my buttons:
    1) People that can't take serious threads seriously. It's been <20 min since this thread was posted and I already had to delete an unnecessary post. This has been an ever increasing problem, where people think every thread is their own playground, usually in the manner that its going to be a poopstorm and think "Yeah, why not edge it forward".
    2) People that make threads poopstorms. Seriously? Are some of us not mature enough?
    3) A lot of people seem to think they know what its like to be a DL/CL. Let me tell you all something, it aint anywhere close to as easy as you think.. and why is my number 4.
    4) The fear of being demoted. The amount of times I've had to personally deal with someone either bullying, trolling, or general server rule breaking and have been unable to issue a ban or something longer than a day is unreal. I've been the only person on at night many times where a poopstorm has started, either in shoutbox or on a thread, and I can basically do nothing. Why? Either there won't be enough proof in the morning, its been an ongoing thing (so if someone looks why they were banned they only see one small instance, not tons of small ones), and because in the end there is a very high chance that I will get in trouble for banning/punishing them.
    4a) The bureaucracy. One of the causes for problem #4. If anybody bans someone, mostly perm, the first question you get is "Did you ask the other CLs?". IT WAS 3 AM, NO I DIDNT FUDGING WAIT FOR ONE OF THEM TO GET ON. I would have loved to consult them in certain situations, but I can't sit there and do nothing when I am personally being attacked by someone.
    4b) The lies and doing stuff behind people's back. Mostly reserved for the higher ups, but when did everything become so secret? When we started as CLs we agreed that everything needed a 3/5ths vote and that everyone had to see and approve the promo demo list. I haven't seen anything really happen that required a vote, but I also haven't seen a promo demo list since the last big demotion of TF2. Partly my fault, I should have contacted the other CLs. But I think we need to get together again on these things. Although there really is no need for most of us to see the Promo demo list, it was one of the more important things we did together. Kinda off on a tanget there, but lets get back to lies and doing stuff behind people's back. Since when was it cool to reverse someone's ban without discussing with the person who issued it? Never that I remember. I've permed someone, i'll leave names out (although he knows who it was), and he got his ban removed within 24 hours. That was some bulllllllpoop. Absolutely not a cool thing to do.
    TL: DR
    Let's think before we post.
    Poopstorms are not funny anymore.
    It's tough being a thug.
    Stop reporting abuse on higherups who are just trying to lay the hammer down sometimes (but please report if it really is a serious power problem)
    I can make some decisions on my own.
    Don't go behind my back and let people off. (#favoritism?)
  2. Informative
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  3. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Osiris in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  4. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Whyte in Forest - Counter-strike   
    Closed or not, for the record:
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  5. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Psa: Rules   
    Rules are rules no matter why you break them.
    Even if you think you are helping, if you break rules, you should expect the punishment they deem. People should know what a mass freekill looks like. it's obvious. Hacking is semi-obvious too, and if not 100% there are others very well known to what hacks look like and/or youtube videos of hacks. Please do not break a rule (especially hacking) to "teach others what it looks like." It makes it look like people can get away with whatever if we let you off the hook for it, no matter your previous standing or attitude on life or religious standing.
    @Bach @tf2 @Tsuchikure [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  6. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Goblin in Pictures Of A Sexy Man   
  7. Informative
    Forest reacted to Tsuchikure in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    I understand. All i wanted to point out was that it was likely a very beneficial thing to do at the moment, and will most likely never happen again. That's why i wanted you to think twice about giving him a permanent ban, and how people would react to that.
  8. Bad Spelling
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Forest - Counter-strike   
    Closed or not, for the record:
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  9. Sad
    Forest got a reaction from Haruka in Forest - Counter-strike   
    Closed or not, for the record:
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  10. Bad Spelling
    Forest got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Forest - Counter-strike   
    Closed or not, for the record:
    @Rhododendron @Nomulous [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  11. Funny
    Forest reacted to xGShadowSpy in Dream Loadout ?   
    @Forest heheh, buttimiv.
    My dream pistol: Tec-9. No skin
  12. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  13. Like
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Time To Move On   
    come over here baby gurl and i sign you in, and also get you shit faced.
  14. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  15. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Osiris in Hachi   
    .. heh (#69 sweg)
  16. Like
    Forest got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Hachi   
    .. heh (#69 sweg)
  17. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Organization   
    :Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man::Old Man:
  18. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  19. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from kbraszzz in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  20. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Lithium in Chroma Case 2   
    The only skin worth having is obviously the Monkey Business skin: (y)
  21. Optimistic
    Forest got a reaction from Shadower in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Welcome to XenoGamers, where 99.9% of threads derail within moments of them being put up.
    In all seriousness though, just to be clear (and to prevent further confusion from people), you may want to edit out the "Rules" part of the second quotation below if this is in fact, only a guide:

  22. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Matsi in Hachi   
    That is assuming ass isn't being used to describe someone in a derogative manner. I mean, its closely associated with curse words, isn't it? Although I do agree, especially because there is a large assortment of curse words that are way more harmful than ass. I feel like if we group together to form an association or assembly of sorts, we can present our case in an assertive manner to rid the more.. Offensive "curse" words. That way we can make a more assessable case, n'ah mean? Besides, it gets annoying when we use words that start with ass, because then it becomes a huge cluster fudge of mismatched words. Just assign the censors to more offensive words, that's all we want. Hell, if you want I can provide any assistance in identifying which are the worst, of which there are quite a few I assure you.
    Irrelevant post I know, but, it needs to be addressed as its becoming more of an inconvenience than an asset.
    Ass. :coffee:
  23. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Vector And I Are Writing A New Rules And Punishment Guideline. We Need Your Input.   
    Welcome to XenoGamers, where 99.9% of threads derail within moments of them being put up.
    In all seriousness though, just to be clear (and to prevent further confusion from people), you may want to edit out the "Rules" part of the second quotation below if this is in fact, only a guide:

  24. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Muzzle in Chroma Case 2   
    The only skin worth having is obviously the Monkey Business skin: (y)
  25. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in Chroma Case 2   
    The only skin worth having is obviously the Monkey Business skin: (y)