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Everything posted by Vector

  1. If that doesn't work then it's best to contact the Community leaders and make a thread on the forums concerning it. You can contact @Aegean @Nomulous @Bleed. However i guess we can just use this thread. Virr and I aren't critizing the Gmod divison. We are just saying that we want to try and get our populated divisions to play on gmod servers. I don't see how this could be interpereted in any other way. Why wouldn't we care about a division regardless of whether or not we play in it? We are all xG members and we want to help out in anyway we can and it's been on the other divisions for not taking interest but at the same time if you guys can make your concerns known on the forums and give evidence of problems then i don't see how other xG members can not give input.
  2. This isn't meant to be bashing the gmod division or anything I just really want other xg members to take part in said division. Servers ran by stickz (nuclear dawn and gmod now) always seem mysterious to our other divisions and in tf2 we have conversations about it. Nothing bad really it's just that if we all took an effort in recognizing another whole divison then perhaps there can be some transparency. I'm gonna ask some tf2 players if they would be interested. Gmod when it was ran by charrax, house and skitzo, (regardless of the fact it died when each of those 3 had it) each attracted other members in the xg community including the then CSS community. And we had some fun playing darkrp (not suggesting to bring back darkRp). I know this might sound silly or unnecessary but Gringo's comment made me think and I thank him for that. Im gonna try playing some gmod and see the situation first hand and I encourage others to join in.
  3. Then why don't you actually do something about it and make a thread? The problem with the gmod division is that you guys have a hard time communicating and have little to no inactivity on the forums so we, the other xg members of other divisions can see what is going on. I've never heard any complaints about stickz in the 5 years I have been here and the few conversations I have with him about servers are very informative. So if you have any evidence to back up your claim then by all means tell us and show us but until then we will take his word and the fact you see to have some problems at first glance. Ithe only reinforces my theory. I don't mean to sound rude or that I'm scolding you, it's only a suggestion in how you could improve the division as a whole and perhaps get other members of xg to take some interest. Also calling us dipshits is no way to get your point across and gives me no motivation to help you. From what I see you've been here for awhile and I hear no complaints that you claim to say exist. So please give us these complaints.
  4. Honestly, i wouldn't make this video public. I mean, sure he shouldn't have said that shit but come on, there's no point in putting the disrespect on youtube when you could of just given us the demo. Also, please tag @Sylux so he can give his input and his two cents please. Good luck sylux.
  5. Vector


    Steam isn't going to do anything you must create a steam rep report which would essentially stop his trading all together. Please provide us with this information. This is to make sure he doesn't scam anyone else and punish him. Steam isn't the one who marks people but it's steam rep who does. We also want to gather information and evidence so said report can be valid. If you could also provide chat logs. That would be super. Edit: I shouldn't say steam would do nothing, if there is a very large scam and you provide ample amount of proof against the offender then I believe there is a chance the offender can be trade banned but its chance is unlikely.
  6. Vector


    Did you report it? Did you check his rep? Please provide us with his information. This is silly. PayPal is risky but that doesn't mean you should never do it if you are experienced. Always get a middle man no matter what, an official one from steam rep. Or if the other party agrees, someone you know in xg (unlikely but it never hurts to ask.) If he doesn't agree to a middleman he is not worth your time. Again please provide us with steam Id of the offender with his backpack and everything.
  7. I got a laptop that could play some games and i got css for gmod. I joined the game and just joined the server with the most people at the time which was xg jb. And i stayed cause most of the people were really nice funny cool etc etc. Though. There were a share of shit heads but the good ones out weighed the bad. @speedlimit56kb was the guy who really pushed me to join.
  8. I knew it wouldn't be long till @Rejects got DL. Great guy. Grats to @virr. You are always a cool cat. And grats to everyone else.
  9. Going to be gone for a week, leaving christmas day and coming back new years day. @Bello @Egossi @BlankuChan @mrnutty12
  10. +1, as i mentioned before in my previous posts about kitty, she can be very hot headed and say stupid shit, and she has done stupid shit as well as made a lot of enemies, but personally i have mever had any such problems with her, i feel a lot of the times she felt she didn't get the representation or support she needed added to said frustration. If kitty can chill out and apologize for what she has done then i see no reason to keep her forum banned. I'm not trying to justify what she did or say, but give some sort of insight on why it might have happened. Good Luck kitty.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9q70zCJYBc @Vexx @Salazzle @Kypari @BonfireCentipede
  12. Vector


    Damn, you were one of the best admins xG has seen. I really hope you have a speedy return dude. Hope everything works out.
  13. tbh i actually didn't expect @Egossi but that doesn't mean he won't be a good staff member. Like i mentioned before, he says and does stupid shit sometimes but at the end of the day, he actually can hold his own in certain cases and tries to be fair. I think everyone should give both new DMs a chance. Their good people and their hearts are in the right place. However, Ego and Blank should understand why people are afraid. Prove them wrong. I know you guys can.
  14. Shit happens man, hopefully you get your shit back together, just think about playing sometimes. You were a fun guy regardless of maps anyway.
  15. ColdEndeavour nails it again. Come play on the servers bro, add my new account. You will always be welcomed. Thank you. Steam Community :: [xG:M] Randy Moss
  16. +1 A:7 M:10 Always an awesome guy, never ever have any sort of problems with him and he was a great mod. Totally deserves member again.
  17. I told you it was dumb on the servers already and i'm telling you it's dumb here. But, i guess you completely ignored me, and literally 5 other people that said it was dumb.
  18. If you seriously need to be confronted and told that you can't sell your powers so others can abuse, you don't deserve powers. It's literally common sense, and the fact people call it "snitching" Is the dumbest fucking thing i have ever read. I'm sorry, and i'm trying not to be mean because we all make mistakes but this is just straight up silly, and i don't see how you think you have any sort of argument. Communication is vital and it's greatly appreciated but for fucks sakes in this case? Use your head and not your credit wallet. I really question this community and the people that are in it. It's frustrating to see a fantastic community dwell into this shit. You can discuss anything relevant but you can't name drop. You're right, no arguing, that shouldn't be on the server or forums, but if a discussion is polite, mature and an understanding between the parties then i think it should be allowed. That's just what i think. Also i want people to differentiate between argument and discussion, because sometimes others can't tell the difference. Also if it's just a heads up, shouldn't it be closed after the initial message? Idk how shit works anymore.
  19. Shouldn't have demoted me tbh
  20. i just saw this post, hold the fucking phone. You call TGH cancerous but you think pokemon is better? Get the fuck outta here. - Someone who has played on both for a long time.
  21. What people are being silenced for is disrespect, and i even touched on your point that if you think it's a problem make a thread. No one gets silenced or gagged for saying faggot as a joke anymore however, i'm not sure about KYS. Some people don't want to be held liable if something happens, that's what i think is going, it's to cover xG's ass. But why would you want to Kys anyway in the first place? only dumb memers use it. Also idk what you mean that everytime you're on tgh you ee people gagged for KYS i hardly ever see anyone use it and when it is used many times it's people being butt hurt. Also i'm saying that the times people use it is a disrespectful manner, what you might think is a joke, others might be offended, that's life. i'm sorry if you can't understand that or you disagree with me, but that's just what i think the mods go through. Also, if an admins tells you not to do something, then it's probably not okay to say it again, they give these people ample times to stop, even if they are joking in your case, it's hard to believe they are not after the second or third time where their punishment gets more severe, they know the rules because they got punished at that point it's hard sympathize with them if they keep doing it over and over.
  22. ?????? What's your point here? Nobody gets warned anymore for joking saying the word faggot at least not when i play or see when anybody else uses it as a joke but it is disrespect when used as a disrespectful manner. Also Kill yourself is massive disrespect and not death threats, we've been over this over and over people, there is a major difference between death threats and massive disrespect. Disrespect has always been called on and people have been punished for it, so i don't understand why you think it's silly that they are catching rule breakers. I'm not sure if you're allowed to say kill yourself in a joking manner or not but if you have a problem with it, why not make a thread about it? Doing nothing and knowing something you don't like goes on is incredibly counter productive, perhaps others share your opinion. Stoping disrespect is now being in a safe space??????? Jesus christ.