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Everything posted by Charles

  1. His mom is dead, he should get moderator.
  2. Something needs to be done about this cyber-thief before he strikes again!
  3. WTS +1 for Overwatch. PST if interested!
  4. X_AR: hey dood im not making my main account a member of xG.
  5. Charles


    -1 Let me ACTUALLY put a reason for my -1. The kid is rude as fuck. I join the server just to be messaged with "Omg its that faggot charles" or "you're charles and everyone hates you" :( :( :( . But seriously the kid is rude, immature, and loud. Wouldn't be a positive addition to the community. A:10 M:2
  6. Seeing as how I am the one that reported you, I feel as if I should reply to this. You were DL, you did jack shit as DL. You got demo'd for it. And out of immaturity, you decided "Hey! I'm just going to DELETE THE SERVER FILES." You also sat in JB and spied on people using Admin Stealth. Then you have the nerve to come back here xD. -1 xd
  7. +1 Cool dude, Good warden, active on MC. Made me spend 2 silver oon a flight in WoW A:7.99929292392939 M: 9 Virr is dumb.
  8. Charles


    -1 Cool dude A:10 M:2
  9. All I want from CS is that map. I remember getting to level 80~ and it breaking on me. Would be fun to do it again!
  10. Charles

    Computer Problem

    TL;DR Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
  12. Charles

    Trump Vs Hillary

    Why do people vote for either of them...?
  13. Please. But you know, slide race is already so much more fun than minigames would ever be! @Bleed @Lithium @Owl @Chrono @Forest xd
  14. I feel like if you've been playing for two months, I'd know who you are.
  15. HEY GUYS! Its your favorite moderator, CHARLES here! Hitting you up with ANOTHER stepping down thread. OMG CHARLES, Y IS U STEPIN DOWN!?: I don't really like what the CS JB division has turned into. Whenever I get on, I just hear a bunch of "rule whores" or prepubescents screaming into their microphones. When I first joined xG back in 2012, I loved the community. It was full of older, mature players who actually played to enjoy the game. And when I re-joined back in February, I thought Jail Break was returning to what it was, but soon after I got staff, I learned otherwise. But none the less, I dislike the CS community, and I don't want to moderate the servers anymore. ~Charles xD
  16. Wouldn't this be his second time being banned for something similar to this? Or am I thinking of someone else. Because if it is his second time doing this and it is his second ban, I think it should be perm. But I could just be thinking of someone else. :llama:
  17. Due to graduation/finals/act fast approaching, I need to focus on my school work. This will likely leave me with no time for me being called onto JB. I will still get on from time to time, just not as much. I should be able to be more active starting May 29th (Day I graduate).
  18. Well I think what @Stevenn meant to type was "Hi______my_______name______is______steven". When you see this, its typically a scripter typing this. This is due to the application spamming space when you press it. _ = space Wont let you spam spaces.
  19. -1 Liar, he has impersonated a trader and pretended to be a LE. I know this doesnt apply to xG, but it says that he is a liar and he shouldnt be a member. Owl can vouch for this @Owl A:8 M:4
  20. After saying this, it really shows how immature you really are. You could've actually shown that you were mature, and improved upon how you act on the servers and forums, but instead you act like this. This isn't about just one staff member, this is what we have noticed from you being on the servewr. The "Lmao f.uck you all" comment ruined your chances, not us. Should reapply later once you're more mature.