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  1. Like
    SegFault reacted to Matteomax in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    With Seg here. I haven't posted in a while, but am coming back just for this. I'd rather not have problems arise again, especially concerning my experience when you had also brought up politics several times after I had warned you while I was staff.
  2. Smelly
    SegFault reacted to Dannypicacho in lolisme   
    Easiest -1 of my life (x2)
    First of all, you weren't hyperscrolling, you were using scripts. Hyperscroll doesn't work according to @Lithium. And now you're admitting to using scripts. Something we all already knew. Second of all, you were insanely toxic that my -1 on you remains my #1 strongest -1. Lastly, you didn't even play properly. You constantly loopholed and freekilled and complained to admins and even spammed me in steam messages with slurs and more vulgar and vile language. I don't believe you've become a better person in that short time and my opinions towards you remain the same. 
  3. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Lithium in lolisme   
    Yeah you're unbanned now, just don't do it again, or it'll probably be a true perm then etc etc.
    Also, try not to be so unnecessarily hostile towards danny (or anyone else, for that matter) like you did before you got banned, that kind of shit will probably get you banned again too (although not necessarily a perm).
    being honest about what he did in the first place isn't a bad thing
  4. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from Precious in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    All though I am a higher-up, I feel/felt the same way. I was not the child of an invisible promo but I have never seen the issue with them unless the community as a whole is finding an issue with it. I think its kind of like a see-saw. The higher-ups make a call and the community checks it, or the community makes the call and the higher-ups check it. I trust the other higher-ups and I trust the community. But @Ms.Spooks has just as valid a point about favoritism. Ultimately - personally, I feel silent promotions are an issue, but only if you don't have faith in the higher-ups to make the right call. 
  5. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from jaygoki in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    All though I am a higher-up, I feel/felt the same way. I was not the child of an invisible promo but I have never seen the issue with them unless the community as a whole is finding an issue with it. I think its kind of like a see-saw. The higher-ups make a call and the community checks it, or the community makes the call and the higher-ups check it. I trust the other higher-ups and I trust the community. But @Ms.Spooks has just as valid a point about favoritism. Ultimately - personally, I feel silent promotions are an issue, but only if you don't have faith in the higher-ups to make the right call. 
  6. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from Ms.Spooks in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    All though I am a higher-up, I feel/felt the same way. I was not the child of an invisible promo but I have never seen the issue with them unless the community as a whole is finding an issue with it. I think its kind of like a see-saw. The higher-ups make a call and the community checks it, or the community makes the call and the higher-ups check it. I trust the other higher-ups and I trust the community. But @Ms.Spooks has just as valid a point about favoritism. Ultimately - personally, I feel silent promotions are an issue, but only if you don't have faith in the higher-ups to make the right call. 
  7. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    All though I am a higher-up, I feel/felt the same way. I was not the child of an invisible promo but I have never seen the issue with them unless the community as a whole is finding an issue with it. I think its kind of like a see-saw. The higher-ups make a call and the community checks it, or the community makes the call and the higher-ups check it. I trust the other higher-ups and I trust the community. But @Ms.Spooks has just as valid a point about favoritism. Ultimately - personally, I feel silent promotions are an issue, but only if you don't have faith in the higher-ups to make the right call. 
  8. Agree
    SegFault reacted to jaygoki in On "Invisible Promotions"   
    I feel like even if community +/-1s on staff applications were taken into account on whether or not someone were to be accepted as a staff member (read: someone that got all -1s on an app was rejected whether the higher-ups wanted it or not), I would still be trusting of them to promote staff without the community's input. I trust Lithium (and bleed?*) to accept staff that will do good for the server, even if there is someone that disapproves of them being promoted. He's been around long enough that he knows whether or not someone will be a good staff member and actively improve the servers, or vice versa.
    *idk if bleed is still sectioned off into strictly CS promotions or not
  9. Ding!
    SegFault reacted to Precious in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    Yeah no this is just going to be #shitposting all over again. You guys do realize that if you want to do things you aren't allowed to do in xG, you can always like, you know, make your own Discord, right? 
  10. Bad Spelling
    SegFault got a reaction from Tatost in shwash   
    +1 hes driving over here
  11. Like
    SegFault reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Remove Random Crits?   
    +1 inb4 the "I don't play tf2 anymore, but I just want to sabotage votes made by the community for changes that won't affect me in any way" comments
  12. Like
    SegFault reacted to jaygoki in loftydrum   
    model member of xg (minus the furries/"degenerates" -danny), would make a very welcome addition to the staff team
  13. Thinking
    SegFault got a reaction from Reiki in A little practice with Blender   
    >computer can run 3d modeling/rendering software with dynamic lighting
    >computer can't run tf2 and record demos at same time
    ? but that's really awesome reiki!
  14. Funny
    SegFault got a reaction from Thorax_ in A little practice with Blender   
    >computer can run 3d modeling/rendering software with dynamic lighting
    >computer can't run tf2 and record demos at same time
    ? but that's really awesome reiki!
  15. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Red in Spoopy   
    TO BE FAIR...he never specified lmao
  16. Informative
    SegFault reacted to Spoopy in Spoopy   
    Correct yourself it was 27 MEDIUM SIZE cokes
  17. Thinking
    SegFault got a reaction from Tatost in A little practice with Blender   
    >computer can run 3d modeling/rendering software with dynamic lighting
    >computer can't run tf2 and record demos at same time
    ? but that's really awesome reiki!
  18. Friendly
    SegFault reacted to Reiki in A little practice with Blender   
    Well, I started practicing with Blender a few days ago
    Here is my customized Lucario made in Blender, Reiki!
    Made by me using Blender

  19. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in Hello again.   
    I mean, she was fantastic staff and I fail to see what negative outcomes there may be should be get staff again. If you feel as though she is undeserving of staff, please talk to a higher up or make an abuse thread, should she get staff again, should she want staff again. 
  20. Salty
    SegFault reacted to Goblins in Hello again.   
    She can honestly apply for staff like the rest of the people who leave and come back a month later.
  21. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from Tekk in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    lmao when @Genocide forgets 'gay'
  22. Make xG Great Again
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    Now that you mention it I think I might be the only person in xG TF2 staff to not be any of these, unless you include @SegFault despite his anime profile photos ?
  23. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Aegean in Final goodbye   
    I think something to note is the timeline in which all these things have happened is extremely short. You have to give time to be forgiven and prove you've put in work.
    You're always welcome back here but I think you've put out quite a few people by saying over and over what a shitty community some of us have spent weeks, months, and even years to create. If I were you, I would just work on making amends with others and think before you say something on the forums, discord, or in game. 
    Best of luck wherever life takes you, wether that be in xG or not and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you.
  24. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Thunder in Final goodbye   
    I think something to note is the timeline in which all these things have happened is extremely short. You have to give time to be forgiven and prove you've put in work.
    You're always welcome back here but I think you've put out quite a few people by saying over and over what a shitty community some of us have spent weeks, months, and even years to create. If I were you, I would just work on making amends with others and think before you say something on the forums, discord, or in game. 
    Best of luck wherever life takes you, wether that be in xG or not and let us know if there's anything we can do to help you.
  25. Winner
    SegFault reacted to Topaz in Final goodbye   
    This makes number three. The third time you have come back, and left within a few days. Look, I get that you are having issues, but it is incredibly frustrating when you say you want to better yourself and don't put in the effort. From what I have seen, almost nobody has been straight up toxic to you. They have given their feedback on what you need to improve on and how to go about it. I think it was made pretty clear from the post where you said you improved yourself, that we wanted to see it first. We wanted to actually see results, and it takes time to actually prove this.

    Here is where I think you are having issues, you are being incredibly short-sited and impatient. Time is the key, you have to put in the effort which does not happen instantly. @SegFault said it well (and while I was typing this so thanks for that.)

    Finally, please don't do something you regret, lik-
    Like that. But in all seriousness, this is an example of what we are talking about. Every time you leave you dig yourself a deeper hole, and when you want to come back it becomes harder and harder to climb out of it. 

    Well, good luck with wherever life takes you. Also as Seg said, you are still welcome here.