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Posts posted by Moosty


    I love my adorable, projectile spamming boy.



    Edit: and on the topic of Echo Fighters, Paula is modeled for Ness' final smash and Kumatora for Lucas', EZ echo fighters, give us the mother series grills Sakurai

  2. Maybe if valve didn't de_stroy my fast gloves heavy could be at midfights and viable to switch out the demo/pocket for, leading to more variety in the mode, but valve listens to b4nny and not me, so that's none of my business...


  3. I dont play tf2 as much as I was but I could make scheduled practices and matches no problem so count me in.


    also I want to bat for either 9v9 highlander or 4v4. I feel sixes and ultiduo are too regimented meta wise. this is a for fun event and while we want competive plugins and the conp experience, Id prefer to leave the every team running the same strat in 6s and ultiduo where it belongs.




    plus Ive played a few 4v4 matches and its great, you cant expect what anyone is going to do and there is no set meta, so you see both trying to outpick the other team in more than just the push/hold on last. long story short its an underrated gamemode with a huge mental game in character selection, much more so than the few times in 6s that you run a sniper or spy.

  4. Damn, deadass see you tomorrow


    Edit: PS: I'll just be the one to say it, but if by day 4 it's still disappointing then tf2 is pretty much going to just be community servers for the foreseeable future. People will check it out after years and VOLVO YOU BETTER NOT FUCK UP

  5. I think the problem is more the fact that people like to throw around the word "abuse" with nothing to actually back it. I've seen quite a few times where a staff member will be doing their job and a person calls abuse on it.

    "I got muted for micspamming after being given a ton of warning beforehand? WHAT IS THIS ABUSE?"


    Basically this. I had to tell so many people as DM that they weren't being actually abused. The higher ups will protect staff and decide what's abuse, staff should just refer people politely to the link nutty posted if they're being wrongfully accused. Also it never hurts to ask the higher ups, we add new plugins more than we update rules, even if you're abusing if you're honest and upfront and stop when told things will be better for you.


    Edit accidentaly posted a partial draft, was removed.

  6. oh right did you get the password for the highlander server already? i heard there was problem about it last time

    Lol I don't think anyone has used that since I ran the Highlander team, and only myself, ohstop, kbraszzz and chickenpanda knew the password, and that was over two years ago and I would be shocked if anyone remembers it. Going in and unpasswording the server would be the best bet.

  7. Oh shit, my name is "orbfan96isdumb" (my irl brother, orbfan96, was an aqw founder)

    I was a member for a while and still have the second upholder starsword (if my account hasn't been scrubbed by time) and tons of other old rares, I was level 25 when it was the max, then 30, but stopped there. I make no promises but I might just log back in now.

  8. You guys are all wrong. His name is Ian, not Lan.

    Don't negative rate these are facts, this man has been lying about his name for years how can we trust him if he can't even accept that his own name is IAN so I'm gonna -1erino cappuccino

















    Jk he would make perfect staff, and isn't actually a lying liar. Every possible +1 from me.

  9. +1 for removal or moving to general trade, It's barely gaming history related. It's fun for events but doesn't need to be a constant part of the rotation, we have plenty of tgh maps that actually are gaming related and since masscc is a pooular map, maybe moving it to general trade could get a bit of activity there (I mean a boy can dream right?)

  10. -1 I don't want to get deep into it or pick apart individual points, I just think it's a trade server and meant be to random and inconsistent, as tf2 in general is meant to be. I guess I just don't see the appeal of making the experience arbitrary and exactly the same for everyone outside of competitive. To me it seems like smogon in pokemon, which if you don't know is a community ruleset for playing pokemon that got so convoluted and arbitrarily against RNG that it just lost the plot and started sucking.


    Honestly tf2 and the community has changed alot since rotation history failed, and us trying a competitive server with no random crits and cool maps could actually work in a valve server-less community, I'd rather see us pop it onto rotation or start it's own server rather than change our trade servers this much.



    Ps. And as people have stated, RTD is equally bad RNG wise. If we are keeping that I don't see what the difference is between running around a corner and dying to toxic and running around a corner and dying to a random crit.