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Posts posted by mrnutty12

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  3. Wait that is still open? Given Kypari's most recent post about how they have given the guy warnings and kicks

    We did kick him and warn him on multiple occasions. @ThunderLimes and myself kicked him for toxic behavior and names.
    I would still be ok with a day ban or a warning. Really the guy does not warrant worse punishment from that thread than a day.


    If we are doing general discussion, I want to bring up the whole no links in chat "rule" or lack thereof.

    After having looked through the rules guides old and somewhat less old and unless I am blind and/or stupid I can't find anything pertaining to links in chat besides advertising. I wouldn't have an issue with this but every time a generic link to something that isn't advertisement (eg posting a profile link for people to add you on steam) various staff and players say it is against the rules. If we want to keep no links in chat as a rule that staff enforce that is just fine by me all I want is that it be explicitly stated.


    Oh and everyone keeps telling me the giveaway bot is broken...

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  5. Well I did a bit of looking with his steam ID, this is not his first chat punishment it is in fact the 10th on record. He also has 2 previous day bans, so given his history I would be in favor of a week ban.


    Also, afaik we still have the votemute/kick/ban functions if nobody is responding to calladmins. Alternatively you could client-side mute him.

  6. OR, if we really want to cover our bases


    Sprays and items that are able to be customized cannot contain the following: nudity, racism, hate symbols, gore, derogatory content and images of sexualized minors (this includes drawn images).

    Darn beat me to the other decal tool items. Also are we including profile pictures in this? I would say yes include profile pictures to cover every base for player images, thoughts?

  7. Waitwaitwait you going to Chicago? Welcome to Illinois nerd! I actually live about an hour from Chicago. If I had a car I would meet up with you but I don't want to bother the fam to drive me out there. While you are here, eat at Dick's Last Resort. They got good food there. I know that Chicago gets shit for people always getting shot but actually enjoy it there. I'm sure you'll love it.



    Also don't get shot.

    Ayy Illinois party!


    Anyways have a nice trip and stay safe!

  8. I do agree with this to a certain extent, but I don't think following a certain protocol is necessary when the alleged person speaks about having sex with children. If the TF2 higher ups all agree that a harsher punishment is appropriate and even get a CM's approval, then I think it's fine.

    That being said, I would love to hear @mrnutty12's input as well.

    Well first off, lolicon is disgusting and deplorable. However we have a process for other kinds of sprays that we don't allow on the servers so on that account we should not just ignore that because a certain type of spray is more objectionable than others. The thread regarding the process for sprays was already posted and while old it does still apply afaik. So on the account of a permanent ban based on cp sprays I would say no, but given the very suspicious nature of the hacking account and the testimony of staff about his behavior I would be in favor of keeping his ban at one month.

  9. Tl;dr?

    IIRC we could solve rushing by just letting the death run faster than people can bhop, people with autohop scripts still need to know how to strafe, plenty of maps don't necessarily help bhopping, and not letting people use +use is bad map design.


    As for myself I would really like to have bhops on DR, so long as we have any autohop command disabled. Sure you could get a script, but in my experience from the surf server the number of people who use bhop scripts is really low (strafing is the harder part anyways imo). +1

  10. Judging from the pictures I would say he is predicting where your head might be when he tries to peek.

    A technique where the player will imagine part of the map behind an obstacle and line up their aim to match commonly held positions continuing to peek and have the shot already lined up.


    The first and third pictures tell us nothing other than that he likes to check his corners when approaching the opposing spawn in a sniper duel.

    Due to the second picture in which you can see the tip of Sir Capalot's rifle his aim is a bit too high for a headshot which tells me he is making an educated guess as to where the head of his target would be. If he had walls his dot would be on level with Sir Capalot's head for a quick peek and easy shot.

    The fourth image makes me think he is innocent because if he were walling he would have known Sir Capalot was crouching and adjusted him aim accordingly. Instead he was continuing to try and predict your position and aiming for what would have been head level otherwise.


    I could of course be over analyzing this, but I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt.


    My verdict: Guilty of smart and aggressive crosshair placement, not walling. Even if I misread the given pictures, we have no demo of this person actually playing to make a solid call on hacking anyways. +1 for unban


    Also @CappyCappy you do know that @Elcark has basically the same level of forum power that you do right?