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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to KSPlayer1337 in New Arena Map! (arena_desertbase_b1)   
    The map has been updated to arena_desertbase_b3b!

    Fixed some bugs

    It's a small update. Please leave any feedback.
    The download link is arena_desertbase (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Arena) - GAMEBANANA.
  2. Friendly
    realBelloWaldi reacted to james8470 in Tip: Get Any Steam Game 10%-20% Off   
    Well this was a stupid idea. :unsure: :S
    Thanks for pointing this out Aegean.
    Counting the cut steam takes, you'll only save 2.4% of a 200$ purchase.
    Who would go out of their way that badly just to save 4-5$?

  3. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Tatost in Selfie Sunday   
    thunder limes you're weird
  4. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in Selfie Sunday   
    thunder limes you're weird
  5. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to TBOHB in Selfie Sunday   
    You look like a very uncomfortable girl taking graduation pictures.
  6. Feels Bad Man
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You took my flamethrower @Kypari
    D: I actually won it first but the bot was broken when I won it. And they had to fix it.
    You saying that it's useless actually makes me sad cuz I wanted.
  7. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from EyedJester in Xg Title List   
    If it helps:

    Gamer [5000 Schmeckles] | {greenyellow}
    Flamboyant [6969 Schmeckles] | {fuchsia}
    Fun Bringer [6969 Schmeckles] | {lime}
    King [8750 Schmeckles] | {blueviolet}
    Queen [8750 Schmeckles] | {hotpink}
    Brave Summoner [10000 Schmeckles] | {white}
    Emperor [10000 Schmeckles] | {strange}
    Weaboo [10000 Schmeckles] | "{white}We{red}eab{white}oo"
    The Awesome [15000 Schmeckles] | {unusual}
    The Magnificent [15000 Schmeckles] | {valve}
    The Undefeated [15000 Schmeckles] | {vintage}
    Furry [20000 Schmeckles] | {red}f{yellow}u{violet}r{green}r{blue}y
    Meme Machine [20000 Schmeckles] | {red}/{mediumblue}
    Scalie [20000 Schmeckles] | {thistle}
    Degenerate [25000 Schmeckles] | {aqua}Deg{gold}ener{yellow}ate}
    Titan Slayer [27200 Schmeckles] | {purple}
    420 [42000 Schmeckles] | {lawngreen}
    Moose [69000 Schmeckles] | {purple}
    Femboi [80000 Schmeckles] | {fuchsia}
    Juicy G [90000 Schmeckles] | {blue}
    Archaic [100000 Schmeckles] | {maroon}
    Mental [100000 Schmeckles] | {purple}
    Psychotic [100000 Schmeckles] | {firebrick}
    Schmuck [100000 Schmeckles] | {mediumpurple}
    Big Daddy [110000 Schmeckles] | {white}/{indianred}
    Insane [1000000 Schmeckles] | {firebrick}
    Ludicrous [1000000 Schmeckles] | {purple}

  8. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    The item will now not accept items under $0.50 or items that are not available in crafting.
  9. Winner
    realBelloWaldi reacted to KSPlayer1337 in New Arena Map! (arena_desertbase_b1)   
    The map has been updated to arena_desertbase_b3!

    Made the map bigger
    Added more detail


    Please leave any feedback.
    The download link is arena_desertbase (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Arena) - GAMEBANANA.

  10. Got It
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Moosty in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    Im keeping my +1 for probationary but I will say being able to moderate drunk/high is person to person. Moderation is part of responsibility. If someone abuses a substance to excess that shows immaturity as a person, not the drugs fault. A mature person taking a shot or two or a bowl or two I doubt anyone would notice a difference.
  11. Informative
    realBelloWaldi reacted to james8470 in Mr.Logic Toast - Team Fortress 2   
    I wasn't entirely clear earlier, allow me to rephrase.
    I'm well aware that weed doesn't cause a chemical addiction, doesn't have harmful effects, and is far less 'potent' then alcohol in general.
    I don't care if he smokes weed or not, I think that's perfectly OK.
    My problem is if he would moderate a xG server while high, and until I read the posts of the past week (a reminder; I've been camping on work during weekdays), I was convinced from multiple members saying he was frequently high on servers.
    That's my fault, I see now that I made my comments before I did enough research to make a proper judgement. Sorry. :unsure: :S
    I'm withdrawing my -1 and remaining neutral for now.
    Regardless, I stand by my point: high, drunk, or whatever; I don't think you should be online moderating a server while your mind and judgement is being manipulated by an outside source.
  12. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from dr.derpy in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You're going way too far, dude. Making instigative comments like these is gonna cause an actual shitstorm.
    Please calm down, this doesn't only go for TBOHB, but your posts were outstandingly mocking and provocative.
  13. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Elcark in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You're going way too far, dude. Making instigative comments like these is gonna cause an actual shitstorm.
    Please calm down, this doesn't only go for TBOHB, but your posts were outstandingly mocking and provocative.
  14. Feels Bad Man
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    You're going way too far, dude. Making instigative comments like these is gonna cause an actual shitstorm.
    Please calm down, this doesn't only go for TBOHB, but your posts were outstandingly mocking and provocative.
  15. Winner
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Usually when I find an item that I won't use, I either sell it or delete it. Any sensible person would simply sell an item like this, and you're wrong by saying it's worthless. As of looking up a Specialized Killstreak Backburner on the SCM right now, here are the sell prices:

    It's worth half a key at the least, a lot more than a scrap.
  16. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    @Kypari I really don't know what your issue is lol, you're getting an extra drop from the bot that someone else didn't want for absolutely free just for being on the server, why are you having such a mental breakdown? You can literally scrap the items if you don't want them or delete them from your inventory or just don't accept them, like am I reading your posts right?
    The bot is a work in progress, we are not outright removing it as @Rhododendron has spent a lot of time coding it from scratch, and we are happy to take feedback to help improve it. That being said, your rage towards us taking people's items that they don't want, and redistributing it back to our community instead of profiting off of it is very odd.

  17. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from TBOHB in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Simply add an option to not participate in giveaways and we're fine?
  18. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Aegean in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Simply add an option to not participate in giveaways and we're fine?
  19. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Rhododendron in Regarding the new giveaway plugin   
    Honestly at the end of the day this is probably the most first world thread I have ever seen. People complaining that the virtual items they are receiving for free aren't worth enough. My god.
  20. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Sora_ in PSA: New rule regarding sprays, avatars and customizable items   
    We decided to overhaul the current rule about sprays. From now on it is explicitly stated that avatars, customizable items (i.e. objectors, name tags, description tags etc.) and sprays are included. Additionally, we decided to elaborate on what is allowed and what isn't:

    Sprays, avatars and items that are able to be customized cannot contain the following: nudity, racism, hate symbols, gore, derogatory content and images of sexualized minors (this includes drawn images).

    There was some confusion going on and we hope this is gonna make moderating the servers a little easier for our staff.
    I will keep this thread open to get feedback on the new rule and answer questions in case anyone has any.
    Tagging all staff members: @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @virr @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @Bone @LemonVolt @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  21. Funny
  22. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Salad in 2nd portrait of [xG] Link   
    This is the second piece I have made for Link. This one features his most recent Pyro loadout for Team Fortress 2, and I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. I integrated some styles from several of my previous pieces, creating a sort of hybrid between the two, using both smoother, pastel-like shading and a basic color-based outline that I derived from a piece I did not post on here, which really works well to bring out the most prominent features. I am incredibly happy with how I have improved since I made the original Link portrait. Though I've been drawing my whole life, I only started digital artwork with a tablet back in March of this year, and I really like where things are going. I hope you do too :D

  23. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to xG_PRIZE_BOT in Screenshot of the Month #10 | Results   
    Congratulations @YeEternalTuna!
    Your prize will be delivered momentarily. You shall recieve your SOTM Badge within 24-48 hours.
  24. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Bhop now in every server.   
    We have a bop plugin of all TF2 servers now???
    Good to know, lol. It would be much more convenient if we, especially the higher ups, would have been told about that.
  25. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from mrnutty12 in [xG]Zevo - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for probationary mod as well, seems quite active and fun to play with. He is also mature and has a good understanding of the rules as far as I have seen.