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  1. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Reptile in Spray rules clarification/rework   
    I'd say we monitor profile pictures if they're easily visible from the scoreboard or such- you wouldn't want someone wandering around in the servers with say a big black dong showing off in it.
  2. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Spray rules clarification/rework   
    We don't need to specifically say anything about Loli sprays since anything bad with that is covered in the rest of what is said, though you could include it if you wanna be extra sure. As for the profile picture thing, we have punished in the past for steam profile pictures, though I think it's more something that valve needs to deal with other than us. Pornographic profile images aren't allowed on steam in the first place, and generally it's really small if it's on the scoreboard. Adding profile pictures only adds an extra layer for staff to look out for, and even then we can't exactly force them to change it. I know in the event we do get someone to change it, it won't update in-game due to a bug with TF2/Steam, if you had already seen the pornographic profile picture it will stay there regardless of if they changed it or not. The only 100% sure way to make sure they actually change it, is to actually look at their steam profile, which again, adds another layer to things that staff need to do.
  3. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Egossi in Selfie Sunday   
    Stop shitposting this is not a meme thread
  4. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Vexx in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    Anyway, @Bello, @Sesh, @mrnutty12, we ready to close this?
  5. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    I’m not vouching on part of the hacking unless I can see it for myself, especially since we seem to be basing this off of suspicion rather than actual proof.
  6. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Kypari in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    It's not? This is actually a pretty calm debate
  7. Not Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to TBOHB in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    Hey remember when we were going to not make this a shitstorm? Me too.
  8. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    uh oh, same!

    If I may say, the whole Xerses ban was bullshit. He posted a link to a thread where someone later on allegedly posted CP, which is surely disgusting but not his fault.
    I personally don't think CP and drawn little anime girls are the same, but I'm not lawyer.
    When choosing a punishment for the offender, I think it's fair to say that we did not follow any type of protocol, but rather some moral compass if you know what I mean. Any sane human would find the offender's conduct outrages and digusting, hence we jumped straight to a month ban. However, I do think he should get one final chance, as he has never been banned before.

    I do agree with this to a certain extent, but I don't think following a certain protocol is necessary when the alleged person speaks about having sex with children. If the TF2 higher ups all agree that a harsher punishment is appropriate and even get a CM's approval, then I think it's fine.
    That being said, I would love to hear @mrnutty12's input as well.
  9. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from ThunderLimes in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    uh oh, same!

    If I may say, the whole Xerses ban was bullshit. He posted a link to a thread where someone later on allegedly posted CP, which is surely disgusting but not his fault.
    I personally don't think CP and drawn little anime girls are the same, but I'm not lawyer.
    When choosing a punishment for the offender, I think it's fair to say that we did not follow any type of protocol, but rather some moral compass if you know what I mean. Any sane human would find the offender's conduct outrages and digusting, hence we jumped straight to a month ban. However, I do think he should get one final chance, as he has never been banned before.

    I do agree with this to a certain extent, but I don't think following a certain protocol is necessary when the alleged person speaks about having sex with children. If the TF2 higher ups all agree that a harsher punishment is appropriate and even get a CM's approval, then I think it's fine.
    That being said, I would love to hear @mrnutty12's input as well.
  10. Got It
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Chrono in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    " section 504 subsection 1466A of the PROTECT act of 2003 clarifies that “drawing” or “cartoon” visual representations of child sexual abuse must depict a minor involved in sexual activity, be obscene, and lack “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value” in order to violate the law. Beside the fact that the US Supreme Court has already determined this section of the PROTECT act to be unconstitutional, imported Japanese lolicon art would still have to be legally proven “obscene” and lacking in “literary, artistic” value in order to be deemed illegal."
    "In November 2011, Joseph Audette, a 30-year-old computer network administrator from Surry, Maine, was arrested after his username was linked to child pornography sites. A search inside Audette's home did result in photographic child pornography in addition to "anime child pornography".[86] Much unlike previous cases (and likely due to the results of the Handley ruling), the charges for the cartoons specifically were quickly dismissed under Maine law and dropped under federal law"
    notice how the charges pertaining to "anime child pornography" are dropped in both of the most recent cases involving it, both on the states, and on the federal level in the US.
    Federally, loli is not child porn, and any case that is in states that gets put through on it will go to higher courts to prove themselves not guilty of child porn.
  11. Agree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Chrono in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   
    Do you have proof that he was hacking? (Demo of it)
    Loli porn is not child porn, it is more akin to a weird anime porn fetish, but not child porn. Porn sprays are not something that is perm banned for, and not even banned for 1 month, they are banned for a day if that and asked to change/not use on the server (increasing amount the more times after as long as they were given a warning and told about it first)
    I highlighted the important parts, and I would quote them from forums instead but the old generic all access easy to read admin handbook post by @serbiansnaga doesn't exist anymore. Porn sprays were a warning and a removal of spray, kick, banned for a few hours - 1 day, and then 1 week, and then 1 month. Not instantly given a 1 month ban.
    This is my 2 cents as an old M/A/DL who has been around since the early days. Y'all need to chill the fuck out.
  12. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Krampus in Volkufspim ☭ - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Volkufspim ☭ Offender's Identity:

    STEAM_0:1:71275603 Rules Broken:

    Trolling, Child Pornography Sprays, Possible Hacking Ban Type:

    Server Ban Evidence:

    Volkufspim is a mainly a trade gaming history player and has been known for trolling and arguing with staff so I'm gonna start this ban request thread to have him both permed and ip banned since everything he has done seems to add up to it by now in my opinion and it is obvious that he will make alts so I'm gonna try and start a discussion about it here. From what I have seen so far is that he is an annoyance to staff with how he always bends the rules to troll and annoy others by trying to abuse the votemenu and other stuff. I'm also going to add how I think he should have been permed from his spray itself since it is "loli" porn which is basically just child pornography and he was banned for a month for it but it should have been a perm, I would show proof but I'm not gonna put this on the forums. Now about the hacking, ok so basically a month or two ago a player comes onto tgh as this is him STEAM_0:1:219964743, he comes there with 20 hours in the game and it is instantly obvious that he his hacking so he was permed pretty fast but what caught my eye was that this account happened to only have one friend and you would never believe who it was, that's right it was volku. (Sorry for shitty quality btw I did it with my phone) Anyway I find it pretty suspicious that this new hacking account that was obviously an alt happened to come onto the server that volk is always on and only have him friended. Later volk was questioned about him he tried to deny ever knowing or having him friended. Afterwards he tried to go on that the person just randomly friended him when he was told that there was proof changing his story which is already suspicious, not to mention that it seems unlikely that he would just accept some guy with 20 hours who's obviously hacking and unfriend him later as if to try and hide the evidence. Also it seems pretty strange that "whoever" owned this alt account just stopped using it right after it was banned off of xg as if it was just meant for there. So now I'm just hoping that this is enough plus what the community has to say to finally get rid of him and stop him from creating another alt to just come right back.
  13. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Member of xG? Need your tag in game? Post here!   
    Ban the above user please
  14. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Thorax_ in Finnian - Team Fortress 2   
    This is exactly what I'm talking about.
    Rejects' sourcbans account was accidently deleted a while ago, hence it says "admin deleted". Rejects must have accidently entered no reason, but he I'm 100% sure that he'd only permanently teamban people for mass freekilling - as it's normal on Jailbreak.
  15. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from hongkongatron in Finnian - Team Fortress 2   
    Lmao, I remember you. You're that one friend of J-Dawg or whatever it was. I'm pretty sure you did actually mass freekill.
    I remember that since you were the guy who posted screenshots of a private conversation that you and I had and said I had anger issues.
  16. F!$k Off
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Egossi in Very VERY Short Vacation   
    :@ :@ :@
  17. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from LemonVolt in General Update Thread   

    Teamswitching is completely disabled. When you join the server, it will automatically assign you to red or blu[e]. Now if you join blu, there's no need to worry, as the deathrun plugin will automatically switch you to red once the current round is over (unless you're death obviously).

    This way, nobody can join spectators either, however, we found a small solution for that.
    There's a plugin that lets you go into spectator by typing a very simple command:
    /ts [name] [team]
    Teams: 1 = spectator, 2 = red, 3 = blue.
    For instance, if I wanted to join spectator, I'd type /ts bello 1. And once I'm done spectating, I'd type /ts bello 2. Simple as that!
    Tagging all staff members:
    @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Vacindak @Vargas @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Bone @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  18. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Rejects in Tf2 Jailbreak During European Times   
    Grave Digging. This was Sorted a WHILE ago so @Nomulous @kbraszzz close this please
  19. RIP
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Thorax_ in Very VERY Short Vacation   
    :@ :@ :@
  20. Sad
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Thorax_ in Very VERY Short Vacation   
    Heading to Ocean City this morning, won't be available till Tuesday.
    I'll pop into the forums a few times while I'm down in OC.
    Ill be sure to post some pictures if I get any ;)
    Maybe even a video or two.
    See you tomorrow! x3
    @Basquiat @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @mis_amigos
  21. Informative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Sora_ in General Update Thread   

    Teamswitching is completely disabled. When you join the server, it will automatically assign you to red or blu[e]. Now if you join blu, there's no need to worry, as the deathrun plugin will automatically switch you to red once the current round is over (unless you're death obviously).

    This way, nobody can join spectators either, however, we found a small solution for that.
    There's a plugin that lets you go into spectator by typing a very simple command:
    /ts [name] [team]
    Teams: 1 = spectator, 2 = red, 3 = blue.
    For instance, if I wanted to join spectator, I'd type /ts bello 1. And once I'm done spectating, I'd type /ts bello 2. Simple as that!
    Tagging all staff members:
    @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Vacindak @Vargas @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Bone @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  22. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from NitNat in General Update Thread   

    Teamswitching is completely disabled. When you join the server, it will automatically assign you to red or blu[e]. Now if you join blu, there's no need to worry, as the deathrun plugin will automatically switch you to red once the current round is over (unless you're death obviously).

    This way, nobody can join spectators either, however, we found a small solution for that.
    There's a plugin that lets you go into spectator by typing a very simple command:
    /ts [name] [team]
    Teams: 1 = spectator, 2 = red, 3 = blue.
    For instance, if I wanted to join spectator, I'd type /ts bello 1. And once I'm done spectating, I'd type /ts bello 2. Simple as that!
    Tagging all staff members:
    @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Vacindak @Vargas @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Bone @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  23. Thinking
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Krampus in General Update Thread   

    Teamswitching is completely disabled. When you join the server, it will automatically assign you to red or blu[e]. Now if you join blu, there's no need to worry, as the deathrun plugin will automatically switch you to red once the current round is over (unless you're death obviously).

    This way, nobody can join spectators either, however, we found a small solution for that.
    There's a plugin that lets you go into spectator by typing a very simple command:
    /ts [name] [team]
    Teams: 1 = spectator, 2 = red, 3 = blue.
    For instance, if I wanted to join spectator, I'd type /ts bello 1. And once I'm done spectating, I'd type /ts bello 2. Simple as that!
    Tagging all staff members:
    @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Vacindak @Vargas @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Bone @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  24. Useful
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Amymaniac in General Update Thread   

    Teamswitching is completely disabled. When you join the server, it will automatically assign you to red or blu[e]. Now if you join blu, there's no need to worry, as the deathrun plugin will automatically switch you to red once the current round is over (unless you're death obviously).

    This way, nobody can join spectators either, however, we found a small solution for that.
    There's a plugin that lets you go into spectator by typing a very simple command:
    /ts [name] [team]
    Teams: 1 = spectator, 2 = red, 3 = blue.
    For instance, if I wanted to join spectator, I'd type /ts bello 1. And once I'm done spectating, I'd type /ts bello 2. Simple as that!
    Tagging all staff members:
    @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Vacindak @Vargas @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Bone @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus
  25. Creative
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in General Update Thread   

    Teamswitching is completely disabled. When you join the server, it will automatically assign you to red or blu[e]. Now if you join blu, there's no need to worry, as the deathrun plugin will automatically switch you to red once the current round is over (unless you're death obviously).

    This way, nobody can join spectators either, however, we found a small solution for that.
    There's a plugin that lets you go into spectator by typing a very simple command:
    /ts [name] [team]
    Teams: 1 = spectator, 2 = red, 3 = blue.
    For instance, if I wanted to join spectator, I'd type /ts bello 1. And once I'm done spectating, I'd type /ts bello 2. Simple as that!
    Tagging all staff members:
    @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Vacindak @Vargas @Elcark @ThunderLimes @YeEternalTuna @Bone @Kypari @Ms.Spooks @LemonVolt @TheSupremePatriot @Moosty @sick41057 @NitNat @Natsu @Blizzard @shwash @Hibiki @Spoopy @Amylicious @Thunder @Frusty @Tekage @Matteomax @Krampus