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  1. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from dr.derpy in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.
  2. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Shadower in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    My opinion on that still hasn't changed. I think egossi would be a good staff member, but giving him admin immediately is unfair to all the mods that have been trying to work their way up for quite a while already.
  3. Ding!
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Espeon in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    There are many things wrong eith yhis application. First, I'd like to point out while you were staff before that doesn't mean you deserve special treatment and skip moderator. Also, saying that anyone who disagrees with your logic if unfit for admin is very immature. -1
  4. Optimistic
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Egossi in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2
    In-Game Name:


    Already in sourcebans

    Time Active:

    Around 1000+ hours in total


    Ran as a manager of the tf2 division for a while, still an active moderator of the steam group


    You all know me and I havent gone too inactive on our TF2 servers since I stepped down anyway, so I believe I don't need to say much here, other than the fact that I wish to run for TF2 staff again seeing that jailbreak is regaining it's population and some of it's old regulars along with new ones.
    And yes this is a direct application for the Administrator position, I know that some might argue that I should "work my way up again" which I find to be a pointless argument, since staff membership is not based on taking turns, but certainly is based on reliability and trustability of our regular members.
    Other than that, feel free to let me know what you think down below.
  5. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in Hey! Guess Who's Laptop Frikin Ignited Because It Don't Like New Wifi   
    I'm currently eating ice cream so I won't be able to be on TF2 for awhile ;-; BUT I will be on my steam/phone a lot so.
    Anyone who has me on discord/steam etc. Can still hear me giggle.
  6. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Frusty - Team Fortress 2   
    Hes quite active, fun to play with, knows the rules and is pretty mature.
    I've known him since 2014 when his name was Matthewbt and I believe we have never had problems with each other.
    You have my vouch: +1
  7. Useful
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Spoopy in The Perfect Way To Backstab Friends.   
    Yo waddap its ya boi spoopy and ya Asian boi (not Chinese u butts @WubbaLubbaDubDub ) here to introduce a new idea for a server. Murder!
    Now if u have known what mafia, town of Salem, or trouble in terrorist town is then, murder is pretty much the same thing.
    If not here's how the game.
    You got your friends and you in a fight for your life situation. You got one cop with a gun that instant kills, but reloads slow, a murder with a knife that makes u allow to "run" and swing people with a knife that instant kills, and civilians who are just there to survive. Simple really, but the best part in this game is all the lies and backstabs and trust put to the test and people running around in panic. Goodie stuff.
    [TF2] Murder (version 0.5.1 Beta) - AlliedModders
    Here the mod link files which explains what the server needs. Just a suggestion since summer is coming up.
    Some problems are like this is highly recommended with mics, randoms might not be able to know the regulars (if there is any), but it's a good way to know members in the clan ( in some shady ways ).
    Remember this is just a though. Not saying like PUT THIS SERVER. FUCK THE OTHER SERVER I WANT THIS ONE. Like a imiture kid (*cough* looking at you tatost :D and me D: ) This just got me interested since Friday the 13 is getting popular and @Egossi brought up town of Salem (which is fun af. if u have time go get it) Maybe we can replace tf2 ware with this since both are mini games and tf2 ware seems empty. (Even though tf2 ware is fun Rip tf2 ware)
    Here's a video on action (don't judge who I watch man it was in my recommendations >->)
  8. Friendly
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Elcark in A Bunch Of Free Games   
    Of course it's possibur! I've been trying to make that clear... Now i'm kinda regulating it a little bit and not just giving people seven plus games at once because they asked, but the only thing keeping you or anyone from taking everything is if more people keep making requests. I suppose to make things more clear for you and everyone else, keep it to asking for one, maybe two games at a time, I'll guarantee you at least one of them, and feel free to ask again in a day or two for something else. That idea isn't really set in stone, but it should give people an idea of how i'm trying to distribute things.
  9. Like
    realBelloWaldi reacted to james8470 in I'm Going To Be Inactive   
    Hello friends!
    Well, some of you may already know this because of a profile update I did a few weeks ago, but I got myself a job, my first one actually.
    I'll be camping into a nearby national park for weeks at a time doing general maintenance work and ecological improvement work such as removal of invasive species.
    Now some of you may also know I live in the American Southwest where it's fucking hot in the summer. How will I survive?
    I'll be in the mountains, where it's between 10-20 degrees cooler. I'll also be going to a couple other national parks & forests for a few weeks about a 4-hour drive from here.
    It's going to be an exciting summer for me, most of which won't be spent on xG.
    However, we do come home for the weekends! So I can still check in occasionally, and even participate in most of Spoop's anime nights.
    However however, there'll be two ten-day trips in addition to the five-day trips, I'll keep you posted in this thread when they come up (pun not intended, but whatever lol).
    The job starts tomorrow, however I'll be home in the afternoons though that week. I just won't be online most of the day.
    The week after that, it's off into the wild!
    I'll tell you guys what I see, hopefully a Desert Tortoise or a Mountain Lion, I've never seen one of those in the wilderness.
    The job lasts 8 weeks.
  10. Sad
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Aegean in A Bunch Of Free Games   
    Edited cuz my baba wanted the game and I didn't see it
  11. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Goblins in A Bunch Of Free Games   
    I'll take "Shoppe Keep" please!
    Much thanks!
    Edit: Fuck you, Tuna! >:( :rage: :punch:
    I'll take Brigador: Up-Armored Edition instead. Thank you!
  12. Funny
    realBelloWaldi reacted to Goblins in A Bunch Of Free Games   
    Look at my post under: "Edit:"
  13. Disagree
    realBelloWaldi reacted to YeEternalTuna in A Bunch Of Free Games   
    Can I have SUPERHOT?
  14. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Spoopy in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Update: @Vexx and I were able to turn MvM into an Uber Upgrades server. Everything seems to be working so far, however, the server will stay passworded for at least today, since we want to do some minor adjustments.
    Once the server will be unpassworded, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Feel free to suggest fun maps and tell either Vexx or myself about any glitches/bugs with the servers.
  15. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Slipperysnik - Team Fortress 2   
    begging for items + the way he conducted himself in chat + clearly trying to troll/get people angry is worth like 1 to 4 day ban, i guess.
    ill wait for everyone else to speak their mind on this, preferably as soon as possible
  16. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Sylux in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    Update: @Vexx and I were able to turn MvM into an Uber Upgrades server. Everything seems to be working so far, however, the server will stay passworded for at least today, since we want to do some minor adjustments.
    Once the server will be unpassworded, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Feel free to suggest fun maps and tell either Vexx or myself about any glitches/bugs with the servers.
  17. Ding!
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Egossi in Turn Mvm Into Uberupgrades   
    You are right. I thought otherwise and told @Vexx and then he made this post.
    I am the one to blame here.
    Anyways, I'm gonna see what we can do.
  18. Winner
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from shwash in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    thanks, @Gaming.Dylan!
    and oh snap! true! i misspelt gaming.dylan, thats why it doesnt work!
  19. Agree
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Thorax_ in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    thanks, @Gaming.Dylan!
    and oh snap! true! i misspelt gaming.dylan, thats why it doesnt work!
  20. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    thanks, @Gaming.Dylan!
    and oh snap! true! i misspelt gaming.dylan, thats why it doesnt work!
  21. Like
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    thanks, @Gaming.Dylan!
    and oh snap! true! i misspelt gaming.dylan, thats why it doesnt work!
  22. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from yesstergi in Apology To Rabid   
    Haha this thread is really funny! :emoji_laughing:
  23. Funny
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Apology To Rabid   
    Haha this thread is really funny! :emoji_laughing:
  24. Sad
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Thorax_ in Adressing My Recent Inactivity   
    Hey Gamers! As you have noticed, my activity has dropped a little!
    There is one simple reason (that doctors hate!) for this: School!
    Over the past month I have had at least two exams a week. My last exam is tomorrow so I'll probably have more time to play in the near future.
    >But you still have like 10 hours on rocket league!! :derp:
    True that! Due to living in Germany, most of the times the servers are decently populated at 10 PM my time. As much as I love staying up long, my gamers, I really can't afford to get less sleep than I really need to when having tons of exams! =(
    Thanks for reading, Gamers!
    Tags go to my favorite people: @Egossi @virr @YeEternalTuna :thinking: @Vargas @gaaming.dylan @BlankuChan (gay)
  25. RIP
    realBelloWaldi got a reaction from Thorax_ in Apology To Rabid   
    Haha this thread is really funny! :emoji_laughing: