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Everything posted by OneGlove

  1. hold on i got this
  2. +1 active on what mostly looks like JB, very fun to hang out with and follows rules A:7 M:8
  3. Ahh, the glorious land of Xeno Ga-wait its been 2 weeks what the frick
  4. It was an obvious joke. gege m8 u fuqd up boiii Also, this... Message resend much? But, other than that, good job on the pics. I wouldn't be able to draw like that, especially at the time they were ACTUALLY made. i know im gravedigging toma shut up
  5. I'll admit, this day is absolute dog fudge, and I will say I want it removed. But, we need to think ahead. What will we replace it for? A hide and seek plugin, like in the TF2 JB? That actually sounds like a good idea. EDIT:+1
  6. close this since it was handled @Bleed
  7. I think that, like Egossi has stated before, the term "donation" has been loosely thrown about and taken from "Here, take my money because I want the community to grow" to "Here, take my money because I want stuff in the game". I really don't think that the paid submission to even apply is a good idea. It creates this underlying feeling that someone who is indeed worthy of the moderator position will not be selected because they have no money. Also like Egossi has said, Many of the people who have created Staff Applications fit into many categories, and all of the ones I have seen (Not meaning all of the staff applications in the forums) have either been said no to, or have not had a valid answer. Most of the people who create the applications are either underage, have not "donated", or are immature. If this is going to be the case, then I would say just take them away and give out the Promo/Demo according to activity and maturity from the person in the community, not because they gave some money recently and they are old enough. If there is someone who the higher-ups see fit for mod, they should not go based on this silly rule of "You must 'donate' to make an application." and instead think "Hey, that person is a memeber AND they are really mature? Maybe I should recommend tell a DM/DL/CL!" But, this is only a mere member's opinion. not something that a higher-up would look at.
  8. OneGlove

    Happy Birthday

    Don't worry Caleb, we'll shuck your corn for you! but its not me
  10. Was this a forced issue? Nobody I know would want to go to a summer camp, so I hope you survive. Good luck, you'll need it.
  11. >gravedigging midnight is a horrible habit So, for clarification, is this a resking for TF2, or just a resking in certain places in the game, or something completely different? I'm really confused and having only one picture doesn't help too much.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2H4l9RpkwM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Qp38qT-xI(Basically all of the Gorillaz videos, I refuse to put them all here) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6wY0rT29zA(Just the vocals/instrumentals are so damn good - the video is gameplay and a screaming woman) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbt61vcAkG0(its a meme you dip) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G8QItjTSDA(This song seriously makes me damn near cry, and this is the same as Gorillaz) Well, I'll be off filling my desktop with memes or some other shit.
  13. OneGlove's the name, having no life is my game!
  14. OneGlove

    Making A Game

    KillSelf(); all you need this was a joke disregard this reply entirely i dont even think thats proper javascript
  15. Owl, I'm expecting all of these on lct playlist by tomorrow Do not dissapoint me.
  16. +1 for all of them, especially linkin park
  17. dude what the heck mate -1 if meme, -1 if real its not me
  18. OneGlove

    Forum Game #4

    There once was a happy-go-lucky chap by the name of- Phoenix, who once was accommodated for- Being amazing at his job while at the same time- Stole cookies form the grade schoolers,- That he resales laced with- Laxatives, so the consumers- Can suffer on their way to the toilet just to find out that- The local sewer system stopped running, rendering all local plumbing to fail, someone went to check it out only to find- That there was a strange figure who somehow blocked all of the sewage. That figure was none other than- Scootaloo, who was working on- The biggest meme filled promo/demo! which was- His next murder, chopping up the body and building dam with the body parts clogging the sewer. He noticed the man who investigated the sewers and- Realized that the man is actually the devastatingly handsome and seductive- Lithium, the man the town loathed, what does it all mean? The cookies, the murders, the sewers?- Could it be that Scootaloo was prepearing the biggest fudgepost ever presented to the mankind, and he was killing people to accomplish such an achivement? Or perhaps it was- The next part of "50 Shades of Oof," which was about- Sexual stuff that involves cucumbers, a morning star, and - Absolutely nothing else. It seemed that he had been mistaken in thinking that his fantasies were appropriate to discuss here, and so- The guy and Scootaloo had some great Oof love written for "50 Shades of Oof Part 5" The guy ran out of the sewers and created- a 5th version of forum games because this one died on Friday. the End of the game is what he thought he had escaped from, but alas, it was a ruse and he found himself still entrapped in its claws. In a rage fueled huff, he decided to call- the Poison Control center, because this game is very- deadly to those who decide to go and-
  19. OneGlove

    Word Of The Day

    [spoiler=Words]Revel (rev - uh - l) verb (used without object), reveled, reveling or (especiallyBritish) revelled, revelling. 1. to take great pleasure or delight (usually followed by in): to revel in luxury. 2. to make merry; indulge in boisterous festivities.
  20. Funny JOKE! Here's the real one, not like anyone cares. EDIT:Rip, it didn't show up, here's a gyazo. Gyazo - c50d5a3b80635b24b03225ec053a3eb8.png