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  1. Friendly
    Red got a reaction from Segal in Want To Get Unbanned?   
    donation will be paid for by our chillest dude @shwash ?

  2. Friendly
    Red got a reaction from Tekk in Want To Get Unbanned?   
    donation will be paid for by our chillest dude @shwash ?

  3. Like
    Red got a reaction from SegFault in Want To Get Unbanned?   
    donation will be paid for by our chillest dude @shwash ?

  4. Like
    Red got a reaction from Kypari in Want To Get Unbanned?   
    donation will be paid for by our chillest dude @shwash ?

  5. Like
    Red reacted to hongkongatron in Red   
    Wasn't aware of this - reading the times on the chatlogs is important, pretty sure the staff that were on at the time were unaware of @BonfireCentipede's warn on red, as well as the fact that the argument consisted of a few harsh words and then it was ended, both of their own volition and by a warning. This situation is completely irrelevant to this incident and shouldn't be used against red. Not too sure that he should've been permed for it, but whether there shouldn't be punishment at all for it is indisputable at this point. 
    The humorous part of this is is that if bonfire stayed on and was the one handling this, this thread probably wouldn't exist right now because of his previous knowledge and experience with red.
  6. Disagree
    Red got a reaction from SyrixCoffeeWolf in Red   
    I just called him out for bodyblock and we just exchanged a few words then left it on that. You can't call that toxic nor was I breaking any rules at the time.
  7. Disagree
    Red got a reaction from SyrixCoffeeWolf in Red   
    I'll like to say in my defense that, I don't think this ban is justified and he shouldn't had ban me in the least. I wasn't even toxic nor attacking anyone during my previous unban. I cleaned up my attitude a bit and i don't say any racial slurs nor do I start any problems but I find it funny how I said "suck my dick" or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" then hit with ban even though I seen people with far worst names or probably equally the same time of name like Brian previous alias "admins are dumb and furries tbh" 
    I knew I was wrong when I changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" which might look like I was trying to loop which wasn't the case I was just fooling around thinking this wouldn't cause any problem nor anyone would be mad about it but apparently not since Precious got offended over it. 
    Whenever Precious is on he would have some disgusting binds which I personally would say is unprofessional for one of our staff to say stuff like this.

    "I'm just givin your dickie dick a lil suckie suck, chill the fuck out bro" 
    How come he says shit like this but when I say "suck my dick" once or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" I get gagged then ban afterwards? It's hypocritical as fuck. 

    "slurps on your cocky-wocky and gets all the tasty cummies"

    "If your name is Chad you are entitled to a free blowie from me anytime"

    "I'm daddy's little fidget spinner. He puts me on his dick, and I spin. Whishhhhhhhh"

    "Bunny Boy [xG:A] Krampus : I like riding dildos balls first"
    ^ Same goes for Krampus, don't be saying stuff like this on the server doesn't matter if majority of the players don't mind it but keep it classy cause once the regulars or new players come on xG servers and see this they'll probably do the same or something far worse.
    You shouldn't be saying this on the server period. You should keep it professional and just talk casual instead of just spamming those stupid binds which make me and probably the majority of the server/player base uncomfortable or drive them away. We got children playing on our servers daily I think it's a bad example to be showing them or letting them see or hear this stuff. Keep it in discord or direct messages don't go sprout stuff like this.  Since my 4-5 years being in xG I have never witness this from any staff or higherup. Hopefully our DMs/DLs will talk to them in private and tell them tone it down cause I find this stuff weird and It usually causes bad reactions from players including myself.
    I honestly didn't mean for the situation to blow up like it did. I knew I was on my last straw but I didn't think something so light / playful would turn out to bite me the back. x)
    I know it's not up to me to be calling out choices but maybe try to consider unban and maybe give me like month gag or something.
  8. Like
    Red reacted to Ms.Spooks in Red   
    For some context, I was not online during this; The information I have is provided here and through discord; This is my unimportant opinion on the situation.
    My main issues with this situation are that Red evaded gag and that what was said wasn't particularly unique in tgh. The gag itself should have been enough of an indicator to not continue the behavior. Unfortunately in the heat of the moment red decided to make a funny and rename himself to evade. A lot of (typically more toxic) randoms tend to use this which issues a kick(since they don't have history in most cases.) Red on the otherhand should know better, but also doesn't have a history(that I know of) for gag evasion. I think this was handled more of a toxicity issue than a gag evasion. Gag evasion, in my opinion, is a lot easier to scale reasonably.
    The main issue with determining toxicity stems from intent. Someone of ill intent meaning to effectively bully and harass a user would have more to say than what's basically commonplace. For starters, furfag itself is a joke title. Calling people furfags on tgh isn't anything new and in some cases used as friendly banter. I don't think that this case specifically applies for friendly banter however I don't find it alone strong enough to point at toxicity. I do think that some part of the intent with furfag here was ill meaning. "ur so shit" is definitely not in good intent as it's clearly said to make the other party more upset in the same way as saying "ez" and co. Calling furries "fucking weirdos" on a server with a lot of furries is asking for trouble. However, I don't think it's uncommon. Furries being called weird is almost a daily occurrence in terms of tgh conversation from my own experience. I don't think this case was in ill intent. The issue is the timing adds salt to the wound of him already stirring the pot with "shut the fuck up," "ur a fuckhead," and "ez." Lastly, "suck my dick" the ending words and the rename for gag evasion. Two things, saying suck my dick on tgh (where non surprisingly a lot of people are gay) is funny in of itself because the sheer irony. Secondly, saying variations of dick sucking is so uncommon it's a laughable way to end an argument. It's the slightly more vulgar "no u." in my opinion which makes it even funnier.
    I think that seeing furfag, suck my dick, and "you are all fucking weirdos"  aren't really enough on their own with context to show the levels of toxicity that was clearly received. I do think however his shittalking (ur, so shit, ur a fuckhead, ez) Isn't acceptable but still ends up as commonplace on tgh, unfortunately. I think the reasoning was fair from the perspective of Precious. However there is still the can of worms that this behavior *it seems like* is punished on some more than others. I don't think that it's really fair to say that his situation is far worse than if a random joined and did the same actions. I believe the punishment would be delivered in the gag-kick-ban-ban-ban format for a random while Red was already on thin ice, so to speak. He was told to stop, he didn't; he got gagged, he gag evaded. That enough warrants punishment.  He was warned on unban, he was warned on server, but the moment escaped him as he made a mistake. I do think that the focus of the punishment should be on the gag evasion and less on the toxicity as there are more members than just him that shittalk just like that and get away with it for god knows why.
    To be clear I don't have an issue with red personally; I think he can be very chill. The evidence is here that he was not chill at the time. I think that's something he can improve on as he has already improved for the better (as others stated.) He was willing to come back after the first ban and do better he might do better again. I don't think there is a reason to report abuse for this case as precious did what any staff would do in the situation. I think the reasoning is a little debatable as the main breaking point was the gag evasion. Hopefully if he does come back he can reflect on this moment for improvement. It's hard to determine tone over text and what he may have seen as friendly banter might not come across as such. Like I said before this kind of shittalking isn't particularly new on tgh. I'd like to see some consistency for some of the other members who seem to get away with this. 
    While I think the ban was fair I would like to see him come back and try again as he has made improvements. He shows he is capable of doing better. Hopefully he can find a way to bury the hatchet and make amends. In the mean time I'll drop my current worthless +1.
    Gag evasion should be seen as the main punishment imo
    Half of the shittalking going on isn't particularly uncommon and others who employ the toxic half should have similar expectations.
    Saying suck my dick on a server with a lot of gay/bi people is funny as hell.
    Precious did nothing wrong imo.
    I hope red can do better, as he has shown, if he comes back.
  9. Informative
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Red   
    I'll like to say in my defense that, I don't think this ban is justified and he shouldn't had ban me in the least. I wasn't even toxic nor attacking anyone during my previous unban. I cleaned up my attitude a bit and i don't say any racial slurs nor do I start any problems but I find it funny how I said "suck my dick" or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" then hit with ban even though I seen people with far worst names or probably equally the same time of name like Brian previous alias "admins are dumb and furries tbh" 
    I knew I was wrong when I changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" which might look like I was trying to loop which wasn't the case I was just fooling around thinking this wouldn't cause any problem nor anyone would be mad about it but apparently not since Precious got offended over it. 
    Whenever Precious is on he would have some disgusting binds which I personally would say is unprofessional for one of our staff to say stuff like this.

    "I'm just givin your dickie dick a lil suckie suck, chill the fuck out bro" 
    How come he says shit like this but when I say "suck my dick" once or changed my name to "suck my dick furfags" I get gagged then ban afterwards? It's hypocritical as fuck. 

    "slurps on your cocky-wocky and gets all the tasty cummies"

    "If your name is Chad you are entitled to a free blowie from me anytime"

    "I'm daddy's little fidget spinner. He puts me on his dick, and I spin. Whishhhhhhhh"

    "Bunny Boy [xG:A] Krampus : I like riding dildos balls first"
    ^ Same goes for Krampus, don't be saying stuff like this on the server doesn't matter if majority of the players don't mind it but keep it classy cause once the regulars or new players come on xG servers and see this they'll probably do the same or something far worse.
    You shouldn't be saying this on the server period. You should keep it professional and just talk casual instead of just spamming those stupid binds which make me and probably the majority of the server/player base uncomfortable or drive them away. We got children playing on our servers daily I think it's a bad example to be showing them or letting them see or hear this stuff. Keep it in discord or direct messages don't go sprout stuff like this.  Since my 4-5 years being in xG I have never witness this from any staff or higherup. Hopefully our DMs/DLs will talk to them in private and tell them tone it down cause I find this stuff weird and It usually causes bad reactions from players including myself.
    I honestly didn't mean for the situation to blow up like it did. I knew I was on my last straw but I didn't think something so light / playful would turn out to bite me the back. x)
    I know it's not up to me to be calling out choices but maybe try to consider unban and maybe give me like month gag or something.
  10. Agree
    Red reacted to Tatost in Red   
    You only specified "in chat" so I'll assume you mean you warned in text only. You have to warn both verbally and textually, I learned that the hard way a while back when I banned someone who muted voice chat and was breaking rules. You apparently didn't even kick the guy, so that's an even bigger red flag (haha get it?). Jumping straight to a permanent ban only after one previous ban is kind of bullshit.

  11. Like
    Red got a reaction from Tekk in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    s1x Identity
    s1xn9ne Ban Type
    Server Ban Information I was playing pkmn trade with a few lads and I noticed a few people talking about furry related stuff on the server and I responded with this..

    I was dick around with most of pokemon trade players by telling elusion to shut up furfag then a few minutes passed where i would say suck my dick in chat for shit and giggles and precious just gags me then he would immediately ban me for changing my name to suck my dick.
    I personally don't think this was perm worthy or was even justified a ban for saying 

    and changing my name to suck my dick furfag but when other people literally say the exact same shit i say no punishment comes their way cause apparently of my history. He should had just had me gagged and left it at that. No one took me seriously on pkmn trade during that time and couple regulars and member taught it was an unnecessary ban.
    No one was offended by anything I said and literally everyone uses the word "furfag" literally everyone says it nor "suck my dick" I wasn't even calling anyone out when saying it..
  12. Like
    Red reacted to SegFault in Red   
    Actually, before I look into this more tomorrow, I would like to point out, he has only been banned once before (https://bans.xenogamers.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:52947739&Submit) not numerous times, and that focused mostly on racism and trolling (disrespect did come into play however)
  13. Losing It
    Red got a reaction from Krampus in Red   
    I do understand that, but I tried to stop being generally toxic but when people are saying weird stuff they'll generally get a bad reaction from most of the players in the community but I find it weird when he mention this

    but I was warned and gagged but I didn't get kicked then he would immediately ban me. If I was kicked I probably would had just left it on that or just chilled out. 
    anyway I might do report abuse thread in the near future.

  14. Salty
    Red reacted to Precious in Red   
    That was quick.
    First, I would like to say that I warned you to stop in chat and you kept going. Don't believe me?
    It was clear that they didn't like that you said that to them, and when I told you to stop, you responded disrespectfully, so I gagged you. Simple.
    Then, after being warned and gagged for being disrespectful towards others, you decide to disrespect people again by changing your name to 'suck my dick'. That doesn't sound like you were joking to me. Continuing to cause trouble after already receiving punishment will usually result in a ban.
    To those of you who think this is strict, let me tell you the order of how staff are supposed to deal with these things: 1. Warn the person to stop, 2. Mute/Gag/Kick depending on the offense. Then, if they persist and continue to cause problems, then 3. You ban them accordingly. And it just so happened that you have been banned numerous times before and this time it was a perma. This is what most of the staff do. I'm not being strict, I'm doing my job. Might I also add that you were given chances to stop. I warned you and you still were disrespectful towards me and others on the server. I gagged you and you still tried to start trouble. I wasn't being strict, you just don't know when to quit.
    I seriously doubt you were just kidding around with that person, because you would've been smarter than to continuously disrespect me after I warned you and gave you chances to stop. You've had several chances in the past to shape up and change your behavior, but you've kept going. Same disruptive behavior every time. And it just so happens this time your ban is permanent. So sorry s1x, but you've had more than enough chances to improve. You can point fingers at everyone else, but the fault lies entirely on you.
  15. Like
    Red reacted to jaygoki in Red   
    To be fair, if an admin gags you and you start changing your name to get around it that's mute/gag evading in a way, I dunno if that's really perm worthy (maybe it is for TF2? /shrug) but considering you've been banned in the past for such things - disrespect, toxicity, etc - I can understand a perm.. I don't agree, but I understand.
    Even if you don't think anyone is offended by something you say (even if everyone else is saying it), there may be someone that isn't speaking up about it because they may be afraid that it will get them bullied further. Think about what you say before you say it, especially like the first screenshot - calling someone a weirdo can really affect someone, especially if their self-conscious is already low. Even if you think they're just being 'sensitive,' remember it's another person on the other side of the screen that is going through potentially a completely different experience in life than you are. What you might think is funny to say could be incredibly hurtful to someone else, and I hope everyone can recognize that.
  16. Salty
    Red got a reaction from Precious in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    s1x Identity
    s1xn9ne Ban Type
    Server Ban Information I was playing pkmn trade with a few lads and I noticed a few people talking about furry related stuff on the server and I responded with this..

    I was dick around with most of pokemon trade players by telling elusion to shut up furfag then a few minutes passed where i would say suck my dick in chat for shit and giggles and precious just gags me then he would immediately ban me for changing my name to suck my dick.
    I personally don't think this was perm worthy or was even justified a ban for saying 

    and changing my name to suck my dick furfag but when other people literally say the exact same shit i say no punishment comes their way cause apparently of my history. He should had just had me gagged and left it at that. No one took me seriously on pkmn trade during that time and couple regulars and member taught it was an unnecessary ban.
    No one was offended by anything I said and literally everyone uses the word "furfag" literally everyone says it nor "suck my dick" I wasn't even calling anyone out when saying it..
  17. Agree
    Red reacted to Jacklyn in Red   
    +1 You guys are too sensitive.
  18. Disagree
    Red reacted to Queelsh in fnet09 - Team Fortress 2   
    Hey Cash Money! Hope you’re havin good today. 
    I’ve seen you on the server a couple of times and you kind of made me mad one time with your sniper game. I do have a problem with you though that is a massive one. 
    Your wording
    If you say you care about the community then why have you been banned for shooting from spawn? What about pornographic or other bad sprays? Or hacking on the servers with multiple different programs, then coming back just to get banned even more.
    im sorry but if you care about a community then you wouldn’t have done that. 
    These bans did happen many months ago and about four months off of a year until it’s been a full year.
    I believe people can change their beliefs but not their “core”
    Cheating is a subject of you have or you haven’t. 
    Many people have, I have, you have, almost all my friends have, and maybe that’s us being terrible people but almost everyone I talk to who cares about a game all say the same thing. That they regretted it and wish they never have done it.
    I believe that since you have waited a long time to make this and you want to be a member shows that you regretted what you did that day and the other days that you messed up.
    if my word means anything then I say +1.
    hes showing that he regretted what he did and is a pretty ok guy after all.
    (also sorry for anyone who read this, I know it looked a bit ranty) 
    a: haven’t been on lately so can’t jugde that
  19. Drunk
    Red reacted to pokechu13 in Minecraft is looking for staff!   
    I've been a admin of several different servers in the past, ive banned griefers hackers and the like.
  20. Boring
    Red reacted to ScottNi in Cinematic threads   
    How would you guys like to have a cinematic thread in the creative threads. People would share movie reviews or recommend tv shows. Aswell it could be the start of hosting a movie night. There are a lot of topics there and I feel this should be on too. Everybody likes movies so why not? 
  21. Like
    Red reacted to Tatost in Remove no spawncamping teles rule   
    For those of you who don't know why this rule was added -- Our spawn protection exists, yes, but only for a very small time frame. By the time you walk out of the teleport spawns, your protection has already worn off or is about to wear off. Stickies, rockets, level 2+ sentries, etc. are able to push you back into your spawn, making it seemingly impossible to break spawn camps, thus ruining the aspect of fun some people may have. Not to mention destroying key buildings is incredibly hard because your view model is forced into a set position every time you walk out of spawn. We didn't increase spawn protection times back then because people will constantly whine about spawn protection being too long, thus ending up with the discussion being brought straight back onto the forums. If this rule were to be removed, you will most definitely have to increase spawn protection time, or you'll hear about it from someone, or a group of people, in the near future. If you're not willing to increase spawn protection times because of the whining that will ensue, then it's best to keep this rule in action. I don't care enough for TF2 in general anymore, so I couldn't care less which way it goes.
    Just something for people to chew on before they vote.
  22. Bad Spelling
    Red reacted to Queelsh in Remove no spawncamping teles rule   
    I think there’s three solutions to this problem.
    Either A) Disable spawn protection and treat it like tgh or surf and Just letting moderators use common sense when it comes to spawn killing.
    B) Find a better plugin that is more cistomizable to the spawn location instead of time.
    Either way I do agree that the way spawn protection is handled there is a bit wonky and should have at least something changed about it. 
  23. Thinking
    Red reacted to ScottNi in Rabidtoken - Counter-Strike   
    Am changing to a -1. 
  24. Agree
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Expopread - Team Fortress 2   
  25. Agree
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Hello everyone   
    hey & play on a good server bud like trade gaming history.