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  1. Make xG Great Again
    Vacindak got a reaction from james8470 in Vacindak   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    thevacindak Steam ID:

    "]Steam Community :: thevacindak Banned:

    No Previously in xG:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active:

    all time in [xG] Surf-xenogamers.com Age:

    20 Further Information:

    I am elite in surf and actually [xG] Surf-xenogamers.com is my favorite server, i playing all time , cuz have trails , checkpointsaver and good community
    I can speak english and spanish
  2. Friendly
    Vacindak got a reaction from Salad in Skelly's Commission   
    ESEEE salad!
    Nice one :D
  3. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Donakonda in Selfie Sunday   
    recent photo of me and the name of the horse i rode was named triggered.

  4. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in Memory Lane   
    I remember when people actually read the disclaimer....
  5. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Sonic in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    Buen viaje mi amigo con cuidado!
  6. Gross
    Vacindak got a reaction from Rabid in Memory Lane   
    I remember when The surf server was death and I used to change the colors of my trails to communicate because I couldn't speak English and when @Sancock used to sing a lot PLOP
  7. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Caleb956 in Memory Lane   
    I remember when jb had population and the rebellion was still alive. felt pretty good man ;-;
  8. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    :arghh: D::arghh: D::arghh: D:
    Vac nooooo
  9. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Thorax_ in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    Adios Amigo! Stay Safe and have a great time!
  10. Like
    Vacindak reacted to TBOHB in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    Have fun on your trip!
  11. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Egossi in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    Buen viaje mi amigo
  12. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Bone in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    Have fun on your trip
  13. Sad
    Vacindak got a reaction from virr in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    ESA GENTE!! :D ..hello everyone. i'm inform you, i'm going to go to churin , chuchin and Tumbes this week. so i'm going to be inactive for 9 days because is a family trip.. SOoOoOo don't worry
    i will be back in 20/08/2017 at night
  14. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in Me voy de Viaje Familiar   
    Au revoir!
    ...wait no
  15. Sad
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in See ya homeslice   
    I don't know how to word this any better, but I'm gonna take off once again. Sadly I can't give a better reason but I'm just disinterested and tired of most of the crap going around. I'm just going to deal with it now instead of later in the year. I've made my choice and I'm just stepping down to member for the final time. I had a lot of fun supporting xG though, thank you all for that.
  16. Winner
    Vacindak got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Gustavo_top_kek - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 UNBAN
    he is valued member from surf... Jail break is not his main server.
  17. Creative
    Vacindak reacted to Mr.LogicToast in My Youtube. (I produce music and do gaming videos!)   
    Here's my youtube guys. I hope you like it! it took me a while to set it up, but here it is X3!
    TU-3 MUSIC
    I put a lot of work into these videos.. feel free to check them out and spread the word!
  18. Funny
    Vacindak reacted to Vexx in Gustavo_top_kek - Team Fortress 2   
    I honestly don't even remember banning you, so I'd be 100% fine with you being unbanned. +1
  19. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Mr.LogicToast in My Soundcloud. ( i produce many genres)   
    here is the link to my soundcloud which is not strict to one genre of electronic music, but instead, all types!
    TU-3 MUSIC
    B E S U R E T O C H E C K I T O U T !
  20. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to Kypari in TheSupremePatriot - Team Fortress 2   
    Honestly the whole slur rule needs to be revisited because last time I checked the word "faggot" was allowed but some staff don't allow it. Needs clarification honestly because it's really confusing to players and staff.
  21. Like
    Vacindak reacted to Salad in 2nd portrait of [xG] Link   
    This is the second piece I have made for Link. This one features his most recent Pyro loadout for Team Fortress 2, and I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. I integrated some styles from several of my previous pieces, creating a sort of hybrid between the two, using both smoother, pastel-like shading and a basic color-based outline that I derived from a piece I did not post on here, which really works well to bring out the most prominent features. I am incredibly happy with how I have improved since I made the original Link portrait. Though I've been drawing my whole life, I only started digital artwork with a tablet back in March of this year, and I really like where things are going. I hope you do too :D

  22. Creative
    Vacindak reacted to Salad in maf!'s Commission   
    My friend, maf!, commissioned a bust of a Sniper set, so yeah, here it is. I did the majority of this shading in one sitting and decided against a final border outline which I did integrate onto a previous piece, but I still enjoy how this turned out. Much more pastel-like.

  23. Winner
    Vacindak reacted to virr in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    While the evidence gathered on our servers is not enough to warrant a permanent ban, there is a demo of you on another server which clearly shows you aiming and locking on to enemy heads through walls.
    The demo has been reviewed by our tf2 higher ups as well as a few other staff members. That demo in conjunction with your toxic chat history and spam despite several warnings from staff has made us come to the conclusion to not unban you. However, if you still want to be unbanned, please follow this link: Want To Get Unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
    Feel free to add to my post if i missed anything @Basquiat @Vexx @Sesh @mrnutty12
  24. Like
    Vacindak reacted to NitNat in Selfie Sunday   
    Oh shit you're right here's the actual pic of me

  25. Agree
    Vacindak reacted to realBelloWaldi in Shining - Team Fortress 2   
    He seems to be hacking on the demo @CappyCappy has submitted. Additionally he was advertising hacks, trolling and disrespecting other players, which is something that xG does not condone.
    Due to the several rules OP broke he shall stay permanently banned.
    If you still want to be unbanned, read this: Want To Get Unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
    - closed