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Reputation Activity

  1. Funny
    virr got a reaction from Jadow in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    sure was you guys :^)
  2. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in TF2 Discussion Thread   
    Get rid of one of the goldenrods? | Xeno Gamers
    So a few people want to remove trade_goldenrodcity_v1b. 11 votes in total, so nothing tremendous.
    [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  3. Like
    virr got a reaction from ael_fjordling in megalodon - Team Fortress 2   
    You're too late ;)
    Grats to mod @LAN_Megalodon !
  4. Like
    virr reacted to Moosty in Selfie Sunday   
    I don't think he really comes around here anymore, but I met @Kart this past week and he was just as Canadian as you would expect.

  5. Thinking
    virr got a reaction from Krampus in Disable random crits for all weapons except melee on trade servers?   
    Since this is a fairly major change, the topic in question will be taken into discussion internally for a little bit. We'll get back to you guys within a week or so. Thank you for the thread!
  6. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Thunder in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    No thank you.
  7. Agree
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    No thank you.
  8. Feels Bad Man
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    No thank you.
  9. Like
    virr got a reaction from Red in Forum Updates - Suggestions   
    No thank you.
  10. Agree
    virr reacted to james8470 in You already know what this is.   
    .... Who's in charge of our social media again?
  11. Useful
    virr reacted to OneGlove in New Map For xG, need opinions!   
    so, if we're gonna be doing grid like maps, then we should try gen 4 and below, for future advice.
    looking through gen 3, there are many cities I found that could work.
    let's go through the list:
    Ever Grande City

    This map, though a little - and obviously - edge oriented, is mostly linear, with what can be seen as a waterfall, ledges, and a tunnel entrance to Victory Road. If we were to design the map adequately, a spawn could be made in the waterfall, and another in the tunnel. Though small, i believe a candidate could be made out of this.
    Lilycove City

    A bigger map, Lilycove is yet another island-ish city that is kind of similar to Goldenrod. With the Team Aqua/Magma hideout in the upper right, and the Harbor in the bottom left, an easy yet in depth design could be formed from this. If you haven't caught on yet, these are all Gen 3 maps.
    Mossdeep City

    Man, all of these cities are close to water huh? Mossdeep city has quite an open area, which isn't bad, but also has the close corners of the buildings to protect some other forms of play. An Ideal map, I suppose.
    Rustboro City

    An early in-game map, Rustboro is reminiscent of something like Goldenrod, which could be seen as an up or down. Nothing special here, really, but simple.
    Finally, Slateport City

    Quite the plaza, Slateport has the functionality as two different areas; the beach and the city itself. With all of the tents in the market, a (gasp) actual trading area could be set in place! Much potential.
    I'm not here to guide towards one specific map, form your own opinions.
  12. Friendly
    virr reacted to mel. in hi, im mel <3   
    thank you, and yeah i know just sometimes feels better to just put it out in the air so it doesnt come as a surpise, lol :emoji_heart:
    thanks u again and i look foward to seeing u :emoji_two_hearts:
  13. Friendly
    virr got a reaction from mel. in hi, im mel <3   
    Hey hello! I'm one of the higher ups around here, if you stick around we will most likely interact in one way or another :) Don't worry about being weird, all of us are in one way of another.
    Welcome and hopefully you enjoy your stay <3
  14. Friendly
    virr reacted to mel. in hi, im mel <3   
    hi, my name is mel, mel for melancholy and im new to [xG] (obviously, lol) :emoji_two_hearts:
    so far, ive played on the tf2 trade servers for like 2 days or something
    it's pChill and i'm just looking for more places to play on besides pub 24/7 servers
    im super bored a lot of the time and as of kinda last week i just got back into tf2 after...
    well, how ever many years ago 13' - 14' was! but techinially i did come back in 15' but i just played super casually then
    i played a lot of tf2 on my first account and this one (like around 3k hrs and 2k on this one, yeah i have no life) :emoji_sleeping:

    uh... other things about me i guess? :emoji_thought_balloon:
    - im 18, as of june 9th :3
    - im trans female, mtf (that just means im a guy and i wanna be a girl. no special pronouns needed )
    - i tend to be really weird and akward as hell at times
    - yeah, im a furfag, please do insult me on that lmao
    after that, i can't think of much else!
    so any questions just tell me, im almost always down to talk and stuff
    oh, and im super glad to be here and all that, if i didnt mention :emoji_sparkling_heart:
    so yeah thats it, :emoji_peace:
  15. Like
    virr got a reaction from Vacindak in hi, im mel <3   
    Hey hello! I'm one of the higher ups around here, if you stick around we will most likely interact in one way or another :) Don't worry about being weird, all of us are in one way of another.
    Welcome and hopefully you enjoy your stay <3
  16. Random
    virr reacted to Thorax_ in You already know what this is.   
    “I’m TheSupremePatriot, and this is my 2000th Post.... err... 2005th...
    I work here with my old man and my son, @Bello . Everything in here has a meme and a story. One thing I’ve learned after 2.3 years in xG – you never know WHAT is gonna come next”

    Yeah I supposed that one is pretty stale huh?.... I’ll give you something even better.

    HI!!!!!!! (OC)

    Now a word from @MinerTeddy our sponsor.

  17. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Gamemode Rotation Thread   
    You cheated!
  18. Disagree
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Gamemode Rotation Thread   
    You cheated!
  19. Agree
    virr got a reaction from james8470 in Discord Discussion Thread   
    Also, how are we handling bans? Is a forum ban = a discord ban?
  20. Friendly
    virr got a reaction from Maziko66 in Stomp (Cover) (Metal)   
    Woah, this is sick. Great job!
  21. Like
    virr got a reaction from mrnutty12 in bubblebee   
    He contacted us beforehand, we good.
  22. Like
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in bubblebee   
    He contacted us beforehand, we good.
  23. Creative
    virr reacted to Maziko66 in Stomp (Cover) (Metal)   
    Hey guys I made a cover to a song from Command & Conquer.
    What do you guys think?
  24. Winner
    virr got a reaction from TBOHB in xG:DM] Elcark - Team Fortress 2   
    EDIT: User has been banned for repeatedly posting ip adresses. @Elcark's punishment was fully justified, no action will be taken.
  25. Disagree
    virr reacted to Thorax_ in iOS 11   
    I mean if you like a device that can get viruses way easier, thats on you :P