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  1. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Rhododendron in The Giveaway Plugin   
    It was a minor bug relating to the chat instance being passed across the threads. And I need to find someone who can sell us items that are worth $0.50 - $1.00 in bulk at a discount rate. Refined Metal is cheaper and that's all I can afford at the moment. Remember you can always donate items to help the giveaways out, and I'll be doing badges for people who donate items soon.
    You can disable the giveaway using !settings, and for god sakes it's FREE ITEMS! You just sound extremely rude at this point complaining that free items just aren't good enough...
    If you see any issues, don't make a thread and message me on steam immediately so I can fix!
  2. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in The Giveaway Plugin   
    Yes, I realize that, but I'm sick of people complaining about what they receive just because they think its "not enough". Its ungrateful and disgusting. Its one of my pet-peves. And Im also just tired from work so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    The plugin is malfunctioning, yes. But I am just shook that people can't just be satisfied with what they get.
    The plugin is broken on Pokemon, we get notifications on surf about the giveaway but I don't believe it actually does the giveaway on surf, TGH its not functioning at all... Other servers, IDK.
  3. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to YeEternalTuna in The Giveaway Plugin   
    First Issue: This was already brought up by someone else. Before you would get actual garbage. They changed it so the item would have to be of some value. I honestly think we shouldn't go over this again.
    Second Issue: Well I mean yeah it is ''broken'' but it still seems to serve its purpose. Also I don't think we should go over this again because this a giveaway plugin which means you are getting stuff for free. You should be grateful instead of unappreciative.
  4. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in The Giveaway Plugin   
    Oh my god, not this crap again.....
    Its free stuff, deal with it. We don't have to have this plugin. Just be happy that you even get just a single piece of metal.
    Its main purpose is to encourage people to join our server.
  5. Sad
    TBOHB got a reaction from james8470 in Hurricane Harvey   
    I can't donate now because I need the money, but I would donate because my Mom's boyfriend's daughter lives in Waco, Texas and they got hit with serious flooding.
    Also not sure if anybody has seen the dogs and cats tied up outside...
    It breaks my heart to see people who just leave their dogs out there while the owners just flee somewhere else.

  6. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in Share the Music!   
    Basically. Anything that makes me feel high is (y)
    Electronic, any remix of shitty hip hop songs..
    i want to suffer with u [free download]
  7. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Mr.LogicToast in Share the Music!   
    TU-3 MUSIC
  8. Sad
    TBOHB got a reaction from Thorax_ in Hurricane Harvey   
    I can't donate now because I need the money, but I would donate because my Mom's boyfriend's daughter lives in Waco, Texas and they got hit with serious flooding.
    Also not sure if anybody has seen the dogs and cats tied up outside...
    It breaks my heart to see people who just leave their dogs out there while the owners just flee somewhere else.

  9. Are You Insane
    TBOHB reacted to Maximum in XG Discord?   
    Is there an XG discord? Can someone make one? I'd love to have one.

  10. Sad
    TBOHB reacted to Vector in Stepping down   
    So i've been thinking about this for awhile and there are many reasons for it.
    First off, my biggest problem is how disgruntled, the TF2 xG community is. I'm not naming names because i don't want to cause shit or belittle anyone in particular because it's everyone in the TF2 div's fault, mine included for not doing a better job at trying to mitigate these situations. It's just the sad state of affairs this community is and frankly i'm tired of it. Everyone is at each other's throats with constant bull shit flung from both sides. This is also especially true in the staff community. Everyone has a clique and if you don't like someone they will try and do shit in their powers to get people they don't like demoted or promoted. I've heard ridiculous bull shit like people going on alt accounts just to instigate staff with the hopes of having them caught handling a situation poorly just for evidence to get them demoted. No one wants to help their fellow admin or mod. I'm not saying you have to be their friend or even like them for that matter, but to do some lowly bull shit like cut evidence up to make someone look bad or just being hypocrites and i'm seeing it is dragging into other divisions too and i'm really just getting tired of it. i was hoping @Aegean would make a thread about the state of the community of the tf2 division but that hasn't been created yet. If you're glad to see me demoted then fine. But it shouldn't be a good thing that a staff member is stepping down nor should it be a good thing that they were demoted. People in this clan go out of their way to not help moderators especially with their job on the line and it's pretty fucked. It also doesn't help that there is always a fucking problem. It feels like at least once a week there is this massive shit storm where it's nothing but shit flinging or passive aggressive comments, discord rants and so on. You might be thinking, well you will encounter this any where. That's true to an extent but for god sakes people. This is a video community, not some corporate business where you gotta step all over people to get to the top or some cliche shit like that.
    Second, school. I'm leaving this sunday for school and will probaby too busy to moderate when trying to balance a social life, university and so on.
    Third, Tf2 just isn't really fun anymore. i'm struggling to just get the hours to justify my admin powers and with this TF2 update not coming out to help light some sort of interest in this game it's becoming more and more of a pain. I'm sure many of you playing tf2 right now can understand how i'm feeling about how slow this update progress has been as i'm sure many of you have displayed as well.
    Anyway, thats it, i'm stepping down. I will consider coming back in the future however as of right now, with school, little interest in tf2, and just the tf2 division as a whole, i think its my time to step down. Hope the tf2 divison gets their stuff together and i hope all of the mods/admins do a great job. Peace. i will probably still play tf2 every now and again.
    Add me on my main account because thats where i'm mostly going to be now.
    Steam Community :: Vector
    @virr @Sesh @mrnutty12 @Bello @Vexx
  11. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in Hurricane Harvey   
    I'm not really sure what all to say here as I don't normally pay attention to things that aren't happening outside my window, but as many people likely know Texas is currently being hit by the devastating hurricane Harvey. I won't bore with too many details (it would only take a simple google search to get plenty of such) but in short the damage and especially the flooding being caused by this storm, especially in the Houston metropolitan area, is incredibly devastating.
    Tens of thousands are being affected right now and many more will be as the storm continues, with nearby states likely being affected as well in the next few days. This includes folks we know in our little community (as well as people here you or I may not know live there), as well as people I know personally who I have yet to hear back from since the storm hit. I simply felt the need for this to be made to further awareness of the situation and to give shout outs and regards (and prays if you're into that sort of thing) to our fellow xenogamers going through this disaster.
    Now for the extra ambitious, there isn't much that can be done to help from afar. That being said, donations to relief agencies are always a possible option. For anyone curious or willing to do such, a simple effort I'd point you towards would be this here I support the American Red Cross
    where you can (and i'd recommend) select where you'd specifically like your donation to go to with the "I want to support" drop menu, with hurricane harvey being at the bottom. Now I by no means would want to ask anyone to go and donate, but at the same time would absolutely not discourage anyone from doing so.
    Lastly, for those of you currently suffering from this disaster, please stay safe and I hope the situation improves as quickly as possible.
  12. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to hongkongatron in gonna be gone for another five days   
    you didnt tag ME DAD
    you've killed
    my feelings.
    ill kill u
  13. Got It
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in gonna be gone for another five days   
    going to amsterdam for 5 days with my school :d
    im 18 so some of you know what that means ;)
    @virr @Egossi @bagel @Kypari @Healix @Aegean
    haha i tagged one person from every group > : )
  14. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Plasma - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 looked at your ban history lmao. Also just because he payed you to break multiple rules and expect to get home scott-free kiddo. Kevin is comin to rek u.
  15. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Vargas in Plasma - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 looked at your ban history lmao. Also just because he payed you to break multiple rules and expect to get home scott-free kiddo. Kevin is comin to rek u.
  16. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from hongkongatron in Plasma - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 looked at your ban history lmao. Also just because he payed you to break multiple rules and expect to get home scott-free kiddo. Kevin is comin to rek u.
  17. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from Plasma in Plasma - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 looked at your ban history lmao. Also just because he payed you to break multiple rules and expect to get home scott-free kiddo. Kevin is comin to rek u.
  18. Not Funny
    TBOHB got a reaction from bagggel in Plasma - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 looked at your ban history lmao. Also just because he payed you to break multiple rules and expect to get home scott-free kiddo. Kevin is comin to rek u.
  19. Blaze It
    TBOHB reacted to Plasma in Plasma - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Plasma, the Box Identity:

    Steam Community :: Plasma, the Box Ban Type:

    Server Ban Information:

    my friend payed me to yell krusty krab is unfair mr krabs is in there standing at the concession plotting his oppression in the mic plz give me one more chance the admin got mad because i picked up a sign that was lewd and kicked me after i said krusty krab is unfair mr krabs is in there standing at the concession plotting his oppression he had banned me im so sorry ik i have been a dick in the past but still im turning over a new leaf
  20. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from Bone in Potential Inactivity   
    Please stay safe my boney friend!
  21. Furry
    TBOHB reacted to hongkongatron in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    I'd like to first apologize to you personally for the assumptions based around the argument this thread, and apologize to the other responses in this thread to make it seem like you were plagiarizing the map, and secondly clear some stuff up.
    This started when a poketrade regular had the initiative to want to make his own pokemon map for the server, and was browsing the workshop. They discovered the past workshop link and then brought it to me which I then pointed it out to higherups. I was also trying to base this thread more so around the like-dislike ratio of the map than the "look at this guy he STOLE a MAP" scummy callout sort of thing. It came off as responses being +1's because of the callout rather than a formed opinion around the map. I agree that this thread was based upon assumptions that hadn't been researched before being said, and I also agree that the thread could've been more competently made. I agree completely. To clear up why I removed you, the word choice you used were pretty aggressive and I'd have loved it if you pointed out that what I was saying was incorrect in a decently respectful manner rather than calling me an autistic dumbass. My last point is that the place where (I assume) the "textures from HK" sign is stated is unreadable, as seen below, which is why I, again, simply only made assumptions off of what I thought was reasonable evidence.

  22. Make xG Great Again
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in Remove trade_sylux_oubliettev2   
    Closing the thread for now due to OP's request. Feel free to make a new poll though.
  23. RIP
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in Pokemon Trade (Map Request)   
    I suggested this a while back and it was turned down.
  24. Drunk
    TBOHB reacted to Spoopy in Bluez_   
    He didn't do anything when I'm on . And @grap_grop if you think spamming binds a minute or two is spam then I should be for "spamming" kek
  25. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Bluez_   
    you're not very nice, Spoopy.