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  1. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to realBelloWaldi in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    Does anyone care to explain why you gave this post a disagree rating? I don't think supreme is too wrong here and I'd like to hear what makes you think otherwise.
  2. F!$k Off
    TBOHB reacted to FredFuchs in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    Once again the Xenogamers community has disappointed me with players who get offended when they come across straight up absurdity. You really shouldn't take such an obnoxious name that seriously, I don't know if you're genuinely offended or just mad at the player and want to get back at him in some sort of way but either way you should probably stop playing Rated M video games online until you're 17.
  3. Informative
    TBOHB got a reaction from Tatost in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    I would so do this at like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but doing this within the next 2 months is not optimal.
  4. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Thorax_ in I AM FULLY ERECT - Team Fortress 2   
    2 of the 3 gags are valid, they do lack reasons though. These gags took place 2-3 years ago so a warning would be fair at this current moment.

    3 of the 4 bans are invalid, and are not to be counted. The only server ban was by Chicken Panda and that was 1 hour.
    These bans however took place 2-3 years ago therefore, a warning would be fair at this current moment.
    Although their behavior is disgusting... they were warned about it a long time ago, so it would be fair to give them a friendly refresher about it and if they continue, then action should be taken.
    -1 for ban
    +1 for warning
  5. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to LAN_Megalodon in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Can't, college starts soon lol.
    Unfortunately you might want to wait until a holiday break again
  6. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Spoopy in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Name: Spoopy
    Steam 64 ID: 76561198023542238
    Classes: Demo, Soldier, Sniper, Engineer, and (Best Class) Spectator.
  7. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Doggo Tuesday   
  8. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Kart in Doggo Tuesday   
    That's the point we want cats to hate Mondays even more
  9. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to LemonVolt in Lecap   
    Pretty suspicious, kinda reminds me of the thing with manlyduck...
  10. Not Funny
    TBOHB reacted to Lecap in Lecap   
    I will only talk about this further under oath.
  11. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Nigga is not a slur.   
    I'm not saying you should, I just think it's odd that people are scratching their heads wondering why people are reacting with hostility to a post that was incredibly hostile.
  12. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    Ew. Teamspeak.
    Name: Dubbeh
    ID: 76561198174481759
    Classes: Medic.
    Also Toastie. School is about to start you have horrible timing.
  13. Friendly
    TBOHB got a reaction from shwash in Doggo Tuesday   
    Best wishes out to your doggo my man :( My family has had so many dogs die early becausse of some failure in their system. Hate to see it happen to another family.
  14. Like
    TBOHB reacted to NitNat in Doggo Tuesday   
    My dog isn't the brightest one around but she still has fun

  15. Thinking
    TBOHB reacted to Egossi in Nigga is not a slur.   
    How do you expect me to think this thread is ironic/a joke in the slightest when i dont know the person who made it?
    In what way was your rating a "joke"?

    How was that passive aggressive in any way??? Lmao jfc @grap_grop is not her parent why would he actually be mad about her not going outside
    Holy shit you're dumb as a brick
    PS. You're in no place to tell anyone what they can and cant post in the first place, most you should do is ask a higher up if its an alright post and like i said if its not they'll take care of it
  16. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Blizzard in Nigga is not a slur.   
    the irony of this thread and your comment and the fact you rating bombed me proves youre not taking jokes lightly xd
    I'm not defending Jackie or anything but she should be allowed the human decency of a semi professional response without being heckled by passive aggressive comments. you dummy
  17. Friendly
    TBOHB reacted to Elcark in Away till the storm leaves.   
    In all seriousness, I hope whatever the issue is isn't too terrible and that you have help in some way with it whatever it may be.
    Otherwise, i'm CERTAINLY going to miss being forcefully dragged to jailbreak at random.
  18. Eggplant
    TBOHB reacted to Tatost in Away till the storm leaves.   
    :( my e-girlfriend is gone for a while
  19. Winner
    TBOHB reacted to Moosty in Doggo Tuesday   
    I taught my girl to do my laundry

  20. Like
    TBOHB reacted to shwash in Doggo Tuesday   
    My dog's kidneys have been in bad condition, and my dog has been a lot slower and more lethargic recently. Things are not looking good, so I want to post a couple of pictures. I will only post 1 now, for I need to find the hard copies we have printed and scan them.

    More on the way. All of you give your doggos a hug and a pet right now.
  21. Sad
    TBOHB reacted to WubbaLubbaDubDu in Away till the storm leaves.   
    Not literally. Just..I won't be going on the xG servers for a bit. I need to take my mind off of things and being there won't help me or my head currently at the moment. Don't worry I'll return :I
  22. Like
    TBOHB reacted to Mr.LogicToast in My Soundcloud. ( i produce many genres)   
    thank you lots man :3
  23. Creative
    TBOHB reacted to Mr.LogicToast in My Soundcloud. ( i produce many genres)   
    here is the link to my soundcloud which is not strict to one genre of electronic music, but instead, all types!
    TU-3 MUSIC
    B E S U R E T O C H E C K I T O U T !
  24. Agree
    TBOHB reacted to Reptile in Bad Mother Fucker - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm all for giving him the week ban, he's clearly around just to be difficult and is generally unpleasant as shown by his recent chat history.
  25. Like
    TBOHB got a reaction from WubbaLubbaDubDu in Away till the storm leaves.   
    Oh well best wishes to whatever happened. Hope you feel better :3