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Posts posted by Caribou

  1. The rule should be enforced only against nests.


    If you can't break a camp that has a combo and Sniper that means you're just not trying. The other team camping doesn't get spawncamped because they don't try; only stay friendly and want things handed to them. The no camping teleport spawns should be changed rather than removed.


    Alot of people stay by the spawns and complain about spawncamp, how are staff supposed to know he was out and stayed there or not. Besides spawn protection is there anyways, especially on TGH, Lasts long enough for you to kill 2 or 3 people.

  2. Some staff may not be able to get on TF2 at that moment making them unable to take action; I think it should be implemented, but for Admin+.

    Admins should have their own kind of bots to perform that action to ensure it is a call made by those who are more experienced. No offense to any Moderator but my thoughts are that Administrators are more suited to deal with these kind of occurences.

  3. Judging from this post; they seem immature, not taking this seriously at all.

    Seen them a couple of times around on TGH and Pokemon, not really well acquainted with them, so far I see immaturity and adolescence.

    Wont vote from first encounters. Just wanted to place my views on the behavior on the application.

  4. In-Game Name:


    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Previously a Member in xG:





    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active on Servers:

    8 Hours playtime. Been familiar well over a year



    Reasons for Joining:

    I've been playing alot on xG and I like the community, I've gotten to make plenty of friends too.

    I'd also love to have more of a voice on the forums, I want to become a part of the community.

  5. If they do not affect the +1s that are present it is basically an obsolete feature.

    Unless it is taken into consideration by different people through different prespectives; either way that should be how they work.

    I do not know if I can vote on this poll or not, but it said anyone can vote so yeah I agree +1

  6. I for one am always competitive on TGH and Pokemon; but nonetheless crits should not be removed, as much as I complain whenever I get killed by a crit or not I still think Random Crits should stay as they're another factor to make the game more fun.


    I also like how some who want Random Crits removed don't even get on much or at all, "old players" or not the decision wont affect them if they do not even get on the server to begin with. I really do not see the point in removing Random Crits because a selective few felt the need to rant about how they hate RNG as a whole.


    The servers are not meant to be competitive; whether or not Bullet spread exists they're different things. Rtd exists too doesn't it. The maps themselves aren't fair if we were to speak competitive wise.


    Funny enough most of xG's popularity are friendlies. I think the friendly command should be removed too :^)