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Xg:a Rejects - Team Fortress 2

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-1 though you weren't exactly 100% impersonating, you did change your name to "Hashi"

You mic spammed multiple times, evaded ban, somewhat of an impersonation, disrespected, and trolled.

It was not excessive, you disrespected to a large extent and evaded a ban.

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Ain't this a surprise, another thread that de-railed almost immediately by going in the direction of a Ban Protest from its previous state of being a Report Abuse. Dissonance and general stupidity is in abundance here.


How about instead of filling 4-5 pages with irrelevant posts that either flame or instigate further, we get to the point, state our opinion, and leave it at that? Just a thought.


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Right, I know this is #gravedig but I don't fucking care. I'll put it under the excuse #requestclose.


You know what really grinds my gears? PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU ARE CONFINED TO ONE FUCKING DIVISION. Fuck you for telling people to stay in their own division. Everyone can go to any division they want. So don't tell people to "Stay in CSS." or "Don't come to another division that's not yours." Last I checked these are all XenoGamers servers so sit your ass down with your high and mighty attitude that TF2 is yours. If I want to come into TF2 I fucking will and there ain't shit you can do to stop it.


The truth is, CSS is dying, we still get on and play but it's not the same, so players go to TF2 to play on a more populated server but they get told to go back to their division if they annoy a regular or mess up. But fuck you, you don't get to tell people they aren't welcome just because they played CSS first.


And @Hexx don't be a troll. I actually like you sometimes and I don't want you banned. And one week is too long for that "crime". You fucking doorknobs.

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Right, I know this is #gravedig but I don't fudgeing care. I'll put it under the excuse #requestclose.


You know what really grinds my gears? PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU ARE CONFINED TO ONE fudgeING DIVISION. fudge you for telling people to stay in their own division. Everyone can go to any division they want. So don't tell people to "Stay in CSS." or "Don't come to another division that's not yours." Last I checked these are all XenoGamers servers so sit your butt down with your high and mighty attitude that TF2 is yours. If I want to come into TF2 I fudgeing will and there ain't steaming pantload you can do to stop it.


The truth is, CSS is dying, we still get on and play but it's not the same, so players go to TF2 to play on a more populated server but they get told to go back to their division if they annoy a regular or mess up. But fudge you, you don't get to tell people they aren't welcome just because they played CSS first.


And @Hexx don't be a troll. I actually like you sometimes and I don't want you banned. And one week is too long for that "crime". You fudgeing doorknobs.

Three months later...




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