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Kittylicious - mmo

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I hate to see our members reduced to this. I want to believe that we are better than petty insults and disrespect. It's a concept that even the 7-year-olds I teach can easily grasp, so why is it so difficult for the members of this clan?


I understand tensions are high. I understand the "He Said, She Said" game, probably better than most of our staff considering my profession. I just want it all to end.


SOLUTION: @Moosty, @Kittylicious ...there is an option on the forums to ignore one another. Use it. Don't interact. Don't further the issue. Just leave each other the fuck alone. It's escalated to an unnecessary level. Be the bigger person in this situation and just squash it. It's about time that this Jerry Springer drama shit come to an end. It's damaging much more than just to the two people involved.


I want to feel sorry and support everyone involved, but I just can't do it. I want to find an appropriate solution for EVERYONE, but even I don't know what is appropriate for this meaningless bullshit. You're going to encounter assholes throughout life, but you don't have a right to silence them. They can be an asshole all they want. All you can do is ignore them, so let's do that here.


Moosty put it very well in the thread that was derailed. "IMMATURITY IS FUN, ITS LITERALLY WHAT WE DO ALL DAY." But the issue here is that the amount of enjoyment from people being immature is very subjective, and it can turn to insult and hurt VERY quickly. I won't be one to deny that it is a hell of a lot of fun just to cut loose and act like a moron sometimes, but we have all got to learn a sense of control when we go about doing it. We have ALL got to learn where the line lies and how far we can toe it before "Immaturity" turns to "Disrespect."


We're better than this. Our clan is capable of so much more than this. We should be able to compromise and work things out. We shouldn't have to resort to playing this bureaucratic game of favoritism and popularity just to get a point across. Stop digging the hole and just climb out and fill it. Please.

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+1 this kind of harassment is so uncalled for. Let alone how much she looks down on xG because she "hates it" but we all are aware she left because she was demoted for something she started. Calling us immature and mocking the xG community is just immature in her case. Making jokes about someone's life style and the struggles people go through is very uncalled for and there is no reason for it at all. That's all I have to say

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There's been large amount of immaturity from both sides of this. I will not make a final statement on this until Kitty herself responds. But, one thing, stop the Tf2 bashing. If you no longer enjoy the game, feel free to stop playing on our servers. You're welcome in our community to do whatever you wish. You may joke around, have fun, and keep-in-touch via forums. Keep your feud private or cease communication.

On the issue of bans, they need to be distributed evenly and fairly because I view both of them who have been disrespectful. (However to different extents). I will post my full opinion upon further information and post wrestling this evening.

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If my say matters, (which i think it does) I would like to go over my thought process that happened yesterday. I was browsing through some threads because i like to read up on stuff, and kept seeing Kitty's opinions on team fortress 2. I've seen her getting into bother with other players, and other players getting into bother with her. Looking at these threads, i determined that this would throw off an outsiders descision to join xG. I wouldn't want to be associated with that kind of immature people. And i was quite immature myself in the past, i',ll say that much.


I hate almost everyone in xG because i hate almost everything. I don't particularly like Moosty, but that's not saying i hate him. I've never actually spoke to kitty, and haven't really been involved with her in anyway. But for the sake of the reputation of XenoGamers, i'm going to +1

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ok so I made the thread to discuss a proposal for something to be done about annoying keybind spam, as you probably know I am selling my inventory and when trying to advertise my sales, they get pushed off screen by keybinds of lenny faces and stuff all the time, it's annoying so I wanted to discuss if something could be done. I don't come to this forum to cause trouble or insult people I come here to talk in the shoutbox, make jokes of #wowdiv and post ideas I have.

Also I only have been playing TF2 to sell my inventory recently, regardless of if I don't enjoy the game as much anymore I still play it in small amounts to sell my stuff and have as much fun as I can doing so. I know I sometimes put my opinion of TF2 across directly but thats the kind of person I am and I will try not to do it in the future.


Now back to the thread. It was a simple and legitimate thread about a proposal, open to ideas of agreement and disagreement. Moosty came to the thread and posted rudely off topic and mainly about why I am still here which instigated the whole problem. I said in response to Moosty saying keybind spam is fun that I have a different grasp of fun because of my lifestyle difference and spamming lenny and other stuff is not fun. Moosty then proceeded to mock me bringing up my lifestyle all the time in which I replied with the tramp remark.


I did not want to fight or cause a problem. I only wanted to discuss something I feel would help the maturity and friendliness of the servers because with the servers being so dead if a new person joins and gets spawn camped with somebody spamming "get rekt" keybinds all the time they will leave and not return. I only wanted to offer my ideas to help the servers regardless of if I left the clan or not.


Also what @Forest said makes the most sense as he was the one to deal with the problem first and he speaks the truth about how it all started and progressed. So please if you come to a decision on what to do speak with @Forest .

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I don't hate you at all, Kitty. You can be a really nice person a lot of the time. But I'm afraid in my opinion, you need a ban, small or big. Not only do you do things like this to people like Moosty, but you also just hate on TF2 for no apparent reason everywhere. Either stop now, or face the consequences. +1

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Ok kitty, thats false. It started with what forest posted. Me disagreeing and asking why she was here, she responded with "if you were in my situation you wouldnt be active so shut up" and I replied yeah, I wouldn't and added that immature chat binding is fun. She then said "well im upper class so we probably think different things are funny. To which I replied that social class has nothing to do with it and I said she reeks of attention seeking for bringing money into it. She then replied that I'm jealous, and told me to go Beg at a homeless shelter, and called me a tramp (british for hobo). SHE WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT MONEY INTO THIS, I WAS ARGUING WITH HER ABOUT Tf2/xG (the only things relevant to the thread) AND ONLY TF2/xG. Bringing social class into this was uncalled for, and it's happened more than just this time.




Also, the thread wasn't a suggestion to improve the community, it was a bad idea for the div. The TF2 DM (whose post was deleted) saw the thread and considered it a joke, because it is, and wouldn't improve the servers for anyone besides her.

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Moosty beat me to it. That thread did not dwindle into a flame war because of Moosty's comments. It was taken there when Kitty decided to bring social class into a conversation where it had absolutely no bearing, to be used as ad hominem to gain some sort of imaginary higher ground. Unfortunately for Kitty, logical debates don't work this way.


The notion that Moosty instigated this conflict is ridiculously laughable. All one has to do is read through that thread to realize that Kitty was given the honest feedback of the community for her idea, and instead of handling it in a level-headed way, decided to lash out against Moosty.


The biggest difference between the two involved parties is that Moosty is able to own up to his mistakes. He did so earlier when he said he'd take responsibility for his actions, but to accuse him of something he did not cause is a disservice to not only him, but the members of this community who respect him.


It's of my honest opinion that Kitty needs to stop this charade. She put herself in this situation and cried foul when someone else called her out on her words. I still stand by my +1 and ask for a Permanent Ban, for the sake of everyone in our clan.

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I may have argued with her about tf2, but I came nowhere close to the line she crossed over. And even when she brought money into it the first time I tried to deflect and get things back on topic, I could have torn her apart arguing about privilege and wealth, but I didn't, I tried to deflect so it wouldn't escalate, but she escalated it anyway. We were both arguing. But person A debating chat binds and person B calling person A poor and themselves rich, and telling person A to be jealous, it isnt fucking cool. Especially from someone who isnt part of the clan, what happened to sticking up for members and staff, obviously one of us cares far more about this place or I would be gone like she is.

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Kitty...I'm your friend and all; this really has to stop. All of the forum members, including your friends, are fed up with this shit. Hell, even I think you need to lay off people too. I was your friend, and I still am, but your actions here just cause tragic events and despair @Tekage .

I'm sorry, but +1 for a ban from the forums.

Even your friends, Kitty. Even your friends.

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How was it not instigated? To put it in another set of words, what Moosty basically said was "No, your idea sucks, we should keep it how it is and be more immature just to troll you." I don't know about you, but if someone was shooting down my idea specifically because they know it will get on my nerves and piss me off, I would be pretty damn pissed.


It was instigated, however that does not make it right.


Hidingmaster saying "we are past equal punishment" is honestly laughable in my opinion, if both are causing the same problem, then they should both be equally punished or not punished.


"I don't hate kitty but, you're fucking dumb" is essentially what a lot of people are posting, and if you look at it, a lot of you guys are moosty's friends, seems pretty biased/one-sided if you ask me, where is the objectivism from people?


My Proposal:


A) Ban them both, equal length in time, no possibility for protest, not perm.


B) Ban them both, perm, if one is unbanned via protest, the other is as well.


C) Do not ban them, make it known this shit is not going to be tolerated.


And option D) which is one that is forced upon you, after choosing one of the above: If shit happens again, ban the one trying to instigate it immediately, permanently. not just forums, servers as well.

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