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Cleaning xg (sorta)

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It's about high time I state some things to at least get my view on things out there. This is not a begging post or any of that useless stuff. Please refrain from 'yelling' or arguing, I want this to be civilized and mature.

Also, calling out Vector cause if I know him he's going to try to spill my spaghetti and/or prove me wrong. And yes Vector, I've heard your part to conversations like these.


Onwards then. I'd like to point out how moderators/admins are chosen is a bit iffy and could use some touch up. I'm not trying to target anyone, but It seems that mods/admins are chosen by activity alone. The problem with this is that some members who get moderator/admin can and will abuse or don't to their job at all because they're based on activity and not maturity and how they help and treat the community, and again, not trying to target anybody or take any positions down. What I think the higher ups and xG itself should work on is how moderators/admins are chosen so less tragedy, chaos and such happens all the time and we won't loose other good mods/admins (Ex. Bonnie due to Kitty).


I'll leave the choice up to the Higher Ups about this @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Bach @ThePenguin @DrLee @Forest and anyone else I might have missed. And again, I'm not begging or arguing with any of you. I just want to clean some things up. Thank you for your time.

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You know, by whining about not getting Moderator, then making a post about how it's 'unfair' really does show how 'mature' you really are, maybe you should stop being so salty over the fact that you're not eligible for moderator. I'd also like to state that you seem to believe you deserve Moderator which you've stated many times over your salt rages, if you weren't picked then clearly it's not your time yet, whining isn't going to get you Moderator faster. It's not only about activity, it's about maturity and activity.

I will not be commenting further, it's simple on how the system works.



Also the image below is such bullshit. v


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Supreme, stop. We get it you want mod, but you begging for it like this is lowering your chances of getting mod altogether. All staff do their job perfectly fine, and it isn't your choice to decide what happens to them.

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You know, by whining about not getting Moderator, then making a post about how it's 'unfair' really does show how 'mature' you really are, maybe you should stop being so salty over the fact that you're not eligible for moderator. I'd also like to state that you seem to believe you deserve Moderator which you've stated many times over your salt rages, if you weren't picked then clearly it's not your time yet, whining isn't going to get you Moderator faster. It's not only about activity, it's about maturity and activity.

I will not be commenting further, it's simple on how the system works.

To state over and over again, I am not begging and/or arguing, and I do not wish to. This isn't about me totally either, just the whole situation on previous situations of old moderators and admins. I also tagged the higher ups for a reason, I'm trying to discuss with them since it seems they're the ones running this.

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I'll leave the choice up to the Higher Ups about this @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Bach @ThePenguin @DrLee @Forest

I'm going to straight up kill someone, I swear.


Also, the best way to get rid of these guys, is to weed them out. And I think I know just the way.



All jokes asides, it isn't easy to pick Staff Members for promotion. No one is perfect, and 80% of the time, a Staff Member lacks what another Staff Member makes up for, and vice versa. Maybe you'll find that ideal Staff Member who doesn't lack in anything, but that is rare. Point is, if you have a problem with a Staff Member we have a section on the forums (Report Staff Abuse) specifically designed to, for the lack of better words, weed them out. If that isn't the case, then post a Member Protest.


If there are an abundance of "rule breakers", instead of posting a General thread that will most likely go unheeded, report staff abuse or post a Member protest with evidence. Its much easier, its much cleaner, and it has a much higher chance of actually being pushed through. :coffee:

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I don't think is is really a plea for mod. There are staff who need to step it up (@StarmiX ). And when that staff who needs to step it up isn't there, only thing anyone can do it tell that person to stop. That's a reason why kb installed that trusty call admin that doesn't work :D

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I wouldn't say all staff do their job "perfectly fine" as we all have our flaws, but it's better to talk directly to kbraszz/nom/Bach or just make a report abuse or member protest thread if you have a problem with some staff.

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Thank you guys for reading, though it's still gone a bit off track. Like I said I don't want anyone to loose their positions it's just that we should look closer at the members to be chosen.

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Hard to change the maturity rule when the ones in power lack it, or are just too lazy, or have tried.

Even when it is brought to their face some of them laugh it off and ignore it.

oh god, i can feel the irony off this post. it burns my skin holy shit.

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