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Steam Group

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I truly believe that we should start utilizing our steam group more due to the large amount of people on it and we could attract more people with a steam group then a forum. I have some suggestions to utilize it more.


1. Announce the creation of a new server through the group. Most people do not even know what servers we have since we do not announce them at all. Besides the super secret project on the news the last server announcement we had was when slenderfortress and tf2 ware were made. We should telling people "Hey, we now have a dodgeball server, you should check it out." instead of someone going on the servers list in bans.xenogamers and seeing it which is rare. I see other clans make announcements on small little things with there servers but at least they are making almost everyone aware.


2. Hold populate events every saturday. 10,000+ people in a steam group + a populate for a server of 32 or more = at least 10 people coming on. This can also make people aware of what servers we have and we could have giveaways through the group during populates.


3. Have a mini forums on the discussions. We could have like a backup forums for when the site goes down for an extended period of time. We could still have the important stuff like rules and stickied threads in each respective division category and maybe even a general section. Obviously member submissions and ban requests and stuff would be forced to come here but we should try to get more of the community to voice there opinions not just ones with forum accounts.


Other not so important ideas


Maybe have some division specific groups like a Xeno Gamers TF2 group and Xeno Gamers Gmod group. This could cause less cluster.


Do giveaways on occasion.



Lets host populates

have backup forums there

more interaction

sub categories for divisions

actual announcements for server changes and openings

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Maybe the TF2 DM's (@Moosty @metalslug53 @Rejects ) can update the server list too on forums

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On a semi-unrelated note, it'd be really nice if we could update powers on the steam group as well. Currently, none of the CL's (except for Silence and Nom, but they were Leaders up until very recently) have neither officer or even moderator powers on the steam group. Considering that Forest still has powers and we don't shows how out-of-date the powers are on the steam group. Updating the information on the steam group would probably go much quicker if CL's could get steam group powers (additionally posting updates/announcements would be easier with more people available to post said announcements).

@Rhododendron @Nomulous


Also if someone could invite me back into the group that'd be great. Darkwolf kicked me out like 3 times when he still had powers and I haven't been able to get back in since.

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Could we have some communication between staff too pls?

Some people do use the steam group

Lastly do we have a steam group for each division or just one big one?

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@Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron @Rhododendron <3

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Idk if we have enough dedicated people that would do a populate and stay on that server...

Incredibly unlikely. As someone who has personally tried to increase population (even through distribution of games, credits, $$$) I can say without a doubt that it is a really difficult task. The brutal truth is that people only hop on when it is populated, and it is only populated when there are people on. It is a vicious cycle. Also, for the record, just going to say that if there is anything missing (or things that aren't supposed to be on the Steam Group page) it ain't my fault :coffee:

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Oum y'know that the unusual server's gone right?


I do now.


RIP in purpleonees Unusual Trade. Underrated map on a server that never got the love it so desperately deserved. T.T

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